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ELSEVIER Journal of Controlled Release 30 ( 1994) l-15


Liposomes and niosomes as topical drug carriers: dermal and

transdermal drug delivery
Hans Schreief, Joke Bouwstrab
“Ctwtrrfor Lung Research, Vunderbilr oj’h4edicine. B-1308 MCN, N~~shville. TN 37232-2650. USA
“DiGsion of Pharmctc~eutiwl Trc~hrmlog,v. Lriden/Amrterdom Center@ Drug Rrserrrch, _7300 RA Leidm, The Nethrr1rrld.v

(Received I I May 1993: accepted in revised form 20 September 1993)


A critical analysis of (trans)dermal delivery of substances encapsulated within liposomes and niosomes is presented. Topical
liposomes or niosomes may serve as solubilization matrix, as a local depot for sustained release of dermally active compounds,
as penetration enhancers, or as rate-limiting membrane barrier for the modulation of systemic absorption of drugs. The mecha-
nism( s) of vesicle-skin interaction and drug delivery are being extensively investigated using radioactive- or fluorescence-
labeled marker molecules and drugs, and various electron and (laser) light microscopic visualization techniques, and different
models describing the interaction with and fate of vesicles in the skin have been proposed. With the current experimental data
base on hand, most investigators agree that direct contact between vesicles and skin is essential for efficient delivery. although
phospholipids per se apparently do not penetrate into deeper skin layers. Investigators have mostly focused on dermal cortico-
steroid liposome products. However, localized effects of liposome-associated proteins such as superoxide dismutase, tissue
growth factors and interferons appear also to be enhanced. The delivery of liposome-encapsulated proteins and enzymes into
deeper skin layers has been reported, although the mechanism of delivery remains to be elucidated. An objective assessment of
the performance of topical liposome formulations vs. conventional dosage forms is frequently obscured by investigators com-
paring equal concentrations, rather than equivalent thermodynamic activities of their respective formulations. We conclude that
liposomes and niosomes may become a useful dosage form for a variety of dermally active compounds, specifically due to their
ability to modulate drug transfer and serve as nontoxic penetration enhancers.

Key words: Liposome; Niosome: Topical drug delivery; Dermal drug delivery; Transdermal drug delivery; Corticosteroid

1. Introduction delivery is the low penetration rate of substances

through the skin. The diffusional barrier for most sub-
One of the major disadvantages in transdermal drug stances is localized in the upper layer of the skin, the
stratum corneum, which consists of comeocytes
Corresponding author. Tel. (615) 323 1775; fax: (615) 343 2684. embedded in a lipid matrix.
Abbreviations: DMPC, dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine; DOPC.
Several techniques have been explored to increase
dioleylphosphatidylcholine; DPPC, dipalmitoylphosphatidylcho-
line: DSPC, distearoylphosphatidylcholine; EPC, egg phosphatidyl-
the drug penetration rate across skin including ionto-
choline; SPC; soy phosphatidylcholine; NDB-PE, N-( 7-nitro-2, I ,3- phoresis [ I] and penetration enhancement [ 21, partic-
benzoxadiazol-4-yl)-dipalmitoylphosphatidyle~hanolamine; non- ularly for the delivery of peptides and proteins [ 3-51.
ionic walkyl polyoxyethylene ether surfactants, (C,EO,); phos- Here we focus on a third alternative method, the encap-
phate-buffered saline (PBS).

