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English language proficiency is vital in a students’ life. It is being

used in education. It is used for communication throughout the
world. Being able to write and communicate using English
language is an added advantage to a student. It is for the reason;
therefore, this simple but compact workbook is produced in order
to assist students learning English language proficiency.

This workbook comprises sections of language practices and

exercises that will help to enhance the students’ ability to learn
the language. It starts with certain reading components which
assist the students to comprehend the language in its literal
meaning and technical meaning. Meanwhile, some speaking
practices along with listening practices also will help the students
to enrich their skills in using the language in their daily activities.
Additionally, the grammar components along with the writing
components aim to improve the students’ writing skills when
writing essays in the target language.

The author would like to express her deepest thanks to all the
contributors for the well-rounded exercises for this subject.
Sharing is caring. Thank you for your generosity.

Fourth Edition. July 2020

Exercise 1: Scan the following text quickly and fill in the
table. What do the numbers given in the table refer to?

Spoon-fed feel lost at the cutting edge

Before arriving at university students will have been

powerfully influenced by their school's approach to learning
particular subjects. Yet this is only rarely taken into account by
teachers in higher education, according to new research carried
out at Nottingham University, which could explain why so many
students experience problems making the transition.

About 30 per cent of respondents claimed to have made

significant use of primary sources (few felt very confident in
handling them) and this had mostly been in connection with
project work. Only 16 per cent had used video/audio; 2 per cent
had experienced field trips and less than 1 per cent had engaged
in role-play.

Dr Booth found students and teachers were frequently

restricted by the assessment style which remains dominated by
exams. These put obstacles in the way of more adventurous
teaching and active learning, he said. Of the students in the
survey just 13 per cent felt their A-level course had prepared

them very well for work at university. Three-quarters felt it had
prepared them fairly well.

One typical comment sums up the contrasting approach:

"At A-level we tended to be spoon-fed with dictated notes and if
we were told to do any background reading (which was rare) we
were told exactly which pages to read out of the book".

To test this further the students were asked how well

they were prepared in specific skills central to degree level
history study. The answers reveal that the students felt most
confident at taking notes from lectures and organising their
notes. They were least able to give an oral presentation and
there was no great confidence in contributing to seminars,
knowing how much to read, using primary sources and searching
for texts. Even reading and taking notes from a book were often
problematic. Just 6 per cent of the sample said they felt
competent at writing essays, the staple A level assessment

The personal influence of the teacher was paramount. In

fact, individual teachers were the centre of students' learning at
A level with some 86 per cent of respondents reporting that their
teachers had been more influential in their development as
historians than the students' own reading and thinking.

The ideal teacher turned out to be someone who was

enthusiastic about the subject; a good clear communicator who
encouraged discussion. The ideal teacher was able to develop
student’s involvement and independence. He or she was
approachable and willing to help. The bad teacher, according to
the survey, dictates notes and allows no room for discussion. He
or she makes students learn strings of facts; appears
uninterested in the subject and fails to listen to other points of
view. (by: Alison Utley, Times Higher Education
Supplement. February 6th, 1998.)

Exercise 2: Skim the following text quickly and write down
the qualities of a teacher. How many can you find from the
text? Highlight them.


What personal qualities are desirable in a

teacher? Probably no two people would draw up exactly similar
lists, but I think the following would be generally accepted.

First, the teacher's personality should be pleasantly live

and attractive. This does not rule out people who are physically
plain, or even ugly, because many such have great personal
charm. But it does rule out such types as the over-excitable,
melancholy, frigid, sarcastic, cynical, frustrated, and over-
bearing: I would say too, that it excludes all of dull or purely
negative personality.

Secondly, it is not merely desirable but essential for a

teacher to have a genuine capacity for sympathy - in the literal
meaning of that word; a capacity to tune in to the minds and
feelings of other people, especially, since most teachers are
school teachers, to the minds and feelings of children. Closely
related with this is the capacity to be tolerant - not, indeed, of
what is wrong, but of the frailty and immaturity of human nature
which induce people, and again especially children, to make

Thirdly, I hold it essential for a teacher to be both

intellectually and morally honest.  It means that he will be aware
of his intellectual strengths, and limitations, and will have thought
about and decided upon the moral principles by which his life
shall be guided. That is part of the technique of teaching, which
demands that every now and then a teacher should be able to
put on an act - to enliven a lesson, correct a fault, or award

On the other hand, a teacher must be capable of infinite
patience. He must be pretty resilient; teaching makes great
demands on nervous energy. And he should be able to take in
his stride the innumerable petty irritations any adult dealing with
children has to endure.

Finally, I think a teacher should have the kind of mind

which always wants to go on learning. Teaching is a job at which
one will never be perfect; there is always something more to
learn about it. There are three principal objects of study: the
subject, or subjects, which the teacher is teaching; the methods
by which they can best be taught to the particular pupils in the
classes he is teaching; and - by far the most important - the
children, young people, or adults to whom they are to be taught.
(From Teaching as a Career, by H. C. Dent, Batsford, 1961)


Read the passage below using the techniques of skimming
and scanning. Then answer the following questions.


Fashion that adheres to Islamic rules is a largely

untapped market and Malaysia is trying to position itself as the
fashion capital for the Muslim world, says the BBC's Jennifer
Pak in Kuala Lumpur.
That modesty can be beautiful is the message that
organisers of the Islamic fashion festival in Kuala Lumpur want
to send to Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Malaysian
designer Tom Abang Saufi says many non-Muslims equate
Islamic wear to draping yourself in black.
But one can be religious and fashionable at the same
time, she says. Islamic wear by definition should cover
everything except the face and palms. The garment should not
show off one's figure so as to not attract unwanted attention.
But how that is interpreted in the Muslim world varies from
designer to designer and country to country.
Ms Tom's designs include a lot of bright coloured
tunics made of silk chiffon. "I don't just dress them in black,"
she says. Islamic wear can be "a thing of beauty rather than
something that is prohibitive," says Ms Tom.

Mainstream impulse

The Islamic fashion festival is part of Malaysia's

international fashion week.
It will show Muslim women different ways of covering
themselves, says the chairman and founder Raja Rezza Shah.
The 48-year-old says he created the event in 2006 as a way to
make Islamic fashion more mainstream. Since then, more

than 200 designers from all over the world have participated -
half of them non-Muslims says Mr Rezza.
"I am proud to say that at least we have proven that
Islam, or Islamic activities, is not a platform that will frighten
non-Muslims away. Over the last three years, Mr Rezza has
taken their shows to Jakarta and Dubai. They hope to hold
one in Monte Carlo next August.
Mr Rezza sees a lot of potential in the Islamic fashion
market with Kuala Lumpur as the centre. That is because
Muslims make up over 50% of Malaysians. It is also next to
Indonesia, home to the world's largest Muslim population.

Answer the True or False questions below.

1. Malaysia is trying to become the leading of Islamic fashion in

the world. ( )

2. “Modesty can be beautiful” is the message of the Islamic

fashion festival in Kuala Lumpur. ( )

3. Islamic fashion promotes the wearing of black colour in all of

its variety of clothings. ( )

4. Ms Tom Abang Saufi agrees that Islamic fashion should in

black colour. ( )

5. Islamic fashion encourages Muslims to wear revealing and

tight garments. ( )

6. The Islamic fashion festival was first organised in 2006.( )

7. The Islamic fashion festival was only participated by Muslim

designers. ( )

8. The next Islamic fashion festival will be held at Jakarta.( )


Read the short paragraphs below. Then, write down what
the words in bold refer to.

1. Hani and Murni are best friends. They have been together
since they were in Standard One.
They refer to ___________________________

2. Listening is one of the most important skills in mastering a

new language. It allows learners to acquire new vocabulary
and the right way to pronounce words.
It refers to __________________________

3. “Danny, who is one of my good friends, had betrayed me,”

said Johnny to his mother.
who refers to __________________________
me refers to __________________________
his refers to _________________________

4. Secret Recipe is an international branding at the moment. It

has opened outlets at Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand,
Australia and Brunei.
It refers to _________________________
outlets refer to ___________________________________

5. My family and I went to Pulau Perhentian last weekend. We

visited a lot of exciting places. I bought many souvenirs and I
love all of them.
We refer to ________________________
them refers to ______________________

Instructions: Read the passage. Then, answer the following


As everyone knows, Mark Zuckerberg, the 26-year-old

originator of Facebook, was chosen by Time magazine to be its
2010 Person of the Year. The reason is obvious. In 2004, when
he was a 19-year-old sophomore at Harvard, he created a social
network on the Internet to give college students a means of
keeping in touch with their friends. A simple, collegiate idea.

