Varela 1979

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International Journal of General

Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information:
Joseph A. Goguen a; Francisco J. Varela b
Department of Computer Science, University of California, Los Angeles, California,
School of Medicine, University of Colorado, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A

Online Publication Date: 01 January 1979

To cite this Article: Goguen, Joseph A. and Varela, Francisco J. (1979) 'SYSTEMS
Journal of General Systems, 5:1, 31 - 43
To link to this article: DOI: 10.1080/03081077908960886


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Int. I . General Systcmr Q Gordon and Bruch Science Publi~hcnLtd.

t 979,Vol. 5, pp. 31-43 Printed in Great Britain


'Department 4 Computer Science, University of Cal&!omiu, Los Angeles, Calfirnia, U.S.A.

School of Medicine, University of Cobrado, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
(Rccclvad December 6,1977; infinalform May 26. IPf8)

This paper p m t s a lrarncwotk within which a number or prcrcrnd syncm drxriptiont mn bc unitid. Or pnrticutar
interest are [he difkrcrms stemming ttom thc study ol natunl systems (b~ologlnland social) and man-mdde systems
~(enginaringand computer). It is claimed that the insighrs Itom [he nudy o l n3!urrl sptcms have becn dewlopcd leu
~xrens~vcly and prmscly. One important case discussed here is the relationship bctwcen dcxrib~nga system as
~vtoaomowor as cnntrof!d, k prcciw chancterizal~onof complcmunrar~tyIn d a a l p t ~ o n ris propused through the
notion or adjoint runnor. to cxplicatc the interplay of these dual views. Othcr descriptive dualitla of similar kind a r t
dzxurzcd; the cornplemeniarity h t w c c n nets and I ~ 15Sprcxnled in rull detail.
INDEX TERMS Complemmr~rity.distinaions nutonomy, control, adjoint functor, rrces. networks.

