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Impact of control strategies on COVID-19 pandemic and the SIR model based forecasting in

Mohammad Mahmudur Rahman1,*, Asif Ahmed2, Khondoker Moazzem Hossain2

Tasnima Haque3, and Md. Anwar Hussain4

Department of Medical Biotechnology, Bangladesh University of Health Sciences, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna, Bangladesh
BIHS General Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Faculty of Public Health, Bangladesh University of Health Sciences, Dhaka, Bangladesh

COVID-19 is transmitting worldwide drastically and infected nearly two and half million of people sofar.
Till date 2144 cases of COVID-19 is confirmed in Bangladesh till 18th April though the stage-3/4
transmission is not validated yet. To project the final infection numbers in Bangladesh we used the SIR
mathematical model. We also tried to demonstrate the impact of control strategies like social distancing
on the COVID-19 transmission. Due to large population and socio-economic characteristics, we assumed
60% social distancing and lockdown can be possible. Assuming that, the predicated final size of
infections will be 3782558 on the 92th day from the first infections. To estimate the impact of social
distancing we assumed eight different scenarios, the predicted results confirmed the positive impact of
this type of control strategies suggesting that by strict social distancing and lockdown, COVID-19
infection can be under control and then the infection cases will steadily decrease down to zero.

Keywords: SIR model, COVID-19, Bangladesh, Prediction, Pandemic.

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is exhibiting an unparalleled challenge before the mankind. Till
date (18th April 2020) there are about 2.26 million confirmed cases of COVID-2019 and about 154K
reported deaths globally [1]. Nearly 40% of the world populations are currently under lockdown by Govt.
or community to reduce the transmission of this extreme contagious disease. COVID-19 is the viral
infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2, for which there is no treatment and vaccine yet. COVID-
19 is transmitted by respiratory droplets and fomites with incubation period from 2 to 14 days [2].Institute
of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR), Bangladesh first reported a COVID-19 case in
Bangladesh on March 8, 2020 [3]. Since then, there has been a steady increase in the number of infections
with 2144 cases on April 18, among which there are 1,994 active cases, 66 recovered cases and 84 deaths.
In response, Bangladesh has employed international travel bans and a gradual lockdown. However,
countries like Bangladesh are at a greater risk because of large population density, inadequate
infrastructure and healthcare systems to provide required support. Initially, it was thought that hot and
humid weather [4, 5], a large proportion of the young population, and probable immunity caused by BCG
vaccinations [6], may help to keep infection number low.. However, larger portion of these outcomes are
preliminary and correlation-based, thus additional confirmation is necessary for hard conclusion [7].

We hereby present mathematical and epidemiological models for the COVID-19 transmission in
Bangladesh. The trends of the maximum of pandemics follow the rapid exponential growth during the
preliminary stage and ultimately fallen down [8]. The mathematical epidemic models are therefore based
on an exponential fit for short term and long term predictions. The Susceptible-Infectious-Recovered
(SIR) compartment epidemiological model [9] is used by considering susceptibles, infectious, and
recovered or deceased status of individuals during pandemics. This SIR model has revealed a significant
medRxiv preprint doi: version posted April 23, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity.
All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

