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Microbial detoxification of metals and radionuclides

Jonathan R Lloyd* and Derek R Lovley†
Microorganisms have important roles in the biogeochemical recent review [2•] with new studies extending the model to
cycling of toxic metals and radionuclides. Recent advances include two additional transporter proteins, MerF and
have been made in understanding metal–microbe interactions MerC [3]. Mercury reduction by a thermophilic Streptomyces
and new applications of these processes to the detoxification species has also been reported [4] along with a novel Fe2+-
of metal and radionuclide contamination have been developed. dependent mechanism for mercury reduction in the
membrane fraction of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, which may
Addresses involve cytochrome c oxidase [5]. A biosensor, constructed
*Department of Earth Sciences, The University of Manchester, by fusing the mer promoter region (merR) with bacterial
Manchester M13 9PL, UK; luminescence (lux) genes, has been used to monitor
† Department of Microbiology, The University of Massachusetts,
Amherst, Massachusetts 01035, USA
bioavailable concentrations of mercury in soil [6].

Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2001, 12:248–253 Mercury-resistant bacteria have also been used to detoxify
0958-1669/01/$ — see front matter mercury-contaminated water at the laboratory and pilot
© 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. scale. For example, a recombinant Pseudomonas putida
strain was used in a 500 mL reactor to treat sea and river
DIRB dissimilatory iron-reducing bacteria
water containing added Hg2+ [5]. Reduced elemental mer-
SRB sulphate-reducing bacteria cury was continuously stripped by a gas stream and then
captured in KMnO4 solution. Wagner-Dobler and cowork-
ers [7] used an alternative approach, capturing reduced
Introduction elemental mercury in a 20 mL immobilised-cell bioreactor
Industrial activities have led to large-scale contamination inoculated with a mercury-resistant P. putida species and
of the environment with toxic heavy metals and radio- subsequently colonised with other mercury-resistant
nuclides. Chemical approaches are available for metal strains. A companion study demonstrated the successful
remediation, but are often expensive to apply and lack the removal of Hg2+ from chloralkali electrolysis water at the
specificity required to treat target metals against a back- laboratory scale [8], before the development of a pilot plant
ground of competing ions. In addition, such approaches are for Hg2+ removal using this technology [9••]. In the latter
not applicable to cost-effective remediation of large-scale study, a 700 L reactor was packed with pumice granules of
subsurface contamination in situ. Biological approaches, on particle size 4–6 mm and inoculated with seven mercury-
the other hand, offer the potential for the highly selective resistant Pseudomonas species. Acidic wastewater from a
removal of toxic metals coupled with considerable opera- chloralkali factory was neutralised and amended with
tional flexibility; they can be used both in situ or ex situ in sucrose and yeast extract before introduction into the
a range of bioreactor configurations. Many such processes bioreactor. Mercury concentrations of up to 10 mg/L were
utilise microorganisms that have key roles in the biogeo- successfully treated with a retention efficiency of 95%,
chemical cycling of toxic metals and radionuclides. although effluent spikes above this concentration had a
Advances in understanding the roles of microorganisms in deleterious (if reversible) effect on reactor performance.
such processes, together with the ability to fine-tune their When operated in combination with an activated carbon
activities using the tools of molecular biology, has led to filter, which also became colonised by bacteria, further
the development of novel or improved metal bioremedia- removal of mercury to below 10 µg/L was reported. Very
tion processes. The aim of this article is to provide an high loadings of mercury were retained in the reactor,
overview of the mechanisms by which microorganisms conservatively estimated at 31.5 kg for the 700 L vessel.