But what neither he nor anyone else suspected was that

this electronic means of keeping in touch with people would
develop, in only seven years, into a single worldwide social
network embracing 500 million members, a twelfth of the entire
human race. Indeed, it is now being called a “social utility,”
permitting people worldwide to post an unlimited number of
photos and information they wish to disseminate among friends
all over the world.

Zuckerberg’s genius is not in some original grandiose

vision to change the world. His genius is in his technical ability to
use the computer to make all of this benign electronic networking
possible. He is, in short, a programming genius. Born in 1984
and brought up in Dobbs Ferry, New York, in a family of
professionals (father a dentist, mother a psychologist), he began
writing computer programs before he was even a teenager. At
the age of 12 he created a program for the family home called
ZuckNet. He also wrote computer games. He attended the local
high school and then went on to Phillips Exeter Academy, the

prestigious prep school in New Hampshire. There he became
interested in fencing and classical literature.

He then entered Harvard, where he majored in

psychology and computer science. Being gregarious, highly
social, and a practical joker, he created a website called
Facemash where Harvard students could compare the relative
attractiveness of their peers. He started Facebook with a more
practical purpose in mind: a friendly place on the web where old
school chums could keep track of one another over the years.

The Facebook phenomenon is one of the technological

wonders of the computer age, which seems to have no
boundaries to its development. YouTube was started by two
computer geeks who wanted an easy way to exchange videos on
the Internet so that their friends could see them. Now the whole
world is on YouTube and it has become the world’s new media of

Facebook started as a website for students. And now the

universe is climbing on board. Why? Because it’s easy, it’s free,
and can be economically useful and a lot of fun. In fact,
Facebook can be a liberating force where anyone can state their
case and get a hearing. Which is why governments may want to
crack down on it. In any case, the future looks bright for
Facebook and Zuckerberg. And, as Time comments, “he’s just
getting started.”

But now an amazing new phenomenon has arisen

involving the social networks. They are being used to help
organize revolution in authoritarian countries. They have become
dynamic vehicles of communication, expanding the concept of
freedom across the globe. But we have yet to see how all of this
will develop. Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube were created for a

free people. But the world is now using them, hopefully to
advance the benign ideals of the West.

By Sam Blumenfeld
What do the following words refer to?

i. he (para. 1) _________________

ii. it (para. 2) _________________

iii. they (para. 2) _________________

iv. them (para. 5) ___________________

v. they (para. 7) __________________

Answer all questions in a complete sentence. Your answers must

be based on the passage.

1. Who is the creator of Facebook?


2. Why Facebook is called ‘social utility’?


3. When was Mark Zuckerberg first started showing off his

talent in electronic networking? How?


4. What is the reason behind the creation of Facemash?


5. How does Facemash differ from Facebook?


6. Why Facebook is very popular and become a phenomenon?


7. The sentence “In fact, Facebook can be a liberating force

where anyone can state their case and get a hearing. Which
is why governments may want to crack down on it” means


8. What is the personal hope of the author in his article?


What is the closest meaning for the following words according to

the text?

i. sophomore
ii. disseminate

iii. grandiose
iv. chums
v. benign
Instructions: Read the passage. Then, answer the following


Saving energy and the overall environment is a topic that

has gained public attention more recently. People are realizing
that at the rate we are using earth's valuable resources, we will
face serious shortage in a near future.

Water is the first resource we have been wasting in the

past. We have to be aware that everyday, people worldwide are
dying from lack of drinkable water. Yet, in our "civilized"
countries, we let purified water go to waste in many ways daily.

Small steps a person can take to limit her consumption

of water is: only wash the dishes or do the laundry when there is
a full load to be done, do not let tap water run for long periods
while brushing one's teeth. Other obvious drinkable water
savings would be not to use sprinklers on rainy days or using a
broom to sweep one's carport instead of the garden hose.

Another valuable earth's resource we have been wasting

is electricity. Again, in many developing countries, electricity
could save hundreds of lives. Yet, we are openly wasting this
valuable resource in western countries. Small steps that can be
taken to limit the quantity of electricity consumed daily are: close
all lights that are not being used, do not put the air conditioning
on (or a heating system) if windows are opened, wash clothes

that do not require special care with cold water instead of hot

Forests and trees have also been overused by man and

wasted in more ways than can be counted. Recycling paper is
the very first step in limiting paper (and trees) waste. I have
personally contacted all the magazines with which I am not
subscribed and asked them to take back all those hundreds of
paper I did not read and wasted. It took time and patience but
eventually, I evaluate I must have saved an entire small forest by
that little step alone. Writing on both sides of paper is also a very
good way to diminish one's consumption of paper and thus
limiting deforestation.

Quality air is also a resource we have wasted to the

worst degree. By overusing cars and toxic emissions which
affected the ozone layers, we have wasted our most valuable
resource: the air we breathe. Small steps that can be taken are
exactly this: taking small steps instead of using the car for any
small trip to the corner store. In taking such action as walking to
get to near places, a person will also gain physical benefits and
enjoy a better health condition.

Saving oxygen and the quality of the air that we breathe

also means taking a strong stand and pressuring governments in
place to adopt and apply strict rules and regulations to limit
pollution and toxic gas emissions.

Another valuable resource that we have been shamefully

wasting is the wildlife. Many animals are now on the endangered
species list or, worst, have disappeared because of man's
careless actions. Reading and keeping up to date on the most
recent developments and again taking action to limit the
damages caused to animals are small steps a person can take to
start making a difference.

By Jean Simmer

What do the following words refer to?

i. we (para 1) ________________
ii. her (para 3) ________________
iii. this (para 4) ________________
iv. I (para 5) ________________
Answer all questions in a complete sentence. Your answers must
be based on the passage.
1. Why nowadays the topic of saving energy and environment
has gained public attention?

2. What do you understand from the sentence, “. Yet, in our

"civilized" countries, we let purified water go to waste in
many ways daily”?

3. List two ways of water consumption at home.

i _______________________________________________

ii. ______________________________________________

4. What are the three ways that we can do to save the


5. What is the personal effort done by the author to save the


6. What government can do to protect our environment?

7. What is the closest meaning for the following words

according to the text?

i. shortage

ii. purified

iii. consumption

iv. carport

v. diminish

vi. deforestation

vii. endangered

Instructions: Based on the information given in the text fill
in the blanks below:

Authentic Northern Chinese Take away service
Catering forCuisine
all functions up to Special banquet available
180 persons
Live Seafood Tanks (10 tanks) Live band performance every
Good Food Award night
American Express Award

Sun – Thurs 9.00am – 11.00pm Fri 10.00am – 12.00pm,
3.00pm – 11.00pm

Closed Wed Open Public Holidays

Christmas Eve New Year’s Day

New Year’s Eve Christmas Day

 Banquet receives free performance of Lion Dance and

Lucky Draw
No. 16, Jln Murni, Tmn Mewah, 59200 Bangsar


Services :
i. Take away service
ii. ___________________________
iii. ___________________________
Live Shows :
i. ______________________
ii. Live band performances

Awards :
i. ___________________________
ii. ___________________________

Business Hours :

Closed: ______________________________

Open: _______________________________

Promotions :
i. _________________________
ii. _________________________

Langkawi is known as the Jewel of Kedah. It is a place

where beautiful beaches lie and attractive tourism spots to visit to.
Langkawi is a perfect gateway for families, friends and even newly

married couples to spend their time together. It is also an ideal
place to discover the great outdoors. Play golf, go snorkeling, visit
the marine park, charter a boat or take a cable car to the top of
the mountain.
Where to stay?
The western beaches of Pantai Cenang, Pantai Tengah
and Pantai Kok - are the most popular beaches on Langkawi,with
wide choice of accommodation, restaurants and eateries. Datai
and Burau bay surrounded by stunning tropical rainforest provide
the location for luxury resorts. There are a lot to choose from such
as Sheraton Langkawi Resort, The Andaman Langkawi and
Meritus Pelangi Resort.
Place to visit
 Gunung Raya is the tallest mountain on the island, at 881m.
Spectacular views from the lookout point on the top. There is
a resort hotel serving meals and coffee at the summit.
 Crocodile Adventureland is opened daily, 9am to 6pm. The
entrance ticket is priced RM15 for adults and RM10 for
children (below 12 yrs).
 Eagle Square is a square, featuring a giant eagle statue it is
beautifully landscaped with scenic ponds and bridges.
 Birdwatching Tours. There are over 200 species of birds on
the islands. The best times to watch them are the early
mornings or early evenings. RM200 Adult, RM120 child.
 Jungle Trekking in the Rainforest. It is a 4-hour tour. It is
suitable for families and even advanced hikers. RM200 per
group of four.
 Scuba Diving & Snorkeling. Best around Pulau Payar Marine
Park (20km south of Langkawi). There is a viewing platform
for relaxation between underwater adventures. RM120-200
per person.
Instructions: Based on the information given in the text
fill in the blanks below:

