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Science of the Total Environment 756 (2021) 143697

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Immediate and long-term impacts of one of the worst mining tailing dam
failure worldwide (Bento Rodrigues, Minas Gerais, Brazil)
Cristiane dos Santos Vergilio a,⁎,1, Diego Lacerda b,1, Tatiana da Silva Souza a, Braulio Cherene Vaz de Oliveira b,
Vinicius Sartori Fioresi a, Victor Ventura de Souza a, Giovana da Rocha Rodrigues a,
Marjore Kinaip de Araujo Moreira Barbosa a, Echily Sartori b, Thiago Pessanha Rangel b,
Diogo Quitete Ribeiro de Almeida b, Marcelo Gomes de Almeida b,
Fabiano Thompson c, Carlos Eduardo de Rezende b,⁎⁎
Laboratório de Ecotoxicologia, Departamento de Biologia, Centro de Ciências Exatas Naturais e da Saúde, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Campus Alegre. Alto Universitário, S/N,
Guararema, Alegre, Espírito Santo CEP: 29.500-000, Brazil
Laboratório de Ciências Ambientais, Centro de Biociências e Biotecnologia, Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro, Avenida Alberto Lamego, 2000, Parque Califórnia, Campos
dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro CEP: 28.013-602, Brazil
Laboratório de Microbiologia, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Ilha do Fundão, Anexo ao bloco A, Rio de Janeiro CEP: 219.449-70, Brazil


• The Fundão dam failure is one of the

largest environmental disasters in the
• Immediately the tailings were mainly
transported as suspended particulate
• After 6 months, with the deposition, the
metal levels increased in the sediment.
• Water and sediment induced negative
biological and toxicogenetic effects.
• This joint of abiotic and biotic indicators
can direct other monitoring programs.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The rupture of Fundão Dam is considered one of the largest environmental disasters in Brazilian history and
Received 7 July 2020 one of the largest in the world involving tailings dams. The present study analyzed the changes in metal
Received in revised form 21 October 2020 concentrations in the dissolved, suspended particulate matter (SPM) and sediment in the period just
Accepted 2 November 2020
after (15 days) and six months after the dam rupture, together with the biological and cytogenotoxic ef-
Available online 23 November 2020
fects, from the collapse site until the Doce River mouth in the Atlantic Ocean. After the dam rupture, the tail-
Editor: Daniel A. Wunderlin ings were mainly transported as SPM. After six months, with the deposition, there was a decrease in metal
concentrations in dissolved and SPM and increased levels were observed in the sediment. Cr, Ni, Cd and Hg
Keywords: levels in sediment were higher than the threshold effects level (TEL/NOAA), especially six months after the
Heavy metals dam rupture. The water induced immediate negative biological effects at different levels of the trophic
Ecotoxicology chain, together with Al, Fe, Mn and Zn accumulation in fish muscle. Both water and sediment also showed

⁎ Correspondence to: C. S. Vergilio, Laboratório de Ecotoxicologia, Departamento de Biologia, Centro de Ciências Exatas, Naturais e da Saúde, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo -
Campus Alegre, Alto Universitário, S/N, Guararema, Alegre, Espirito Santo 29.500-000, Brazil.
⁎⁎ Correspondence to: C. E. de Rezende, Laboratório de Ciências Ambientais, Centro de Biociências e Biotecnologia, Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro, Avenida
Alberto Lamego, 2000, Parque Califórnia, Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro 28013-602, Brazil.
E-mail addresses: (C. dos Santos Vergilio), (C.E. de Rezende).
C. S. Vergilio and D. Lacerda have the same contribution as first authors.
0048-9697/© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
C. dos Santos Vergilio, D. Lacerda, T. da Silva Souza et al. Science of the Total Environment 756 (2021) 143697