prognostic aptitude for the increase of COVID-19 transmission in Bangladesh on a day-to-day basis. We
have also calculated the probable effects of social distancing and frequent hand wash with soaps or
sanitizer on the increase of infections. Bangladesh announced a countrywide lockdown excepts the
emergency services till 21 April. There are no exact data how many people maintaining social distances
in Bangladesh, although our previous study (elsewhere submitted) [10] showed that 12.03% did not
maintained social distances, however, the study was conducted through online cross-sectional methods
thus a big portion of the population was not included due to unavailability of internet. The study also
estimated that no one is free of risk of infection suggesting a longer period of lockdown is required for
controlling the COVID-19 pandemic. In the present study, we also estimated the possible infections in
case of 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90% and 99% populations are in lockdown. However, socioeconomic
conditions in a country of more than 160 million populations with high density cause considerable
challenges in implementing strict social distancing. Considering this dense population of Bangladesh and
to know the effects of tiny percentages of differences of social distance, we assumed two scenarios. We
estimated the prediction of highest infection cases where 99% and 99.50% people maintained strict social
distancing. As the SIR epidemiological model is entirely dependent on data, it is very important to
mention on the character of this data. Different diagnostic strategies are taken in different countries for
the confirmation of COVID-19 cases. In Bangladesh, in the beginning testing has mostly been limited to
persons travelling from infected countries and their direct contacts. Very recently, countrywide testing is
started with the suspected persons as well as selected Pneumonia patients and symptomatic healthcare
workers. As of April 18, Bangladesh has tested 21,307 samples (129/million) [1]. A number of recent
studies [11] have shown that the effectiveness of coronavirus infection may vary due to the warmer
weather. In addition, differential immunity of Bangladeshi people due to BCG vaccine [6] is already
completely assumed in the data as basic reproduction number. Present SIR model forecast the
transmissions as a result of stage-1 (persons with a travel history to infected areas/countries) and stage-2
(person-to-person contact). However, if the confirmed cases of infections start to surpass the predicted
infection thoroughly, then the outbreak will enter a new stage, and no mathematical model explained
above will be applicable. Nevertheless, as of April 15th, there is no strong evidence for community

High population density as well as socio-demographic characters puts Bangladesh on a high risk for stage
three and four community transmission. Even though, the social distancing and scrupulous contact tracing
actions are taken by Bangladesh authority, may limiting these virus transmissions to small groups,
relocation of laborers, workers and small income groups could deteriorate the situation. Consequently,
these factors need to be measured during constructing conclusions based on the current study. The
missing expat populations with infections possibly will also influence the predictions but this could be a
debatable issue as discussed below. However, if a considerable number of infections were missed, a point
would have already become visible in the curve by the end of the April.

The most important and common questions regarding COVID-19 is its final infection numbers and death
tolls. To get the answer, a range of mathematical epidemic models have been utilized, such as stochastic
[12], analytical [13], and phenomenological [14]. In this study, we attempt to estimate the final epidemic
size of COVID-19 using the classic compartmental susceptible-infected-recovered (SIR) model [9]. With
this model, we obtain a series of daily predictions with different circumstances.


Data retrieval
All the data used in this study were obtained from the Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and
Research (IEDCR) [3]. Present population of Bangladesh on dated 14th April 2020 was retrieved from the
website called [15].
medRxiv preprint doi: version posted April 23, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity.
All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

SIR Model
To predict the maximum infections number we used SIR Epidemic Model [9].The SIR Epidemic
Model is a method of modeling infectious diseases by categorizing the population based on their disease
condition. This classifies Susceptible, Infected and Recovered. The susceptible population means they are
not affected, however, are at risk for infection. Infected persons already infected by the causative agents
and are able to infect the susceptible persons. Recovered means infected persons who have either
recovered from the disease or achieved stable immunity, or are otherwise detached from the population
that are not able to infect susceptible population (death, quarantine etc.). The SIR model presents the
increase of decrease information of an outbreak based on some initial data i.e. total given population (N),
the infection rate of the infectious disease (β), the recovery rate of the disease (Ɣ), initial susceptible
population (S0), initial infected population (I0) and the initial recovered population (R0).

This model assumes blocked populations where no one is dies or born, so the population remains constant
and every person is either part of S, I, or R. The general form of the model is

𝑑𝑆 −𝛽
= 𝑁
× 𝑆𝐼, ------------------- (E1)

𝑑𝐼 𝛽
= 𝑁 × 𝑆𝐼 − Ɣ𝐼, and ------------------- (E2)

= Ɣ𝐼 ------------------- (E3)

Here, β is infection rate per day, N is the total given population, and Ɣ is the recovery rate per day.
1 𝑑𝑆 𝑑𝐼 𝑑𝑅
(Thus, Ɣ is the mean infection time). Again𝑑𝑡 + 𝑑𝑡 + 𝑑𝑡 = 0, and S0+I0+R0=N indicate that the population
is closed and change in numbers with respect to time is 0.