LANGKAWI Langkawi is a perfect vacation spot for


Langkawi has many beautiful beaches such as


Langkawi provides many hotels and

resorts for visitors such as

Crocodile Adventureland

Activities Ticket price: ________________________

Ticket price: RM120-200 per person

Instructions: Based on the information given in the text fill
in the blanks below:

In Malaysia we celebrate different kinds of festivals. As

there are 3 main races in Malaysia ; the Malays, Chinese and
Indians, the three major festivals are Hari Raya Puasa, Chinese
New Year and Deepavali. Hari Raya Puasa is celebrated by the
Malays. It is to mark the end of fasting month. On this day, the
Malays perform prayers at the mosques and visit their relatives.
They normally prepare dishes such as ketupat, rendang and
lemang. Chinese New Year is celebrated by the Chinese to
welcome the coming of their Lunar New Year. The Chinese will
wear red attire and give out angpows and oranges. Deepavali is
also known as the festival of lights. The Indians start their day
with an oil bath. Later they will seek forgiveness and blessings
from their elders. They will also attend religious ceremonies at
the temple. The most famous dish served on this day is tosei and

Hari Raya Chinese New

Puasa Year

Go to the
Visit relatives


Instructions: Read the announcement below carefully. Then

complete the diagram that follows

Complete the diagram:

Post: 1) ___________________________
Closing date: 2) _____________________
Location: 3) _________________________
Email: 4) ___________________________

6) Bachelor in _______________________
7) Excellent in _______________________
_____________ and
8) ____________________________ skills.

Instructions: Read the following information and answer the
questions that follow.


There are many spectacular waterfalls here. Among them:
Saok – 15-minute boat ride from Pengkalan Gawi. Cascading
waters over its rocky terraces and boulders and a flat sandy
area at ground level, making it perfect picnic spot for a whole
Tembat – Unlike Saok and Lasir, Tembat Waterfall is actually
composed of five rapids with first flowing cascades. With a
large camping area, it is a popular destination for campers.

The hilly regions of Tasik Kenyir are a world of virgin tropical
jungle estimated to be millions of years old. Outdoor activities
like jungle trekking are highly recommended. One of the most
popular trals is Mount Gagau. Trekkers are advised to engage
a jungle guide.
Among the other peaks in Kenyir are the Bongsu, Tembat and
Gajah Terom. At present there are no facilities on the other
peaks except for Mount Gagau where base camps and hiking
trails have been set up.

The Tok Bidan cave which is now under water is the site where
archeologists and historians have uncovered artifacts such as
kitchen utensils, axes and tools dating back to the Neolithic
Inside the Taat and Bewah caves, extraordinary stalactotes
and stalagmites await the explorer. It is advisable to bring
torchlight when you go exploring.

Tasik Kenyir is known as an angler’s haven where fishing is
concerned. Hundreds of species of fish like the Kelisa,
Kelah, Toman and Lampan, just to name a few, are found
in abundance.
Good fishing spots are at Cacing and Leban. Please be
informed that a fishing permit is required from the Wildlife

Questions 1-7

Complete the table below for a quick and easy reference to Tasik
Kenyir by choosing one activity and the location in the place of

Places of Activity Location

Waterfalls 1. 2.
Hilly 3. 4.
Caves 5. 6.
Lakes and Fishing 7.

Questions 8-10

The following foreign tourists would like to visit some of the
places described in the brochure of Tasik Kenyir. However, there
are certain things they must do or take with them before they can
visit these locations.

Based only on information given in the text, write down the thing
each of them needs in the boxes provided.

8. Mr Osaho from Japan

would like to go fishing.

9. Ms Richards from Canada

loves history and enjoys

10. Mr Oakly from New Zealand

enjoys mountain climbing.
However, he is not very
adventurous and prefers
organised activities.


Exercise: Read the text below and decide what the
underlined reference words refer to.
1. New Zealand is becoming an increasingly popular destination
for overseas visitors. It attracts tourists and people on
business, but the vast majority come as students. Mostly from
Asian countries, they  stay for anything from a few weeks to a
few years or more, studying at language schools, colleges
and universities. New Zealand can offer good homestay
accommodation, a clean and beautiful environment and a
reasonable cost of tuition. These factors attract an ever-
increasing number of overseas students, accounting for
millions of dollars in revenue for New Zealand.


2. I read in the newspapers that there are about 200 fires in

American schools each year and more than half of  them are
started by boys under the age of 16.


3. A mother and her two children were among those who died in
Alabama, officials said. The trio had been sheltering inside
their double-wide trailer when it was thrown about 500 ft by
the winds, landing on its roof.


4. Every organization, as soon as it gets to any size (perhaps

1,000 people), begins to feel a need to systematize its

management of human assets. Perhaps individuals have
complained that they don't know where they stand or what
their future is; perhaps the unions have requested
standardized benefits and procedures.


5. The human memory system is remarkably efficient, but it is of

course extremely fallible. That being so, it makes sense to
take full advantage of memory aids to minimize the disruption
caused by such lapses. If external aids are used, it is
sensible to use them consistently and systematically - always
put appointments in your diary, always add wanted items to a
shopping list, and so on. If you use internal aids such as
mnemonics, you must be prepared to invest a reasonable
amount of time in mastering them and practicing them.




Exercise: Read the following text and answer the questions
that follow.
Bullies Target Obese Kids
I For kids, a few extra pounds may invite trouble
from the schoolyard bully. New research
suggests that just being overweight increases
the risk of being bullied. And factors that usually
play a role in the risk of being bullied, such as 5
gender, race and family income levels do not
seem to matter if you are overweight -- being
overweight or obese trumps all those other
factors when it comes to aggressive behavior
from other children.

II The study found that being overweight 10

increased the risk of being the target of bullying
by 63 percent. "One of the reasons we started
this study is that obesity is so much more
common today. Now that about half of kids are
overweight or obese, it does not make you such 15
an outlier anymore, so we thought maybe kids
would not be bullied for being overweight
anymore," said study author Dr. Julie Lumeng,
an assistant research scientist at the Center for
Human Growth and Development at the 20
University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. She added
that the researchers also hoped they might be
able to find some protective factors against
being bullied, such as doing well in school.

III "What we found, much to our dismay, was that

nothing seemed to matter. If you were obese, 25
you were more likely to be bullied, no matter
what," she said. Results of the study will be
published in the June issue of Pediatrics, but
were released online May 3.

IV The study included 821 boys and girls from a 30
nationally representative sample of children
selected from 10 sites around the United States.
Bullying behaviors were assessed in third, fifth
and sixth grades. The youngsters were mostly
white, half of them were male and 15 percent 35
were overweight in the third grade.

V By sixth grade, teachers reported that 34

percent of the study children had been bullied,
and mothers reported that 45 percent of the
children had been bullied, while 25 percent of 40
the children themselves said they had been

VI Previous research has shown that boys,

minorities and children from low-income groups
are more likely to be bullied, so the researchers
took these factors into account to see if they 45
made a difference. The study authors also
considered a child's social skills and academic
achievement in their analysis.
"No matter how much we retested, the findings
were very robust. Obese kids are more likely to
be bullied," said Lumeng.

Answer all questions.

1 What do the following words from the text refer to?
i. ‘she’ in line 20 refers to
ii. ‘they’ in line 21 refers to
iii. ‘them’ in line 35 refers to
iv. ‘themselves’ in line 40 refers to

v. ‘their’ in line 48 refers to

2 Read the statements carefully. Circle whether they

are TRUE or FALSE.
i. The research shows kids normally TRUE / FALSE
are being bullied just because they
are obese.
ii. Dr. Julie Lumeng is a research TRUE / FALSE
scientist at the Centre for
Human Growth and Development
at the University of Michigan in
Ann Arbor.
iii. If the obese children are doing TRUE / FALSE
well in school, they will not be
iv. From the study conducted, only TRUE / FALSE
children from fifth and sixth grades
are being bullied.
v. Boys, minorities and poor children TRUE / FALSE
are normally being bullied.

3 Answer the following questions

i What are the factors that usually play a role in the risk of
. being bullied?
ii Who is the person handling the
ii When will the results of the study will be
i published?
i What are other factors besides obesity that have been
v analyzed by the researchers in order to find the cause of
v According to the previous research, who are more likely to

. be bullied?


Parents who smoke often open a window or turn on a fan

to clear the air for their children,
but experts now have identified a related threat to
children‘s health that is not as easy to
get rid of: third-hand smoke.

