OffSwitchBlueprint 2

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Manon Bolliger
I will show you how to trigger your body’s “off switch,” which turns
stress off and activates your body’s repair and healing mode.

You will learn how stress and pain are directly linked.

We tend to complicate things. Often the solution is staring you right in the face. Why do we look
for complications?

Health is no exception. Many headaches, for example, are due to dehydration. The obvious
solution is to increase water consumption, and yet most of us seek medical help and
pharmaceutical solutions for them. Drugs add an extra load to our body. The body instead of
focusing on reducing pain is now occupied on eliminating these toxins. We need to start with
SIMPLE solutions FIRST.

Here is a checklist to start addressing pain:

Are you moving?

1 Our body’s need motion through our

muscles to activate the lymphatic
system which helps rid us of toxins.

Are you breathing?

Deep breathes which raise our bellies
actually have a strong impact on stress
and our perception of pain.

Discover How to Access Your Body’s “Off Switch”

Are you eating nourishing foods?

3 Most foods in cardboard boxes are

full of preservatives, colouring and
unnatural substances. Again placing an
unnecessary load on your body which
detracts from its ability to deal with pain.

Are you drinking water?

We are made up of water
and we need water to help
our body’s work at its best.

Do you know how to reduce
inflammation by adjusting your
intake of acid and alkaline
producing foods?

Discover How to Access Your Body’s “Off Switch”

Do you know how to
program your body to
rid itself of pain?

Do you know
how easy it is to
decrease pain
and increase
ease in your life?

Why the “Off-Switch” Works With Your Body?

What stops most people from working with their body rather than fighting against it is that they
don’t understand the healing process. Aspirin and Tylenol masks your your pain for the short term
but does not permanently switch off stress or pain. When you understand how we heal, you will
see how simple touch can actually take you out of fight, flight or freeze mode. This is the state
many of us spend most of our hours in- what is otherwise known as “stress”- physiological stress.

Discover How to Access Your Body’s “Off Switch”

Pain puts you in stress mode. With pain there is inflammation - which also taxes your body
and promotes this stress response. There are many things you can do to help the body
establish balance and decrease inflammation permanently (and not just short term like anti-
inflammatories). In my experience, the most effective way of “switching off” the stress activation is
through a simple yet not well known process called Reboot Your Body™.

Basically, once our body is “re-wired and re-booted,” we can just turn the “off-switch” and the
body knows what to do. I will be sharing more about that with you in future emails but before I do,
it is super important that you understand how our nervous system works.

“It’s All About Triggering Your Body to Heal.”

Have you heard of the autonomic nervous system?

Your autonomic nervous system controls over 90 percent of your body’s functions. It is a ‘program’
that runs your heart, your circulation, your breathing, your digestion, your reproductive and
endocrine functions and is chiefly responsible for balancing your stress.

The autonomic nervous system has 2 components: The

sympathetic system and the parasympathetic system.

Let’s address the SYMPATHETIC

The SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM is responsible for our
“fight and flight” reflex.

Our “fight or flight” reflex was absolutely necessary for our

ancestors and still is for us. Our ancestors needed it to
ward off wild predators…… and we need it when faced with
emergency situations. Any situation we face where we need
to get out of danger and survive!

Unfortunately, the highly reactive state of fight or flight has

become an “everyday normal state.” It has become our chronic state of operating, rather than a
resource to us in times of emergency. Life has accelerated for most people these days. We get
up in a hurry, grabbing a bite to eat on the way out of the house rushing to drop the kids off at
school before our 9 am meeting. After fighting traffic, dealing with difficulties at work, anxious co-
workers and bosses – not to mention the piles of paper on our desks, we rush out after work to
pick up our kids to get them to soccer.
In the evening, we call to make sure family members are okay, eating in a hurry, and falling into
bed a little later than we’d hoped.

We get up the next morning, and do it all over again.

On top of our daily stress, part of our greater awareness is on bigger issues. Job security, political

Discover How to Access Your Body’s “Off Switch”

stability, economic recessions, figuring out how we can contribute to our community etc. The
everyday life of the average person has become so stressful on so many levels, that the body
mistakenly thinks it is in danger and should be in emergency mode. So - our sympathetic nervous
system, or fight or flight response kicks in, and stays on! Pumping adrenaline into our system,
which amps up our heart rate, breathing rate and our blood pressure, and a cascade of hormones
like cortisol lose their natural feedback system and continue to be pumped out by the adrenal
glands and end up the affecting the part of our brain, called the hypocampus which affects our
memory long term.