016%3659/94/$07.00 0 1994 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

sulation of drugs in lipid vesicles prepared from phos- acetonide, in both a lotion [ 17 1 and gel [ 18 ] dosage
pholipids (liposomes) or nonionic surfactants form. facilitated 3-5-fold accumulation of radiola-
(niosomes) which have been shown to facilitate trans- belled drug within epidermis and dermis, while sys-
port of drugs into and across skin. temic drug levels were very low. Urinary excretion and
While liposomes have been investigated for many organ accumulation, specifically in the thalamic region,
years as parenteral drug carrier systems, particularly were greatly reduced relative to radioactive counts
for the selective delivery of anticancer, antibiotic and found following application of a control ointment.
antifungal agents [6], they have only for approxi- These results were encouraging and sparked much
mately one decade been considered for topical drug interest in the use of liposomal drug preparations for
delivery, including ophthalmic 17.81, pulmonary [ 9- topical application.
121 and dermal/ transdermal I 7,13- 161 delivery. It was unfortunate, however. that the authors con-
Dermal liposome products have since 1987 been cluded that liposomes apparently penetrated the skin,
exploited by the cosmetics industry, with currently in effectively acting as ‘transdermal carriers’. This
excess of 100 liposome and niosome products on the hypothesis has met with considerable skepticism by
market. However, the first therapeutic topical liposome many investigators [ 19-23 1. It was doubted that rela-
preparation, a ‘liposome gel’ of the antifungal drug tively large particles such as liposomes would be phys-
econazole ( PevarylR; Cilag AC) has been introduced ically able to traverse the stratum corneum and
only recently in Switzerland. penetrate the epidermal and dermal layer [ 19,20],
The rationale for the use of lipid vesicles as topical especially if one considers that the intercellular spaces
drug carriers is four-fold: in the stratum corneum are completely tilled with lipids
which form lamellar phases with well-defined repeat
(i) they may serve as ‘organic’ solvent for the solu- distances [ 24 ]
bilization of poorly soluble drugs, for instance corti- Mezei’s apparent findings have later been attributed
costeroids; as a result, higher local drug concentrations to a potential artifact of the experimental method
at the thermodynamic activity maximum can be employed, i.e., the use of alcohol swabs to remove
applied; nonabsorbed compound from the skin surface which
may have caused a transient penetration enhancement
(ii) they may serve as a local depot for the sustained
and promoted transdermal absorption of radioactively
release of dermally active compounds including anti-
labelled triamcinolone acetonide [ 221.
biotics, corticosteroids or retinoic acid;
In an elegant series of experiments, Ganesan et al.
(iii) by virtue of penetration of individual phospho- [ 191 and Ho et al. [ 20 J demonstrated unequivocally
lipid molecules or nonionic ether surfactants into the in an in vitro hairless mouse skin system (finite dose
lipid layers of the stratum corneum and epidermis they diffusion cell) that neither liposomes nor phospholipid
may serve as penetration enhancer and facilitate dermal molecules diffuse across intact skin: (i) radiolabelled
delivery leading to higher localized drug concentra- phospholipid could not be detected in the acceptor com-
tions; partment; and (ii) lipophilic drugs such as hydrocorti-
sone and progesterone had practically identical skin
(iv) they may serve as rate-limiting membrane bar- transfer coefficients, whether they were incorporated
rier for the modulation of systemic absorption, i.e., they within liposomes or not. From these findings. the
may serve as controlled transdermal delivery systems. authors [ 191 developed a scheme as shown in Fig. 1
which indicates that skin permeation of water-soluble
compounds such as glucose depends entirely on their
2. Mechanism of dermal and transdermal delivery
intrinsic skin permeability constant (I’,), while skin
2.1. Skin penetration studies using radioactive or permeation of highly lipophilic compounds such as
jluorescent markers and drugs progesterone depends entirely on a permeability con-
stant determined by the interaction of the liposome
Mezei and Gulasekharam [ 17,181 were the first to carrier and the skin (P#), with a combination of both
demonstrate that liposomes loaded with triamcinolone P, and P# operative for substances that are partly
hydrophilic and partly lipophilic such as hydrocorti- carrier, nor did (radiolabelled) phospholipid cross the
sane (although its permeation was found to be 99% skin barrier over a 48-h observation period. The rate of
determined by the liposome-skin permeability coeffi- transport of progesterone across hairless mouse skin
cient P#). was similar whether an aqueous liposome (DPPC) dis-
The study was carried out with equal concentrations persion or the same dispersion immobilized within an
in all formulations. The authors stated that the loading agarose matrix was used, indicating that the rate-limi-
capacity of liposome formulations is much higher ting step was phase transfer of progesterone from the
(lower thermodynamic activity at equal concentrations liposome bilayer into the aqueous environment prior to
in liposome compared to control formulation) which, skin transfer, rather than direct liposome-to-skin trans-
at saturation concentrations, would facilitate increased fer as proposed by Ganesan et al. [ 191. In a second
total transport of drug through skin. Transport of pro- study [ 221, involving a total of seven formulations
gesterone was not affected by the acyl chain length of which differed with respect to phospholipid acyl chain
the phospholipids, nor by the presence of charged phos- length and degrees of saturation, or contained 1% free
pholipids in the vesicle membrane, supporting the con- fatty acid (oleic and stearic; two formulations), it was
clusion that no fusion of vesicles with the skin took shown that the cumulative amounts of progesterone
place. released into buffer were not significantly different with
Similarly, Knepp et al. [ 2 1,221 immobilized lipo- any of the variables tested at both 4°C and 35X, again
somes in an agarose matrix (in order to prevent direct pointing towards a release mechanism based on the
contact between vesicles and skin) in vitro to hairless lipophilicity of the drug and not on the physical state
mouse skin and showed that progesterone was not (i.e., gel vs. liquid-crystalline) of the formulation.
transported across skin together with the phospholipid Interestingly, while the release of progesterone into
buffer was independent of the formulation, the trans-
dermal delivery of progesterone varied widely for the