That is the term being used to describe the invisible yet

toxic brew of gasses and
particles clinging to smokers ‘hair and clothing, cushions
and carpeting, that lingers long
after second-hand smoke has cleared from a room. The
residue includes heavy metals,
carcinogens and even radioactive materials that young
children can get on their hands and
ingest, especially if they are crawling or playing on the

Everyone knows that second-hand smoke is bad, but they

don’t know about
this, said Dr. Jonathan P. Winickoff, the lead author of the
study and an Assistant
Professor of Paediatrics at Harvard Medical School.

When their kids are out of the house, they might smoke. Or
they smoke in the car.
Or they strap the kid in the car seat in the back and crack
the window and smoke, and they
think it‘s okay because the second-hand smoke isn‘t

getting to their kids, Dr. Winickoff
continued. We needed a term to describe these tobacco
toxins that aren‘t visible.

Third-hand smoke is what one smells when a smoker gets

in an elevator after going
outside for a cigarette, he said, or in a hotel room where
people were smoking. Your
nose isn‘t lying, he said. The stuff is so toxic that your brain
is telling you: Get away ‘.

The study reported on attitudes toward smoking in 1,500

households across the
United States. It found that the vast majority of both
smokers and non-smokers were
aware that second-hand smoke is harmful to children. 95
percent of non-smokers and 84
percent of smokers agreed with the statement that inhaling
smoke from a parent‘s
cigarette can harm the health of infants and children‖.

But far fewer of those surveyed were aware of the risks of

third-hand smoke. Since
the term is so new, the researchers asked people if they
agreed with the statement that
breathing air in a room today where people smoked
yesterday can harm the health of
infants and children. Only 65 percent of non-smokers and
43 percent of smokers agreed
with that statement, which researchers interpreted as
acknowledgement of the risks of
third-hand smoke.

The belief that second-hand smoke harms children‘s health

was not independently
associated with strict smoking bans at homes and in cars,
the researchers found. On the

other hand, the belief that third-hand smoke was harmful
greatly increased the likelihood
the respondent also would enforce a strict smoking ban at

The central message here is that simply closing the kitchen

door to take a smoke
does not protect the kids from the effects of that smoke, he
said. There are carcinogens
in this third-hand smoke, and they are a cancer risk for
anybody of any age who comes
into contact with them.
(Adapted from

Instructions: Answer the questions below.

1. What is third-hand smoke?


2. How does it threaten children?


3. How many percent of non-smokers agreed that inhaling

smoke from a parent‘s cigarette could
harm the health of infants and children?


4. How do you protect yourself and your children from

third-hand smoke? Explain.


7. What can we do to promote an environment that is free

from third-hand smoke?

8. If you are a smoker, do you wish to stop smoking? Give

your reason.


What is the closest meaning for the following words

according to the text?

1. threat -

2. brew -


3. particles -

4. ingest -

5. harm -

6. enforce -

7. strict -

8. ban -



Exercise: Read the text. Can you identify the main

idea(s) of the text? Highlight it.

1. Online shopping is the process of buying goods and
services from merchants who sell on the Internet.
Since the emergence of the World Wide Web,
merchants have sought to sell their products to people
who surf the Internet. Shoppers can visit web stores
from the comfort of their homes and shop as they sit in
front of the computer. Convenience, Internet access
and a variety of products sold online are factors why
people prefer to shop online nowadays.

2. How your food is grown or raised can have a major

impact on your mental and emotional health as well as
the environment. Organic foods often have more
beneficial nutrients, such as antioxidants, than their
conventionally-grown counterparts and people with
allergies to foods, chemicals, or preservatives often
find their symptoms lessen or go away when they eat
only organic foods. Consumption of organic food
should be encouraged for the various health benefits
that they provide.

3. Bicycles are traditionally thought of as the transport of

choice for students and people who cannot afford a
car. However, bicycles are fast becoming “the new
golf” for the wealthy. Instead of playing a round of golf

at an exclusive country club, many executives are
choosing to do a few laps of cycling or are commuting
to work on their expensive road bikes. Cycling should
be in day to day life because it is inexpensive,
because it will make day-to-day life happier, and
because it is a proven fact that people who cycle are
typically healthier than people who do not partake in

4. The environment forms a very important aspect of

human life because that is where we find the
essentials of life e.g., air, water and food. Due to
global industrialization and modernization, there has
been environmental pollution. The environmental
pollution has greatly affected the quality of life for
animals, plants and humans. Hazardous effects
including diseases that have emerged as a result of
environmental pollution. Environmental pollution is
basically the contamination of environment’s nature in
both physical and biological systems which affects the
normal functioning of the environment.


Instructions: Identify the topic sentence and the

supporting details in the following paragraphs.

Exercise is really good for one’s physical and mental

health. It is proven that aerobic exercise is good for the
heart, which is very important to overall health.  Strength
training is important for maintaining muscle mass and
improving bone density. Both muscle mass and bone
density can decrease as we age, so improving them
through strength training is important. All kinds of exercise
have been shown to relieve depression, anxiety, and

Topic Sentence:


Supporting details #1:


Supporting details #2:


Supporting details #3:


Supporting details #4

Instructions: Identify the topic sentence and the

supporting details in the following paragraphs.
Traveling opens your mind because you begin to see how
people do things differently than you and still get by. We
become so accustomed to how we do things that we
believe it is the only way, and that anyone who acts
differently is inferior but traveling changes this. From big
things such as religious practices to small things such as
how you order your food, traveling opens you up to all
types of changes.

Exercise : Write at least three supporting details for

each topic sentence given.

1. Alice is a kind lady.
a. ________________________________________
b. ________________________________________
c. ________________________________________
d. ________________________________________

2. Healthy eating is the best way to stay in shape.

a. ________________________________________
b. ________________________________________
c. ________________________________________
d. ________________________________________

3. A positive attitude will lead to successful and happy

a. ________________________________________

b. ________________________________________
c. ________________________________________
d. ________________________________________

4. Social media is important in today’s communication.

a. ________________________________________
b. ________________________________________
c. ________________________________________
d. ________________________________________

5. Money is the root to all evil.

a. ________________________________________
b. ________________________________________
c. ________________________________________

d. ________________________________________

Exercise 2: Write a topic sentence for the following

topics. The main ideas (topic sentence) are given to
assist you.

Television is a tool for entertainment.

Televisions ______________________________________

2. Vandalism is a serious attitude problem.


Bullying can cause depression to the victim.

Bullying ______________________________________
Deforestation leads to pollution.


Exercise 1: Read the following information and complete the dia


Located at the northern section of Precinct 1, this park is designed

national sanctuary for Malaysian plant taxonomy as well as a centr
research. The first phase of the park is now open to the public.

Among the many attractions available is the Main Building which cons

Exhibition, Restaurant and Gift Shop.

Other features of the park include the Explorer's Trail, Canopy Bridge
Vine Garden, Plam Hill, Sun Garden (Orchid Path), Floral Garden (
Collection, Tropical African Collection, Bougainvillea Tunnel, Asia Pac
Shace, Rain shelter) and Lakeside (Hibiscus Walk), Lakeside ca
Canna Walk and Fern Garden.

Taman Botani is opened to the public from 9.00 am - 7.00pm daily

exhibition in the main building is open from Tuesdays to Sundays; 10.




Exercise 2
Read the text about Meredith Hart and complete the text
on the opposite page.

Meredith Hart
celebrated her 16th birthday on 18th May and is now looking
for a part time job. She responds to the above
advertisement posted in the New York Times to work by
Little Chefs Ltd during her summer holidays
Meredith was born in 1996. She has completed her
IGCSEs and now lives with her parents, Paula Hart and

William Hart in 33 Jackson Avenue Syosset, New York.
Their telephone number is 0333668802.
She enjoys working with little children and has
worked as a volunteer at Ryer Avenues Elementary School
at New York, teaching sports activities to children aged to
6 to 11 and sometimes helping out as a teacher’s
assistant. Meredith has also successfully organized
several events for children on Children’s Day and on
Sports Days. For which she has been awarded ‘The Best
Event Planner’ by the Head of the institute. She spent a
total of 40 days at Ryer Avenues and taught swimming on
Sunday and Thursday mornings when she didn’t have
classes. She also spent her evenings on Friday with the
young children, playing games, watching videos, and
singing and sometimes made snacks for them.
Meredith can also play the guitar very well and
loves to play during the day were after dinner when the
whole staff went to the beach and chatted and sang. She is
also very keen in cooking and had taken an Advance
Cooking Course last year at the Food and Health Centre.
Hence, she is very much interested in working at the Little
Chefs Ltd as a Teachers’ Assistant, for her previous
experience has made her think more seriously about
teaching as a job in the future and would like to gain more
experience by joining the Little Chef Ltd. She is willing to

work at any hours offered by the Centre and is available
during the whole of November and September.
Meredith can be contacted at or her
mobile number 0888 888887.

