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Food Safety and Health

eISSN 2617-0094

Volume 1 Issue 1 February 2021 Pages 1–7

Bangladesh Society for Safe Food

doi: 10.5455/fsh.2021.25

Original Research

Isolation and biochemical characterization of probiotic bacteria obtained from

selective regional Yoghurts in Bangladesh
Khondoker Moazzem Hossain1, Md. Shamim Gazi1, Pallob Barai1, Md. Faysal Al-Mazid1, Mohammad Abdul Jalil1 ,
Mohammod Abdul Hamid2, and Mahmudur Rahman3

 iotechnology and Genetic Engineering Discipline,


Khulna University, Khulna, 9208, Bangladesh.

School of Agriculture and Rural Development, Bangla- Probiotics are live microorganisms which show several health benefits. The aim of the study
desh Open University, Gazipur, 1705, Bangladesh.
was to analyze probiotic properties of isolated probiotic bacteria from selective regional
Department of Medical Biotechnology, Bangladesh
University of Health Sciences, Mirpur, 1216, yoghurt samples in Bangladesh. Ten lactobacillus bacteria were isolated from yoghurt sam-
Bangladesh. ples of Sylhet and Mymensingh regions in Bangladesh. Yoghurt samples were cultured on
Man, Rogosa, and Sharpe Agar media with appropriate dilution for the isolation of potential
Article History
Received: November 07, 2019
probiotic bacteria and pure cultures were obtained by continuous sub-culturing. Isolated
Accepted: January 21, 2021 bacteria were well characterized by biochemical tests. Probiotic properties study of those
Published Online: XX isolates were carried out by pH resistance test, bile salt resistance test, NaCl tolerance test,
phenol tolerance test, and sugar fermentation tests. All the isolates were resistant at pH 3,
0.3% bile, and 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3%, and 0.4% phenol. In case of NaCl tolerance test, the iso-
lates survived well at 2% and 4% NaCl and a lesser survival rate were observed at 6% and
8% concentrations. All the isolates showed antimicrobial activity against eight human and
animal enteric pathogens. Selected isolates from yoghurt samples fulfilled the most criteria
of probiotic bacteria. Numerous probiotics containing food and feed products can be devel-
oped and also be used as a biotherapeutic agent for different metabolic disorders and they
also may be a good focus for further research regarding the development of probiotic food
products for human.
Keywords: Native probiotics; Lactobacillus, Yoghurt

Dairy foods have established health benefits. Dahi is a Bangladeshi
homemade variant of yoghurt. Dahi has been considered as a functional
food due to its several health benefits, i.e., antidiabetic, antidiarrheal,
anticarcinogenic, cholesterol-lowering, and antiatherogenic properties [1,2].
Yoghurt is a potential source of probiotic lactobacilli. The term probiotic comes
from the Greek language meaning “for life”, but the meaning of probiotics has
evolved over time concurrently with the expanding interest in the use of live
bacterial supplements and in relation to the progress made in understanding
their mechanisms of action. Here, the term was used to describe the stimulation
© 2021 The authors. This is an Open Access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Licence (CC-BY) of the growth of other microorganisms by substances produced by one
microorganism and was later used to describe tissue extracts that stimulated
Khondoker Moazzem Hossain ( microbial growth and animal feed supplements applying a beneficial effect on
 Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Discipline, Khulna
University, Khulna, 9208, Bangladesh.
animals by contributing to their intestinal flora balance [3]. The most updated
definition of probiotics is “Live strains of strictly selected microorganisms
How to cite: Hossain KM, Gazi MS, Barai P, Al-Mazid MF, Jalil MA,
Hamid MA, Rahman M. Isolation and biochemical characterization which, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the
of probiotic bacteria obtained from selective regional yoghurts in host” [4]. According to the FAO, “probiotics is defined as ‘Live microorganisms’,
Bangladesh. J Food Saf Health. XXXX;XX(XX):XX–XX. doi:XXXXX
Food Saf Health, 1(1):1–7, February 2021 2