. . diridinn the world into cnrironmeat and system,
in line- with their diverent purpcB, and have
The world does not present itself to us neatly also dtveloped different methodologics and termi-
divided into systems, subsystems, environments,
and so on. These are divisions which we make
nologies consisten! with their motivations.
In this paper, we prwent a framework within
ourselvts, for various purposes, often subsumed
which a number of these various preferred views
under the general purpase evoked by saying "for
convcnitnce". I t is cvtdent that different people
on systems can be unified. Ot particular interest
find it convcnicnt to divide the world in different
ro as are the differences stemming from the study
OF natural systems (particularly biological and
ways, and even ant person will be interested in
social systems) and man-made systems (such as
different systems at different time, for example,
engineering and computer systems).
now a cell, with. the rest or the world its environ-
Contemporaty system theory has developed ex-
ment. and later she postal system. or the econ-
tensively through experience in the Iattr fields,
omic system, or the atmospheric system.
but thc insights derived from natural sysrcms
The established scientific disciplines have, of have remained by and large much less formally
course, developed different preferred ways of developed. We hold that the notions of cooper-
ative interaction, self-organization, and
tnk papr wu Prtidbs u ~ ~ r t cby d the Narov sutonomy-in brier, holistic notions-a~ re-
Institulc b u ! d a , Colorado (J.G.). and rht A l i m l P, Slonn
Foundation (F+v,). is a stria or thrtc. -rhe wnd levant and basic to the study or systems.
paptr w ~ l lprtscnb some rnathcrnatical roundations lor sell- In the Framework of this Paper and its sumes5ors,
releren!~al g r m fin systems. including a Spacer- these nolions ate not only made more explicit
Brominn ~ l c u l r uof indiiuoad rszntry. third paw applicable, but arc also presented eomple-
will deal with applrcntions to variom spmfic uajcs.
:Prucnlt addfeu: Bmn Research h b o r a t o n q New Yore
ments to the more traditional notions of system
Uaivtr~ityMedical School. SSO Fint Avenue, New York. City theory, such as control and input-output h-
1W0016. havioral description.
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Our interest and background for this work is (ego or indentity maintenance) and in social units
derived from a variety of sources, Humbeno (clubs, subcultures, nations). In such cases, not
Maturana and Heint von Focrster have been only is there a distinction, but an indication, that
instrumental in clarifying the importance of cir- is, a marking or one of. the two distinguished
cular and cognitive processes in natural systems. states as being primary ("thisw, "I". "us", etc.);
Heinz von Foerster, Warren McCullough, indeed, it is the very purpose of the distinction to
Gordon Pask and Lotfi Zadeh hare been create this indication.'.
influential in suggesting a broader vision of sys- A less basic kind of distinction is one made by
tem theory and cybernetics. Sauaders Mactane, a distinctor for some purpose oh his own. This is
Samuel EiFenberg and William Lawvere have what we generally ste explicitly in science, for
provided crucial mat htmat ical inputs, Moreover, example, when a discipllnc 'dcfincs its field OF
t hc teachings or Chogyam Trungpa, Rinpoche interests", or a scientist defines a system which he
have been a constant source of guidance and will study.
inspiration in understanding and putting to- In either case, the establishment a l system
gether all [hest ideas. Finally, we acknowledge the boundaries is inescapably associated with what
positive influences of Gregory Bateson, Charlotte we will call a cognitive point 01view, that is. a
Linde, G. Spencer-Brown and the ADJ group. particular set of presuppositions and atzi t udes, a
The next section discusses in general terms the perspective, or a frame in the sense of Bateson'
rotc which distinction plays in the creation and ar G o h a n d ; in particular, it is associated with
recognition of systems, The following t h r n sec- some notion of value, or interest. It is also linked
t ions discuss certain dual perspectives on systems up with the cognitive capacities (sensory capabi-
in sornc detail, including the autonomyJcontro1, litits, knowledge background) of the distinctor.
state-variable/input-output, ho Iisrn/rcductionism, Conversely, the distinctions made reveal the c o p
and netltret dualities. fhe firth section develops nitive capabil~ttesof the distinctor. Et is in thls
h e suggestion that such alternatives are com- way that biological and social structutts exhibit
plementary rather than antagonistic, into a sug- their coherence, and make us aware that they in
-gestion that their inter-rclntianship can oiten be tact have cognitive capacirities or that they are
exptesscd precisely as an adjoint functor re- "conscious" in some degree.
lationship, in thc sense o t categorical algebra. The importance lor system theory or cognitive
The final section discusses the holism/reduction coherence (or cognitive point of view, or eog-
tclotionship in some detail, in relationship to the nit~vccapability) is a thcmc which tuns through-
philosophy ofscience. . out this paper and its successors. Because or the
Future papers will build on this foundation, to focus on system theory, we shall reel free to
discuss the notion of autonomy in terms of a invoke the idea of an "observer", one or more
mathemarical theory or self-rerertnce or indefinite vrsons who embodies the cognirive point of view
recursion and its applications to various systems. which created the system in' question. and from
whose pesspect ive it is subsequent Ey described.
A simple but fundamental property of the
2. DISTlNCTf O N AND INDICATION situation involving a system and an observer, is
that he may choose to focus his attention either
k distinction splits the world into two parts, on the internal constitution of the system, or else
"that" and "this", or "environment'" and "sys- on its environment, taking the system's properties
tem", or "us" and "them", etc. One or the mosk ns given. That is, an observer can make n distinc-
fundamental of all human activities is the making tion into an indication through the imposition
or distinctions. Certainly, it is the most lunda- of his value. lf the observer chooses to pay
mental act of system theory, the very act of attention to the environmcnt, he treats the system
defining the system presently of interest, of as n simple entity wirb given properties and seeks
distinguishing it from its environment. the regularities or its interaction with the tnvlron-
Distinctions coexist with purposes. A parti- ment, that is, the constraints on the behavior of
cularly basic case is a system dehning its own the sysrem imposed by its ea~ironrnent.~ This
boundasics and attempting to maintain them; leads naturally to the problem or controlling the
this seems to correspond to what we think of as behavior of the system. as considcrd in engineer-
I r c;~n he seen in individuals
selr.c~~~~scious~icss. ing control theory. O n the other hand, the obser-
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ver may choose to focus on the Internal structure largely ignores the cell. A similar hierarchy of
of the system viewing the environment as ba- levels can be found in thc social sciences. It seems
ckground, for example, as a sourcc or Ipertur- to' be a general reflection a[ the richness oh
bations upon the sy stem's autonomous behavior. natural systems that indimtion can be iterated to
From this viewpoint, the properties of the system product a hierarchy of levels.
emerge from the interactions d its compontn ts. At a given level of the hierarchy, a particular
Biology has iterated this proms of indication, system can be seen as an outside to systems
creating a hierarchy of levels or biological study. below it, and as an inside to systems above it;
The cell biologist emphasitts the cetl's autonomy, thus, the status (i.e., thc mark of distinction) of a
and views the organism of which it is part as given system changes as one passes through its
little more than a source o l perturbations for level, in either the upward or the downward
which the cell compensates. But the physiologist direction. The choice of considering the levcl
views the cell as an element in a network o l above or belaw corresponds 20 a choice of treat-
intcrdtpendencia constituting the individual or- ing the given system as autonomous or eon-
ganism: this corresponds to a wider view or trolled (constrained). Figures I to T illustrate a
environment, namely the ecology in which the variety of configurations aC systems. subsystems,
individual participates. A population biologist and marks. and Figure 8 illustrates the hierarchy
makes his distinctions at a still higher Icvel, and or levcls.