Imagine that you are Meredith and complete the form

on the opposite page.

Application Form

Surname: …………………………………..…… First Name:

Date of birth: ……………………………………………………………..
Address: …………………...
Telephone number: ………….
Male/Female (please DELETE)


Post applied for: …………………………………………….

……………………………………….. 49
HOURS available for work: (please TICK)
Full time  Part time  Seasonal 

It started 20 years ago. One day, Jane Smith, a busy mom

and a loving wife, went shopping for new clothes. After a
few hours of searching, she came home exhausted and
disappointed. In the mid-80s, few manufacturers made
clothes for women over thirty. “Thousands of women in
England have the same problem, and I will help them,” –
thought Mrs. Smith. With very little money, no connections
in the fashion world and a husband who thought that her
idea was crazy, the ambitious woman decided to start up

her own business.

Jane designed her first collection of twenty clothing items,

bought suitable material and sewing machines, and hired
experienced tailors. The Smiths’ balcony turned into a
workshop. When the collection was ready, Jane offered it
to a famous chain of stores. To her surprise, they bought
the whole collection at once. When they asked her about
the name of her company, Jane looked at her husband,
smiled and said: “Crazy Mom”. The collection was sold in a
very short time – women liked Jane’s models. In a month,
the manager of the chain ordered more clothes from
“Crazy Mom” and Jane had to hire more people and find a
bigger place for the workshop. The next step was opening
her own shop at the central train station in Manchester.

Now “Crazy Mom” has 50 boutiques all over the world. Mr.
Smith left his job as an engineer and became head of the
company. Their four children also work in the company
and, according to Jane, this is what makes the business so

1. Why didn’t Jane manage to buy any clothes?


2. What difficulties did Jane face when starting up her business?


3. What special trait helped Jane succeed in her new career? (par. 1)

4. What did Mrs. Smith do in order to start her business? (par. 2)


5. Where did Jane sew her first collection?


6. Why did Jane decide to call her collection “Crazy Mom”?


7. What did Jane do when the manager ordered more clothes?


8. What fact proves that that “Crazy Mom” is a successful company?


Sleep for Your Health

You may eat properly and do exercise, but if you don't get
enough sleep, you threaten your health. Lack of sleep not
only affects concentration and alertness, it also increases
the risk of getting different diseases. Millions of people
don't sleep well. But many of them think that sleep
problems are natural. They suffer for many years before
they finally ask for help.

Here are some tips to improve sleep:

 Go to bed only when you really feel tired.

 Don't read, watch television or use your computer
in bed. These are waking activities.
 Try not to take a nap during the day, even if you
feel tired.
 Try to avoid any physical work or activity late in the
 If you don't fall asleep within 20 minutes, get up and
relax in another room. Do something calming until
you're tired enough to go back to bed.
 If you are still thinking about daytime problems,
listening to quiet music for a while may be helpful.
 Take a warm bath to calm down.
 Drink hot milk before going to bed.
 Practice relaxation exercises before you go to bed.
Breathe in slowly and deeply for four seconds, and
then breathe out for another four seconds. Tense
and then relax your muscles a few times.
If none of these helps, going to a doctor is the best
way to get your sleep regular again.

Fill in the blank spaces in the sentences, according to what you rea

A lot of people suffer from lack of sleep, but most of them
think it is ____________________ and do not look for
help. They do not realize that not sleeping well
____________________ their risk of getting diseases and
decreases ____________________ and alertness.
The article offers several ____________________
that may help people to improve their sleep. Doctors
recommend not to watch ____________________ or use
a computer in bed. Reading is also a waking
____________________. Those, who want to sleep well at
night, should not take a nap in the daytime and should
____________________ physical work in the evening. On
the contrary, specialists advise you to relax: listen to
____________________, take a warm bath, or drink hot
milk before going to bed. ____________________
exercises are also good. But if these tips don’t
____________________, it is better to visit a doctor.

Read the text and answer the questions.

Different students like or dislike different subjects.

However, there is one thing in common for all of them: the
role of the teacher in these ‘likes’ and ‘dislikes’. It’s very
hard for a student to succeed in learning a subject if he or
she doesn’t like the person who teaches it.

To be sure that students are going to like a teacher the

school wants to hire, the principal of one high school
decided to try a new way of choosing teachers. In order to
be accepted, the candidate has to be interviewed twice –
first by the principal and then by the students’ committee.

Gabi Levy explains the reason for this double interview:

“We, the students, want to know what kind of person our
future teacher is because he or she will teach us and not
the principal.” Another student adds: “It is great that our
school allows us to make important decisions and
influence our school life.”

The principal, Ronen Dan, agrees with his students: “The

students want to know whether the candidate answers
their criteria, and the administration has its own
requirements. We discuss the results of each interview
together and decide who can be accepted. I hope that now
there will be fewer conflicts and more understanding
between students and teachers in our school. This
experiment teaches kids to take responsibility for their
choice. If they approve of a teacher, they can’t complain
that his or her requirements are unfair.”

Answer the questions.

1. What is the connection between the teacher’s

a student’s success?

2. What made the school principal try a different a

new teachers?

3. Who interviews potential teachers?


4. What is the purpose of the double interview, according to studen


5. How do students feel about their school because of this experim


6. How do the principal and the students cooperate when choos

their school?

7. What goal does the principal want to achieve b

take part in a job interview?

Read the story and complete the letter below with one or more wo


My name is Debra Cohen and I live in Miami. My fiancé,

Aaron, and I are getting married on June 14th, 2008. We

have just 6 months to plan our wedding. It isn't much time,
but Aaron is going to take care of the wedding hall and our
parents will help with the invitations. My main concern is how
I will look on the most important day of my life.
While looking through ads for wedding gowns in the
“Bridal Monthly” magazine, I saw a beautiful dress advertised
by “The Bridal Chalet” salon. The ad explained that the gown
was made from the highest quality fabric and the decorations
were hand-made. I am a busy person, so what really
interested me was that all dress fittings could be done at the
client’s house for an extra NIS 300. And then, if the client is
not totally satisfied with the original gown, changes can be
made to it at no extra cost.
I am going to answer this ad by writing a letter to
“The Bridal Chalet” to verify all the details and make an
appointment to visit the salon.

Miss Debra Cohen

The Sales Manager
“The Bridal Chalet” Salon
12 Dizengoff St., Washington

Dear Madam,

I am getting married on ___________________________.
Our parents and my _______________________, Aaron,
promised to take care of the wedding hall and the
_______________________, but I want to make sure that I
look perfect on my wedding day.
I saw your ad in the _____________________________
magazine and want to order a
_________________________ at your salon. You say that
you use the highest quality material, and the
___________________________ are made by hand. I live
in __________________________ and I am a very busy
person, so can I have the dress fittings at my house? I am
willing to pay ________________________ for this. And will
I really be able to order changes to the
________________________ at no extra cost?
I would like to make an __________________________
to visit your salon within the next two weeks.

Yours Sincerely,
Debra Cohen
Complete the dialogue. Copy the question words from the box bel
NOTE: Choose 5 out of the 10 words given.


Freda Hi Lena. Have you heard what happened to Kate?

Lena No! ____________________ it anything bad?
Freda Actually, yes! She fell and broke her leg.
Lena That's terrible! ____________________ did it happen?
She was cleaning her windows and slipped. They sent h
hospital only yesterday.
Lena ____________________ you going to visit her?
Yes! I'll call her to find out if it's okay to come. ____________
want to come with me?
Lena Yes, of course. _________________ time would you like to go
Freda About 8:00 o'clock. Come to my house first because I live nea
Lena That's fine. I'll see you this evening if Kate wants us to come.

Are Was

Can What

How When

Is Where

Do Will

Exercise 1: Write whether the word in bold is a
preposition, conjunction, or interjection:
1. _______________ Wow! I never thought your team
would win!
2. _______________ I play the piano, and she loves to
sing along.
3. _______________ He likes oatmeal for breakfast, but I
prefer dry cereal and an orange.
4. _______________ Walk toward the sound of my voice,
and I’ll guide you out.
5. _______________ She exclaimed, “Oh! I forgot you
were there.”
6. _______________ Our cat loves to sleep underneath
the warm radiator.
7. _______________ He hardly studied at all, yet he
managed to pass the test.

8. _______________ She stood out among all the
members of the science club.
9. _______________ I like reading books and taking the
dog for a walk.
10. _______________ Bears tend to hibernate during the
cold winter

Exercise 2: Circle each pronoun, and underline the

noun(s) it refers to:

1. Susan found the missing bike, and rode it all the way
2. The teacher brought her video to school, and played it
for the students.
3. Jim, our neighbor, says he likes to wash his car on
4. The computer is mine, but the whole family uses it.
5. Those walnuts need to be saved for when I bake

Exercise 3: Identify and circle the adverb in each


1. She certainly drives slowly in that old Buick of hers.

2. I really don't believe him.

3. He literally wrecked his mother's car.
4. She simply ignored me.
5. The teacher completely rejected her proposal.
6. I absolutely refuse to attend any more faculty meetings.
7. They heartily endorsed the new restaurant.
8. I so wanted to go with them.
9. We know this city well.
10. His mother mildly disapproved his actions.