I---! different formulations: transdermal delivery from lipo-
somes made with saturated phospholipids (DMPC and

I I DPPC) was approximately ten-times smallercompared

to unencapsulated drug; delivery from liposomes made
with unsaturated phospholipids (EPC and DOPC) was
only reduced by about 50%.
In a very elegant set of experiments Knepp et al.
[ 221 traced the apparent penetration enhancement
effect to the presence of free fatty acids: transdermal
delivery of progesterone from liposomes made from
saturated DPPC (gel state) liposomes, and unsaturated
(liquid-crystalline) EPC or DOPC liposomes served
to define the lower and upper boundaries of transdermal
delivery (Figs. 2, 3).
When either 1% unsaturated (oleic) or I % saturated
(stearic) free fatty acid was added to DPPC liposomes
Fig. 1. Schematic description of skin permeation mechanisms of
the resulting transdermal delivery of progesterone was
liposome-entrapped solutes. Water-soluble non-membrane-interact-
ing solutes such as glucose are not absorbed when encapsulated in
pointedly different: delivery from stearic acid-contain-
liposomes; flux is determined by the bulk concentration (Cn) and ing liposomes was practically identical to delivery from
the intrinsic skin permeability constant P,. Flux of partially water- DPPC liposomes, whereas delivery from oleic acid-
soluble, lipophilic compounds such as hydrocortisone is a function containing liposomes was almost identical to delivery
of both Cn and P, as well as the liposome-associated concentration
from EPC or DOPC liposomes and was saturable over
C, and the skin permeability constant resulting from the interaction
with the liposomes (P*). Flux of highly lipophilic substances such
a range of 0. l-l 0% of oleic acid present (Fig. 4).
as progesterone is entirely determined by C, and P#. (Modified Evidently, presence of free unsaturated fatty acids in
from Ref. 19; with permission.) the liposome formulations contributed to a ‘fluidiza-


--o- FFZSEFG 10



0 10 20 30 40


Fig. 2. Transdermal delivery rate ( mean k SD; II = 6) of progester- Fig. 3. Transdermal delivery ritte ( mean + SD: II = 6) of progester-
one (PG) across hairless mouse skin in vitro alone or encapsulated one ( PC) acrws hairless mouse skin in vitro alone or encapwlated
in EPC and DMPC lipwomeh. (From Ref. 22; with permission.) in DPPC and DOPC lipo\omes. ( From Ref. 21-i uith permission. )

tion’ of the lipid domains within the stratum comeum total lipid content of the skin such that water loss is
which, in turn, facilitated transdermal flux of proges- retarded and liquid-crystalline matrices in the intersti-
terone. tial spaces of the uppermost skin layer can form. In
An interesting approach to the assessment of the either case, steroids would preferentially partition into
effect of phospholipids on human skin was taken by such lipid domains and form a depot which could
Jacobs et al. [ 231, who pretreated skin on the arms of explain the observed higher dermal and epidermal cor-
human volunteers with egg phospholipid dispersions ticosteroid concentrations. Although, as a conse-
for 7 days prior to the application of four commercial quence, duration of drug activity should be prolonged
corticosteroid preparations (creams of hydrocortisone in phospholipid-pretreated skin, this could only be
0. I%, clobetasone butyrate 0.05%, betamethasone demonstrated for clobetasol propionate cream.
0.1% and clobetasol propionate 0.05%). Blanching of Another explanation for the increased blanching
the treated skin was then assessed and quantitated on response might be that individual phospholipids (or
an arbitrary scale of O-4. Marginal increases in the fractions of free fatty acids associated with the phos-
blanching response and reduction in tachyphylaxis pholipids) act as penetration enhancers. This has also
were found for all preparations, except clobetasone been concluded from a more recent study [ 25 ] where
butyrate, following treatment with liposomes. The the penetration of various drugs dissolved in propylene
authors speculated that liposomes may either form a glycol and tetra glycol was monitored in the presence
thin lipid film on the surface of the skin, or increase the of egg yolk lecithin and commercial soy bean lecithin.
H. Schreier. J. Bouw~stra / Journal ofControlledRelease 30 (1994) I-15 5