FIGURES 1-7 Various configurations o l systerna subsytsms

end marks; tach configtiration reprmnta a cognitive viewpo~nt.
nnd the mark indicates its center. The arrow lndlmle the flaw of
s~gnalsand interactions.
l--Control o l a System S,by its Environmm~Ej. 2-Autonomy
of System S, in ~ t Environment
s E, H o n t r o l oFa Subsystem St in
a System 5,. &Autonomy oTa Subsystem S, of a System 5,. ,.
+Feedback Control ol System S, by Systtm S;,6-Comrnuni-
-tion bctwctn (Coordination 00 Two Subystcms S,, S; o l
System S,. ,. 7--€wrd~nation (Ecology) or Subryrtems
, - ,.sr-,.
s, - , s;
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tanmu consideration or three different levels,

whereas the behavioral strictly spiking involves
only two. This is because the behavioral model,
in taking the tnvironmtntns view or the system,
does not involve making any new distinctians.
But expressing interest in how the system
achieves its behavior through the interdependent
action or its parts adds a new distinction, be-
twmn the system and its parts.
The bollowing may help to make this seem Ias
abstract. The mast tradiltional way to express the
interdcpndense of variables in a systern is by
differential equations. A (time varying) auto-
nomous system can be representd by equations
or the form

FIGURES Diagrnrnatic tvocalion of a hierarchy oI ...,

where x = { x E , x,) is the state vector or the
lmk: Systems 5:- ,.S:?,. S!?;. ... of level ( I - 1 )
sysltrn systcm. The autonomous behavior of the system
censtitule system SF at IcvtE i: similarry. systems is descrikd by a solution vector x(t), which
S;,S,', S;, ... o i level i consti~u~esystem S,, , a1 lcvt! [if 1): satisfies ( I ) . This involves treating everything as
and S,,, lugether wEth other syqtcms or level (i+l ) will
conslirulc a syrlcm at lcvtt ( i C 2 ) ; and SO On. vpwzrd and happening on the same level, and all variables as
downward. being observable; in tITtcr, environment is treated
as pnrr of the systcm (or ignored).


However, the effect of thc cnvironmcnt on the
system can be repttscnted 'by a rector e (e,, ...,
4)of parameters, giving
In system theory, the autonomy/con t rol distinc-
tion appcars more specifically as a recursion/ ,f,=F,Ix. e,r), for 1 S i S n , (2)
'behavior distinction. The behavioral view reduces
a system to its input-output performance or which explicitly rakes account of two levels.
hhavior, and reduces the environment to inputs
Solutions ro khe system (2) are now also para-
meterized by e, that is. they are o l the form
to the systcm. The effect of outputs on environ- x(e, r I.
ment is not raken into account in this model of The situation or ( 2 ) can be elaborated in two
the system. The recursive view of a system em-
directions. In control theory, it is usual to assume
phasizes the mutual interconnectedness of its
that the internal variables x o l the system ate
~ornponents.~-~*' That is. the behavioral view
either unobservable. or are of no direct interest,
arises when emphasis is placed on the environ-
and that we have instead direct access to (or
ment, and the recursive view arises when em- interest in) an output vector y or variables which
phasis is plaeed on the system's intcrnal
are functionally devndent on x. The variables e
are usually taken no bc under the control of the
If we stress the autonomy or a system S, (see
Figures 1 to 7) then the environmental influences
observtr, and the question is posed, how Lo use
those variables to obrain certain desired valves or
become perturbations (rather than inputs) which
y. The equations are thus of the rorm
are compensated for through the underlying re-
cursive interdepcndcnce of the system's com-
ponents (the S , , , , in the figures). Each such
component, however, is treated behaviorally, in
terms of some input-putput deserip~ion.
The recursive viewpoint is more sophisticated Strictly speaking the equations span t b m levels,
than the behavioral, since i t involves the simut- and can be used, Tor example, to inrer infor-
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mation about the system's internal state, but the autonomy of the cell; if the bialogisr's prelertnm
emphasis ('mark") is on the environment, which for input and output variables do not match the
is identified with the observer. Behavior appears celI's internaI organization, the biologist's theory
M an input+utput function y(e.t), the observ- will not work. Furthemore, the hierarchy of
able results or applying the inputs (also called levels seem to particularCy assm its importance
Ccon~rols")e to the system. for natural systems, so that it is generally nec-
An alternative elaboration or the situation of essary to take account of. at least three levels.
(21 views the vector e as not ncmsarily or Even when the lowmt lcvel is very. well under-
particularly under the control of an observer, but stood, the role which it plays, at the next higher
rather as a source or perturbations upon (2). For level when interconnected with other systems, can
example, the components el of e may be some be qoite obscure. For example, an enzyme bio-
coeficients which art regarded as constants in chemist may be able to describe a particular
the original equation (1). A natural question to metabolic loop very ellecdvcly by a transfer Iwnc-
pose is the stability of the system under such tion, but Ibe quite unable to spbciFy haw it fits
perturbaaons, that is the relation of (1) to a into the overall metabolic process of the cell as a
penur'bed system coherent whole.
This situation or being unable to understand
haw elements, even quite well underslood elc-
mznts. coordinate or somehow runetion efhec-
in which 6 {in a rairly intuitive nonation) repre- tirely together at the next higher lcvel, is quite
sents a "small change". It is known, lor example, common in the study of narural syslems,'and is a
that changes in structural constants can cause the major source or our desire for a better developed
system to undergo a "catastrophic" change (in the theory of autonomous systems.
sense d ThornM)into a new configuration. Some Fragments of theory emphasizing the
The system ( 2 ) has in it nothing which intrinsi- aumnomy or systems d o exist, but they are far
cally prefers the approach of either (3) or (4). less developd than is the behavioristic approach.
This choice depends on rhe interest of the First and foremost, thc idea OF stability derived
analyst. [ o m classical mechanics, has been extensively
Note that "recursion" {in [he broad sense or studied and used. As wc said before, a set of
reedback which affects the hrrturc) plays a role in interdependent differentiaI equations can be used
all t h e e f~rmulations,but is more obscure in the to represent the autonomous properties oi a
control theory interpret ation, On the other hand, whole syslem. Rosen? Iberall'O and lange"^