Iron ore cytotoxic, genotoxic and mutagenic effects. These data demonstrate the importance of long-term monitor-
Sediment ing with abiotic and biotic parameters to clarify the impacts of mining tailings and can help to direct future
Suspended particulate matter monitoring programs.
© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction restricted areas of the Doce River. Considering the magnitude of the
accident, there are still few studies reporting the immediate and long-
Mining activity produces intense changes in the landscape to re- term impacts of the tailings release on biological organisms. Therefore,
cover valuable minerals. The process involves extraction of large there is still a need to evaluate the impacts along the affect area, includ-
amounts of rock and soil, with intensive use of water, resulting in re- ing evaluation of the metal accumulation in the biota, to enable infer-
lease of effluents such as tailings (Schoenberger, 2016). The material hy- ences about the continuing risks to the human population.
draulically retained by tailings dams is usually composed of fine Toxicological tests using different indicator organisms are an impor-
particulate matter with greater weight (ICOLD, 2001). The volume and tant tool for water quality monitoring. The use of species with distinct
chemical characteristics of the tailings released by dam failure (particu- position level can help to assess the impacts along the food chain.
larly with potentially toxic metals) damage the whole affected area, Genetic toxicity bioassays are also recommended to monitor the quality
including soils, rivers, plants, associated biota and local human popula- of impacted areas, because they shed light on the action of compounds
tions (Burritt and Christ, 2018). with cytotoxic, genotoxic and/or mutagenic properties, like heavy
On November 2015, the rupture of Fundão Dam, located in south- metals. Nevertheless, only a few studies have focused on the biological
eastern Brazil, initially released at least 34 million m3 of iron ore mining and cytogenotoxic potential the compartments of the Doce River after
residue, which flowed for more than 650 km through the Gualaxo do the iron ore tailings release. Moreover, many of the studies were
Norte, Carmo and Doce rivers until reach the Atlantic Ocean (IBAMA, restricted to one or two sampling sites (Gomes et al., 2019; Quadra
2015; Carmo et al., 2017) (Supplementary Video). Efforts were made et al., 2019). Therefore, considering the dimensions of the disaster and
to retain the remaining 16 million m3 in the tailings pond, but a consid- its potential impacts on exposed organisms and human populations, it
erable part also reached the sea. The volume of material released is important to investigate the biological and cytogenetic impact of the
and resulting damage made this event the largest environmental disas- tailings in the Doce River as a function of time and distance from
ter in Brazilian history, and one of the largest in the world involving the dam.
tailings dams (Aires et al., 2018; Almeida et al., 2018; Burritt and The present study investigated the changes in metal concentrations
Christ, 2018). in the dissolved, suspended particulate matter and sediment in the
The volume of tailings led to an immediate increase in water turbid- period just after (15 days) and six months after the rupture of the tail-
ity, contamination of riverside soils, loss of native vegetation, including ings dam, together with the biological and cytogenetic effects of the
remnants of Atlantic Forest (a hotspot of biodiversity) and other places tailings, from the collapse site until the mouth of the Doce River at the
legally classified as “permanent protection areas” (Aires et al., 2018; Atlantic Ocean. These data are important to understand the metal
Omachi et al., 2018). The damages were severe to water, sediment dynamics along time and the long-term biological impacts of this
and associated fauna of the river courses, as well as the estuarine, massive accident, to support actions to restore and protect the Doce
coastal and marine environments (IBAMA, 2015; Carmo et al., 2017). River watershed and similar impacted areas worldwide.
Besides environmental damages, the social impacts were also severe,
with the death of 19 people, pollution of the water supply, evacuation 2. Material and methods
of the riverside population, restrictions on fishing activities and other
water uses (such as irrigation), socioeconomic losses and sense of dan- 2.1. Study area and sampling
ger and helplessness among the affected population (IBAMA, 2015;
Carmo et al., 2017; Hatje et al., 2017). Nowadays, the population is Fundão Dam belongs to the Germano mining complex, in the Bento
still fearful of the contamination risk due to the lack of transparency of Rodrigues district located in the municipality of Mariana in Minas Gerais
the mining company and public environmental agencies. State, southeastern Brazil. The dam was storing some 50 million m3 of
The flow of tailings released not only the characteristic elements iron ore tailings, of which at least 34 million m3 was released directly
from the ore, predominantly Fe (45,200 ± 2850 mg·kg−1) and Mn into the Doce River basin (Supplementary Video). On November 5,
(433 ± 110 mg·kg−1), but also toxic metals as Cr (63.9 ± 2015, with the dam rupture, the tailings reached the Santarém Dam
15.1 mg·kg−1), Pb (20.2 ± 4.6 mg·kg−1) (Queiroz et al., 2018), Hg just in downstream, then flowed through the Gualaxo do Norte River
(~75 ng·g−1), As (~719.07 ng·g−1) (Segura et al., 2016) and even the until reaching the Carmo River and ultimately the Doce River (Supple-
rare earth metals La (~414.57 ng·g−1) and Sc (~609.30 ng·g−1) mentary Video). Along the Doce River, the tailings were carried for
(Segura et al., 2016). Despite efforts to quantify and monitor the impacts 670 km until the Atlantic Ocean, in the municipality of Linhares in
of the disaster on inland and coastal ecosystems, many uncertainties re- Espírito Santo State (IBAMA, 2015).
main more than four years after the dam rupture. The initial impact of The Doce River basin is an area of great social and environmental
the tailings as source of metals was demonstrated, but the fluctuations importance for Brazil, between Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo states,
in metal levels with time have not been confirmed yet and the long- containing 228 municipalities, an estimated population of more than
term effects are not clearly described. This material was eventually de- three million inhabitants (ANA, 2020). The region has the largest ore
posited in riverside soils and river bottom sediments, which can be mining complex in Latin America, supporting the economy of several
absorbed by organisms of the local food chain. municipalities. Besides mining, other uses of the Doce River include
Among the biological consequences of tailings release are changes in supply of drinking water for humans and livestock, irrigation, and
microbial communities (Cordeiro et al., 2019), algae physiology (Costa fishing, among others (IBAMA, 2015).
et al., 2019), benthic macrofauna (Oliveira Gomes et al., 2017) and larval The region has humid tropical climate with a rainy season from
fish assemblages (Bonecker et al., 2019), beyond alteration in liver October to March and a dry season from April to September (ANA,
morphology of the fish species (Weber et al., 2020). However, some of 2020). The headwaters of the Doce River's tributaries are at altitudes
these studies are restricted to marine or estuarine areas or only cover above 1000 m. Along its course, mainly beyond the city of São Jose do