Y- PG/EPC In a very recent study [28] it was also shown that

gel-state (C,,EO,) niosomes did not increase the pen-
etration of estradiol through human skin after pretreat-
_ PG/l% SA/DP ment, while pretreatment with liquid-crystalline
----t PG/DPPC
(C,,EOI or C9,9E0,0) vesicles resulted in a signifi-
cant increase in estradiol transport. Penetration of estra-
diol across human skin was studied using vesicle
formulations saturated with estradiol in order to ascer-
tain equivalent thermodynamic activity in all formu-
lations. Hence, the influence of the formulations on
drug transport was directly comparable which is an
essential parameter of the study design as has been
shown before [ 19,251. Estradiol encapsulated in liq-
uid-crystalline vesicles resulted in much higher estra-
diol fluxes than when applied in a buffer (PBS)
In additional experiments, Hofland et al. [28]
showed that, although pretreatment with vesicles
resulted in higher estradiol fluxes compared to
untreated stratum corneum, the fluxes were sign@-
cantly lower than when estradiol was encapsulated in
vesicles. Since these higher estradiol fluxes cannot be
explained by penetration enhancement of the surfactant
only, it was postulated that niosomes fuse at the inter-
Fig. 4. Transdermal delivery rate (mean + SD: n = 6) of progester- face of the stratum comeum and that the high local
one (PG) across hairless mouse skin in vitro encapsulated in EPC
estradiol concentration in the vesicle bilayers generates
and DPPC liposomes, and in DPPC liposomes containing 1% oleic
(OA) or I % stearic (SA) acid. (From Ref. 22; with permission.)
a high thermodynamic activity of estradiol in the upper
part of the stratumcomeum. Fusion of niosome vesicles
on the surface of skin has been demonstrated by elec-
Komatsu et al. [ 26,271 studied the influence of lipo- tron microscopy [29] as illustrated in Fig. 5. If this
somes consisting of EPC, cholesterol and dicetylphos- mechanism is valid, vesicles are a more promising car-
phate on the penetration of butyl paraben in vitro and rier for lipophilic drugs than for hydrophilic drugs.
in vivo. In vitro, the radioactive trace ( [ “CIDPPC) Egbaria et al. [ 301 investigated effects of the prep-
penetrated only to a very small extent through the skin aration method and lipid composition on the disposition
when incorporated in EPC liposomes [ 261, in agree- of drugs in, and diffusion across skin. Liposomes pre-
ment with earlier studies [ 191. An increase in the phos- pared by the dehydration-rehydration method [ 3 11
pholipid content at a constant drug concentration were observed to penetrate deeper into skin strata than
resulted in lower penetration rates of [ 14C]butyl para- large unilamellar vesicles. In addition, liposomes pre-
ben. This was explained by a lower thermodynamic pared from ceramides were more effective in penetrat-
activity of the drug in the liposome bilayer. Pretreat- ing into skin than liposomes prepared from
ment of skin by liposomes did not result in higher phospholipids. While it would be not unexpected that
penetration rates of [ “C]butyl paraben which indi- liposomes of different composition penetrate into skin
cated that neither the vesicles nor their molecular com- more or less efficiently, it is unclear as to what role the
ponents did act as penetration enhancers. preparation technique would play to determine skin
In vivo, butyl paraben encapsulated in liposomes penetration. One could speculate that the lamellarity,
penetrated to deeper regions in the skin, while the radi- homogeneity, size, or a combination thereof (all of
oactively labelled phospholipid remained on the skin which determine the overall effective liposome surface
surface [ 271. available for interaction with skin) of the different
Fig. 5. Niosome vesicles (decyloxyethyleneoleylether) forming hpid stack\ which are adsorbed onto the skm surface. f\. fu\ing vesicle: c.
corneocyte. ( From Ref. 29; with permiwon.)