the behavioral information, though still available, have applid this perspective lo natural systems
is more obscure In the stability interpretation (4). with various degrees or ernphnsis on autonomous
We are not, OF course, claiming that either or behavior. More speclific examples can be found in
these approaches is inhcrcntly better. population biology," cellular b i o l ~ p y , ' ~ -and
Historically speaking, some of the many pos- more recently, in nturobiology." Some thought
sible approaches to systems hare k e n much has been given to cooperative interactions in this
more developed than others. The most highly area or hierarchical multilevel systems. The idea
developd parts, in fact, center on the notions of of hierarchy is of~enpresented from the p i n t or
control, input+utput behavior, and state- view of the interdependency or different levels of
transition, This is presumable because of the systems dcs~ripzions.'~."~'~Particular instances
interest in applying these approaches in of hierarchical structure including rnuItiIeveF
tnginmring. cooperation can be Found in "- 2 0 + 2 ' .G o g ~ t n ~ ~ . ~ ~
I t seems, however, that the notion of autonomy p m n ts a genera! theory of hierarchical systems
is panicularly important for natural systems, e.g., of interdependent processes. Its basic ideas are
biological and social systems, and the lack o l a interconnection, behavior, and lcvel, and its
well-developed theory of autonomous systems is theoretical framework is categorical algebra. A
felt as a serious difliculty. An engineer designing East area in which the idea of a whole system is
an artifact wilt choose the inpults of interest to somewhat explicit is that or self-organizing sys-
him tor this application with some assurance that tems. Work in this area based on an information-
the choice will be adequate. But a biologist theoretic. approach includes ron Foerster,'" and
studying a cell is Forced to acknowledge the A11an.I~
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We do not intend to unite all these various The nodes 1,2,3 might represent three physical
rhretlds of research together in a single kame- locations, each with a CB (Citizens Band) radio,
work. Rather. we emphasize the ways in which Because of direrencts in transmitter and rmivzr
pairs of seemingly different points or view, such strength, available frequencies, and terrain, corn.
as autonomy/control, are cumplementary, in the munication is possible only along the channels
sense or conthibutiag ta a better understanding of indicated by arrows in (5). For example, there is
natural systems. But 'the idea of complementarity, a mountain bttwcen I and 4. k t us assume that
hundarnental though it seems, is still vague. The node 1 is of particular interest-say it is our
next two sections develop an txpiicit definition, base. Thcn we are interested in the patterns of
4. NETS AND TREES transmission which are possible starti& from our
base. For example, to reach node 3, if channel g
II we retain inttrtst only in the connectivity of a is out, we can send a message via f ij; to verify its
system, it is possible to represent the duality correctness, it couId k sent back to node 1, via
recursion/behavior by 'a networkJtret duality. the pathjijk; node 3 might also generate a reply,
Intuitively, the nodes in these nets or trees repre- which would require a message to be sent to
sent the elcrnents or components of a system, node 2, giving a path ijkj; and so on. Thus, we
while their links reprcscni interactions or in- arc interested in the set of all paths in G with
terconnections. Tht reciprocal connectivity of a source 1. This c~llection itself has a branching
net suggests the coordination of a system's ele- structure, because starting with a given path, i t
ments; a tree structure suggests the sequential can sometimes be developed rurther by choosing
subordination or a system's parts, each part hnv- alternative edgcs to get alternative paths. The
ing its own wel1delined input-output behavior collection of all choices can be represtnted by [he
description. To be sure, in retaining only the following tree
basic connectivity of a system's organization.
much is disctlrded in the netttree representation.
We intcnd to use this convenient gencrol repre-
sentation to study camplemenrurity.
Now ro the definition of nets and 'trees. Let
therc be a set of ( v , . .... w,} OF nodes (components
or parls), which arc to be interconnected by a set
or E = {c,. ....c . ~ edges ) (relations or processes).
1. DEFINITION A r~eswork is n directed graph
C, that is, a quadruple G=(IC[,E,do.2,), where

- J,:E+IGI
1Gb= { D , , , . . , u ~ } . and are the source (i
) and target (i = 1 3 functions, from the edges
to the nodes ot G. lf e ~ E , d , e = v and d , c = u',
Notice that it is an infinite tree,
then we write e : v + v ,
I n some sense the tree (6) "unravels'" or "un-