interact with heavy metals and radionuclides, and to high-
light recent advances in the application of these processes In addition to Pseudomonads, mercury-resistance genes are
to the detoxification of metal contamination. also found in many other bacteria [2]. For example, the
Gram-negative soil bacterium Ralstonia eutropha (formally
Biotechnological applications of metal- Alcaligenes eutrophus CH34) is resistant to Hg(II) and other
resistant microorganisms toxic metals by virtue of an extensive battery of inducible
Microbes have evolved to deal with toxic metals using resistance determinants carried on two megaplasmids. This
several mechanisms, see [1•] for an overview. Perhaps the organism continues to attract considerable interest for the
best-studied metal-resistance system is encoded by genes remediation of both toxic organic compounds and heavy
of the mer, or mercury resistance, operon. In this system, metals (reviewed in [10•]). Resistance to divalent metal
Hg(II) is transported into the cell via the MerT transporter ions is provided by several efflux mechanisms (e.g. those
protein, and detoxified by reduction to relatively non-toxic encoded by the czc and cnr genes [10•,11–13]). The appeal
volatile elemental mercury by an intracellular mercuric of R. eutropha in environmental biotechnology, however,
reductase (MerA). This system is described in detail in a lies in its ability to precipitate toxic cationic metals within
Microbial detoxification of metals and radionuclides Lloyd and Lovley 249

an extracellular coat of insoluble metal carbonates. This is produced biologically by several mechanisms. For exam-
formed by the generation of high concentrations of metal ple, Escherichia coli was engineered to produce sulphide by
ions at the cell surface in a zone of high local pH, caused by heterologous expression of the thiosulphate reductase
the uptake of protons by metabolically active cells [10•]. In gene from Salmonella enteritica [25]. Induction of recombi-
addition, genes regulating expression of the metal-resis- nant protein synthesis led to enhanced sulphide
tance systems of R. eutropha have been fused to reporter production from thiosulphate under anaerobic conditions,
genes and used in biosensors [10•]. Alternative ‘protein- leading to the precipitation of cadmium sulphide [25].
based’ sensors have also been developed using Metabolic engineering of an aerobic pathway for sulphide
metal-resistance determinants from other bacteria. These production was also reported [26]. Concerns associated
biosensors detect a change in capacitance when a metal with the release of recombinant microorganisms may,
binds to a protein that has been coupled to an electrode however, limit the practical application of such technologies.
surface [14]. Non-engineered organisms, such as a strain of Klebsiella
planticola, have also been reported to precipitate cadmium
Extraction of metals from contaminated soil by the formation of sulphide from thiosulphate and may
and sediments provide a more attractive option [27]. An alternative
The reduction of As(V) to As(III) forms the basis of another approach that continues to receive much attention relies
microbial resistance mechanism that has also been studied on the use of sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB) to convert
in detail (e.g. [15,16]). This process has not proved useful for sulphate to sulphide under anaerobic conditions (e.g. [28]
bioremediation, because As(III) is more toxic and soluble and reviewed in [21••]). This approach forms the basis of
than As(V). However, arsenic-resistance genes have found one of the few commercial metal biotreatment processes,
use in biosensors for As(III) [17•]. Dissimilatory As(V) operated at the Budelco Zinc Refinery in the Netherlands.
reduction, in which As(V) serves as a terminal electron
acceptor in respiration, could also be used to extract insolu- Phosphate is an essential nutrient required for the synthe-
ble As(V) from contaminated soil. For example, the sis of nucleic acids, ATP and other important molecules
dissimilatory As(V)-reducing microorganism Sulfurospirillum and is generally not released in quantity by living organ-
barnesii reduced and mobilised oxidised As(V) that was isms. However, two approaches have been studied that
coprecipitated on ferrihydrite or alumina phases [18]. Other couple biologically liberated phosphate to the formation of
studies have confirmed the important roles that microorgan- metal phosphate biominerals. The first approach relies on
isms play in the cycling of arsenic. As(V) is the dominant the accumulation of high concentrations of phosphate at
electron acceptor for carbon oxidation in some environ- the cell surface of a Citrobacter species, with phosphate
ments [19••], and a new organism has recently been isolated cleaved from glycerol 2-phosphate. The acid-phosphatase
that is able to use As(III) as an electron donor for aerobic catalysing this process is associated with the outer mem-
growth [20•], closing the biological arsenic cycle. brane and exocellular lipopolysaccharide (LPS) [29•].
Mineral formation was initiated by nucleation at the phos-
In addition to metal reduction, other biological mecha- phate groups of the LPS, with crystal growth driven by
nisms that can be used for metal extraction include the enzymatically generated phosphate. Cells precipitated
production of organic acids by heterotrophic organisms, large quantities of uranium and cadmium phosphates, and
and the generation of sulphuric acid through bioxidation of the accumulation of ‘tethered’ crystals may have prevented
sulphur (e.g. by Thiobacillus spp.) [21••]. A recent develop- fouling of the cell surface. An alternative approach that
ment has been the sequential extraction of copper from does not rely on the supply of an organic phosphate donor,
contaminated soil by sulphur-oxidising bacteria, followed harnesses the cycling of phosphate by Acinetobacter john-
by electrokinetic treatment using a DC current to further sonii to metal removal [30]. Polyphosphate is synthesised
acidify the soil and collect the mobilised metals at the as an energy source under aerobic conditions; under anaer-
cathode [22]. Preacidification by sulphur-oxidising bacteria obic conditions it is degraded yielding ATP and promoting
reduced the power required for the electrokinetic step by the precipitation of metal phosphates.