EXERCISE: List down the verbs and adverbs in the

column provided.

Verb Adverb
Heidi speaks softly.
Hailme drives carefully to
Thalia came late to class this
The children quickly ran
towards the playground.
They solved the problem
The workers worked hard to
earn some money.
The girls dance gracefully on
that competition.

Please speak clearly. I cannot
understand you.
My sister is terribly injured in
the accident.

Fill in the blanks with a suitable adverb from the


easily quickly patiently loudly hard

angrily suddenly greedily carefully madly

1. The teacher shouted _____________ at the

students for making noise in the class.

2. Romeo is ________________ in love with


3. You have to study ______________ for your


4. The man _________________ stopped the car

in the middle of the road.

5. You have to read the article _______________

in order to understand it.

6. My mother ______________ came down when

she heard my voice.

7. The hungry boy ate his food

8. The parents waited ______________ for their

children to get down from the bus.

9. Our neighbours may not like it if we play music


10. You can _______________ find the meaning in

the dictionary.

EXERCISE: Fill in the blanks with suitable


Fishermen go ___________________ sea

__________________ night _________________
catch fish. They usually go out to sea late
_________________ night. They spend a lot of time
________________ sea. ______________ the
morning, they will return _________________ shore
_______________ their catch. Customers will usually
be waiting _____________________ them to buy the
fresh seafood. The fishermen also will store some of
the catches to be distributed _________________ the
local wholesale seafood distributors. Later, the
seafood will be sold _______________ the markets
________________ Malaysia.

Last December, my family and I went
_____________a vacation ______________ boat
_______________ Pulau Redang. We went there
_____________ my aunt, Fatimah. There were eight
of us _____________ the boat. I sat
______________ my father and mother. Our family
had not visited the island _______________ nearly 3
years. We really had a wonderful time swimming
_____________ the crystal clear sea and walking
______________ the white sandy beach.
_________________ the vacation, we also went to
jungle trekking. We spent 4 days ______________
the island. That was a memorable experience that I
will never forget _________________ the rest of my

EXERCISE: Join these sentences using suitable


1. The lecture asked me to see him. I did not attend

class today.

2. The child drinks milk every morning. The child

drinks juice every evening.

3. People can watch movies on CDs. People can

watch movies at cinemas.

4. Haniff passed the examinations. He is hardworking

and persistent.

5. You can choose to buy a pair of shoes. You can

choose to buy a blouse.

6. Her mother just passed away. She is very sad.

7. My sister scolded me. I lost her favourite bracelet.

8. I live in the city. My parents live in the village.

9. Kamal likes to eat rambutan. Dania likes to eat


10. My mother won the cooking competition. Her

chicken curry was scrumptious.




He verb (be) = is

She verb (have) = has
It action verb = walks


We verb (be) = are

They verb (have) = have
You action verb = walk

I verb (be) = am



He verb (be) = was
She verb (have) = had
It action verb = walked


We verb (be) = were

They verb (have) = had
You action verb = walked


Singular / Plural

He verb (be) = will
She verb (have) = will have
It action verb = will walk


Rule: verb to (be) + present participle



He verb (be) = is + present

She Example: is walking
It She is walking towards me.


We verb (be) = are + present

They Example: are walking
You They are walking towards

I verb (be) = am + present


Example: I am walking
towards you.



He verb (be) = was + present
She Example: was walking
It She was walking towards me


We verb (be) = were + present

They Example: were walking
You They were walking towards
me yesterday.


Singular / Plural

He verb (be) = will + be +
present participle
She Example: will be walking
It You will be walking towards
me tomorrow.

Tenses: Present Simple vs. Present Continuous
Exercise 1: Put the verb into the correct tense form:

1. Julia is very good at languages.

She ............................................ (speak) 4 languages
2. Hurry up! Everybody ............................................ (wait)
for you.
3. Ali: ............................................ (you/listen) to the
Abu: No, you can turn it off.
4. Ali. ............................................ (you/listen) to the radio
every day?
Abu: No, just occasionally.
5. The River Nile ............................................ (flow) into
the Mediterranean.
6. Ali: How’s your English?
Abu: Not bad. It ............................................ (improve)
7. Ali: Can you drive?
Abu: I ............................................ (learn). My
father ............................................ (teach) me.

8. My parents ............................................ (live) in Bristol.
Where ............................................ (your parents /
9. Sonia ............................................ (look) for a place to
live. She ...................................... (stay) with her sister
until she finds a flat.
10. Usually I ............................................ (enjoy) parties,
but I ................................... (not/enjoy) this one very
11. I must go now. It ............................................ (get) late.
12. 12. Can you hear those people?
What ............................................ (they/talk) about?

Exercise 2: Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate


1. Mr Ramlan usually _____________ (stay) at my house when he g

2. My sisters ____________ (watch) their favourite cartoons every ev
3. At the moment, the workers _____________ (cut) grass along Jala
4. I did not ___________ (know) that you were going to London.
5. He ____________ (go) to his friend’s house tomorrow.
6. When I arrived, Daud ___________ (play) with his scrabble.
7. The water ____________ (boil) when I went to the kitchen.
8. Were you ___________ (work) at 9 o’clock last night?
9. ________ (Do) Tara call you last night?
10. As soon as I _________ (get) home, it started to rain heavily.

Exercise 3: Fill in the appropriate verb form in the

following sentences:

1. When Carol ___________ (call) last night, I
___________ (watch) my favorite show on television.

2. Sharon ___________ (love) to travel. She

___________ (visit) a different country every summer.
Next year, she plans to go to Peru.

3. Thomas is a writer. He ___________ (write) mystery

novels and travel memoirs. Last year, he ___________
(write) one novel, three short stories and a book of

4. We _______ (be) late because we had some car

problems. By the time we ___________ (get) to the
train station, Susan had been waiting for us for more
than two hours.

5. Sam ___________ (try) to change a light bulb when he

___________ (slip) and ___________ (fall).

6. Everyday I ___________ (wake up) at 6 o’clock,

___________ (eat) breakfast at 7 o’clock and
___________ (leave) for work at 8 o’clock.

7. This morning I ___________ (get up) at 6:30,

___________ (skip) breakfast and ___________
(leave) for work late because I ___________ (forget) to
set my alarm.

8. Right now, Jim ___________ (read) the newspaper

and Kathy ___________ (make) dinner. Last night at
this time, they ___________ (do) the same thing. She
___________ (prepare) dinner and he ___________
(read) the paper. They are very predictable people!

9. Everybody is so excited because tomorrow, we
___________ (have) our end of the term party!

Underline the correct answer.

1. My father (stop, stopped) smoking a few years

2. Amran (was, were) absent yesterday.
3. The meeting (finished, finish) at 3.00 pm
4. Last Sunday, my family and I (went, go) to Pantai
5. My sister (forgot, forget) where she had put the car
6. We (were, was) in the same class last semester.
7. We (watch, watched) Armageddon last night.
8. We (won, win) a dance competition last month.
9. Jamie (write, wrote) a letter to her mother last
10. When I (was, were) a child, I (loved, love) to eat

Correct the mistakes in the sentences below.

1. My mother wear glasses.

2. Elephant are large animals.
3. Your heart beat faster when you exercise.
4. Every child in the class know the alphabet.
5. A number of my students in my class is from
6. There is many kind of insect in the world.
7. The United States have a population of more than
250 million.
8. Healthy hearts needs regular exercise.
9. One of my favourite subject in school are
10. Amin kick the ball through the window.
11. Each of the houses are in ruins.
12. A lot of movies is full of violence.
13. The chairs in those room is comfortable.
14. Eating vegetables are good for your health.
15. My family went to Pulau Perhentian every year.

Complete the paragraph using the Simple Present
Tense or the Present Progressive Tense.

Ramu (1) _____________ (not take) a vacation this

holiday, because he (2) _____________ (think)

that he (3) _____________ (have) other more important

things to do. He (4) _____________ (teach) English to

secondary school students, so he (5) _______________

(get) two months of holiday, but he (6) _______________

(feel) that teachers (7) _______________ (have) a special

responsibility. So he (8) _______________ (look) for a

temporary volunteer position for the period of his school

break. He (9) _______________ (try) to find work as an

English teacher in relief centres for underpriveleged

communities around the world. He (10) _______________

(get) excited at the prospects of making a real difference in

the lives of other people.