which when administered in adequate amounts confer a bacteria from regional yoghurt samples in Bangladesh.
health benefit on the host” [5]. Therefore, the objectives of the present study were to
The effect of probiotic benefits has been isolate, identify, and biochemically study the native
investigated for improving immune function, lowering probiotic isolates from selective yoghurt samples from
blood pressure, and improving lipids. There are Sylhet and Mymensingh regions in Bangladesh.
different strains of lactic acid bacteria (LAB), such as
Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, which are considered Materials and Methods
as important probiotics regimens. Fermented dairy
products, such as yoghurt, contain adequate probiotic Collection of samples
LAB and are well established for several health benefits Ten yoghurt samples were collected from Sylhet
[6]. Probiotics is well characterized by their capability and Mymensingh regions from different dairy product
to survive for an unspecified time period in the upper shops. All the samples were properly collected in
digestive tract and to colonize in the intestinal lumen plastic containers labeled with the name of the shops,
and colon. It is reported that functional foods containing locations, and dates. After collection, the samples
probiotics are safe for consumers and no hazardous were stored aseptically at 4°C and at −20°C to protect
reports have been found or produced by these from deterioration and contamination in order to
strains of any particular toxin [7]. It is also reported immediate use and long-term storage for subsequent
that antimicrobial substances like bacteriocins use, respectively.
are produced by some probiotics. Temporarily, the Isolation of probiotics from yoghurt
rate of mitosis in enterocytes is increased by some Man, Rogosa, and Sharpe (MRS) media was used to
probiotic strains and they can reduce intestinal transit isolate of probiotic bacteria. At first, the stock sample of
time and improve the quality of migrating motor yoghurt was thawed. A total of six test tubes were used
complexes [8]. Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium are to carry out serial dilution. Peptone water (53.8 ml)
the most common probiotics and in general most of was prepared for this procedure. Here, 9.8 ml peptone
the probiotics are Gram-positive, usually catalase- water was transferred to the first test tube and 9 ml for
negative, rods with rounded ends, occur in pairs, short, another five test tubes carefully. Then, 2 mg yoghurt
or long chains, non-flagellated, non-motile, and non- sample was taken into the first test tube containing 9.8
spore-forming, and are intolerant to salt; optimum ml peptone water and then vortexed properly. Then, 1
growth temperature is 37°C but some strains such as ml of the vortexed solution was pipetted to the second
Lactobacillus casei prefer 30°C and optimum pH for test tube containing 9 ml peptone water so that the final
initial growth is 6.5–7.0 [7]. Lactobacillus acidophilus volume was 10 ml and again vortexed for 30 seconds.
is microaerophilic and anaerobic and they have Then, 1 ml of vortexed solution was transferred to the
capability of aerobic growth. Bifidobacterium are next fresh test tubes from each test tube, respectively.
also anaerobic, but some species are aero-tolerant. One milliliter of the last vortexed solution from the
According to probiotics fermentation capacity, they final test tube was poured into each labeled Petri dish
are either obligate homofermentative (L. acidophilus, containing MRS agar media and spread on the surface
Lactobacillus helvelicas), obligate heterofermentative of the medium properly with a glass rod spreader.
(Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus reuteri), or Finally, the plates were incubated at the incubator
facultative heterofermentative (L. casei, Lactobacillus (INQUCELL) at 37°C for 24–48 hours. After incubation,
plantarum) [9]. Various beneficial compounds are a single colony was obtained by streaking. Well-isolated
secreted by probiotics such as antimicrobials, lactic bacterial strains were picked up and stored in MRS
acid, hydrogen peroxide, and a variety of bacteriocins broth for further studies.
[10,11] and it is very necessary for a healthy gut
environment. Probiotics also interact with the host pH measurement test
microflora and competitor for microbial pathogens The isolated LABs were grown in MRS broth at 37°C
[11]. In accordance of the World Health Organization, for 24 hours. MRS broth medium was prepared with
Food and Agriculture Organization, and the European pH 3 by using 5N HCl. Then, 20 µl overnight grown
Food Safety Authority, probiotic strains must fulfill bacterial cultures were inoculated in the 15 ml broth
both safety and functionality criteria and these criteria medium. After that, both media were incubated at 37°C,
should also fulfill their technological usefulness [12]. absorbance was taken at 0, 4, 8, 12, and 16 hours at
Literature reveals so far that no research works have 620 nm to determine the pH tolerance and viability of
been conducted regarding isolation, identification, the bacteria. Uninoculated medium at pH 3 served as
and biochemical characterization of native probiotic control.
Food Saf Health, 1(1):1–7, February 2021 3