preparations may have influenced the efficient inter- using double labelling. Mouse skin was compared with
calation in skin, although this has not been considered pig skin. Liposomes consisting of EPC.
in this study, and the underlying mechanism is not at [‘HI cholesterol and [ ‘“Cl cholesterol sulfate were pre-
all clear. pared by reverse-phase evaporation [ 331, manual
Du Plessis et al. [32] studied the influence of the shaking and dehydration-rehydration [ 3 1 1.The studies
nature and condition of skin on the penetration of lipids were carried out under nonocclusive conditions. After
24 h no differences were found in [ ‘“Clcholesterol aqueous solution. Similar results were obtained using
uptake with the three liposome formulations: the [ “S ] heparin and “““‘technetium as marker. This is an
receiver compartment contained no detectable amounts unexpected and rather remarkable finding in the light
of lipid, which was in agreement with the findings of of most other studies where no skin penetration of ves-
Ganesan et al. [ 191 and Komatsu et al. [ 26). Differ- icles, or phospholipids, was observed.
ences were found, however, in the uptake of radiola- Bouwstra et al. [37] observed that the same lipo-
belled lipids in mouse vs. pig stratum corneum. some formulation ( NAT 106) induced large structural
Surprisingly, the total amount of lipids found was less changes in the lamellar structure of the skin (Fig. 6)
in mouse skin than in pig skin. However. as the amount which may to some extent corroborate the findings of
of lipid applied to pig skin was twice the amount Artman et al. [ 35,361.
applied to mouse skin, interpretation of these results is Similarly, Jarosh et al. [38] studied the effect of
difficult which is compounded by the nonocclusive DNA repair enzymes when applied to skin in lipo-
conditions, as differences in volume may lead to dif- somes. After one hour of application, enzymes were
ferent states of dehydration over time. detected histochemically in the epidermal cells while
In the same study [32], the ratio of choles- very few traversed into the systemic circulation. The
terol : cholesterol sulfate at the surface, in the stratum results strongly indicated that DNA repair enzymes
corneum, and in deeper skin layers was determined. It encapsulated in liposomes resulted in an enhanced
appeared that in all layers the ratio between cholesterol DNA repair in a dose-dependent, saturable manner.
sulfate and cholesterol was almost equal to one which Although, the authors’ conclusion that liposomes pen-
is indicative for simultaneous transport, possibly in etrated mouse and human skin is faulty, since only the
bilayer fragments. However, again the conclusion from localization of the enzyme, and not of the liposomes or
this study is obscured by the fact that radioactive cho- lipids was monitored.
lesterol is known to exchange very rapidly with endog- In another remarkable, and rather controversial devi-
enous cholesterol. ation from the general dogma that liposomes cannot
Further evidence that liposomes penetrate no deeper penetrate skin, Cevc has put forward a hypothesis, and
than the stratum corneum layer has been provided by presented some preliminary experimental support
Lasch et al. [ 341 who labelled liposomes with both a [ 391, that under certain conditions, i.e., without occlu-
hydrophilic high molecular weight fluorescent marker sion and with a specific formulation of lipids called
(FITC-dextran, 70 000 M,) and a fluorescent lipid ‘transfersomes’ whose exact structure and composition
marker (NBD-DPPE). Fluorescence micrographs has yet to be disclosed, the hydration driving force for
taken after 0.5, 5 and 24 h showed unequivocally that, these vesicles into the skin is larger than the resistance
despite a rapid dispersion within the stratum corneum, encountered when passing through the narrow lipid-
no further penetration of either label into epidermis, filled channels separating the corneocytes of the stra-
dermis or deeper layers of the skin took place. The tum corneum. The driving force is supposedly mainly
authors conclude that intact liposomes are confined to generated by the large hydration gradient across the
the outermost layer of the skin and do not penetrate skin, varying from 15 to 20% in stratum corneum to
through the skin. 70% in stratum granulosum. According to the hypoth-
While current experimental evidence would princi- esis, vesicles applied under occlusion should not pen-
pally exclude absorption enhancement mechanisms for etrate, since occlusion essentially eliminates the
hydrophilic drugs, other than perhaps enhancement via hydration gradient. To follow the fate of the dermally
complexation with individual phospholipids, Artman applied ‘transfersomes’, the distribution of ‘H-labelled
et al. [ 35,361 performed a series of experiments with dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine in the various tissue
vesicles prepared from a commercial soy phospholipid compartments and blood was measured. With ‘stan-
product (NAT 106; mainly consisting of SPC), and dard’ liposomes and ‘transfersomes’ applied under
observed that liposome-encapsulated antibodies with occlusion, only a few percent of the lipids were found
molecular weights between 20 000 and 50 000 Da dis- in the dermis after 8 h of application. However, when
tributed rapidly into deep cutaneous regions, whereas transfersomes were applied nonocclusively high levels
antibodies did not penetrate into skin when applied as of radioactivity were found in the deeper layers of the
Fig. 6. NAT 106 liposomes have a strong effect on the microstructure of the stratum corneum. Corneocytea (C) were swollen considerably; the
smooth ultrastructure of the intercellular skin architecture was disrupted, with flattened lipid islands ( L) which were not always spherical. (From
Ref. 37; with permission.)