2. DEFINITIONA path from v to v' in a graph folds" the graph ( 5 ) rrom node 1. To make this
G is a finite sequence p = e, . ..e, 06 edges which more precise w t define tsm, pointcd graphs, and
arc adjacent, that is, sa~isfya, e, =Joe,, for I 2 i structure-preserving mappings ot graphs called
s n , with doeo= w and ?,en==". lr d,p=v and d,p graph homomorphism.
= v', then write p: v - . ~ ' ,
4. DEFINITION A poinrsd graph t is a 5-tupfc
3. EXAMPLE Consider the graph G: (IG[,E,~,.C,,~) such that <] G l . ~ , 2 , , d , > is a
1 graph and a ~GIl is a vertex.
k jlZ A pointed graph is reachable iT for each vertex
v s ] G I there is a path a+v in G.
A graph G is loopfree if for all u, Y'E GI there
is at mosl one path v-v'.
A tree is a reachable 1oopiree pointed graph,
5. DEFINITION Let G be a pointed graph
(1GI,E, Eo, S,, 0 ) . Then the unfoldmtnr U,(G) of G
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rrom a, is the graph in which: lCI,(G)I is all the in a similar way for the node pa-, , and the path
paths p:a-.o, for YEIG~;
the edges of U J G ) are p r 4 pm - , , p ,-,, and p ' k p ,-,, and so on.
the pairs (p,pe), such that p, p e ~ Iu,(E)(,
and Eventually we must find that p'=p, for some k,
e E E ;do{p, pe) = p, and a , { p , pe} = pe. The null and the unique path p'+p is of the form
path o+a is written l,:o-~u, and is taken to be.
the point For U , ( G ) ,
6. P~omsrnon Let C be o pointed graph
{I G 1, E, 3,. a,. a>, and U J C ) the unfildmnr of G If p=p', the unique path p+p' is the null path at
from a. Then U,(G) is a trre. p. Thus U,(G) is loopfree, and the proof, is
Proof We must show that U J G ) is a pointed, complete,
reachable, and loopfree graph. By the definition :
of CI'JG), it has point 1,: a+a. 7. DEF~NITION
Let G={lGl.E,a,,J,> and G'
We now show that U , ( C ) is reachable.
... =(IG'~, E;db,a',) be graphs. Then a raph mor-
Consider a node p :a+o of Wa(G), say p=e, e, phism is a pair ( J FI, F) a l luncrions I Ff : G -1 Cl
# id, with e, E E. Then we can show that: and F : E - c E ' , such that the source and targel
relationships are preserved, that is, such that

is a path horn 1, to p in U , ( G ) . Clearly its source
is 1, since
i.e. such that the diagram

and its targct is p since

Moreover q is n path since its edges are adjacent,

that is.

commutes for i = O and i = I. We will generally

=t'e.,.e,+,, for 0 s k s n - 1 .
abbreviate { F , F ) to just F. A morphism o/
painled grap rs, from G to G', is a graph mor-
phism F such that IFla=a', where a, a' are the
selected vertica of G, G' respectively.
So there is a path from 1, to every node in The relation between a g a p h G and its untold-
W,(C). rnent is, from our perspective, very interesting. Given
Last we show that U,(G) is loopfree, that is, a node a in G, then U,(G) is a loopfree version of
for every palr of nodes p.p' in U,(G) there is at C. We could say U , ( G ) expresses G as a (possibly
most one path p'+p in U , ( G ) . Consider again p inlinite) chain of subordinated choices, starting
= e o n ..en, and lets show first that there is exactly from the selected node, The unfoldment of G
one edge with target p, e.g.' exactly one path of optimally "covers" G in a sense which is made
length one. Any edge with target p is d the form precise through the '*universal property" of
} with se,=p. Thus r must equal U,(G). that any graph marphism F : T + G cnn
e,... em-,, and the unique edge is ( e Q . . . e , , ,,p). be factored through a "covering morphism"
This says that if p W # p , a path p'-p must end with CG:LI,(G)-.G, defined as follows: Tor p a node or
edge (e o . . . e ,-,,p ) . Let now p,=e, ...e,. Then a U,(G), let Ic,[ p = d , p ; and for ( p , p e > an edge of
path p ' h p must be a composite of a path p' U,IG 1, let C,<a pe) =Q.
, ,,
-+pa - with edge (p,, p). But we may reason We now show that CG is a graph morphism.
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For ( p , p e } an edge of U,(G), then Thus F satisfies the rquirtd conditions.