C. dos Santos Vergilio, D. Lacerda, T. da Silva Souza et al. Science of the Total Environment 756 (2021) 143697

Goiabal, the Doce River flows at altitudes lower than 378 m (Supple- that contained SPM were freeze-dried and stored at −20 °C for further
mentary Material S1). analysis. Another the surface water aliquot (15 L) was collected and
To evaluate the elements' distribution and biological effects of the stored in polyethylene containers at 4 °C for biological and toxicogenetic
tailings along the river, water and sediment samples were collected assays. The surface sediments were collected in plastic bags and kept
from near the rupture site (2.5 km) until the river mouth (666 km) in under refrigeration at −4 °C until analysis. One sediment portion was
two campaigns: (1) in the period immediately after the dam collapse fractionated (< 2 mm) by sieving, after a wet sample from the fraction
(November 23–27, 2015 – when the tailings first reached the sea) - smaller than 2 mm was placed under agitation in an ultrasound bath
with 9 sampling sites (Ipatinga – 256 km, Governador Valadares – for 10 min, followed by the determination of the particle size distribu-
365 km, Tumiritinga – 407 km, Resplendor – 475 km, Aimorés – tion by laser diffraction (Shimadzu model SALD-3101) in sand, silt and
500 km, Mascarenhas – 523 km, Colatina – 556 km, Linhares – 622 km clay fractions (Table 1). Another sediment portion (<2 mm) was
and Regência – 666 km; and (2) six months after the dam rupture homogenized with a mortar and pestle for subsequent metal
(May 9–12, 2016) – with 13 sampling sites (Bento Rodrigues – measurements.
2.5 km, Gualaxo – 71 km, São José do Goiabal – 157 km, Bom Jesus do
Galho – 242 km, Ipatinga – 256 km, Governador Valadares – 365 km, 2.2. Metal quantification in dissolved, SPM and sediment
Tumiritinga – 407 km, Resplendor – 475 km, Aimorés – 500 km,
Mascarenhas – 523 km, Colatina – 556 km, Linhares – 622 km and Metal analysis in the dissolved fractions were performed in the acid-
Regência – 666 km). Along the river until the Atlantic Ocean there are ified water samples during the sampling campaigns. SPM filters and
four water dams: (1) between Gualaxo and São José do Goiabal, (2) be- sediment (0.5 g dry weight) were prepared according to the US EPA
tween Ipatinga and Governador Valadares, and (3) and (4) between (1996) 3052 method through acid digestion (HNO3 65%, HF 48% and
Aimorés and Mascarenhas (Fig. 1). HCl 37%) in a microwave oven (Mars 5 Xpress CEM-Corporation). A
At each sampling site, the physical-chemical parameters pH, electri- 4% boric acid (H3BO3) solution (m/v) was added to complex the possible
cal conductivity, dissolved oxygen and turbidity were measured HF residue. The extracts were filtered and the tubes were filled to 50 mL
(Table 1). One aliquot (500 mL) from the surface water filtered within with HNO3 0.5 M. Metal determination (Al, Ba, Cd, Ce, Cr, Cu, Er, Eu, Fe,
a day of sampling using pre-weighted glass fiber filters (0.70 μm) to ob- Gd, La, Lu, Mn, Nd, Ni, Pb, Pr, Sc, Sm, Tb, Ti, Y, Zn) was performed by in-
tain the suspended particulate matter (SPM) through gravimetry for ductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES,
metal analysis as well as organic matter composition (Table 1), followed Varian - 720 ES), while Hg determinations were performed in a Hg
by water acidification until pH 2 and storage in polyethylene containers Quick Trace M-750 CETAC-VARIAN analyzer. For quality assurance,
at 4 °C for dissolved metal analysis. After filtration, the glass fiber filters one analytical blank was used for every 20 samples being considered