skin which is in striking agreement with Cevc’s hypoth- min” [ 4 I ] contradicts the hypothesis which predicts
esis. abolishment of the hydration driving force upon occlu-
More recently, Cevc and co-investigators [ 401 have sion and favors penetration enhancement as an alter-
disclosed the composition of anesthetic transfersomes native to the ‘hydration driving force’ hypothesis.
containing 2% lidocaine. The lipid composition was With respect to the follicular route, Lieb et al. [ 4 I ]
described as a mixture of phosphatidylcholine with 20- studied the localization of carboxyfluorescein in ham-
50 mol% ( IO-24% by weight) sodium cholate as well ster ear skin, which contains large amounts of pilose-
as 3-7% ethanol. While the authors argue that a more baceous units. The location of carboxyfluorescein
conventional explanation of the observed effect, i.e., applied in Hepes buffer, in 5% propylene glycol, in
stratum comeum fluidization, is unlikely because of multilamellar vesicles and in 0.05% sodium lauryl sul-
lack of a dose-effect relationship, the fact that the fate in Hepes buffer were compared. Since the ther-
human study with anesthetic transfersomes was done modynamic activity of carboxyfluorescein varied
“ between formulations, no conclusions can be drawn
..I under occlusion by a watertight wrapping for 25
with respect to the mechanism involved in the variation resulted in an increased DzO inward flux compared to
of carboxyfluorescein localization. Surprisingly, it was control, while the HZ0 outward flux was decreased.
concluded that carboxyfluorescein was selectively These differences were attributed to a penetration
delivered into the pilosebaceous area of the ear, while enhancing effect of the individual phospholipids. The
the results indicate that the majority of the marker was phospholipids could be detected in the lower layers of
found in the epidermis. the stratum corneum. However Bouwstra et al. [37]
could not find changes in the stratum comeum lipid
2.2. Physicochemical studies of the interaction oj structure after application of the NAT 50 liposomes in
lipid vesicles with skin vitro. In their study, a fusion of the vesicles on the
surface of the skin was observed which would be
The composition of skin lipids is unique and varies expected to facilitate accumulation of Hz0 in the stra-
greatly from stratum comeum to the basal layer (421. tum comeum.
Specifically, the very low phospholipid content of the One-dimensional electron paramagnetic resonance
stratum comeum lipids which consist, to approximately imaging has been employed to monitor the fate of a
50%, of ceramides [42] is indicative for a particular liposome-associated spin probe following dermal
role of the latter in the protective properties of the application of various types of liposomes [ 491. The
stratum corneum. Abraham et al. [43] have investi- authors claim that they were able to observe and quan-
gated the formation of the lipid lamellae in the stratum titate skin transfer of intact liposomes using this tech-
comeum. Small unilamellar liposomes prepared from nique, although they are seemingly unaware of the prior
ceramides (40%)) cholesterol (25%), cholesterol sul- controversy as to the feasibility of intact liposomes
fate ( 10%) and free fatty acids (25%) were shown to entering the skin, nor do they make an effort to discuss
transform to large unilamellar liposomes and finally to their findings relative to the well-founded mechanistic
lamellar lipid sheets when calcium chloride was added studies published earlier [ 19-2 1I. From the data pre-
to the dispersion. Golden et al. [ 441 characterized the sented it remains unclear whether the differences
physical properties of these skin lipids and found a found, e.g., between small unilamellar, reverse-phase
transition temperature of the mixture around 60-80°C evaporation and multilamellar vesicles, in both liquid-
accompanied by an abrupt change in permeability at crystalline or gel state, are significant and meaningful.
about 70°C. Hence, it was documented that the highly Although the technique might provide valuable infor-
structured lipid lamellae in skin are the main barrier mation, an independent validation is mandatory before
and controlling parameter for water flux across skin. it can be accepted as a valid experimental method.
Freeze-fracture electron microscopic techniques for
the visualization of skin ultrastructure have been devel- 2.3. Comparative studies of liposomes und
oped by Holman et al. [45] and BoddC et al. [ 461. conventional dermal dosage forms
Following exposure of liquid state niosomes to skin,
Hofland et al. [ 471 have demonstrated the appearance Investigators have routinely compared liposome
of structural changes deeper in the stratum corneum, preparations with conventional creams of various com-
resembling multilamellar vesicular structures. The pounds, a summary of which is given below. Although
authors speculate that either intact niosomes migrated these studies may be important for the application of
into the stratum corneum, or that molecularly dispersed liposomes for topical uses from a practical point of
high local concentrations of nonionic surfactants could view, it should be pointed out that no mechanistic infor-
form curved lamellar structures within the lipid inter- mation can be obtained from them for two reasons: (i)
stitial spaces of the stratum comeum. An example is When comparing a liposome preparation with a con-
given in Fig. 7. ventional cream, both the physical structure of the drug
In a FTIR-AR study [ 481, the effect of a commercial carrier as well as the nature of the components from
liposome formulation (NAT 50) prepared in D,O on which it has been prepared change. Therefore, one can-
the inward flux of D,O and the outward flux of H,O not conclude whether the obtained differences are due
was studied and compared to D,O-treated skin in vivo to the often seemingly ‘magic’ action mechanism of
(under occlusion). Liposome treatment of skin the vesicle structures or to the interaction of individual
Fig. i ‘. Freeze-fracture electron micrograph of trioxyethylenedodecylether niuwmw. Between corneocytes (C ). clusters of vehicular htructl
(VS) are found in the intercellular lipid lamellae ( ILL). ( From Ref. 17; with permission. )