For a detailed proof, and the uniqueness argu-
30 c, (P. P )=doe. "
ment see Theorem 7,
This theorem brings into focus the basic in-
ICttdo(~,per=IC,lp=a,p, tuition that there is a mutual interdeptndence
and between a system's elements (as a graph), and the
sequential subordination ai their interconnections
(as a tree). To express this more clearly, let Cr, be
the cIassz7 or pointed graphs, and let T be the
becaus~pe is a path. Abo, class of trees. Also, if G and G' arc pointed
graphs, let Gt, (C,17) denote the set of 'all
~ , C G <pe>=a,e.
P* pointed graph rnorphisrns from G to G'.
and Since every trce is by definition a pointcd
graph, w t have a mapping

We now show that any other morphism horn a

tree can bc factored through CG.
which simply views t r m as pointed graphs, We
8. THEOREM Let G be a pointed graph, let T be also have a mapping
a tree. and ler F: T d G be o pointed graph
morphism. 7hen there b o unique ~ o i n t e dgruph U
Gr, .----a T
morplrism f :T- UJG) such that:
which assigns to every pointed graph the tree
WIG) which covers it. These two mappings F,U
are tightly interlocked. For any h~ M o r (G,
we have

Sketch oJ Proaf Lct vel TI. Then there is a

FK forauniquc 1
unique path p:r-u in T, where r is its root, and FT T
F : Fr=a+Fv is a path in G. Now we define
by Theorem 8. This says rhat there is a bijection
, and for e : v + v ' , an c d ~ ein T, we
(Fp)Fej, and edge in U,(GJ. v :Gr,(F7; G)-Gt,(?; U G )
Then :
defined by o ( h ) = h . We will call (F,U,rp) a
~ ~ , ~ ~ F ~ ~ = I C ~ I F F = F ~ ~ P = ~ Fcomplementarity
(~. k t w t t n Gr, and T,
and This notion of netltrtt complementarity e k e -
tively relatw two levels of dwription of systems.
CGFe= c ~ { F P(Fp)Fe}
, =Fe.
in such a way that each n m i t a t e s the other. 12
is convenient at this point to see that similar
notions of complemen~arity apply to other
situations, and so we now turn to rhe general
We now verify that F is a pointed graph notion.
a,Fe =d o ( ~ p , ~ ( ~ p=) F
~ cA> P ~ & ~ =Fp,
T h e netjtree complementary is a particularly clear
instance of the interdependence of apparent du-
alities. This Section develops this idea in the
Downloaded By: [UNAM] At: 23:17 12 October 2007

general setting of category theory, which is be- The discussion at the end of the previous
coming increasingly useful in systems theory."*'' section shows that the netltrix complementarity
Readers unfamiliar with this terminology may is an instance of the concept of, adjunction. What
find a leisurely introduction in ' 0 - 3 ' or we we now propose, is to explore she view [hat rhe
attempt to stay at a fairly intuitive level in this precise concept of udjuncrion is on explication of
Section, although some technicalities are the general (and vogue) concept of
inevitable. complementarity.
The intuitive idea of a category is that it Another example a1 this is Goguen's adjun.
embodies some structure by txhi biting the class ction lxtween minimal realization and be-
of all objects having that structure, together with h a v i ~ r . * ~ ~Let
' ' A be the category o l automata
all the structure prwerving mappings or mor- (in some fixed smse which we shall not explain in
phisms among them. (Somewhat wore technically, detail), and let B k the category of input-output
categories assume there is an associative oper- behaviors of such automata (with appropriate
ation of composition on t hosc morphisrns whosc rnorphisms). Then there is a functor from B to A
source and target match.) This idea is due to which constructs the minimal au tomalion M ( B )
Eilenberg and M a c L a n ~ . ~ ~ having the behavior 3;and there is a functor Be
For example, pointed graphs and pointed from A to '& which constructs"the behavior Be(A )
graph morphisms constitute a category. If C 1s a of an automaton A. Moreover, thtre is a natural
category, and A , B are objects in C, we shall ler bijection
C ( A , B ) denote the set of all morphisms in C
rrom A to 8.
Usually, we are intcrestcd no[ only in objects
rrom various categories, but we are even more which expresses the complementarity of the no-
interested in certaln constructions performed on tions of internal stale transition (as embodied in
the objccts ol one category to yield objects of automata) and input-ouaput behavior. GoguenJ5
another category. For example, unfoldment is a has shown that many other classes or systems
construction performed upon graphs which yields exhibit such a complementarity with their input-
t recs. This construct ion has a kind of consistency, ourput behaviors.
in that i t can nlso be extended to the morphisrns; Hert is still another example. IT G is a graph,
that is, a rnorphism or pointed graphs induces in the collection of at1 paths (From all sourws) in G
a natural way, a morphism betwecn their unfold- forms a category whosc objects art the nodes of
ments. This kind or consistency is expressed by G, and whosc rnorphisrns are the paths of G;this
saying that the construction is funcrorial, or is a category is denoltd Pa(G), and called the path
Jmcrar. {More technically, this has to do with the caregory OF G. Pa is a functor from the category
preservation of the composition or rnorphisms). Cr of graphs to the category Cat of (small)
However, the unColdment construction is na- categories. There is also a functor F from Cot to
tural in n much stronger sense: the ''optimal" Gr, which merely forgets the additional structure
covering of a graph is its unioldrnent; this is which categories have over graphs (namely. the
expressed by the universal property of possibility of composing morphisms), regarding
Theorem 8, and the bijection q ol the previous the objects as nodes, and the morphisms as
section. The conccpk of.adjunction generalizes just edges. Again, there is a natural bijection
this state of affairs, to the lollowing situation:
Let A and B be categories, let F be a lunctor C)-.Gr (G, FC)
q : Cat (Pa(C),
from A to 0 , and C a functor from 0 to A. Then
an adjuncrion is, in addit ion, a natural bijection. expressing the complementarity of graphs and
categories. Alternatively, Pa(G) is the free ca-
tegory generated by the graph G, and the adjun-
This says that every rnorphism f : FA+B de- ction (or [he corresponding "universal property")
termines a unique rnorphism ~ ( f A-.GB.
) : (The expresses this relationship. (See3& for further
precise sense of the '"naturalness" or cp is that of details.)
n a t u a l transformation, due to Eilcnbtrg and In general, it is more satisfacltory to consider
M a ~ L a n c , ~which
' however, we shall not define diflcrtnt modes of dexription that may appear as
here. The idea o i adjunction is due to Kan.") opposites. to be complementary instead. This is
Downloaded By: [UNAM] At: 23:17 12 October 2007