Fig. 1. Map of the sampling sites along the Doce River basin in southeastern Brazil. The sampling started close to the Fundão Dam rupture site and followed along the Gualaxo, Carmo and
Doce rivers until the mouth at the Atlantic Ocean. 1 - Bento Rodrigues – 2.5 km, 2 - Gualaxo – 71 km, 3 - São José do Goiabal – 157 km, 4 - Bom Jesus do Galho – 242 km, 5 - Ipatinga –
256 km, 6 - Governador Valadares – 365 km, 7 - Tumiritinga – 407 km, 8 - Resplendor – 475 km, 9 - Aimorés – 500 km, 10 - Mascarenhas – 523 km, 11 - Colatina – 556 km, 12 - Linhares –
622 km and 13 - Regência – 666 km).

C. dos Santos Vergilio, D. Lacerda, T. da Silva Souza et al. Science of the Total Environment 756 (2021) 143697

Table 1
Physical and chemical parameters of the water and sediment of the sampling sites in the Doce River basin. SPM = Surface particulate matter. Significance codes: *** = 0.001; ** = 0.01;
* = 0.05; . = 0.1.

Sampling Damming distance (km) Sites Water Sediment

SPM pH Conductivity Dissolved Oxigen Turbidity Sand (%) Silt (%) Clay (%)
(mg·L−1) (μS·cm−1) (mg·L−1)

1 256 Ipatinga 1877 6.6 120 4.7 6750.0 55 45 0

365 Gov. Valadares 906 7.1 81 5.1 3843.0 14 71 15
407 Tumiritinga 1411 6.8 100 4.2 2630.0 8 66 26
476 Resplendor 806 6.8 100 4.4 6018.0 0 36 64
500 Aimorés 305 6.6 122 4.5 960.0 93 6 1
523 Mascarenhas 336 6.1 120 4.8 1079.0 100 0 0
556 Colatina 350 7.4 118 6.2 1179.0 100 0 0
622 Linhares 1070 7.6 107 4.3 2704.0 100 0 0
666 Regência 747 6.7 948 5.4 1447.0 86 14 0
2 2,5 Bento Rodrigues 166 7.5 117 5.4 13.5 54 32 14
71 Gualaxo 157 7.5 68 5.8 2.7 54 33 13
157 São José do Goiabal 95 7.5 82 5.4 44.0 48 37 15
242 Bom Jesus do Galho 120 7.5 69 5.7 52.9 44 40 17
256 Ipatinga 67 7.6 98 5.8 31.4 43 39 18
365 Gov. Valadares 14 7.1 87 6.2 11.3 46 36 18
407 Tumiritinga 19 7.6 91 5.0 14.0 42 39 20
476 Resplendor 14 7.4 98 5.0 12.1 38 40 22
500 Aimorés 9 7.9 73 5.2 14.0 43 37 20
523 Mascarenhas 13 7.9 41 7.0 17.8 60 26 14
556 Colatina 16 8.0 46 6.0 16.6 50 33 17
622 Linhares 19 8.1 89 6.1 17.4 33 44 23
666 Regência 16 7.8 2407 7.2 12.0 0 65 34
Mean (sampling 1) 868*** 6.8 202 4.8 2956*** 62 26 12
SD (sampling 1) 529 0.4 280 0.7 2169.0 43 29 21
Mean (sampling 2) 56 7.7• 259 5.8 20.0 43 38 19*
SD (sampling 2) 59 0.3 646 0.7 14.2 15 9 6

the results with the coefficient of variation was less than 15%. For SPM, in Erlenmeyer flasks to obtain exponential cultures. The growth inhibition
the analytical blanks contained glass fiber filters that passed through the test was performed according to ABNT NBR 12648 (ABNT, 2018). For the
same procedures of acid digestion mentioned previously. To determine control (only with LC Oligo medium) and tested waters, three replicates
the accuracy of the method, the standard reference material 1646a Estu- were prepared in sterile flasks. A cell concentration of 1 × 104 cells/mL
arine Sediment from National Institute of Standards & Technology – was added to each replicate. The solutions were maintained under contin-
NIST was used following the same procedures mentioned above. The uous agitation with white fluorescent light at 23 °C and 27 °C for 96 h. At
quantification and the method's detection limits together with recovery the end of the test, three aliquots each from the control and treated sam-
values of the certified material are demonstrated in Supplementary ples were examined for counting under an optical microscope with a
Material S2. Neubauer chamber under a 100× objective.