66%. In addition to mobilising metals through organic acid
production [23•], recent studies have also shown that Engineering biosorption
oxalate production by fungi can result in the precipitation Biosorption, the metabolism-independent sorption of heavy
of metals as insoluble metal oxalates [24]. metals and radionuclides to biomass, has been studied in
detail for more than a decade. This research topic has been
Biomineralisation; formation of insoluble reviewed in detail recently and will not be described here
metal sulphides and phosphates [21••,31]. This is partly because of considerable duplication
In addition to promoting the formation of metal carbonates and superficiality in the literature and reduced interest in
(see above), microbes can also act as foci for the precipita- commercialising this type of technology [21••]. Some new
tion of highly insoluble metal sulphides and phosphates. studies have applied the tools of molecular biology to
This can lead to the removal of toxic metals from solution, enhance metal sorption and do warrant attention. For exam-
but has not been conclusively shown to increase the resis- ple, a mouse metallothionein was targeted to the outer
tance of microorganisms to metals per se. Sulphide can be membrane of a metal-resistant R. eutropha isolate (see
250 Environmental biotechnology

above) [32••]. The engineered strain accumulated more Tc(IV) noted in one recent study [43], the Fe(II)-mediated
Cd2+ than its wild-type counterpart, and offered tobacco mechanism may be more useful for immobilising Tc in the
plants some protection from Cd2+ when inoculated into con- subsurface. Zinc incorporation into biogenic magnetite has
taminated soil. A surface display technique has also been also been reported [44]. In addition to promoting metal
used successfully to generate ZnO-binding peptides fused immobilisation, Fe(III) reduction may also result in the
to fimbrae on the surface of E. coli cells [33]. Finally, Gram- liberation of toxic metals associated with insoluble Fe(III)
positive bacteria (Staphylococci) have also been engineered to oxides [21], a process that may be accelerated by aqueous
produce surface-exposed peptides that are able to bind Hg2+ flux [45]. In order to model Fe(III) reduction accurately, a
and Cd2+ [34]. Future studies should compare the perfor- prerequisite for use in field applications, it is important to
mance of such engineered systems with other more gain a detailed understanding of the mechanisms of Fe(III)
traditional biosorbants. reduction. A membrane-bound NADPH-dependent Fe(III)
reductase was purified from the Fe(III)-reducing bacterium
Metal remediation through biodegradation of Geobacter sulfurreducens [46], consistent with a requirement
associated organic compounds for direct contact between Fe(III)-reducing bacteria and
Citrate has found use as a chelating agent in decontamina- insoluble Fe(III) oxides [47,48].
tion operations, forming highly recalcitrant and mobile
metal–citrate complexes. Cultures of Pseudomonas aerugi- The ability to reduce toxic Cr(VI) to Cr(III), which can
nosa and P. putida were, however, able to grow using a form insoluble hydroxides, is not restricted to Fe(III)-
range of metal–citrate complexes as carbon source, with reducing bacteria. Several new isolates with potentially
metal precipitation promoted by the addition of inorganic useful properties have been isolated from contaminated
phosphate [35•]. A unique aspect of this study was the use sites in Pakistan [49,50]. In addition, biofilms of SRB also
of P. putida to treat Ni–citrate waste generated by cleaning reduced and precipitated Cr(VI). Cr(VI) reduction was
a bioinorganic ion-exchange column previously used to thought to be enzymatic; reduction by sulphide was
remove nickel. Another industrial chelating agent ethyl- discounted because sulphate reduction was inhibited
enediaminetetraacetate (EDTA) also forms very strong dramatically in the presence of chromate [51]. A microbial
complexes with divalent and trivalent metal ions that are consortium was also able to couple the oxidation of phenol
degraded by bacterial strain DSM 9103 [36]. The to Cr(VI) reduction, opening the way for treatment of
biodegradation of toxic organotin compounds used as bio- mixed wastes containing toxic organic contaminants and
cides and antifouling agents has also received recent metals [52]. Purification of a new chromate reductase from
attention (e.g. the degradation of tributyl tin to dibutyl and P. putida was also reported [53].
monobutyl tin, reviewed in [37]). Degradation of triphenyl
tin by a small soluble extracellular compound secreted by U(VI) is another priority pollutant reduced by phylogenet-
a fluorescent Pseudomonad has also been reported [38]. ically distinct bacteria. Biological reduction of U(VI) to
insoluble U(IV) was stimulated by the addition of ethanol
Dissimilatory reduction of metals and trimetaphosphate to contaminated groundwaters [54].