We considered some initial conditions as well to use this model such as the initial susceptible numbers,
infected numbers, and recovered populations. That means:

➢ S0 > 0 (population who are susceptible),

➢ I0 > 0 (at least one infected that can infect susceptible persons), and
➢ R0 ≥ 0 (there may be some people already recovered or died population at the start of the model,
or there may be no one).

And again, both S0+I0+R=N and St+It+Rt=N for any t. Since Rt can be found exclusively based
on St and It, considering these variables, we can write

𝑑𝐼 Ɣ×𝑁
= −1 + --------------------- (E4)
𝑑𝑆 𝛽×𝑆

After integration we got

𝐼𝑡 = 𝑁 − 𝑅𝑡 − 𝑆𝑡 + 𝑙𝑛⁡ ( 𝑡 ) --------------------- (E5)
𝛽 𝑆0

As St decreases with t increases (susceptible persons are infected but not ever added back into the
susceptible numbers) and 𝑆𝑡 = 𝛽 , is the maximum value of It and if 𝑆0 > 𝛽 then It will raise to that
medRxiv preprint doi: version posted April 23, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity.
All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

highest before declining to zero. However, in case of 𝑆0 ≤ 𝛽
then It will decline to zero and there will
be no epidemic. So that, we can certainly say that It must approach to zero as t→∞, and while we observe
from the model 𝑑𝑡 is strictly positive and based only on It. Therefore, if It was not zero, Rt would increase
freely, which is not possible because the population is blocked.

The dynamics of the SIR mathematical model depend on the ratio

---------------------- (E6)

Where, R is the effective rate. R is 𝑅0 = Ɣ, referred to as the basic reproduction ratio or basic
reproduction number. As β is the infection rate per day, and is the average infectious time (or average
time an individual stays infected). Generally, if R0>1 then infected persons are transmitting diseases into
susceptible people quicker than recovery rate, so the disease grow to be an epidemic. If R0<1, an epidemic
does not take place.

A numerical method for solving SIR differential equations:

In a compartmental model, SIR, populations are moving from one compartment to another. This model
can often be molded using recursive interaction of the form, thus we can write:

New Value = Old Value + Gain – Loss ---------------------- (E7)

Considering these parameter, the number of population at any time who are susceptible, infected or
recovered may be calculated with the following equations. These equations estimate the number of person
in each state today (n), based on the number yesterday (n-1) and the rates of infections and recovery 𝛽
and Ɣ respectively.The n denotes the number in one time period and n-1 stands for the number in the prior

𝑆𝑛 = 𝑆𝑛−1 − (( )× (𝛽 × 𝐼𝑛−1 )) ----------------------- (E8)

So with a time period of one day, the equation eight (E8) can be explained as the number of susceptible
individual today (Sn) equals the number of yesterday (Sn-1), minus the fraction of people who turn into
infected today (yesterday’s number of susceptible individual (Sn-1) divided by the original susceptible
number (S), multiplies their rate of infection 𝛽 and number of individuals were infected (In-1) yesterday.

𝐼𝑛 = 𝐼𝑛−1 + ( )× (𝛽 × 𝐼𝑛−1 ) − (𝐼𝑛−1 × Ɣ) --- (E9)

In the equation number nine (E9), the numbers of infected person today (In) equals to the numbers who
were infected yesterday (In-1), in addition, the numbers of susceptible individual who became infected
today, and subtract the numbers of recovered today who were infected yesterday.

𝑅𝑛 = 𝑅𝑛−1 + (𝐼𝑛−1 × Ɣ) --------------------- (E10)

medRxiv preprint doi: version posted April 23, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity.
All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

In equation number ten (E10), the numbers of recovered people today (Rn) equals to the previous numbers
who had recovered and the numbers who were infected yesterday and recovered today.