2.3. Enrichment factor (EF) in sediment 2.4.2. Daphnia similis toxicological assay (second trophic level)
The acute toxicity tests were performed according to ABNT NBR
The enrichment factor is frequently used in geochemical studies to 12713 (ABNT, 2016a), where eight replicates with five neonates 6 to
determine the degree of anthropogenic metal pollution: 24 h old were exposed to 10 mL of water samples for 48 h under static
  conditions at 20 ± 2 °C in the dark. The control samples were main-
Metal tained only with MS medium. After exposure, immobilized organisms
Fe were counted. Tests were considered acceptable if D. similis immobility
EF ¼  
Metal in the negative controls did not exceed 10%.
2.4.3. Danio rerio toxicological assay (third trophic level)
Iron was used as the normalizing element because of its conservative This study was performed in accordance with the ethical guidelines
nature and low mobility, which reduces the effects of grain size and and the experimental methods were approved by the Committee on
mineralogy. Background values were considered as the median of Ethical Used of Animals of Espírito Santo Federal University, Alegre
each element from the sediment samples from the Iron Quadrangle Campus (CEUA Alegre) with protocol number 26/2016. Danio rerio
region of Minas Gerais, the region where the dam is located (Vicq specimens (zebrafish) were obtained from the Ornamental Fish Produc-
et al., 2015). According to Sakan et al. (2009), the EF values are tion and Nutrition Laboratory (LNPEO) of the Federal Institute of
interpreted as follows: EF < 1 indicates no enrichment; < 3 is minor Espírito Santo (IFES) Campus Alegre. The fish were acclimated to the
enrichment; 3–5 is moderate enrichment; 5–10 is moderately severe dechlorinated water used in the tests, by replacing 25% of the water vol-
enrichment; 10–25 is severe enrichment; 25–50 is very severe enrich- ume every 24 h. After the total replacement of the water, the organisms
ment; and > 50 is extremely severe enrichment. were kept in this water for at least seven days before the beginning of
the tests. The acute toxicity tests were performed according to ABNT
2.4. Immediate effects (15 days) of Doce River to biological indicators NBR 15088 (ABNT, 2016b). Ten adult organisms (total length: 2.0 ±
1.0 cm) were exposed to the water samples for 96 h in a semi-static
2.4.1. Algal toxicological assay (first trophic level) test, with renewal of the test solution every 24 h. The observed effect
Starter cultures of Raphidocelis subcapitata were prepared by inoculat- was the lethality in comparison to the control under the same condi-
ing a loop of algal cells (from an agar plate) in 100 mL of LC Oligo medium tions. The test was repeated twice as experimental replicates.