Dissimilatory iron-reducing bacteria (DIRB) have an SRB were thought to be responsible for U(VI) reduction,
important role in oxidising organic contaminants (e.g. but a detailed analysis of the microbes involved was not
aromatic hydrocarbons) in the subsurface and can also presented. An SRB-containing microbial mat was
immobilise contaminant metals by reduction to less soluble immobilised onto silica particles and used to clean U(VI)-
forms (reviewed in [31,39]). Geobacter spp. are the dominant contaminated groundwater [55] and kinetic data for
organisms selected when Fe(III)-reduction is stimulated in biological U(VI) reduction have also been obtained for
the subsurface by the addition of various electron donors another mixed microbial culture containing SRB [56].
and/or electron-shuttling compounds [40••]. Other organ- U(VI) reduction was enhanced by the addition of sulphate,
isms recently shown to conserve energy through but abiotic U(VI) reduction by sulphide was discounted.
Fe(III)-reduction include hyperthermophilic bacteria and The mechanism of U(VI) reduction by Fe(III)-reducing
archaea. In common with Geobacter species, one such organ- bacteria has also been investigated. A novel screening
ism, Pyrobaculum islandicum, also reduced toxic metals method was used to identify a mutant of Shewanella
including U(VI), Tc(VII), Cr(VI) and Co(III) [41]. Possible putrefaciens unable to reduce U(VI) [57•]. Evidence was
roles in the formation of uranium deposits and magnetite in presented to suggest that the mechanism of U(VI)
hydrothermal environments were highlighted. reduction was distinct from those of Fe(III) and Mn(IV)
reduction, but may share components of the nitrite-reduc-
In addition to the direct enzymatic reduction of contaminant ing pathway. Uranium has also been shown to shuttle
metals, Fe(III)-reducing bacteria can also effect the solubili- electrons to Fe(III) oxides in pure cultures of the DIRB
ty of toxic metals via indirect mechanisms. For example, Geobacter metallireducens [58], which may partly explain
Tc(VII) was reduced abiotically by nanocrystals of biogenic inhibition of U(VI) reduction by ferric hydroxides added to
magnetite (a mixed Fe(III)/(II) oxide formed by DIRB), cultures of Shewanella alga BrY [55]. Uranium was not an
resulting in the precipitation of TcO2 on the surface of the effective electron shuttle in sediment samples, however,
mineral [42••]. Given the solubility of enzymatically reduced and may not perform this role in the subsurface [58].
Microbial detoxification of metals and radionuclides Lloyd and Lovley 251

Another actinide that has attracted attention is the mobile 3. Wilson JR, Leang C, Morby AP, Hobman JL, Brown NL: MerF is a
mercury transport protein: different structures but a common
and long-lived α-emitter 237Np present in low-active mechanism for mercuric ion transporters? FEBS Lett 2000,
nuclear wastes. Removal is ineffective using chemical- 472:78-82.
based techniques, but biotreatment of 237Np was possible 4. Dey S, Patke DS: Mercury biotransformation and its potential for
using a combination of the biological reduction of Np(V) remediation of mercury contaminated water. J Environ Biol 2000,
by S. putrefaciens followed by precipitation of Np(IV)
5. Iwahori K, Takeuchi F, Kamimura K, Sugio T: Ferrous iron-dependent
phosphate by a Citrobacter sp. [59•]. volatilization of mercury by the plasma membrane of Thiobacillus
ferrooxidans. Appl Environ Microbiol 2000, 66:3823-3827.
Finally, the radiotoxicity of effluents containing high-activity 6. Rasmussen LD, Sorenson SJ, Turner RR, Barkay T: Application of a
radionuclides (e.g. 235U, 99Tc and 241Pu) may also adversely mer-lux biosensor for estimating bioavailable mercury in soil. Soil
Biol Biochem 2000, 32:639-646.
effect the microbial component of a bioprocess [31].
