Handout #10: Move Your Body

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Handout N° 10: Move your body

1) Escribe en orden las parts of the body que encuentres (find) en el camino hacia la salida.







2) Count and write: Contar y escribir las parts of the body que encontraste en el ejercicio 1.

1) How many feet are there? 3) How many heads are there?
There are …………………………… feet. There …..……………………………………….
2) How many hands are there? 4) How many legs are there?
There …………………………………. hand. There …………………………………………….
5) How many eyes are there? 5) How many mouths are there?
There …..…………………………………………. There …..………………………………………….

6) How many arms are there? 6) How many knees are there?
There ……………………………………………... There ……………………………………………...

7) How many noses are there? 7) How many ears are there?
There ……………………………………………… There ………………………………………………

3) Completar las preguntas con this o these y responder:

Yes, it is. — No, it isn’t. — Yes, they are. — No, they aren’t.

1– Is ……………….…… a hand? 1– Is ……………..……… a foot?

…………………………………..…………… ………………………………………..……

Are ………………….………. legs? Are ………………...……….. feet?

………………………………………………… ……………………………………………….

4) Complete with a part of the body (parte del cuerpo).

Touch your …………………. Blink your …………………… Clap your ………….………

Stomp your ……………..……. Shake your ………………..…… Bend your ……….………

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