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Niño National High School

Senior High School Department
Centro Sur, Sto. Niño, Cagayan


S.Y. 2020-2021

Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of your best answer. DO NOT USE ANY SEPARATE ANSWER SHEET.

1. Which of the following best describes the definition of life?

a. An organismic state that is characterized by capacity for metabolism
b. The quality that distinguishes a vital and functional being from a dead body
c. only A best fits the definition of life
d. both A and B are correct
2. It is a theory about the origin of life that is based from the scriptures and the bible.
a. Cosmozoic Theory c. Theory of Special Creation
b. Abiogenesis d. Biogenesis
3. What is the theory that was proposed by Richter, 1865 and supported by Arrhenius, 1908 and
a. Cosmozoic Theory c. Theory of Special Creation
b. Abiogenesis d. Biogenesis
4. It is a theory that was primarily attributed to Louis Pastuer stating that life does not spontaneously
arise from non-living material.
a. Cosmozoic Theory c. Theory of Special Creation
b. Abiogenesis d. Biogenesis
5. It is the theory coherently synthesized by Aristotle stating that life came from non-living things.
a. Cosmozoic Theory c. Theory of Special Creation
b. Abiogenesis d. Biogenesis
6. What theory about the origin of life states that life came from pre-existing cells?
a. Cosmozoic Theory c. Theory of Special Creation
b. Abiogenesis d. Biogenesis
7. Which among the following options is NOT TRUE about Alexander Oparin’s theory about life?
a. His theory is named coacervation theory
b. His theory is suggesting that the origin of life was preceded by the formation of mixed
colloidal units
c. His theory is also called panspermia or spore theory
d. It was proposed in his theory that whilst these molecules were not living, they behaved
like biological systems in the ancient seas.
8. It is considered as the basic unit of life.
a. chromosome c. cells
b. proteins d. DNA
9. It is the study of your answer in item number 8.
a. biology c. cytology
b. philosophy d. neurology
10. _______________ is the structure that separates the interior of the cell from the outside.
a. plasma membrane c. nucleus
b. cell wall d. mitochondria
11. What do you call the characteristic of having a hydrophilic and hydrophobic part?
a. amphibian c. amphipathic
b. antidiuretic d. antibiotic
12. The currently accepted model of the plasma membrane is the fluid mosaic model. The model
was proposed by ________________.
a. Jonathan Singer c. both A and B
b. Garth Nicholson d. Only letter A is the correct answer
13. It is a protective structure found only in plants, algae, and in some prokaryotic cells.
a. plasma membrane c. nucleus
b. cell wall d. mitochondria
14. The function of your answer in item number 13 is:
a. It is the center of protein synthesis for cells
b. for the maintenance of cellular and tissue integrity.
c. ground substance where biochemical reactions happen
d. serves as the powerhouse of the cell
15. A continuous single-membrane system structure, which folds on itself to form a double
structured organelle as seen under an electron microscope.
a. cytoplasm c. mitochondria
b. ribosome d. endoplasmic reticulum
16. What cell organelle anabolically synthesizes protein?
a. cytoplasm c. mitochondria
b. ribosome d. endoplasmic reticulum
17. Which among these organelles serves as the powerhouse of eukaryotic cells?
a. cytoplasm c. mitochondria
b. ribosome d. golgi complex
18. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about your answer in item number 17?
a. It is the site for ATP synthesis in eukaryotic cells
b. It contains DNA and also capable of synthesizing some proteins
c. It is an organelle present in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
d. It is an organelle responsible for fatty
19. An organelle that appears as flat, stacked, membranous structure under the electron
a. lysosomes c. mitochondria
b. ribosome d. golgi complex
20. Which among the organelles found within the cell is responsible for internal cellular digestion
and clearing unnecessary and old proteins?
a. lysosomes c. peroxisomes
b. ribosome d. golgi complex
21. These are organelles that contain various enzymes that can catalyse a variety of reactions.
a. lysosomes c. peroxisomes
b. ribosome d. golgi complex
22. A membrane-bound organelles that contain hydrolytic enzymes exemplified by hydrolases.
a. lysosomes c. peroxisomes
b. ribosome d. golgi complex
23. Which among the following is/are TRUE about the organelle vacuole?
1. Vacuoles are noticeably prominent in animals than in plants
2. In animals, it increases in number and in size as the animal grows older
3. Vacuole is important in storing over-secreted toxic secondary metabolites
4. Vacuoles are organelles walled by a single membrane.
a. both statements 1 and 2 are true c. both statements 3 and 4 are true
b. none of the statements are true d. all of the statements are true
24. This organelle commonly participates during cellular division by forming spindle fibres that pulls
the chromatid at the centromere splitting the chromosome in two.
a. nucleus c. centrioles
b. nucleoplasm d. cytoskeleton
For item numbers 25-28, refer to the image seen on this page.