We obtained COVID-19 infection data o Bangladesh from ICEDR [3] and calculated the rate of
infections per day and the rate of recovery (recovered and dead) per day based on the number of infection,
the number of recovery and death as of date 14th March. Then we calculated the basic reproduction
ratio/number and the highest infected population. To do this we used the total population [15] of
Bangladesh where we assumed there is no interventions at all and later with the population who did not
practices properly towards COVID-19. Afterward with the equations (E8, E9 and E10) we calculated the
date of reach of the highest number of infection. We also predict infection numbers by assuming 50%,
60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, 99% and 99.50% of the Bangladeshi population maintained strict social distances.
We have created the scatter plot to compare our model of infection prediction with actual infection of
Bangladesh, as well as we have made prediction of infection numbers on end of April, May, June, July
and August 2020. All the analyses were done in Microsoft Excel 2012 and SPSS 26 using the equations
(E8, E9, and E10) described above. Graphs were prepared in GraphPad Prism 8.


Current outbreak trends:

According to IEDCR, on March 8, three individuals were confirmed with COVID-19. Since then
infection cases are gradually increasing and till date April 18 it reaches 2144 (Figure 01). In the beginning
diagnostic tests were conducted by IEDCR only, however, from last week several diagnostic facilities
were opened country wide thus the infection cases are increased. Although there are few evidences of
community transformation, most infections are transmitted from infected persons to relatives and to
health workers who treated them.

Figure 01: Confirmed cases of infections. According to IEDCR [3], till 18th of March, the total
confirmed cases were 2144 from the test of 21307 suspected cases.

Prediction Model:
The results for the SIR mathematical models are discussed. We consider that the SIR model will give
good forecast for the stage-1 and stage-2 infections as we assumed there is no stage-3 transmission yet. In
addition, we guesstimate all cases to be symptomatic since estimation of asymptomatic cases in numbers
medRxiv preprint doi: version posted April 23, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity.
All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

is difficult. This possibly misjudges the real numbers of cases. Figure 02 is showing the predicted cases
and confirmed cases till April 18 suggesting that confirmed infection cases are following the SIR model
prediction trends (R2 = 0.870, P<0.001). Combined prediction results according to the SIR model have
been showed in Figure 03.

Figure 02: Comparison of predicted cases and confirmed cases of infection till April 18. The
confirmed cases of infection steadily followed the predicted cases obtained the SIR model analysis.
The correlations are confirmed with chi square test where R2 = 0.870 and P<0.001.

Figure 03: The SIR Model Prediction of the COVID19 of Bangladesh Population with total
population [15] of Bangladesh. The blue line indicates the susceptible population, green line is for
recovered population and the red line indicates the infected population in SIR model analysis. To
get this curve we calculated the infection rate per day (0.625), the recovery rate (0.43) and the basic
reproduction number (1.45).
medRxiv preprint doi: version posted April 23, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity.
All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Prediction of Outbreaks in Bangladesh using the SIR model:

Due to high population density, it is difficult to control infections as well as prediction of infections.
Socio-economic conditions makes complicated to maintain social distances. Though, the SIR model
analysis is not considering all of these factors, we used this classic model to predict the outbreak in
Bangladesh. Figure 03 shows all the prediction curves of susceptible, infected and recovery (SIR) cases.

Table 01: The SIR Model analysis of Bangladesh population with different scenario

people maintained
When 50% people

When 60% people

When 70% people

When 80% people

When 90% people

When 99% people

intervention at all

maintained strict

maintained strict

maintained strict

maintained strict

maintained strict

maintained strict
social distancing
social distancing

social distancing

social distancing

social distancing

social distancing

When 99.50%
In case of no

strict social
163689383 81844692 65475753 49106815 32737877 16368938 1636894 818447
9459845 4730216 3782558 2837630 1891863 946048 94607 47297
(5.779% of (2.890% (2.311% (1.734% (1.156% (0.578% (0.058% of (0.029%
total of total of total of total of total of total total of total
Days need to
reach highest
point of
97 93 92 90 88 84 71 67
from the first
Date of reach
to highest 11th June 7th June 6th June 4th June 2nd June 29th May 16th May 12th May
point of 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
Days need to
decrease the
infection to 203 196 193 189 185 177 150 142
zero from the
first infection
Date of reach 25th 18th 15th 11th 7th 30th
3rd August 26th July
to zero September September September September September August
2020 2020
infection 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
The table shows the prediction of infection with eight different scenarios. The first column shows the
predictions results if there is no intervention taken. The following columns demonstrate the predicted
results if 50%, 60%, 70%, 80% 90%, 99% and 99.50% people strictly maintain social distancing and
lockdown. We assumed the last two scenarios (99% and 99.50%) to show the effect of social distancing
for the large population of Bangladesh. To get these predictions we calculated the infection rate per day
(0.625), the recovery rate (0.43) and the basic reproduction number (1.45). * BDP=Bangladesh