l J. A. GOGUEN 41

the case, quite rigorously, with the apparent well find some application in general discussions
dualities ntt/trec and recursion/behavior. as we about system theory. Much more work, including
have seen above. On a more intuitive level, there many Further exampPes, wiIl be needed to dis-
is a similar relatianship for the pair auto- cover the proper domain of application, and the
nomy/control discussed in earlier sections. limits, of the adjointless idea.
LawvereJ4 is a particularly fundamental, stimu- The general system theory of G o g ~ e n ~in- ~*~'
lating paper, which suggesrs that there is.a cont- volves a hierarchy of Iewels, much as pictured in
plernen tary relationship between the traditional Figure 8, with functors going outwardJ9 which
conceptual/fomal viewpoints in the foundations regard a component at a lower 1cvcl as a whole
or mathematics. This duality also appears as a system at the next higher level, and runetors
semantics/syntax pair, in that LawvereJS has going inward which compute the behavior of the
shown an adjunction between a functor which whole system, viewing the result as a single
associates to each algebraic theory its category of object at the lower level. Thcre is a base level o l
semantic models (i.c., Its algebras), and a Functor glven 'objects" our of which systems can be
which extracts from each category, the optimal constructed, and objects at level ( i + l ) arc in-
syntactic t32tory or its algebraic component of terconncctions (that is systems) of objects at ltvel
structure. i. Goguen shows that each pair of outward/in-
VarelaJn has described many situations where ward functors is an adjunction. The inward iunc-
apparent opposites arc in Iact complementary. tor is in Iact the tundarntntal categorical con-
Out usual way of thinking about pairs of de- struction known as "limit". Goguen also shows
scriptive notions is biased in the direction of that the consrruction of interconnecting a system
regarding them us mutual negations, or the g- of systems (over some common subparts as "ter-
n e r d lorm: not-A/A. I t is the case, however, minals") 10 get a single systcm, is given by the
that many of the most important such pairs dual concept or "colimit", which also appears as
operatc by mutual specification. that is. are com- an adjunction. This is not the place to give
plemcntnry. We mention in particular, content/ details, bat the connecrion with the themes of
' Torm, scmantics,'syntax. ~utonomy/controt, net/ this paper should bc evident.
tree. minimal-model/behaviw, sirnultaneous/
sequential, and tnvironment/system. OC course,
the gcrminal example is the fernale/rnale com- 6. HOLISM AND REDTTCT10NISM
pkmcntnrity, which seems to bc particularly mis-
understood as nn opposition in our contem- If we think OF the philosophy, the
porary culture. dual~ty holism/~ductionism comes to mind as
This general point seems particularly clear in analogous to the material previously discussed in
the context or systems theory: there is no whole this paper.
system without an interconnection or its pans: Most discussions place hoIism/reductionism in
and there is no whole system without an environ- polar opposition.a"."~41 This stems no stem from
ment. Such pairs are mutually interdependent: the historical split ktwetn empirical sciences,
tach defines the other. What is remarkable about viewed as mainly rductionist or analy~ic.and the
the notion or adjoint functor, is that it captures (European) schools of philosophy and social
the notion OF complementarity in a very precise science that grope toward a dynamies of
way, without imposing any particular model lor totaEiti~~.*~"*
the nature of the objects so related. It is also In the light of the previous discussion, both
worth noting that there is a well-developed attitudes are possible lor a given descriptive level,
theory of adjunctionsr for example. the corn- and in fact they arc complementary. On the onc
position OF ~ w o adjoint pairs of functors is an- hand, one can move down a level and study the
other adjoint pair. Such results should be very properties of the components. disresarding their
useful in system theory. Of course, not all pairs mutual interconnection as a system.On theother
of descriptive modes are eornpttmzntary, and hand, one can disregard the detailed structure of
similarly, not all pairs of runctors are adjoint. the components, treating their behavior only as
The so-called "adjoint runctor t hcorem" provides contributing to that or a larger unit. I t seems.thnt
some generill conditions For when a given functor both these directions of analysis always coexist.
in iact does have an adjoint, and again, this may either implicitly or explicitly, because these de-
Downloaded By: [UNAM] At: 23:17 12 October 2007