Underline the most suitable word from those in


Walt Disney (1901 – 1966)

Walt Disney was a well known film producer and an
innovator in animation design. He ( create / creating /
created ) a number of the world's most famous animation
heroes, like Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Felix the Cat and
( many / any / much ) others.

In his childhood, Walt moved with ( him / his / their ) family

all around the United States. When young Walt arrived in
Los Angeles, he ( has / have / had) only $40 and ( a / an /
this ) unfinished cartoon in his suitcase.

Disney's first wish ( be / is / was ) to become a film director.

Since he ( didn't / don't / doesn't ) succeed in live-action
films, Disney turned back to animation. His first Hollywood
cartoon “studio” was a garage in his ( uncle / uncle’s /
uncles ) house. Walt ( go / going / went ) to his brother Roy
and asked for his help with opening the studio. Roy agreed
and this was the beginning of the Disney Brothers’ Studio.

Walt Disney died ( at / on / in ) December 15, 1966,

several years before the opening of his "Walt Disney
World" dream project in Orlando, Florida. The famous
Disneyland and Walt Disney World resort parks in the
United States, France, Japan and China were named in his

Write a complex sentence using the following


1. as a result


2. during

3. until

4. otherwise

5. whereas


1. That's the woman I spoke about the job.

2. The house they live is opposite a big

3. All of the exam papers are collected and given to the

examiners, job it is to mark them.

4. This is the title of the book I need for my


5. Next to the hotel there's a great gym

you can work out.

6. My mother, , has decided to learn


7. My car, I can't get to work, has

broken down.
8. We waited for nearly an hour to be served, but our

meal, , was awful.

Exercise 1: Which of the following sentences are

compound and which are complex?

1. The house was destroyed in the fire, but the whole
family was saved.
2. Walking through the wood, he saw a fox that was
following him.
3. If I do not get this job, I will start a business.
4. He said that he was so disappointed that he would
not try again.
5. The men who rule the world with their pens are
mightier than those who rule the world with their
6. The evil that men do lives after them.
7. All that glitters is not gold.
8. Neither the color nor the design of this cloth
appeals to me.

Exercise 1: Write a paragraph on a topic “An

Embarrassing Incident”
 What is the incident?
 Where did it occur?
 Who were involved?
 When did it happen?
 Who helped you?
 Why was it so embarrassing?

Exercise 1: Write a thesis statement for one of the
following topic. Then write a paragraph in not more
than 80 words.

1. Money can buy happiness

2. Facebook brings more harm than good
3. Exercising is important to stay healthy

Write a paragraph on the topic given below in about

80-100 words.

“The advantages of using public transport.”

Choose only ONE TOPIC SENTENCE. For that topic

sentence, develop a paragraph with suitable
supporting details. Your paragraph SHOULD NOT
be more than 80 words.

i. Video games can give bad effects to teenagers.


ii. Consuming too much sugar is bad for health.



Read the following text and answer the following questions.


I Pesta Pulau Pinang is the annual Penang Festival. Although it i

as a tourist attraction, it provides a great deal of enjoyment for t
of Penang themselves. They look forward to it eagerly each yea

not everyone can take part, everyone can watch the entertain
most people do so. Even though the festival lasts for a whole mo

II The aim of the festival is to provide a happy and enjoyable pres

many different kinds of activities of the people of Penang in both
leisure. The biggest attraction is the variety- from customs to
displays and fashion shows, from beauty competitions to shadow

III One of the biggest attractions is the procession of ‘floats’. Altho

are lorries, you would never think so! They are decorated in a
colorful and attractive ways. Each one is supplied by a society
Most of them carry lovely girls dressed in Malaysian costumes
the floats are brightly lighted. A prize is given for the best.

IV Another colorful presentation is the ‘Chingay’. Huge triangular

carried on long poles, thirty or forty feet high. Sometimes
balanced on the foreheads or even the jaws of the people who c
even though some of these may be young boys. The poles are h
the wind pulls at the silk, flags but in spite of this they are never d

V Though Dragon Boat Races are not so common today as they w

time they are brought back for the Pesta, and they are greatly e
both spectators and competitors. There are twenty-four men in
and they train for many weeks to prepare themselves. The r
place in the sea off Gurney Drive a two-mile long road by the sea

VII There are other sea sports and many other different kinds of s
and new. There are displays of bersilat, koon-tow and karate
sports such as motor racing and go-kart racing are also includ
month’s programme. Shadow plays, wayang kulit, are also perfo
there are Malay dances and performances of Malay music,
sometimes modern electric guitars are used. Another old custom
brought back, is the Dondang Sayang- the singing of pan
performers competing with each other. There is no room to tell
the other displays and exhibitions. Perhaps one day you will go
during the month of the pesta.

1. What do the following words from the text refer to?
vi. ‘It’ in line 1 refers to ___________________
vii. ‘them’ in line 13 refers to ___________________
viii. ‘them’ in line 17 refers to ___________________
ix. ‘they’ in line 21 refers to ___________________
x. ‘themselves’ in line 23 refers to ___________________

2. Read the statements carefully. Circle whether they are TRUE or

i. Everyone can take part in Pesta Pulau Pinang
ii. The biggest attractions is not “Chingay”
iii. Floats are one of the biggest attractions
iv. There are twenty-two men in dragon boat
v. The race takes place in the sea off Gurney Drive

3. Answer the following questions

i. Why do the people of Penang look forward to the Festival?

ii. What is the aim of the festival?


iii. What are the biggest attraction in the festival?


iv. How long is the Dragon Boat race?


v. How long do the twenty-four men prepare themselves for the Dr


vi. List down 3 sport activities held during the Penang Festival.

Read the announcement below carefully. Then complete the diag

Complete the following diagram:

Post: 1) ___________________________

Closing date: 2) _____________________

INFORMATION Location: 3) ________________________

Email: 4) __________________________

6) Bachelor in ____________________

7) Excellent in ____________________
5) ______________ and
8) _____________________________

9) ______________________________
10) _____________________________

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verb tenses.

1. Dennis usually ________________ (drink) coffee every morning

2. Mike was so cold that his whole body ____________ (shake).

3. Yesterday, David was crossing a street when a truck ________
very fast.
4. She ________________ (study) in the library at the moment.
5. Mrs Faust ______________ (plant) many different kinds of flowe
6 Zulhilmi and Sabri ____________ (go) to a camping expedition l
7. When I was young, I _____________ (wear) mini-skirts and brig
8. Sally_________________ (lose) her job, which was not surprisin
9. He can travel whenever he _________________ (want).
10. I ________________ (try) to be home early tonight.

Underline the correct answer.

1. The soldiers who __________ (are, is, was) in the camp come fr

2. Which is the _______________ (most dangerous, more dange

in the world?

3. The passenger who sits behind me __________ (is, was, were)

4. He stared at the men who ____________ (were, was, are) sittin

5. The cats belong to Lisa and Sheila. The cats were ________

6. All the poems you selected are good, but only the ___________
one will get the prize.

7. A large number of people _______________ (have, has, is) app

8. The man that __________ (was, were, are) sitting in front of my

wearing a big watch.

9. Be sure that everyone brings ____________ own book. (his or h

10. Some people like ghost stories but I hate _____________ (it, the



Read the following text and answer the questions that follow.


I Korean wave or known as Hallyu began in Southeast Asia in e

continued recently to America, Europe and the Middle East. Th
Gangnam Style by Psy reached 3.2 Billion becoming the sixth
music video on YouTube as of November 2018. This shows that K
Kpop Industry has spread around the world. Compared to Jap
South Korea is a small country, how did the Korean wave sto

II Did you know that the South Korea government plays an im

promoting Kpop idol bands globally? The Korean wave had co
than $3 billion towards South Korea economy in 2011.  The
government is focusing on tourism and it wants to attract mo
sponsoring entertainment companies to market their idol bands
across the world.

III The majority of Kpop fans are from the younger generations
listening to the song, they get to watch the videos related to their i
promote their Kpop idols online. Kpop fans outside South Korea
each other in online fan clubs and they will also organize a gathe
do fun activities together. This makes people around them aware
and learns about the industry.

V Korean wave is not only about the Kpop music culture as it

Korean dramas, movies, fashion and more. Korean dramas
of viewers because of their unique story line and romantic lov
every woman dreamt of. Despite of the language barrier, Kp
addictive with the catchy lyrics. Moreover, people are oft
with their choreography as each of their songs has different d
Their fashion style is also on top of the game where they ev
dancing in shorts.

V Individuals alone cannot survive on their own in the Korea entertai

I as they need to be a part of an entertainment company in order to
as an idol, actor, comedian or model. Before they can make th
companies will provide training to prepare them. Some of them
more than 5 years to become a top-class entertainer. As soon a
make a debut, the company will put them on a tight schedule so
making profits for the company.