Bile salt tolerance test incubator overnight. Using a sterilized needle, a well-
MRS broths with 0.3% of bile were used to determine isolated colony was picked up and stabbed the medium
the tolerance and growth rate of isolated LABs. For the within 1 cm of the bottom of the tube. The needle was
bile salt tolerance test, a fresh overnight culture was kept in the same line and removed in the same line.
prepared. Twenty microliter overnight grown cultures Test tube containing broth was labeled and foiled with
of LAB was inoculated with 15 ml MRS broth medium aluminum foil paper. Test tube was incubated at 37°C for
containing 0.3% bile. Then, the tubes were incubated at 24–48 hours. A positive motility test was indicated by a
37°C and optical density was measured at 620 nm for diffuse cloud of growth away from the line of inoculation
every 4–16 hours. and a negative motility test was indicated no diffuse
cloud of growth away from the line of inoculation.
Antimicrobial activity test
Each of the isolates was co-cultured with a particular Sugar fermentation test
pathogen at a time and antimicrobial activity was checked For sugar/carbohydrate fermentation test, fresh
by cross-line checking in the MRS agar plate. A total of overnight culture was prepared. At first MRS broth
eight different pathogens were used for the antimicrobial containing media was autoclaved. After cooling, MRS
activity test of each probiotic isolate separately. broth was poured into screw-capped test tubes.
Different concentrations of sugar solutions (5%)
NaCl tolerance test
(filtered/sterilized) was added and then phenol red
For the NaCl tolerance test, fresh overnight culture
(0.01 gm/l) was added to the tube as pH indicator. Then,
was prepared. Then, individual MRS broth containing
200 µl overnight liquid cultures were inoculated into
2%, 4%, 6%, and 8% NaCl salts were prepared. After
the broth. At last, a Durham tube was placed inversely
sterilization, 1% fresh overnight culture of LABs was
at each of the test tube to determine the gas production.
inoculated in each test tube containing 10 ml MRS
Incubation was carried out anaerobically at 37°C for
broth with different concentration of salt. After 0, 4,
24 hours. If fermenting bacteria are grown in a liquid
8, 12, and 16 hours, the optical density was measured
culture medium containing the carbohydrates, they may
at 620 nm for determining the tolerance against NaCl.
produce organic acids as byproducts of the fermentation.
Maximum growth rate was indicated as double positive
These acids are released into the medium and lower its
(++), normal growth as (+) positive, and no growth was
pH. For positive fermentation, the medium was changed
indicated with a negative (−) sign.
from its original color to yellow. Culture containing no
Phenol tolerance sugar solution and sugar solution containing no active
For phenol tolerance test, fresh overnight culture was cell culture were prepared to be used as negative and
prepared. Individual MRS broth containing 0.1%, 0.2%, positive controls, respectively.
0.3%, and 0.4% phenol was prepared. After sterilization,
20 µl overnight culture of LABs was inoculated in each Results and Discussion
test tube containing 10 ml MRS broth with different
concentration of salt and was incubated at 37°C for 24
All of the isolated bacteria were Gram-positive,
hours. After 0, 4, 8, 12, and 16 hours, the optical density
catalase-negative, rod-shaped, non-motile, and
was measured at 620 nm for determining the tolerance
coagulase positive.
against phenol.
pH tolerance test
Coagulase test
All the isolated bacteria were able to survive at pH
To determine the milk coagulation pattern, 200 µl
3 for a period of 24 hours with 4-hour intervals. The
of a pure culture containing single isolates of probiotic
absorbance of cell concentration of all the isolates were
bacteria was inoculated into 9.8 ml fresh cow sterilized
taken at 620 nm (Fig. 1a). Isolated bacteria from Shaad
milk and was incubated for 24 hours. Clotting of the solid
and Co. (SC) and Dayamay Mistanno Bhandar (DM)
from liquid was observed for every 2-hour intervals.
showed highest tolerance at pH 3 after a 4-hour period
Milk coagulation due to the association of lactic acid
(Table 1).
forming bacteria was observed. Milk coagulation ability
was expressed by a positive sign (+) and non-coagulation Bile tolerance test
result was expressed by negative sign (-). All the isolated bacteria were able to survive in 0.3%
bile salt. The absorbance of cell concentration of all the
Motility test
isolates was taken at 620 nm (Fig. 1b). However, isolated
At first, broth culture was prepared from the pure
bacteria from Rifat and Co. (RC), Shaad and Co. (SC) and
culture and then these broth cultures were placed in an
Food Saf Health, 1(1):1–7, February 2021 4