The prediction was conducted based on the total population and considered there is no intervention
implied. As government imposed lockdown from March 24, we again estimated the SIR with these new
medRxiv preprint doi: version posted April 23, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity.
All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

situations. However, due to dense population, socio-economic conditions, religious orthodoxy and no
scientific data till date, it is not clear how many people are maintaining sustainable social distancing in
Bangladesh. Bearing in mind these factors, we considered eight possible scenarios such as if there is no
interventions, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, 99% and 99.50% people maintain strict social distancing
resulting 100%, 50%, 40%, 30%, 20%, 10% 1% and 0.50% people of Bangladesh susceptible for
COVID-19. The SIR model prediction results considering the above mentioned scenarios have been
demonstrated in Table 01. The Figure 03 shows the combined curve of susceptible, infected and recovery
confirming our model worked flawlessly. In the model analysis, the infection rates per day (β) was 0.625
and recover rates (Ɣ) per day was 0.43 on March 14th, and the basic reproduction number (R) 1.45
confirms the pandemic conditions. If there is no intervention then the infection cases among Bangladesh
population will reach around 94.5 million in 97 days (11th of June) from the first infection (Table 01).
Then the infection cases will steadily decrease down to zero. On 203th day (25 th of September) from the
first infection there will no new infection according to SIR prediction model.

The SIR model base prediction of infection curve was compared with the confirmed cases (Figure 02).
The comparison suggested that the confirmed cases are following the predictions till April 18. We also
predicted the infection case numbers on the end of April. The prediction estimated that infections will
reach 21,616 by the date where the whole populations were in susceptible. Figure 04 shows the
prediction of infections along with the confirmed cases by the end of April.

Figure 04: Prediction of infection cases at the end of April. Confirmed cases till 18th April follows
the SIR model prediction.

Effect of social distances and lockdown

The consequences of social isolation on COVID-19 pandemic have been observed by several
investigators using diverse mathematical models [2,16]. It is well-known that the effects of social
distancing become evident solitary after some days from the lockdown. Since the sign of the COVID-19
characteristically take 5-6 days to appear after SARS-CoV-2 infection. Bangladesh announced lockdown
pretty early (17 days first case and the number of cases were 39) compare to China (on 830 cases) and
medRxiv preprint doi: version posted April 23, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity.
All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

India (on 536 cases) [17]. However, a mismanagement of the announcement and the transport bar nearly 9
millions of people moved to countrywide from the capital Dhaka whom most of were low income people.
We assumed that these people did not carry viruses from the capital to other regions as then the infection
cases were very low. In addition, most of expats who returned to Bangladesh from infected regions did
not follow home quarantines and be scattered in different part of the country. Some of them might carry
viruses which are turning out to be true now. As a result, the exact scenarios of maintaining social
distances in Bangladesh are indistinguishable. Therefore, we assumed the eight possible scenarios,
mentioned above where 100%, 50%, 40%, 30%, 20%, 10% 1% and 0.50% people of Bangladesh are
susceptible in our current SIR model based study. As the infection rates per day, recover rates per day and
the basic reproduction number remain unchanged, we wanted to know is there any effect of social
distancing on COVID-19 transmission with the above mentioned scenario. The prediction results are
illustrated in Figure 05 and tabulated in the third column in Table 01 confirmed that by social distancing,
COVID-19 infection cases can be controlled and reduced as well as the ending of the outbreak will be
rapid. In Table 02 we have summarized the predicted infection cases on the end of April, May, June, July
and August. Comparing with total population with all possible scenarios suggested that COVID-19
transmission cannot be stopped now; however, it could be decreased at tolerable level by strict social
distancing. Factually, the later four scenarios are not possible for high population density countries like