25. What cellular structure is being depicted on the image above?

a. nucleus c. nucleotide
b. nucleolus d. cytoskeleton
26. What do you call the outermost part of the organelle depicted on the image?
a. nucleoplasm c. nuclear pores
b. nucleolus d. nuclear envelope
27. It is the membrane-less structure which serves as the site of protein synthesis inside the
organelle shown by the image above.
a. nucleoplasm c. nuclear pores
b. nucleolus d. nuclear envelope
28. It is the fluid portion of the organelle shown on the image above.
a. nucleoplasm c. nuclear pores
b. nucleolus d. nuclear envelope

For item number 29-38, refer on the image above. Identify the microscope parts that were
numbered on the image.

29. Number 1…
a. Eyepiece c. Nosepiece
b. Tube d. Objective Lens
30. Number 2…
a. Eyepiece c. Nosepiece
b. Tube d. Objective Lens
31. Number 4…
a. Eyepiece c. Nosepiece
b. Tube d. Objective Lens
32. Number 5…
a. Eyepiece c. Nosepiece
b. Tube d. Objective Lens
33. Number 6..
a. Stage Clip c. Illuminator
b. Stage d. Base
34. Number 7…
a. Stage Clip c. Illuminator
b. Stage d. Base
35. Number 8…
a. Stage Clip c. Illuminator
b. Stage d. Base
36. Number 9…
a. Stage Clip c. Illuminator
b. Stage d. Base
37. Number 11…
a. Arm c. Corse Adjustment
b. Base d. Diaphragm
38. Number 13…
a. Arm c. Corse Adjustment
b. Base d. Diaphragm
39. Which among the following is considered the energy currency of life?
a. ADP c. carbohydrates
b. ATP d. protein
40. A single molecule of your answer in item number 39 contains..
a. 10 carbon, 16 hydrogen, 5 nitrogen, 13 oxygen and 3 phosphorous
b. 16 carbon, 10 hydrogen, 13 nitrogen, 3 oxygen and 5 phosphorous
c. 10 carbon, 20 hydrogen, 10 nitrogen, 12 oxygen and 4 phosphorous
d. 9 carbon, 10 hydrogen, 11 nitrogen, 11 oxygen and 2 phosphorous
41. ATP stands for…
a. atomic triphosphate c. adenosine triphosphate
b. adenosine tetraphosphate d. adenosine triophophorous.
42. This refers to the process involving diverse chemical reactions needed to maintain life processes.
a. catabolism c. metabolism
b. anabolism d. cannibalism
43. What do you call the process of breaking down of molecules into more simple form?
a. catabolism c. metabolism
b. anabolism d. cannibalism
44. It is the synthesis of molecules from simple to complex.
a. catabolism c. metabolism
b. anabolism d. cannibalism
45. It is process of storage of solar energy carried out by plants and bacteria.
a. chromatography c. cellular respiration
b. photosynthesis d. none of the above
46. A step on photosynthesis that requires light and occurs in the internal membrane of the
chloroplast called thylakoids.
a. dark reaction c. kreb’s cycle
b. light reaction d. aerobic respiration
47. The metabolic process that converts glucose into two molecules of pyruvate.
a. krebs cycle c. chemiosmosis
b. glycolysis d. electron transport chain
48. The following are the different stages of cellular respiration except
a. Calvin cycle
b. citric acid cycle
c. glycolysis
d. oxidative phosphorylation
49. The following is(are) true of glycolysis
a. Glycolysis is the breakdown of six-carbon glucose to two molecules of three-carbon
b. Glycolysis produces a net total of four molecules of ATP via substrate level
phosphorylation and two molecules of NADH,H+.
c. Glycolysis occurs in the mitochondrial matrix.
d. A and B are correct.
50. ATP as the energy currency of the cell is used in the following
a. synthesis of polymers from monomers
b. active transport
c. beating of cilia
d. all of the above

Good luck and GOD bless! Stay safe at home!

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