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For the most part, the Gue'vesa Humans are content and treated well, and are even

allowed to continue the worship of the God-Emperor -- though the T'au Water Caste
moves subtly among them to discourage this religion and replace it with the Greater

Other Member Species

 The Nicassar are a highly psychic ursine race and were the first alien species
assimilated into the T'au Empire.
 The Demiurg are a humanoid mining species that has allied itself with the T'au.
 The Tarellians are dog-like aliens who often work as mercenaries for the T'au.
 The Galg are green, scaled, frog-like creatures that often form into mercenary
bands which fight for the Tau Empire.
 The Ji'atrix are ethereal aliens skilled in void-faring.
 The Morralian are auxiliaries that employ Deathsworn to the T'au.
 The Ranghon are a race which has accepted the Greater Good and joined the
T'au Empire.
 The Hrenian are a species that often deploys Light Infantry auxiliaries that aid
T'au forces.
 The Poctroon was the very first race to join the T'au but went extinct within a
few generations due to plague. The T'au settled their homeworld and turned it
into the Prime World of Bork'an.
 The Nagi are a race of highly intelligent worms who have mind-control abilities
from the world of Sha'galudd. Many serve as advisors to the Ethereals.


T'au's military forces siege a Hive City.

T'au ground warfare is carried out almost exclusively by the Fire Caste, whilst the Air
Caste is responsible for aerial and space combat, and providing transport between star
systems for the Fire Caste. Fire Caste military forces are known as Hunter Cadres, and
are similar in size and battlefield role to an Astra Militarum company.

Hunter Cadres are primarily made up of T'au from the same planetary sept. Auxiliary
forces are drawn from the alien member species within the T'au Empire, and Hunter
Cadres can include Kroot warriors, Vespid Stingwings, and Human Gue'vesa amongst
other intelligent xenos species.

The T'au prefer long-ranged combat over close melee, disdaining the latter and viewing
it as primitive and barbaric. A T'au Fire Warrior's primary weapon is the Pulse Rifle,
which can be switched for a Pulse Carbine. A Pulse Rifle fires energetic particles which
quickly break down and are projected as a "pulse" of superheated plasma. Pulse
Carbines, also carried by Fire Warrior teams, sacrifice range for portability, but
incorporates an underslung Photon Grenade Launcher.

The Photon Grenades are powerful defensive weapons that not only release a powerful
burst of light, but also a sonic shockwave that can temporarily stun the target. As the
T'au Empire integrates more and more alien races, they use whatever unique abilities
they possess in supplementing T'au tactics.

Often small alien squads will be used as bait to draw enemy fire, though it is important
to note that bait squads are not considered expendable but rather dependent on the
effectiveness of their cover fire.

If T'au forces ever do become engaged in close melee combat, they can call on their
cannibalistic allies, the Kroot. The Kroot are expert jungle fighters who appear
deceptively slender.

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