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ABC Limited

S.No. Particulars Response

1 how much products are produced in factory
list out name of products.
2 what types of raw materials used to produce
finished produts ? List of raw materials
which are used in production of finished
products .

3 how many raw materials used in each

products. Each product wise standard
product mix details.
4 how many departments are there in factory ?

5 how each prducts produce in a factory i.e

production process i.e from start to end (raw
material requition, production to complete
the finished product etc.) give production
process chart.

6 details of actual consumption of raw material

month wise and also product wise.

7 how many workers are there in factory for

production ?
8 how many are skilled ,semi skilled and
unskilled workes there ? complete details of
9 details of wages monthly and also wages
rates workers category wise skiled , semi
skilled and unskilled workers .

10 how many activites are required to produce a

product . Details of activities. Eg. Purchasing
of materials, setting up of machines,running
machines,assembling products, inspecting
finished products etc.

11 how much are cost of these activities ?? Eg.

Cost for purchasing activities : salary of
purhcase departments personnel,dep. Of
purchase department equipments etc.

12 details of production schedule .

13 how material requsition is determined for
purchase of raw materials ? Whether EOQ
used for calculating material requsion

14 Details of factory overheads/expenses

incurred in factory.

15 product wise details of expenses and also

details of expenses specifically incurred of
particulars product .
16 how much are normal loss in production
provide product wise normal loss details.

17 provide standard input-output ratio of each

18 how many processes are taken to produce a
product ??
19 daily , monthly details of prduction of
products, consumption of raw materials,daily
and montly stock details of products and raw

20 how much labour hours ( labours required

for production ) products wise labours
21 details of idle hours of labours& machine hrs
daily and monthly details.

22 how many sifts are there in factory for

production? i.e how many hrs daily
production in factory?
23 how many holidays are there in a factory for
a year.
24 details of estimated machine hours for the
year or month.
25 main reasons for labour & machine time eg.
Unavailability of raw material,power cut etc.?

26 department wise labour and staff details and

also details of workers who engaged in
particular product. Produt wise labor and

27 details of total machines installed in factory

and product wise details of machines i.e
mahcines which are specifically engaged in
production of particular product.

28 details of normal and abnormal scrap

generated in production process. What is
estimated scrap in production per day , per
month and per year.

29 on what basis overtime is given to workers ?

Criteria , rates etc.
30 what is factory's overall (including all
products )production capacity and product
wise i.e. maximum , practical annually. ?

31 how many days in a year factory's producion

run (after deducting statutory holidyas and
other holidays)?
32 what are the capacity (in case of assembly,
no. of workers*standard work hours per day)
of each department in factory eg. Machine
depart, assembly, finishing etc. Time
required for completion for each unit. Eg. 5

33 what is averege estimated machine down

time per day,per month.? Of ovreall total
machines and also machine wise.

34 how much time power cut occurred per day ,

per month in a factory on an averege??

35 during power cut how prudction run by

factory for eg. From diesel.
36 how consumption of diesel mesured during
the power cut.?
37 observe things in a factory visit every part of
38 how physical stock taken product wise in
factory ? Frequency of stock taking, method
used during stock taken.

39 whethere any discrepancies found during the

physical stock taking ?
40 how such dicrepancies reported to
41 how physical stock recorded in books??

42 details of records for closing stock

maintained by factory.
Master Batch Section

labour details of master batch department i.e

how many workers approximately wokred in
master batch section, R.M consumption
details , fuel power consuption etc.
details of machines at master batch
department. It's heating power capacity
(KW) and hp power etc. details to be filled
into Annexure
estimated power consumption details of
masterbatch section's machines to be
obtainted and disscussed with production
manager (pathak ji).
46 heating load , electricity consumption etc I
have to observe at factory.
47 factory lighting and details of light ,
tubelinghts, fans etc at master Batch section,
their power details ike watts , volt etc to be
Each Department wise
Labour Details Of Department I.E How Many
Workers (Including Machine Operator)
Approximately Wokred In Each Section, R.M
Consumption Details , Fuel Power
Consuption Etc.

Details Of Machines At each Section It'S

Heating Power Capacity (Kw) And Hp Power
49 Etc. Details To Be Filled Into Annexure
Estimated Power Consumption Details Of
Machines To Be Obtainted And Disscussed
50 With Production Manager.

Heating Load , Electricity Consumption Etc I

51 Have To Observe Of Machines At Factory.
Factory Lighting And Details Of Light ,
Tubelinghts, Fans Etc At each Section Their
Power Details Ike Watts , Volt Etc To Be

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