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Of Mice and Men

Book Jacket Project

Objective: To create a book jacketr for Of Mice and Men, including

illustrations and summary information designed to stimulate
interest and make people want to read the novel!


1. Imagine that Of Mice and Men has just been published and you
have been asked to create a book cover for the first paperback

2. You need to illustrate the front book cover, and write back-cover
information to “sell” the novel.

3. You may want to have authentic illustrations, so you may need to
research clothing and other aspects of life during the Depression.
You may wish to concentrate on symbolic elements in the film for
your cover, such as rabbits, mice, etc... It is up to you, but
remember to make it an eye-catching image that expresses a
fundamental part of the novel!

4. You will also want to include some information about the author on
the back cover, so you may need to do research on this as well.

5. Remember, the novel was published in 1937 and the Depression
was still a reality. You may wish to take this into account when
designing your cover.

6. Take a look at many of the modern book jackets in the library to get
an idea of what should be included or for the “little extras” you could

7. Sorry, this is a solo assignment.


Text about the author, background and plot 12 marks
Images, creativity and extras 6 marks

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