With continual stress our body is in high alert….

…and stays there!

For WAY too long.

The fight or flight response is really only meant for very short time periods. Just long enough to
get us out of immediate danger. When our sympathetic nervous system enters fight or flight, and
stays there for a long period of time, we start to experience the long-term effects of exhaustion,
being burnt out, broken down and memory loss!

Let’s talk about the

second system – the PARA
The parasympathetic system IS the rest, digest,
relax and repair mode of the body. It is where ALL
the healing takes place.

And most people are simply not in it enough!

Because our sympathetic nervous system is constantly engaged in fight or flight, our
parasympathetic nervous system cannot engage to rest, digest or repair. Our constant stress
is literally pulling our autonomic nervous system out of whack. As a result, the parasympathetic
system gets compromised, and the body starts to break down.

Feeling a bit out of whack?? Wondering why all those vitamins and supplements offering you
“unbounded energy and vitality” are not really working for you? Wondering why your sleep is not
restorative? Wondering why you keep needing so many adjustments and therapeutic
massages? Wondering why you are still reactive to Spring pollen? Wondering why you are gaining
weight and your metabolism is just not kicking in?

To summarize on the autonomic system…

Discover How to Access Your Body’s “Off Switch”

Basically the constant state of stress – physical, mental, and emotional – takes its toll on your
body. It results in over-stimulation of your sympathetic nervous system and the
para-sympathetic system shuts down and can’t do its job.

And these are the results on your body:

• Neuromuscular tension develops throughout your body….. anyone relating?

• High levels of cortisol pulse through your blood and tissues…. diabetes anyone?
• Your immune system may not function as well as it otherwise would….. colds, flus, autoimmune
• Nutrient and energy stores become depleted & absorption drastically affected
• Sleep is disturbed

...Healing just can’t happen.

But there is a solution…and I feel very honoured and excited to share it with you. There is a
way for you to get out of the never ending cycle of fight or flight and into a state where your
parasympathetic nervous system is turned on and working with you to rest, digest, heal and repair.

My favorite solution is called the Reboot Your Body Treatment.

The problem is that when you are in pain, probably the last thing you want to do is contort yourself
and apply a treatment to yourself.


The Re-Boot your body treatment is a hands-on treatment that can be done by anybody who
learns it.

This simple form of therapy has been taught to the young, middle aged, retired; people with all
kinds of different backgrounds. Educated in the body sciences, and not.

The treatment takes anywhere between 35min and 1 hour.

It involves using a series of gentle moves with the hands on the body, in specific locations and
with varied pressures. The specific moves taught encourage the body to relax and start to heal.
Often the reason other therapies don’t work, is because they try to help the body, before they’ve
rebooted it into a healing state.

In other words, other treatments don’t first shut down the sympathetic overdrive response, and
switch over to the parasympathetic healing state. You need to be in the para-sympathetic state for
healing to take place. You see, that is why I am on a mission to train as many people as I can to
learn how to give this kind of treatment. I have even created a super simple step by step online
version which I have received raving results from my patients who have learned it themselves and
shared it with their community and family.

Discover How to Access Your Body’s “Off Switch”

But like I said, first things first- you need to make sure you are creating the right environment for
your health and life - and that’s well worth ensuring you’ve got right. I invite you to click this link to
find out more about my Innate Healing. I share simple and effective ways you can learn to work
with your body. Most people overlook the fact that simple things work. I encourage you to take
the next step and start incorporating this into your life and your family and community.

Let’s be clear--understanding that the body has an “off switch” when the body is in stress mode
is the first step to living a stress and pain free life.

The second step is to develop a loving relationship with your body so that you can truly hear
what it is trying to say to you. Once we implement habits of self-care and reflect upon our
actions, thoughts, beliefs and habits, we become more able to understand their impact on our
lives and actually the direct impact we have on others. This is a crucial step as a leader of our
family, community, business and life.

The third step is to eliminate misconceptions about healing. By changing our perspective, we
create opportunity and choice. The truth is that your health is in Your Hands.

Lastly, it is understanding that though the body can be addressed in parts, ultimately in “wholistic”
health, we need to address the whole body. Healing naturally means getting to the cause and
not just fixing the symptoms.

Discover How to Access Your Body’s “Off Switch”

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