Figure 1. (a) pH resistance test. (b) Bile salt tolerance test. (c) NaCl (2%) tolerance test. (d) NaCl (4%) tolerance test. (e) NaCl (6%) tolerance test.
(f) NaCl (8%) tolerance test. (g) Phenol (0.1%) tolerance test. (h) Phenol (0.2%) tolerance test. (i) Phenol (0.3%) tolerance test. (j) Phenol (0.4%)
tolerance test.
Food Saf Health, 1(1):1–7, February 2021 5

Mamoni Sweets (MS) showed highest tolerance against Carbohydrate fermentation test
0.3% bile after a 4-hour period (Table 1). All the isolated bacteria showed positive
fermentation results, except sorbitol and mannitol.
NaCl tolerance test Positive fermentation result was found to have a color-
All the isolated bacteria were able to well survive changing pattern (Table 2).
in 2% and 4% NaCl salt, but a lesser survival rate
was observed at 6% and 8%Nacl salt concentrations Antimicrobial activity test
(Table 1). The absorbance of cell concentration of all the All the isolated bacteria were tested for antimicrobial
isolates was taken at 620 nm (Fig. 1c–f). activity against eight different pathogenic bacteria. The
pathogenic bacteria were Vibrio cholera, Streptococcus
Phenol tolerance test aureus, Micrococcus, Salmonella paratyphi, Bacillus
All the isolated bacteria were able to survive well megaterium, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella
in 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3%, and 0.4% phenol (Table 1). The typhi, and Escherichia coli. Most of the isolates had
absorbance of cell concentration of all the isolates was antimicrobial activity. However, isolated bacteria from
taken at 620 nm (Fig. 1g–j). Rifat and Co. (RC), Bonoful and Co. (BC), and Anil Ghosh

Table 1. Biochemical and physiological characteristics of the isolated bacteria from selective regional yoghurt samples in Bangladesh.

Name of isolates Probiotic properties

PH tolerance Bile salt tolerance NaCl tolerance Phenol tolerance
Sylhet region Short names
pH 3 0.3% 2% 4% 6% 8% 0.1% 0.2% 0.3% 0.4%
Rifat and Co. (Isolate No 1) RC ++ ++ ++ ++ + + ++ ++ ++ +
Fizza and Co. (Isolate No 2) FC ++ ++ ++ ++ + + ++ ++ ++ +
Modhubon (Isolate No 3) MB ++ ++ ++ ++ + + ++ ++ ++ +
Shaad and Co. (Isolate No 4) SC ++ ++ ++ ++ + + ++ ++ ++ +
Bonoful and Co. (Isolate No 5) BC ++ ++ ++ ++ + + ++ ++ ++ +
Mymensingh region
Anil ghosh sweets (Isolate No 6) AG ++ ++ ++ ++ + + ++ ++ ++ +
Dayamay mistanno bhandar DM ++ ++ ++ ++ + + ++ ++ ++ +
(Isolate No 7)
Misti kanon (Isolate No 8) MK ++ ++ ++ ++ + + ++ ++ ++ +
Sudhir ghosh (Isolate No 9) SG ++ ++ ++ ++ + + ++ ++ ++ +
Mamoni sweets (Isolate No 10) MS ++ ++ ++ ++ + + ++ ++ ++ +

Table 2. Sugar fermentation pattern of the isolated bacteria from selective regional yoghurt samples in Bangladesh.

Name of isolates Name of sugar

Sylhet region Short names Glucose Sucrose Lactose Xylose Raffinose Mannitol Glactose Maltose Sorbitol Fructose
Rifat and Co. (Isolate No 1) RC + + + + + − + + − +
Fizza and Co. (Isolate No 2) FC + + + + + − + + − +
Modhubon (Isolate No 3) MB + + + + + − + + − +
Shaad and Co. (Isolate No 4) SC + + + + + − + + − +
Bonoful and Co. (Isolate No 5) BC + + + + + − + + − +
Mymensingh region
Anil ghosh sweets (Isolate No 6) AG + + + + + − + + − +
Dayamay mistanno bhandar DM + + + + + − + + − +
(Isolate No 7)
Misti kanon (Isolate No 8) MK + + + + + − + + − +
Sudhir ghosh (Isolate No 9) SG + + + + + − + + − +
Mamoni sweets (Isolate No 10) MS + + + + + − + + − +
Food Saf Health, 1(1):1–7, February 2021 6

Table 3. Antimicrobial activity of the isolated bacteria obtained from selective regional yoghurt samples in Bangladesh.