C. dos Santos Vergilio, D. Lacerda, T. da Silva Souza et al. Science of the Total Environment 756 (2021) 143697

2.4.4. Metal accumulation in fish comparable. As the quantified elements in the dissolved fraction showed
An aliquot of 0.2–0.5 g (wet weight) obtained from a pooled sample a low correlation with each other, the graphical analysis of the element's
(five fish of the same treatment) was solubilized in 65% HNO3 at 150 °C. behavior was performed only for SPM and sediment.
The metal determination (Al, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn) was per- The cytogenotoxicity results in water and sediments were associated
formed in resuspended 0.5% v/v HNO3 extracts with inductively coupled with metal groups through of Pearson's correlation (cor.test, base pack-
plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES Varian - 720 ES). To de- age, R Core Team, 2020). The association between genotoxicity and the
termine the accuracy of the method, the standard reference material mutagenicity with mitotic index was evaluated by ANCOVA (lm, base
DORM-3 fish protein reference material from National Research Council package, R Core Team, 2020), assuming a 95% confidence level. The
Canada was used following the same procedures mentioned above. The data were transformed to meet the assumptions of ANOVA and
elements evaluated (exception of Ba) in fish muscle were choose based ANCOVA (normality, linearity and homoscedasticity of residuals)
on recovery (80–120%) values of DORM 3. Ba was also included in the using a maximum likelihood function (boxcox, MASS package, Venables
analysis, since the values were comparable to other published studies and Venables and Ripley, 2002).
with metal concentration in fish muscle tissue using the same methodol-
ogy (Agostinho et al., 2020; Lacerda et al., 2020). The quantification and 3. Results
the method's detection limits are presented in Supplementary Table S2.
3.1. Elements in the dissolved and suspended particulate matter
2.5. Immediate (15 days) and long term (six months) toxicogenetic poten-
tial of Doce River water and sediment With the dam rupture (sampling 1), the tailings released were
mainly transported as SPM, raising the turbidity levels (Table 1). After
Allium cepa seeds (bundle-branch variety) from the same lot (num- the dam rupture (sampling 1–15 days) the SPM showed the predomi-
ber 774758, 90% germination, Isla®) were used for being genetically nance of Fe (mean value: 121.7 mg·L−1), Cr (mean value: 91.05 mg·L−1),
and physiologically homogeneous (Leme and Marin-Morales, 2009). Al (mean value: 64.60 mg·L−1), Cu (mean value: 24.92 mg·L−1), Pb
The seeds were germinated in Petri dishes with filter paper embedded (mean value: 20.84 mg·L−1), Cd (mean value: 14.10 mg·L−1), together
in the water or in the whole sediment collected from the different sam- with the rare earth metals La (mean value: 184.99 mg·L−1), Y (mean
pling points. Distilled water was used as negative control and 0.025% value: 74.24 mg·L−1), Gd (mean value: 71.92 mg·L−1), and Nd (mean
colchicine as positive control. After five days, A. cepa (1.5–2 cm) rootlets value: 66.35 mg·L−1). Six months later (sampling 2), the elements
were collected and fixed in methanol + acetic acid in the ratio 3: 1. showed significant decrease in their levels, but Fe (mean value:
Next, the rootlets were hydrolyzed in 1 N HCl at 60 °C for 10 min and 18.10 mg·L−1), Cr (mean value: 10.52 mg·L−1) and Al (mean value:
then subjected to Schiff's reagent for 2 h in the dark. The root tips (mer- 9.2 mg·L−1) continued to be the majority elements in SPM, together
istematic region) were sectioned, stained with 2% acetic carmine, cov- with Nd (mean value: 19.21 mg·L−1).
ered by coverslip and macerated. The slides were immersed in liquid The SPM acted in the metal transport along the river, since increased
nitrogen and then mounted with Canada balsam. The material was an- levels of most of the metals were observed in this matrix (Fig. 2a - Group
alyzed under a light microscope with magnification of 400×. For each 1 / 15 days: Fe, Al, Ti, Mn, Zn, Cr, Ni, Cu, Pb, Cd, Eu, Gd, La, Lu, Pr, Sc, Tb, Y,
sampling point, 5000 cells were counted (500 cells in 10 slides). Cyto- Supplementary Material S3), especially closest to the rupture site
toxicity of the Doce River samples was determined by the mitotic (Ipatinga – 256 m) (Fig. 2a – Group 1 / 15 days). However, the existence
index (cell division/total cells observed x 100). Aberrant cells, observed of four water dams (for electricity generation), which were closed after
in each state of the cell cycle, were grouped into the same category by the dam rupture, acted to retain the material transport along the river,
the genotoxicity index. Micronuclei were counted to determine the mu- reducing the SPM and turbidity (Table 1) together with the metal levels
tagenic potential of water and sediment samples. at sampling sites downstream from the water dams (Governador
Valadares – 365 km, Aimorés – 500 km and Mascarenhas – 523 km)
2.6. Statistical analysis (Fig. 2a – Group 1 / 15 days). An increase of the metal concentrations
of this group near of the river mouth (Regência – 666 m) (Fig. 2a) oc-
The data on the differences of metal concentrations (dissolved, SPM, curred together with increases of conductivity, SPM and silt levels
sediment and fish) and the physical-chemical values evaluated in the (Table 1), which indicates the existence of a mixture zone due to the
sampling campaigns were submitted to ANOVA (aov, base package, R meeting of the river with the Atlantic Ocean.
Core Team, 2020), assuming a 95% confidence level, using the R soft- Six months later (sampling 2), less SPM was being transported
ware (R Core Team, 2020). Data were transformed to meet the assump- along the river, causing lower turbidity (Table 1), reducing the
tions of ANOVA (normality, linearity and homoscedasticity of residuals) levels of these metals (Fig. 2a - six months, Supplementary Mate-
using a maximum likelihood function (boxcox, MASS package, Venables rial S3). However, there was still a trend of higher metal concentra-
and Venables and Ripley, 2002). Since the normality criteria were not tions near the dam (Bento Rodrigues - 2.5 km, Gualaxo – 71 km, São
met by the R. subcapitata, D. similis and A. cepa data, the Kruskal- José do Goiabal – 157 km, Bom Jesus do Galho – 242 km and
Wallis nonparametric test (Kruskal, agricolae, Mendiburu, 2019) was Ipatinga – 256 km), together with increased levels of SPM and tur-
applied assuming a 95% confidence level. bidity (Table 1). This occurred because, despite attempts, the total
To evaluate metal associations and behavior in SPM and sediment blockage of the tailings was not successful, so part of the tailings
along the rivers, Pearson's correlation coefficients were calculated to iden- was still slowly carried by the river. Besides that, the increase of
tify clusters of metals with the same overall profiles regardless of their rainfall in the upstream part of the watershed might also have
concentrations at each sampling site, using the R software (cor, base pack- acted to carry away material deposited on the banks of the river
age, R Core Team, 2020). To conduct this analysis, the variables with miss- (Fig. 2a).
ing data (less than 50% of missing data) were regressed with other In relation to the dissolved elements, some metals in the dis-
variables and the values were stipulated using linear regression with R2 solved fraction showed concentrations below the method's detec-
greater than 0.80. The clusters were defined with pairwise variables tion limit in both sampling campaigns (Cd, Cu, Er, Gd, Lu, Ni, Pb,
that presented a strong correlation coefficient (greater than 0.70). The Tm, Yb). From the quantified elements, the majority (Al, Ba, Ce, Cr,
tendencies of metal concentrations were plotted according the associa- Eu, Fe, La, Mn, Nd, Pr, Sc, Sm, Tb, Ti, Y and Zn) presented higher con-
tions verified in the clusters, using the R software (R Core Team, 2020) centrations in the immediate moment (15 days) after the dam rup-
with data transformed to Z-scale (standard scale in statistics where the ture with a decrease in their levels 6 months latter (Supplementary
standard deviation is 1 unit. and the mean is zero), to make the variables Material S4).