Figure 05: Comparison of predicted infections obtained from the SIR Model analysis with eight
different scenarios confirming the positive effect of strict control strategies like social distancing
and lockdown.
medRxiv preprint doi: version posted April 23, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity.
All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Table 02: Prediction of infections till end of August 2020 with different scenario.

people maintained
When 50% people

When 60% people

When 70% people

When 80% people

When 90% people

When 99% people

intervention at all

maintained strict

maintained strict

maintained strict

maintained strict

maintained strict

maintained strict
social distancing
social distancing

social distancing

social distancing

social distancing

social distancing

When 99.50%
In case of no

strict social
8th of March* 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
End of March* 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51
End of April 21616 21591 21579 21559 21518 21397 19378 17450
End of May 4148873 3277317 2940692 2484361 1840632 916575 24161 6620
End of June 1271115 337340 219261 125586 57106 14776 163 42
End of July 6753 1735 1120 637 288 74 1 0
End of August 34 9 6 3 1 0 0 0
The table presented the SIR model prediction analysis results on the end of April, May, June, July and
August in Bangladesh. The result clearly suugests that by taking control measures like social distancing
and lockdown can limit the COVID-19 infection. According to the prediction the peak infection cases will
appear in May and afterwards it will go down to zero and by August, Bangladesh will be free from
COVID-19 infection. * denotes the confirmed cases reported by IEDCR [3].

In the SIR model, the number of susceptible individual today equals to the persons who were susceptible
yesterday minus the numbers who become infected today. As long as the disease is spreading the
outstanding susceptible number declines each day. In addition, the persons who turn into infected today
equals to the yesterday’s number of susceptible multiplied by the rates of infection per day, but it might
look unusual that we also multiply that result by how many were infected the previous day. This is
because the rate of infection per day is for every infected individual. If 2 persons are infected the chance
of any person else becoming contaminated is 2 times higher than 1 individual is infected. So any
estimation of the rate of transmission of the disease needs information of the infection rate per day and the
numbers of primarily infected and originally susceptible persons. At the beginning of an epidemic the
number of persons becoming infected each day is perhaps bigger than the number recovering, so the
number of infected will maintain growing until more person recover than be infected. The numbers of
susceptible individual always reduces, but the number of infected and recovered at first goes up and then
turn down.

The model used in this study is data-driven, so they are as dependable as the data are. Compare to other
model based studies [17] on different locations, at the beginning; the infection patterns of Bangladesh are
in exponential growth stage. According to the available data, we be able to predict that the highest size of
the COVID-19 outbreak using the SIR model will be nearly 94,59,845 if there is no intervention. With
such a large population and for socio-economic conditions, it is not possible to maintain even 80%
lockdown or social distances in Bangladesh. We assumed, by law and enforcements and self awareness
60% lockdown and social distances can be maintained. In accordance the final size of COVID-19 will be
3782558 cases which is obtained from the SIR model analysis. Early strict lockdown and social
distancing is the key factors of prevented COVID-19 transmissions. Studies showed that several other
countries such as UK, Germany, Italy and USA where this stringent action was employed only after
COVID-19 entered community transmission stage (stage-3), and the outbreak became uncontainable.
Additionally, different nations have different strategies as well as acquiescence levels due to several
medRxiv preprint doi: version posted April 23, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity.
All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

realistic considerations in enforcing the lockdown. This may have an effect on the final size of outcome.
For example, the infection rates in Italy and USA are still not become stable after more than 30 days of
lockdown. They have witnessed the uppermost percentage of death as well. Conversely, South Korea,
Japan, Singapore etc. has shown significant decline by imposing lockdown [1]. As estimated in a recent
study [16], a reduction of infections in Australia can be evident only if the social distancing levels go
beyond 80%. Assuming the same pattern as Australia in Bangladesh as well (even though the lockdown
in Australia was more strict with stringent police control over person movement activities), we can
assume that till April 30 (37 days from lockdown) very tiny effect of social estrangement will be
observed. By this date, Bangladesh may have reported cases as many as 21579 if 40% of Bangladesh
population are susceptible that are shown in Table 02. This number could rise significantly if community
transmission (stage-3) turns out and transmissions due to the movement of industries workers and
laborers. In addition, on May 31, Bangladesh should observe the peak of transmission predicted 2940692,
if no further strict lockdown imposed. To reach on the numbers of infection, on 30th of May, Bangladesh
should expect around 259270 patients on a single day.

