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Written Test

1. What does the Howitzer section chief need to complete to obtain a “GREEN” status for

the Howitzer certification program ?

It must be conducted in a field environment, day/night. Firing digital and degraded (at least
2 degraded mission.)

2. What are the four areas that ballistics can be broken down into ?

Interior, transitional, exterior, and terminal

3. The section chief turns in a complete DA form 4513 to the ____________ once every

_____. These completed forms remain on file for _______

Platoon GSG, 24 hours, 90 days

4. The Traversing range of the M777A2 is how many mils left and right of center?


5. What is the maximum top speed on improved roads?

45 mph

6. What is the 3rd step on the evaluation checklist for M777A2 rigging evaluation

checklist ?
Loading procedure using overhead crane

7. Azimuth knobs must be rotated as to approach the aiming point form ____to ____. If a

counterclockwise movement is made, you must rotate at least ___________ past the

desired setting and approach from lest to right.

Left to right, 50 Mils

8. Who are the key personnel of the M777A2 section ?

Chief of section and gunner

9. If a section fails during a certification, the section must retrain for no less than ____ but

no more than _____ prior to being allowed to recertify.

72 hours, 2 weeks

10. What must the Assistant gunner complete and pass before being certified in a M777A2

section ?
Artillery skills proficiency test

11. What must the Ammo Team Chief complete and pass before being certified in a M777A2

section ?
Artillery skills proficiency test

12. What must the Gunner complete and pass before being certified in a M777A2 section ?

Artillery skills proficiency test

13. True or False: The final motion of the hand wheel must be in the direction that raises the

cannon tube

14. What is the maximum towing speeds for cross country roads ?

15 mph

15. Who will personally inspect all ammunition and charge in all live fire exercises?

Section Chief

16. What is the nomenclature for the collimator ?


17. When pulling up to a firing point what command is first given by the Chief ?


18. What is the nomenclature for the elbow telescope ?


19. Who commands the driver to move forward when the howitzer is unhooked ?

Cannoneer No.3

20. After the Howitzer has been laid and safe the Big 3 will perform additional duties IAW

TM 9-1025-215-10

21. What is the link count of the front and back chains when air assaulting the M777A2 ?

80 in the front
77 in the back

22. When emplacing what must the gun be within on the aiming circle ?

10-15 meters from cannon tube.

23. When lifting the tiers on the howitzer during emplacement, who all takes part in it?

Cannoneer No.3 and Cannoneer No. 1

24. What is the sight picture when alighting aiming posts?

The crosshairs should sit on the left of the aiming posts with no displacement

25. When shooting MACs zone 4 or 5 you must ensure the charge plate elevation indicator is

not below what?

300 mils

26. To eliminate backlash when laying for direction and elevation, make sure the last motion

of all control and leveling knobs is in a _______ direction.


27. Before executing a direct fire mission the spades must be dug in at how many inches?

6 inches

28. What is TLABS PAP used for?

Emplacing the howitzer in order to be able to fire it

29. What type of breech does a M777A2 have?

Screw Block interrupted thread

30. What type of recoil system does the M777A2 have?

Hydro-Pneumatic constant dependent

31. What is the tolerance when verifying boresight with the M154 alignment device?

+-0.5 mils

32. A Distant Aiming Point (DAI) must be at least?

1500 Meters

33. The M777A2 is equipped with an air-over oil power ______ system.


34. What lanyard would you use to fire the 1st round upon receipt of a new issued howitzer or

after the repair/overhaul of the recoil or scavenge system on the M777A2?

25 Foot lanyard

35. Who installs the M154 alignment device during emplacements?

Assistant Gunner

36. What is the temperature range for a hot tube?

+350 degrees Fahrenheit

37. When driver inspects the tube what must he announce?

ETWD on green

38. To set an M739 fuze for delay, what is the correct tool?

M18 fixed setter

39. What fuze setter do you need for an M782 fuze?

40. What does FAST stand for?

Fast acting shifting tool

41. White phosphorus projectiles must be stored how?


42. The M110 white phosphorus smoke projectiles have a slight burning effect but are used

primarily to produce what?


43. The M483A1 projectile must not be fired below charge what?

44. Excalibur is a separate ____ 155mm extended range precision guided projectile design

use in the M777A2.


45. Before saying “standby” during a digital fire mission what must the chief say before that?

Lay key backlit. No warning messages

46. What is the tolerance when verifying boresight with the M154 alignment device?

+- 0.5

HE, CH 4, PD, TI, - Standard Data

950 650
3180 2800 2400
- Max QE

- DF

-Min QE

-Min TI

51. HE, PD, CH4, DF2650, QE230 Safe

52. SM, TI 14.0, CH4, DF3180, QE230 Unsafe

53. HE, PD, CH5, DF, 3180, QE220 Unsafe

54. HE, TI 15.0, CH4, DF2750, QE550 Unsafe

55. HE, PD, CH4, DF2900, QE750 Safe

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