C. dos Santos Vergilio, D. Lacerda, T. da Silva Souza et al. Science of the Total Environment 756 (2021) 143697

Fig. 2. Behavior of metal levels in (a) suspended particulate matter (SPM) and (b – d) sediment in the period immediately after (15 days) (brown lines) and six months after (blue lines) of
the tailings dam rupture along the Doce River. (a) Group 1: Fe, Al, Ti, Mn, Cr, Ni, Cu, Pb, Cd, Eu, Gd, La, Lu, Pr, Sc, Tb and Y, Group 2: Se, Ba, Zn, Er, Nd and Sm, All elements: Fe, Al, Ti, Mn, Se, Ba,
Zn, Cr, Ni, Cu, Pb, Cd, Ce, Eu, Gd, La, Lu, Nd, Pr, Sc, Sm and Tb. (b) All elements: Fe, Al, Ti, Mn, Se, Ba, Zn, Cr, Ni, Cu, Pb, Cd, Hg, Er, Eu, Gd, La, Lu, Nd, Pr, Sc, Sm, Tb and Y, Major group: Fe, Al, Ti,
Mn, Ba, Zn, Cr, Ni, Cu, Pb, Cd, Hg, Ce, Er, Gd, La, Lu, Nd, Pr, Sc, Sm and Tb. The values were transformed to z-scale to make them comparable. The dashed lines represent four water dams along
the river. The bars represent the standard error of z-scaled variables at each sampling site.

3.2. Elements in the sediments after the dam rupture (sampling 1) (Fig. 2b – 15 days), while six months
later, the Ba and Mn (Fig. 2c) and Ce, Y, Er, Nd, Sm, La (Fig. 2d) formed
After the dam rupture (sampling 1–15 days) the sediment showed groups with distinct behaviors. At Resplendor – 476 km and Aimorés
the predominance of Fe (mean value: 39.02 mg·g−1), Al (mean – 500 km, the increase of metal concentrations in the sediment (sam-
value: 23.68 mg·g−1), Ti (mean value: 1.07 mg·g−1), Mn (mean plings 1 and 2) was influenced by their upstream position to a water
value: 0.46 mg·g−1), Se (mean value: 85 μg·g−1), Ba (mean value: dam. The consequent blockage of the SPM induced the metal transport
56 μg·g−1), Zn (mean value: 29 μg·g−1), Cr (mean value: 30 μg·g−1), to the sediment. On the other hand, in the sampling points downstream
Ni (mean value: 13 μg·g−1), Cu (mean value: 12 μg·g−1) and Pb from the water dams (São José do Goiabal – 157 km, Governador
(mean value: 7.16 μg·g−1). Six months latter (sampling 2), most of Valadares – 365 km, Tumiritinga – 407 km, Mascarenhas – 523 km
elements showed increase in their levels, but the Al (mean value: and Colatina – 556 km), a decrease in metal concentration was observed
167.98 mg·g−1), Fe (mean value: 109.66 mg·g−1), Ti (mean value: (Fig. 2b). The levels of Cr, Ni, Cd and Hg in sediment were higher than
1.97 mg·g−1), Mn (mean value: 0.79 mg·g−1), continued to be the the threshold effects level (TEL) established by the National Oceanic
majority elements in the sediment, together with elements Ba and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Concentrations above the
(mean value: 167.98 μg·g−1), Hg (mean value: 0.10 μg·g−1), Pb PEL (probable effects levels) were observed for Ni and Cd. The highest
(mean value: 10.78 μg·g−1), Tb (mean value: 58.93 μg·g−1) and Er incidence of non-conforming values was observed six months after
(mean value: 2.87 μg·g−1) hat showed significant increase in their the dam rupture (sampling 2) (Supplementary Material S5).
concentrations six months after the dam rupture.
In the sediments there was an increase of the metal levels six 3.3. Enrichment of metal levels along the Doce River
months (sampling 2) after the dam rupture in relation to the first sam-
pling (15 days) (Fig. 2b, Supplementary Material S5). In both samplings, The elements Cd, Ti, Al, Zn, Pb and Ni had the highest enrichment
the highest metal levels in sediments were observed nearest the mining factors (moderately severe enrichment or even very severe enrich-
source in Bento Rodrigues – 2.5 km (Fig. 2b). The multi-elemental anal- ment) in the period immediately after (15 days) the Fundão Dam
ysis demonstrated the same behavior for most of the elements 15 days rupture (Table 2). The metal enrichment was more evident promptly