lipid I molecules with the compound in question, or with ryu~rl concentrations of the drug in the various forn lU-
the skin components, or both (e.g., penetration lations under study. Hence, the thermodynamic activ ity
enhz mcement) ; (ii) the principal problem with most of the drug in the various formulations is differ ent
lipo! tome studies comparing drug transport through which greatly affects the partitioning of the drug
skin with different formulations is the fact that most between formulation and skin. In other words, withcJut
inve stigators (with the exception of [ 19,25-271 ) use using equi~~~lrn~ concentrations of drug to ensure ol Xi-
mal thermodynamic activity, differences in drug trans- Lasch and Wohlrab [ 54,55 ] studied the distribution
port are observed due to a difference in solubility of of cortisol and hydrocortisone in the skin after appli-
the drug in the formulation. cation in a cream and in liposomes. In both studies an
In the first one of these publications, Mezei et al. improved concentration-time profile was observed in
[ 17,181 applied triamcinolone in liposomes and com- different layers of the skin when using liposomes.
pared it to triamcinolone in DermabaseR. As mentioned Korting et al. [56] compared the efficacy of beta-
before the liposome formulation favorably altered drug methasone diproprionate encapsulated in liposomes
distribution. In a more recent publication from the same and in a cream. The liposomes were prepared from egg
group tetracaine was incorporated in multilamellar lecithin and incorporated in a polyacrylate gel. The
phospholipids and the anesthetic effects of the liposo- studies were carried out in vivo in ten patients with
mal cream and a PontocainR cream were compared atopic eczema and ten patients with psoriasis vulgaris.
[ 501. It appeared that tetracaine encapsulated in lipo- It was concluded that betamethasone encapsulated in
somes was more active. liposomes improved the antiinflammatory action. but
Michel et al. [ 511 encapsulated 1% MRZ 3199 (a not the antiproliferative effect.
pyridine carboxylic acid phenyl ester) in soybean lec-
ithin and incorporated the liposomes in a 1o/cCarbopol
934 gel matrix. Penetration of 1% MRZ 3199 in the 3. Potential drug products
liposome preparation was compared with that of a
cream on human skin of six volunteers. The study Most investigators [ I7-22,53-561 have concen-
showed improved penetration into skin with liposomes trated on the potential use of liposomes for the dermal
compared to the cream. In a related study [ 521, DL-a- delivery of steroid compounds. including triamcino-
tocopherol nicotinate and 2-( r-butyl)4-cyclohexyl- lone acetonide [ 17, I8 J and a lipophilic prodrug thereof
phenylnicotinate N-oxide (L440) were incorporated in (triamcinolone acetonide-2 I -palmitate) [ 521, hydro-
liposomes and compared with o/w as well as w/o cortisone [ 18.561, betamethasone dipropionate [ 561,
emulsions. Again drug applied in liposomes resulted in cortisol [ 551, progesterone [ 19-221 and dihydrotes-
higher concentrations in the stratum comeum as deter- tosterone [ 57 ] Interestingly, there is a significant body
mined by stripping. In a mouse edema test, the anti- of literature on both the formulation, physicochemical
inflammatory activity of L440 was found equal when interaction and the therapeutic efficacy of liposome-
applied as liposomal or o/w emulsion formulation, corticosteroid compounds, largely generated by inves-
while the w/o emulsion performed less satisfactory. tigators interested in the intra-articular corticosteroid
Egbaria et al. (K. Egbaria, C. Ramachandran and N. therapy, e.g., of rheumatoid arthritis [ 58-611. which
Weiner, personal communication) investigated the seems to be mostly ignored by current investigators.
topical delivery of cyclosporin and compared the accu- In addition to corticosteroids, the transdermal deliv-
mulation in hairless mouse stratum corneum when ery of the a,-blocker bunazosin HCI [62], the non-
applied in skin lipid liposomes, phospholipid lipo- steroidal antiinflammatory agent flufenamic acid [ 631,
somes, emulsions and a hydroalcoholic solution in and the CAMP phosophodiesterase inhibitor dyphylline
vitro. The accumulation in stratum corneum increased (for the treatment of psoriasis) [ 161 via liposome have
in the order skin lipid liposomes > phospholipid lipo- been reported. Liposomes loaded with clindamycin
somes > emulsions > hydroalcoholic solution. The hydrochloride [ 641 were reported to show a better effi-
total amount of drug in deeper layers of the skin and cacy than non-liposome lotions in therapy of acne vul-
the acceptor compartment was less with liposomes garis.
compared to the emulsion and hydroalcoholic solution. The application of liposomes for the topical delivery
Krowczynski and Storek [.53] compared triamcin- of proteins has emerged only recently. Superoxide dis-
olone absorption in skin following application in lipo- mutase (SOD) activity on skin has been shown to be
somes prepared from lecithin and cholesterol and in a retained better following UV radiation when SOD was
