Case 3

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Question 7 solution

The challenges to the development and the implementation of the YMP were given below :

1. The information had to be moved to a different country, so delaying the project preparation
because it took time to restart and restabilize the system.

2. The software system wasn't reliable, and lots of hotel units received inconsistent yield
reports. Informants argued that this was because of the actual fact that the incorrect data had
earlier been entered into the system, and to beat this problem, the implementation teamand
lots of hotels had to re-input information.

3. The system was initially designed for airlines. The project group and the external
corporations were attempting to adapt it to hotels.

4. The two external specialized companies accountable for developing and looking after the
system weren't notably useful in responding to the project team’s demands and requirements
in time, and this also delayed the implementation process.

5. Due to high labor turnover in hotel units, several hotels didn't have trained employees to
appear at the yield reports, and so in some hotels, the implementation process of the project
was delayed. This labor turnover resulted in further prices and additionally created it difficult
for the project team to create a “yield culture” in hotels.

6. Managers and workers from hotel units directly or indirectly resisted the YMP, claiming that
as a result of this project, they might upset and lose their loyal customers.

Question 8 solution

The YMP was implemented only in the U.K. hotels. if it was implemented in other countries and
Cultures, others challenges would be faced:

1. The main challenges in implementing the YMP in other countries appeared to have emerged
from the company’s size, organizational structure, and culture.

2. At the time the YMP was being implemented in UK. Others country participant company was
going through a radical transitional period. There were organizational changes going on that
created an unpleasant working environment and made it difficult to introduce new initiatives.
3. The project was implemented across 160 hotels, and the others country project team faced
further difficulties in deploying the project in multiple locations with differing resource and
skills levels.

4. The project also required a radical shift in working practices, particularly in managing revenue in hotels that also
challenges to maintain for others country.

5. Others country were faced several unexpected challenges that resulted in delays, and
therefore the project team had to respond to those emerging problems and develop further
contingency plans, ask for further resources, and carry out additional training and
communication activities.

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