A latest study by Mandal et al.[20] has revealed that social distancing can decrease cases by up to 62%
confirms the effect of social distancing, the similar prediction were made by our model (Table 01, and
Table 02). Exponential increase is thought throughout to consider for the worsen-case scenario. A
reduction of 90-95% can bring the condition to more convenient. In addition, if Bangladesh pursues the
case isolation approach strictly, it is anticipated that the infection curve will begin flattening out soon.
Naturally, the degree of accuracy of these estimates remains to be seen. In conclusion, qualitatively, both
models show that the epidemic is moderating, but recent data show a linear upward trend. The next few
days will, therefore, indicate in which direction the epidemic is heading. This investigative estimate
shows that the transmission rate of COVID-19 in Bangladesh will be as high as 9.4 million and for the
socio-economic conditions and some other practical considerations it is not possible to impose most strict
lockdown. However, still now, the transmission rate per day and basic reproduction number for
Bangladesh are nearly the level of global (1.5 to 2.5) range [17]. Due to the questionable small amount of
testing [1] compare to other countries referencing a low transmission rate per day and therefore the lesser
basic reproduction number than world. The mathematical epidemiological model SIR is used to forecast
the short-term and long-term outcomes. The SIR model assumes all the infection cases to be
symptomatic, which is a limitation and could be underestimate the actual cases because of an unsure
number of asymptomatic cases. With this constraint, the SIR model satisfactorily predicts the cases till
today (April 18). The prediction indicates that Bangladesh will enter equilibrium by the end of the first
week of June with estimated total number of cases to be approximately 3782558, if no further stringent
measures taken by the Government of Bangladesh. It is projected that the effect of social distancing will
be visible shortly by the end of April. However, Bangladesh is on the door to go into community
transmission due to reported infringement of quarantine standard by people as well as other socio-
demographic characteristics. The predictions completed using the epidemiological model in this study
will be unacceptable if the transmission goes into stage-3 massively.

In conclusion, the model is as good as the original data. On account of real time changes in data every
day, the forecasting will therefore changes. For this reason, the outcomes from this study are supposed to
be used only for qualitative understanding and rational estimation of the nature of pandemic, but are not
meaningful for any judgment making or strategy/policy change.

Limitation of the study

This study is conducted with available data and concluded with predictions using SIR epidemiologic
model. However, the SIR model predictions will invalid if the transmission enters into stage-3. Thus, no
policy making decision should be made based on this predictions except imposing of strict lockdown.
medRxiv preprint doi: version posted April 23, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity.
All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

MMR, TH and AA conceived the study with input from KMH. MMR, TH and AA studied the equations
and prepared study design. MMR led the project regarding, data collections, analysis to writing with the
help of TH and AA. MMR led the solving the equations and analyzing the data with the help from TH
and AA. MMR, AA and TH produced the first draft of the manuscript; KMH did put efforts regarding
writings and corrections of the manuscripts. KMH and MAH added additional points in discussions.
MMR, AA, KMH, TH, and MAH finalized the manuscripts after necessary corrections and obtaining
suggestions from all authors. MMR, and KMH jointly supervised all the works from the beginning to the
end. All authors did read and agreed unanimously to submit the manuscripts.

Declaration of interests
This study has not yet received any funds from any institute, organizations or government. All authors
declare that there is no conflict of interests among them.

Authors thank and acknowledge to all health care workers including doctors, nurses, assistants and the
law and enforcement authority for their diehard efforts to manage the COVID-19 pandemic conditions in


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