Deinococcus radiodurans, an organism that is exceptionally 7. Wagner-Dobler I, Lunsdorf H, Lubbehusen T, von Canstein HF, Li Y:
Structure and species composition of mercury-reducing biofilms.
resistant to ionizing radiation, is being developed using Appl Environ Microbiol 2000, 66:4559-4563.
genetic approaches for the treatment of both metals and 8. von Canstein H, Li Y, Timmis KN, Deckwer WD, Wagner-Dobler I:
organic contaminants [60]. Recent studies have also shown Removal of mercury from chloralkali electrolysis wastewater by a
that D. radiodurans is able to reduce Cr(VI) directly, mercury-resistant Pseudomonas putida strain. Appl Environ
Microbiol 1999, 65:5279-5284.
and U(VI) and Tc(VII) using the electron shuttle
9. Wagner-Dobler I, von Canstein H, Li Y, Timmis KN, Deckwer WD:
anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate [61•]. Although this organ- •• Removal of mercury from chemical wastewater by microorganisms
ism may be useful for ex situ treatment, it may not be in technical scale. Environ Sci Technol 2000, 34:4628-4634.
applicable for in situ applications as it might not compete This paper describes the successful operation of a 700 L pilot plant to treat
Hg -contaminated wastewater from a chloralkali electrolysis plant. The bio-
successfully with organisms indiginous to the subsurface. process, which used mercury-resistant bacteria, tolerated fluctuations in a
range of process variables and removed mercury to below concentrations of
10 µg/L (i.e. below standards set for discharge waters).
Conclusions and future directions
10. Nies DH: Heavy metal-resistant bacteria as extremophiles:
Significant advances have been made in understanding the • molecular physiology and biotechnological use of Ralstonia sp.
roles of microorganisms in mineral cycling, and in the CH34. Extremophiles 2000, 4:77-82.
application of these processes to the bioremediation of This review describes recent developments in the study of R. eutropha, a
highly metal-resistant bacterium isolated from metal-contaminated soil.
metals and radionuclides. Additional advances are expect- Biotechnological applications discussed include the treatment of metal and
ed with the use of new techniques. For example, genomic organic contamination, and the development of biosensors for the detection
of metals.
approaches are set to revolutionise many aspects of biolo-
gy and will undoubtedly make an impact in the arena of 11. Anton A, Grosse C, Reissmann J, Pribyl T, Nies DH: CzcD is a heavy
metal ion transporter involved in regulation of heavy metal
environmental biotechnology. Whole genome transcription resistance in Ralstonia sp. strain CH34. J Bacteriol 1999,
profiles have already been screened to uncover potentially 181:6876-6881.
useful metal detoxification strategies in E. coli [62••]. 12. Grass G, Grosse C, Nies DH: Regulation of the cnr cobalt and
nickel resistance determinant from Ralstonia sp. strain CH34.
Given the imminent availability of complete genome J Bacteriol 2000, 182:1390-1398.
sequences for several environmentally relevant microor-
13. Tibazarwa C, Wuertz S, Mergeay M, Wyns L, van Der Lelie D:
ganisms, this type of approach will surely prove useful for Regulation of the cnr cobalt and nickel resistance determinant of
determining the precise mechanisms of environmentally Ralstonia eutropha (Alcaligenes eutrophus) CH34. J Bacteriol
2000, 182:1399-1409.
relevant metal–microbe interactions.
14. Bontidean I, Lloyd JR, Hobman JL, Wilson JR, Csoregi E,
Mattiasson B, Brown NL: Bacterial metal-resistance proteins and
Acknowledgements their use in biosensors for the detection of bioavailable heavy
The authors thank the Department of Energy Natural and Accelerated metals. J Inorg Biochem 2000, 79:225-229.
Bioremediation Research Program for financial support.
15. Shi J, Vlamis-Gardikas A, Aslund F, Holmgreen A, Rosen BP:
Reactivity of glutaredoxins 1,2, and 3 from Escherichia coli shows
that glutaredoxin 2 is the primary hydrogen donor to ArsC-
References and recommended reading catalyzed arsenate reduction. J Biol Chem 1999,
Papers of particular interest, published within the annual period of review, 51:36039-36042.
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16. Zhou T, Radaev S, Rosen BP, Gatti DL: Structure of the ArsA
• of special interest ATPase: the catalytic subunit of a heavy metal resistance pump.
•• of outstanding interest EMBO J 2000, 19:4838-4845.
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