Lista de Palabras Lina Polo Mata

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Contable noun ficha: 1962490

Uncountable noun
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Lista de Vocabulario
Palabra Fonetica Categorias Significado
machine Contable noun maquina
near /nɪr/ Preposition cerca de
have hæv verb tengo
lived lɪvd adjetive habitado
long lɒŋ adjetive largo
time verb hora
now adjetive actualmente
done  v past p hecho
lot lɒt verb lote
feel fiːl verb sentir
know nəʊ verb conocer
pretty ˈprɪti adjetive Bonita
well wɛl adjetive bien
wrong adjetive equivocado
way weɪ forma
again adverb de nuevo
əˈgɛn ɪksˈkjuː
excuse adverb excusa
can kæn verb poder
help hɛlp verb ayuda
met mɛt verb encontrarse
before bɪˈfɔː Preposition antes de
like laɪk adjetive me gusta
welcome ˈwɛlkəm adjetive bienvenida
going ˈgəʊɪŋ adjetive normal
colleges ˈkɒlɑːʒɪz contable noun colegios
catholic ˈkæθəlɪk contable noun católico
students ˈstjuːdənts contable noun estudiantes
been biːn estado
your jɔː pronoun tu
writing ˈraɪtɪŋ verb describiendo
ninght Ninght Contable noun noche
really ˈrɪəli adverb realmente
interesting adjetive interesante
sorry ˈsɒri adjetive perdon
found aɪ faʊnd adjetive encontrado
awesome ˈɔːsəm adjetive increible
me too miː tuː pronoun yo También
this ðɪs pronoun esto
little ˈlɪtl adverb pequeño
professor prəˈfɛsə Contable noun profesor
only ˈəʊnli adverb solamente
excuse ɪksˈkjuːs Contable noun excusa
Ejemplo Sinonimo Antonimo
The engineer designed a machine that could do the
work of three people. apparatus
Near her feet, she found a coin. close
He has a big house and two cars. hold
Their new apartment felt cozy and lived-in lively
The table is three metres long elongated

Time passes quickly when you are older limit

Steve does not have a job now. presently

He had done what he needed to do. agreed

She owns a building lot in the middle of town. abundance Na
He felt her hand on his shoulder. bear
I know the answer see
Your daughter is so pretty in that dress. attractive
My uncle's not well, he's in delicate health. thoroughly
If you think I'm going to change my mind, you're
wrong! amiss
There is more than one way to make a cup of tea. manner
That was fun! Let's do it again. Oh dear! I've done it
again. anew
The teacher was tired of his excuses for work not
done. free
I can carry those suitcases for you.
Can you help me with my homework? hinder
I met someone today who said he knew you
You should finish your homework before dinner. earlier
I like that idea. Let's suggest it to the boss. admire
She was welcome at the party. embrace
That's much higher than the going price current
He is a student at the local high school
The Catholics in this area are an important group of voters. wide
She is a student at the local university scholar
Is this umbrella yours?
George can write his name already
It was a cold, dark night
The present really will surprise her.
That's an interesting subject. I want to talk
more about it later.
Sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you.
We had found a dollar on the ground.
The army's quick movement was an awesome display of power
You're going to her party? Me too! I'll see you there.
I'm talking about this, not that.
This TV is big, but the one in our bedroom is little.
Larry is doing a doctorate so that he can become a professor.
It'll only make things more complicated
He used the mistletoe as an excuse to kiss her.

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