sc'riptivt levels are mutually interdependent Ior behavior of organisms to the behaviors of mo-
the observer. We cannot conceive of components Iecules, we may say that organisms are whole
if t h t r t is no system from which they are abstrac- systems. Similarly, it is very diflicult (if not
ted; and there cannot be a wholt unless there are impossible) to reduce the effects or melodies to
constitutive clemtnts. the effects of notes. Onc must consider properties
. It is interesting to consider whether one can ol patterns of notes or molecules.
have a measure &r the degree of wholeness of a A third point of.vitw is that a system is whole
system. One can, of course, always draw a distinc- to the extent that its parts art lightly intereon-
tion, make a mark, and get a "system" but the necred, that is, to the degree that ir is dificult to
rtsuh does not always seem to be equally a find relatively independent subsystems. This is
"whole system*',a "natural entity", or a "coherent clearly related to the previous views. An interest-
object" .or "concept". What is it that makes some ing corollary or this view is that a system with a
systems more cohtrtnt, more natural, more strongly hierarchical organization will be lws
whole, than others? (See45,7~a6, for different ways whole than a system with a strongly heterarchical
to answer thesc questions.) organization; that is, ntrs arc mort whole than
One thing ta notice is, that in the hierarchy or trees. More precisely, given that the graph OF
levels, "emergent" or "immanent" properties a g connections or the parts or a system has no
pear at some levels. For cxamplc, Ict us consider isolated subsystems, the more tree-like it IS, the
music as a system or organization of notes (for less whole it is, while still k i n g (presumably) a
the purpose or this example, we do not attempt system. The extreme is probably a pure linear
to reduce notes to any lower lcvel distinctions). structure, without any branching at all.
Then harmony only arises when we consider the A lounh point of view, is that a system seems
simultaneous or parallel sounding of notes, and more wholt if it i s more complex, that is, mort
melody only arises when we consider the sequtn- dificdt no reduce to descriptions as intercon-
tial sounding of notes. That is, harmony and nections of lower level components. I t is nec-
melody are emergent properties of a level of w a r y in this discussion to take account of the
organization above that OF the notes themset ves. very modern point or view that the relatively
, can only emerge at a still higher
~ i m i l a r l ~farm more complex a system is to describe. the more
level of organization. relating dimerent melodic random it is; in fact, K ~ l r n o g o r c vwho
~ ~ gave
units to one another, These properties, form, the original foundation for probability theory in
melody and harmony. arc systems properties, terms of measure theory," has proposed to redc-
arising from hierarchical organizations oC notes. fine probabiliky theory and informntion theory in
into pieces or rnusa; they are not properties of terms of complexity theory. Thus, for example,
notes, (See47 For further discussion of the hle- the wholeness or a living sptem is. in everyday
rarchical organization of music.) I t also appears encounters, construed as unprdictability. The
that "life" is an emergent property or the biologi- more difticult it is to reduce a system to a simple
cal hierarchy of levels: it is nowhere to be found inputJoutput control the more likely it is we will
at the lcvcl of aroms and rnoleculcs; but it deem it alive, In this sense complete autonomy is
becomes cleat at the level of cells through the logically cquivalenl 10 complete randomness.
autcpoietic organization or molecule^.'^-'^ Another example: a piece oi music which is too
Language can be been as an emergent property at comptex (rtfative to our cultural expectations and
a stilt higher level: of this hierarchy." inherent capacities) will sound random, chaotic,
Thus, one point of view toward wholeness is perhaps mcaninglcss, but it will also sound
that it co-o&uss with interesting emergent pco- whole. Here the extreme is white noise. (See4' lor
ptrtits at some level. A sequencc of notes is a discussion ob hierarchical complexity with a g
whole if it is an interesting melody. Similarly, the plications to musical atsthet icr.) fhis viewpoint
significant differences in behavior or cells and toward wholeness involves measurement relative
organism rrom the behaviors or atoms and mo- to some standard interpreting syslem, such as a
lecules, marks the cells and organisms as whole human being. But given such a standard, this
systems. viewpoint can be deduced lrom the preceding
Another point. OF view toward wholeness, is viewpoints. For surely, if it is dificult to describe
that i t can be measured by the diflculty of a system. it will also be diflicutt to reduce i t to
rerlrrcrion: Because it is very hard to reduce the lower ltvtls. and its parts w ~ l lseem to k tightly
Downloaded By: [UNAM] At: 23:17 12 October 2007


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