(Adapted from:

Answer ALL questions.

a. Read the statements carefully. Circle whether they are


i. The music video Gangnam Style by True /

Psy reached 3.2 Billion becoming the False
16th most viewed music video on
YouTube as of November 2018.

ii. South Korea is a big country True /

compared to Japan and China. False

iii. South Korea government plays an True /

important role in promoting Kpop idol False

bands internationally.

iv. Korean wave only includes the Kpop True /

music, TV dramas and movies. False

v. Entertainment company helps True /

individuals to become successful False
idol, actor, comedian or model.

(5 marks)

b. What do the following words refer to?

i. “ it ” (line 11) :____________

ii. “ it ” (line 20) :____________

iii. “ they ” (line 28) :____________

c. What is the closest meaning for the following words according to the

i. storm (line 6) :___________

ii. interact (line 16) :___________

iii. catchy (line 24) :___________

d. Answer the following questions.

i. What was the biggest impact of the Korean wave towards Sout


ii. How does the South Korea government attract more tourists?


iii. What is the topic sentence of paragraph III?


iv. List FOUR (4) examples of Korean wave.



v. Why did Korean dramas attract a lot of viewers?



vi. In your opinion, what can Malaysian entertainers learn from the
Korean Wave?




Read the following information carefully. Answer the

questions in the table provided.

Batu Caves Mini Malaysia

A popular tourist attraction, The traditional houses at

particularly during the Mini Malaysia represent
Hindu festival of the architectural styles of
Thaipusam which falls in all the states of Malaysia.
late January each year. They display various works
The Hindu shrine is of art and craft from each
located in the Main Cave, state. Attractions include
272 steps up. At the weekly cultural shows and
foothills is a smaller cave traditional games.
with interesting artwork of
Hindu legends on its walls.

Kenyir Dam Kek Lok Si

Malaysia’s largest rock- The largest and one of the

filled hydro-electric dam most beautiful Buddhist
has a water catchment temples in South-East
area of 260 000 hectares. Asia. The temple has a
The area around the dam seven-tier pagoda, the Ban
is ideal for jungle trekking Po Thar which rises 30
and nature walks. The lake meters high. Work on this
is a popular fishing spot. temple began in 1890 and
took more than two
decades to complete.

Kuala Gula Sanctuary National Art Gallery

Bird lovers’ paradise! Over The National Art Gallery is

100 species of birds come housed in a colonial-style

to this area, particularly building run by the National
between the months of Heritage Trust. It was
August and December. We formerly known as the
can also see beautiful Majestic Hotel. The art
butterflies and insects. gallery exhibits a wide
This place is managed by range of paintings by local
the Department of Wildlife and foreign artists.
and National Parks.

Complete the table below.

Place Of Interest Description

(a)______________ Formerly known as the Majestic

________ Hotel.

Paintings exhibition by (b)


Kek Lok Si (c)________________________
__ to complete the temple.

Batu Caves Particularly popular during


( e) (f) _______________________
________________ and traditional games are some
______ of the attractions.

(g)______________ A water catchment area of

________ (h)________________________

Kuala Gula More than (i)

Sanctuary ________________________co
me to this area, particularly
between the months of August
and December.


___ manages the place of



Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of the verb

given in the bracket.

a. Sarah ________________ (drive) for six hours

before she finally arrived at the village.

b. When was the last time you _______________


c. She ________________ (work) as a part-time

waitress in a Chinese Restaurant at the moment.

d. They ________________ (have) dinner at the
famous K Fry restaurant when suddenly they heard
someone screamed.

e. The kids __________________ (play) in the park

every evening.

f. Jasmine __________________ (live) in Penang

since her retirement and she does not want to move
house ever again.

g. She __________________ (do) her revision for her

test tonight.

h. _______ you ________ (watch) the news? You

won’t believe your eyes.

i. My mother, who is a lecturer ________________

(teach) English at the university.

j. The secretary ________________ (send) the

proposal tomorrow.



Underline the correct answer.

a The Eid Adha celebration falls (on, in, at) August this
. year.

b The food served at the café is really tasty, no

. wonder the café (is, am, are) always crowded during
peak hour.

c. (They, I, He) are happy to know about the good


d Neither the serving bowl nor the plates (go, goes,

. went) on that shelf.

e I accidentally dropped the glass, I did it (myself,

. herself, themselves).

f. The students love Mr Aliff’s class, they (hardly, like,

occasionally) skip his class.

g This song is (more better, better, best) than that

. song.

h I sat (in, between, above) the coffee shop.


i. (Herself, She, Her) is coming to the concert.

j. Ten ringgit (is, are, were) enough for her.



Read the passage below. Answer all of the questions.


I Many countries have started a new trade, exportin

for example, has been deeply involved in this
reasons. This is because; Russian brides are high
by foreigners. Russian mothers like their daughters
citizens and even the Russian women, themselve
international marriage agency.

Foreigners praise Russian brides because th

II andlove children. Australian and British men find
very spoilt, selfish and career minded. They find th
more likely to have extra marital affairs and be les
home and family.

III Another contributing factor would be the Russian m

prefer their daughters to have advantageous
foreigners. It is believed that foreigners are wealth
to provide security for their darling daughters. Rus
are also elevated in status in their society when th
start their married life in a foreign land.

Finally, the women, themselves, are not shy

IV marriage agencies which arrange dating appoin
professionals, who know a foreign language, are
foreigners. Apart from that, physically the girls mu
‘European looks’- blond hair, blue eyes: pencil-thin
legs – in other words they must be cat-walk-mode

In conclusion, Russian girls are as eager to leav

become brides
99 in foreign lands as the foreigners a
V marry them. Sadly, many of these foreign marriag
and the women come back to their homeland.
a. What do these words refer to?

i. this (line 2) :
ii. they (line 7) :
iii. They (line 9) :
iv. their (line 16) :
v. their (line 25) :

(5 marks)

b. Circle whether the statements are TRUE or FALSE

i. Many countries have started to export brides.

True / False

ii. Foreigners prefer Russian brides because they love

nature. True / False

iii. Russian mothers are another contributing factor to

this business. True / False

iv. Russian women are usually shy to go to dating

agencies. True / False

v. Russian girls are not excited to marry foreigners.
True / False

(5 marks)
c. Answer these questions in complete sentences.
i. State TWO (2) reasons why Russia is involved in
exporting brides?


(2 marks)

ii. Give THREE (3) characteristics of local women that

Australian and British men do not like.



(3 marks)

iii. Why do foreigners praise Russian brides?


(2 marks)

iv. What is the topic sentence of Paragraph THREE


(1 mark)

v. Are the Russian women embarrassed about going

to marriage agencies?

(1 mark)

vi. Why do Russian mothers prefer their daughter to

marry foreigners?


(2 marks)

vii. What can foreigners provide the Russian brides?

(2 marks)

viii. Where do foreign wives go if the marriages end in



(2 marks)

Read the passage below and complete the following diagram

Like many other developing nations, Malaysia has to grapple

educational system. Despite the fact that 20 per cent of the cou
education, there is still the problem of an unfavorable student-te
are huge - often forty or more. It is, therefore, impossible to pay
child in the class. In addition, there is a lack of teachers in rural
reaching effects is that of an over-emphasis on examinations. Th
of rote learning with its resultant restriction on thinking and crea
beyond their prescribed textbooks, partly because of excessive h
the fact that they are busy at tuition centers after school.

a. _______________________________

b. ______________ budget c. Unfavorab

allocated. ________


QUESTION 1: Underline the correct answer.

Salimah tore the letter and (threw/throws) it into the dustbin ye

The dirty cat (runs/ran) into its cage.

The government (is/are) not responsible for any mistakes done

Ismail ate his dinner (after/above) his wife came home from wo

Kam Siew Coffee Shop is right between Menara Optics (and/or

The kid cried when her mother refused (to/into) buy the ice cre

Ali keeps some rambutans for (her/his) mother.

He drove (carefully/careful) because he did not want to meet w

The pretty girl (walked/walks) down the dark street last night.

He killed them after completed his martial (arts/art) learning.

QUESTION 2: Fill in the blanks with the correct verb


I __________ (feel) hungry because I have not taken my break

The stars ___________ (shine) brightly in the sky at night.

The Dean of the faculty _____________(advise) the students to

The baby falls asleep after she ____________(finish) drinking t

None of the girls _____________(keep) pets.

The horses ____________(race) round the field every evening.

The bird ____________(chirp) outside my bedroom every morn

Each one of those bottles __________(have) a hundred ringgit

Young people __________(be) sometimes very cruel.

An angry person __________ (be) likely to behave aggressively


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