cream. It appeared that triamcinolone applied in lipo- applied incorporated within liposomes [ 651, Brown et
somes resulted in increased absorption compared to the al. [ 661 showed that liposome incorporation prolonged
cream. the exposure of incisions to epidermal growth factor
and to transforming growth factor-p (TGF-B), result- essentially ignored is the potential toxicity of lipid
ing in increased tensile strength, while application of mixtures when applied repeatedly or chronically to
the factors in solution failed to improve treatment over skin. Hofland et al. [ 701 have employed inhibition of
controls. cell proliferation of SV-40-transformed human keratin-
Margalit et al. 1671 have prepared ‘bioadhesive’ ocytes to study dermal toxicity of nonionic surfactant
liposomes by anchoring epidermal growth factor, gel- vesicles ( niosomes) A 1O-fold stronger inhibition of
atin or collagen in the liposome surface using a cross- proliferation was found with polyoxyethylene alkyl
linking agent (glutaraldehyde). In preliminary cell cul- chains linked with ester bonds, compared to those
ture studies (A431 cell line) they could demonstrate linked with ether bonds, while the presence of choles-
significant binding of these bioadhesive liposomes to terol appeared to have no effect on cell proliferation.
cell surfaces while untreated liposomes did not bind. Freeze-fracture electron micrographs revealed clusters
They could also show that diffusion of encapsulated of vesicular lipid lamellae which were clearly different
material was essentially unhindered by the presence of from endogenous lipids found within the intercellular
the anchor, although gelatin appeared to provide an lipid lamellae. The authors speculate that indeed intact
additional ‘compartment’ from which drugs (vinblas- surfactant vesicles migrate into the skin lipid layers, or
tine. progesterone, fluconazole) were released with a that such vesicular structures form following molecular
different diffusion rate. dispersion and diffusion of surfactants into the skin
As a means to improve treatment of cutaneous virus lipid lamellae.
infections, specifically herpes simplex virus infections,
Egbaria et al. 13 1] evaluated the deposition of inter-
feron-a (IFN-a) formulated with ‘skin lipids’ and 5. Conclusions
showed that liposome-associated IFN-LU was delivered
to deep skin layers. Similarly. 70-80s of a dose of The field of dermal/transdermal liposomes and nio-
liposomally encapsulated gamma-interferon was found somes as it presents itself today is characterized by both
associated with skin over a 24-h period, although significant differences in the results obtained by an
approximately one-third of the dose was only deposited increasing number of investigators, but also by some
onto the stratum corneum [ 681. Since the order of strikingly similar experimental findings. suggesting
deposition in deeper skin layers decreased with some common mechanisms of (inter)action.
decreasing number of hair follicles (ham- With respect to phospholipid transport, it appears
ster >> human > hairless mouse), the authors specu- that the majority of investigators [ 19-22,27,32,33 1 has
lated that the transfollicular route may be an important found no accumulation of radioactively or fluores-
pathway for the deposition of drugs in deeper strata of cence-labelled phospholipid in deeper skin layers or in
the skin. the acceptor compartment. Hence, most investigators
Ho et al. [69 1 succeeded in treating herpes simplex would agree that no transport of lipids is taking place
genitalis infection in guinea pigs with liposomes pre- across whole skin. An exception is the hypothesis put
senting the recombinant glycoprotein D antigen of her- forward by Cevc [ 391, who maintains that so called
pes simplex virus (HSV- I ). This is a unique use of transfersomes can transfer large amounts of lipid ( radi-
liposomes as adjuvants in a topical application which oactivity) in form of ‘lipid aggregates’ to deeper layers
will likely be exploited more to treat a variety of local- of the skin when applied nonocclusively.
ized infectious states in the future. Another mechanism which has been reported for
niosomes [ 28 ] is fusion of vesicles on the surface of
the skin which might lead to the establishment of large
4. Safety of topical liposomes and niosomes concentration gradients across the skin for niosome-
intercalated lipophilic drugs.
One important aspect of penetration enhancement Secondly, most studies are in agreement that direct
(if this mode of action is accepted as a major route of contact between vesicles and skin is essential for pen-
interaction of liposomal lipids and skin lipids) via lipo- etration and drug delivery. If direct contact is
somes and niosomes which has until very recently been obstructed, drug transport is not increased as shown by
Hofland et al. [ 28 1. Komatsu et al. [ 271 and Hofland j2 1 K. Knutson. S.L. Krill and J. Zhang, Solvent-medicated alter-
ations of the stratum comeum. J. Controlled Release, II
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