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Drama Analysis

Robby Maulidiyawan (5180511030)

Q: What are the reasonings of Eugene O’Neill by instead not choosing Jack’s Fiancé as victim
but a poor girl?

A: As the one of possible answer to refer Eugene O’Neill reasoning. Firstly, we can draw
information that by conscience and moral that Abortion is a very bad action. Even it is legal
by a law, abortion should come with lot of bad behaviour than just in case threatening of
both lives. As a person who care of social and humanity as many of Eugene O’Neill works has
a concern with these issues. Second, as part of social concern, through this drama we can
clearly see the social gap between rich people and poor people. Jack Townsend comes from
rich people and educated well precisely know how to act. If Jack Townsend chooses his
Fiancé as victim I should be like he dug his own grave hurting his family and his Fiancé family,
harming his family reputation and also himself. Jack Townsend precisely know the poor girl
was best option for him. He probably knows that by choosing the poor girl there no
retaliation. This social gap which Eugene O’Neill concern the rich people has power to do
anything and poor people can be helpless victim. Third, a possible of social concern that
Eugene O’Neill want to show that parents has very wide range of responsibility to guide and
put more effort to watch their children. As they grow up and too much freedom is no good
but causing more harm. Lastly, Eugene O’Neill presents this drama as further possibility that
should be avoided all cost.

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