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Healy in comparison to Royal Rife Machines, Spooky2 and other

frequency devices in general


Martin Witman explanation/comparison

“The Spooky2 device is a “simple“ Frequency generator which uses the Rife Frequencies which
are also included in our professional system. But the Rife Frequencies are only about 4,000 the
Gold Frequencies which Healy uses are 144,000. We could any time also do programs for Healy
with Rife Frequencies.

We also have the FSM (Frequency Specific Microcurrent) protocols in our professional system from
Dr. Carolyn McMakin who is quite known worldwide and especially in the USA. She is working very
close with us. The main difference between all normal frequency devices and Healy is that Healy
analysis the right Frequencies in real time in your field. So every organ has its own frequency and
its own magnetic field. We call this the Bioenergetic Field. Healy’s Quantum Sensor can measure
this Bioenergetic Field and, using the same frequencies and currents as your own body, Healy can
then balance your Bioenergetic Field.

Also the Healy programs are not only simple programs but can have 3 different kinds of logic
steps. One is “Realtime” which analysis every 10 seconds the frequency you need from different
bandwidths, for example 0 – 1 kHz and applies them in real time. Then there is “Resonance”
which does the same as “Realtime” but additionally analyses the progress (how long your body
needs this frequency) between -100% and 100% and analysis the next frequency when 95% is

The third step is “Indications”. Here there are some of the databases which are contained in the
144,000 Gold Frequencies placed, for example frequencies for the kidneys and Healy analyses
then the right frequency from this smaller database and applies it in real-time with progress
analysis. This makes is possible to have a very specific frequency application.
Also of course Healy is portable and easy to use every time and everywhere. Additionally you can
get a tailor-made frequency program from a practitioner anytime, anywhere via the Cloud directly
in your Healy App.

This is of course only a part of the whole HealAdvisor Cloud system. Here you also have the
HealAdvisor app where you can search in an online expert database, which is constantly
extended, for organs, symptoms, meridians and a lot of other things and get recommendations
for frequency programs. In the same app you have the Digital Nutrition Application (DNA) where
you get recommendations for nutrition frequency programs and additionally food
recommendations based on your search and personal data.

Another part of the eco system is the Healy Watch where you measure your body signals, which
are then analyzed and then you also get recommendations for frequency programs especially
made for the 6 Healy Watch vital parameters in a 7 day schedule.
Last but definitely not least is the HealAdvisor Analyse App. This App uses the Healy Hardware to
do analysis in your Information Field. For example the energy of your chakras and what
information you need to rise the energy for the respective chakra. You can also send this
information through the Healy device in you Information Field to balance the analyzed conditions.
You can also analyze in the Information Field which frequencies program has the highest
resonance with you or for example which Bach Flower and many more.

This is just a short summary what Healy World offers you right now. Of cause we are constantly
developing more functions and new devices. For us the interconnection between all those
systems and the AI (artificial intelligence) which we are implementing in the HealAdvisor cloud
makes our systems unique and there is a lot more to come.”

Christa Krahnert explanation/comparison

“Healy is different and the first wearable of its kind. There is a big difference between the
frequencies of Dr. Rife and others and Healy today. Dr. Rife was the first who was able to see the
different microbial world in a special Dark-Field-Microscope. He tested all frequencies to see
under the microscope the microbes just disappear. He cured cancer with it as there is always a
special fungus - mucor or aspergillus - involved. This is where all the different frequencies come
from. Today this is called Bioresonance and people have great results with it without doubt. But
there is no sensor involved that would measure the bodies own frequencies like healy does. And
there is also no possibility to touch the informational field of humans with its emotional and
mental connection to dis-ease. Bioresonance is using a lot of ampoules with the substance or
nosodes in it to check if the body gets in resonance with it and inverts then. This is a linear
process. Timewaver and Healy belong to NLS - non linear devices - to measure your whole field
past, future and dimensions. We can not say Bioresonance with its results is not good but Healy
goes far beyond.

Scientists before Rife discovered Pleomorphism and other cross scientists discovered that we
need microbes for eg repair of tissue as well. It is like IMB started with the first big computer that
needed a big cooled room and the machine was huge but only was able to process 64kbyte and
today its all on the tipp of a needle nearly. Healy checks what you need and not just eliminates a
microbe. Also today we know that someone with a peaceful mind, relaxed with good sleep
patterns hardly gets sick. Healy gives a lot of support emotionally and mentally that activates self-
healing on a deep level and activates to finish the healing process and not to only stop it.

Also Healy is not designed to make the user a doctor or therapist. It is used for a very easy to use
possibility to help ourselves in energy, beauty, fitness, sleep and self-healing ability of the body! It
is for us to take self-responsibility and to get results. We are using our Laptops and Mobile Phones
every day without knowing how it works. We use it and that makes our lives fast and easy. This is
the same with Healy. A lot can be optimised through us as it was in the days of our grandmothers
who just knew what herb, tea, word or touch was needed to heal. Everything became more
complex in these days even though a loving grandmother would still be better than drugs
sometimes. Also in every serious condition a health professional who studies health for ages is
needed. It is just that 90% of todays symptoms are stress related, bad sleep pattern, lack of
energy, bad food choices, suppressed emotions and confusing informations our minds are hard to
digest. This is where Healy is the most supportive.”

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