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T'au Septs

Each T'au sept (fully-settled star system) has its own unique cultural identity, but
remains wholly integrated within the greater T'au culture.

This cultural identity seems to mainly derive from which T'au caste is more numerous
and influential in the given sept.

Currently there are over twenty fully-developed T'au septs within the T'au Empire. Each
T'au sept has its own sept badge which serves as a "national" identifier of sorts for other
T'au within the empire.

Member Species Homeworlds

 T'au - T'au is the birthplace of the T'au and it is here that the High Council, led
by Aun'Va, convenes, its decrees shaping the entire empire. T'au remains the
centre of T'au culture and bureaucracy, and produces many Fire Caste warriors.
None can rival T'au for prestige, and only Vior'la can match its power.
 Pech - Homeworld of the Kroot.
 Vespid - Homeworld of the Vespid.

Spheres of Expansion

The T'au Empire's Spheres of Expansion

The rise of the T'au can be seen to develop through three distinct phases, periods of
intense growth known to the T'au as "Spheres of Expansion." Each of these waves of
interstellar colonisation is marked by a long building up of resources, after which
continual waves of exploratory missions are launched, followed, where needed, by
military campaigns to solidify territorial gains.

Once a colony transforms itself into a stable settlement, it then serves as a jumping-off
point for the next expansion. By the end of the millennia-long First Sphere Expansion,
as it later came to be called, the T'au Empire had unfurled across the heavens and
consisted of eight fully settled star systems known as "septs."
Named after its primary or "Sept World," a sept can include any number of additionally
colonised planets or moons in the same system, as well as other holdings such as
listening posts, sensor fields, shield satellites, orbital cities, and mining operations.

Everything is connected, both by a series of space stations and a massive net of

communications and sensor relays strung between major locations. Although it might
take many generations to establish itself, each T'au sept is unique, with its own cultural
nuances and varying proportions of the different castes and non-T'au alien populations.

First Sphere Expansion Septs

The First Sphere Expansion of the T'au Empire began shortly after their species first
achieved spaceflight capability. The T'au homeworld and the First Sphere colonies are
of major economic and political importance to the T'au, and form the hub of the T'au

 Tau'n - The first T'au sept established in the Empire's history, Tau'n, has a chain
of enormous orbital docks and controls the largest of the Air Caste space
stations; every sept hosts ships of the T'au fleet (Kor'vattra), but none can boast
of more than Tau'n.
 D'yanoi - Named after the twin moons of its prime Sept World, D'yanoi has
survived long isolation due to a space storm of fierce and unnatural qualities. It
has also seen many infamous Ork invasions. Having been isolated for such a
long period of time from the Tau Empire, its inhabitants are considered
somewhat rustic and backwards.
 Bork'an - The sept of Bork'an is a centre of learning and academia, and its
system has many rich mining planets. Bork'an has a high percentage of Earth
Caste, and Fire Warriors from here are not infrequently outfitted with prototype
weapons and equipment.
 Dal'yth - Dal'yth Sept was ravaged during the Damocles Crusade; many of its
outer colonies and several cities on its prime Sept world were destroyed. It has
recovered quickly, thanks to its busy trade ports. Large numbers of aliens can be
seen here alongside its famously efficient Water Caste merchants and diplomats.
 Fal'shia - Many technological innovations have come from this sept. Fire Caste
warriors from Fal'shia are often the first to try out prototype weapons, armour
and system upgrades.
 Vior'la - The planet Vior'la orbits a binary star and its name translates as "hot-
blooded" in Low Gothic. It is known to produce especially aggressive and
skilled warriors. Many Ork invasions have been broken by the sept and the most
respected Fire Caste academies reside upon Vior'la.
 Sa'cea - The sept's prime world of Sa'cea is the hottest and most densely
populated of all T'au worlds; producing more colonisation fleets during the
Second Sphere Expansion than any other. Warriors of Sa'cea are regarded as
particularly honourable by other T'au.

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