Name of isolates Name of pathogens

Sylhet region Short forms V. cholera S. aureus Micrococcus S. paratyphi B. megaterium P. aeruginosa S. typhi E. coli
Rifat and Co. (Isolate No 1) RC − + + + + + + +
Fizza and Co. (Isolate No 2) FC + + + + + + + +
Modhubon (Isolate No 3) MB + + + + + + + +
Shaad and Co. (Isolate No 4) SC + + + − + + + +
Bonoful and Co. (Isolate No 5) BC − + + + + + + +
Mymensingh region
Anil ghosh sweets (Isolate No 6) AG − + + + + + − +
Dayamay mistanno bhandar DM + + + + + + + +
(Isolate No 7)
Misti kanon (Isolate No 8) MK + + + + + + + −
Sudhir ghosh (Isolate No 9) SG − + + + + + − +
Mamoni sweets (Isolate No 10) MS + + − + − − + +

Sweets (AG) did not show inhibitory effects against V. different concentrations of NaCl (1–10%) and 1%–9%
cholera. Isolated bacteria from Anil Ghosh Sweets (AG) NaCl tolerance was noted [16]. In the present study,
and Sudhir Ghosh (SG) did not show inhibitory effect all the isolated bacteria were able to survive well in
against S. typhi. Isolated bacteria from Mamoni Sweets 2% and 4% NaCl salt, but a lesser survival ability was
(MS), Shaad & Co. (SC), and Mistikanon (MK) did not observed in 6% and 8% NaCl salt concentrations.
show any antimicrobial activity against Micrococcus, Some authors mentioned that bacteriostatic action in
S. paratyphi, B. megaterium, P. aeruginosa, and E. coli, some microorganisms occurred at 0.4% concentration
respectively (Table 3). of phenol [17]. In the present study, all the isolated
bacteria were able to survive in 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3% and
Discussion 0.4% phenol concentrations, respectively. In the present
The study was designed for biochemical study, all the isolated bacteria fermented all the 10 sugar
characterization and determination of probiotic used except sorbitol and mannitol, which was similar
properties of isolated bacteria from yoghurt samples with the study of Ghanbari et al. [18], Karna et al. [19],
collected from Sylhet and Mymensingh regions in and Azizpour et al. [20]. All the isolated bacteria showed
Bangladesh. In the present study, probiotic bacteria antimicrobial activity and they were resistant to all the
were isolated by a screening process. MRS agar media eight human and animal enteric pathogens, which is
was used for culturing these probiotic bacteria. After similar to the study by Coconnier et al. [21].
growing the isolates on MRS agar media, they were sub-
cultured and colonies were selected for physical and Conclusion
biochemical characterization. After that 10 isolates were Bangladesh is a developing country in which a
selected for determination of probiotic properties. The significant number of people live below poverty line.
most important characteristics that probiotic bacteria They could not meet their daily nutritional requirements
have are the ability to resist low pH like gastric juice (pH and a substantial population remains malnourished.
1.5–3) while they pass from the stomach [13]. In the As probiotic bacteria have potential therapeutic or
present study, all the isolates showed resistant to low prophylactic effects, the development of numerous
pH and their multiplication ability was very good. Bile probiotic products such as fermented milk drinks,
tolerance is one of the major characteristics of probiotic yoghurt, cheese, ice cream, sausages, probiotic juice, and
bacteria [14]. Bile salt tolerance activity of probiotic drinking water with defined culture is severely required.
isolates showed more or less nearly equal resistance The antidiabetic, antidiarrheal, and antiallergic effects of
against 0.05%, 0.1%, 0.15%, and 0.3% artificial bile acid these isolated presumptive probiotic bacteria on animal
concentration after 0, 2, 4, and 24 hours of incubation, model to check the efficacy should also be conducted.
respectively [15]. In the present study, all the isolates Therefore, future studies should be carried out
were resistant to 0.3% bile salt and their multiplication on the use of these isolates’ reliability including
ability was very good. It is reported that Lactobacillus molecular techniques like 16S rRNA sequencing for
spp. was isolated from yoghurt and they were tested at accurate identification of these presumptive probiotic
Food Saf Health, 1(1):1–7, February 2021 7

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