C. dos Santos Vergilio, D. Lacerda, T. da Silva Souza et al. Science of the Total Environment 756 (2021) 143697

Table 2
Enrichment factors (EFs) from the sediment samples along the Doce River. The values and colors indicate: <1 no enrichment, <3 minor enrichment, 3–5 moderate
enrichment, 5–10 moderately severe enrichment, 10–25 severe enrichment, 25–50 very severe enrichment.

Sampling Sites distance Fe Al Ti Mn Zn Cr Ni Cu Pb Cd
1 Ipatinga 256 1 7.3 24.8 2.9 2.7 1.9 3.0 2.2 1.1 13.9 <1
Gov. Valadares 365 1 5.7 39.4 1.9 7.1 2.0 3.3 3.1 2.5 9.8 <3
Tumiritinga 407 1 4.3 31.3 6.5 4.8 2.1 4.0 2.8 1.4 10.1 3-8
Resplendor 476 1 3.9 34.7 2.5 4.1 3.7 3.8 2.5 1.0 8.1 5 - 10
Aimorés 500 1 3.1 3.8 1.1 1.2 1.0 1.6 1.6 0.8 23.5 10 - 25
Mascarenhas 523 1 4.6 6.5 2.0 1.9 1.3 2.3 2.3 1.1 22.1 25 - 50
Colatina 556 1 4.9 46.3 1.3 2.5 2.0 2.7 1.9 3.9 17.0
Linhares 622 1 2.8 9.2 0.8 1.3 0.7 1.7 1.0 0.3 18.1
Regência 666 1 3.7 5.4 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.8 2.6 0.8 25.4
2 Bento Rodrigues 3 1 5.2 4.6 0.7 2.1 1.0 1.6 1.9 1.7 10.3
Gualaxo 71 1 9.3 30.1 1.9 3.0 2.0 2.7 1.9 3.6 13.9
São José do Goiabal 157 1 16.8 20.1 2.4 5.7 2.9 4.0 3.7 5.9 26.0
Bom Jesus do Galho 242 1 21.5 25.4 2.2 5.3 4.6 6.0 4.9 8.3 38.6
Ipatinga 256 1 1.0 4.1 0.5 0.7 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.5 2.5
Gov. Valadares 365 1 1.3 5.3 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.6 2.8
Tumiritinga 407 1 1.8 11.6 1.1 1.7 1.2 1.7 1.4 0.8 3.5
Resplendor 476 1 4.8 26.0 1.5 2.1 1.4 1.6 1.4 1.8 7.6
Aimorés 500 1 0.8 3.2 0.7 1.1 0.7 0.8 0.5 0.4 3.6
Mascarenhas 523 1 1.4 5.6 0.6 0.9 0.7 1.1 0.6 0.2 3.2
Colatina 556 1 6.4 10.3 5.3 2.5 3.1 3.4 3.0 2.3 14.5
Linhares 622 1 1.3 1.5 4.1 0.4 0.4 0.8 0.5 0.2 3.5
Regência 666 1 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 3.9

after the dam rupture, with a tendency to decrease until six months and in sampling sites close to the mouth (Colatina – 556 km and
later (Table 2). Regência – 666 km). The absence of genotoxicity and mutagenicity at
Ipatinga – 256 km occurred due to the higher cytotoxic effect. Moreover,
3.4. Immediate biological effects of the tailings the highest cytotoxicity, genotoxicity and mutagenicity were observed
at Aimorés (500 km) (Fig. 5a - c), due to the blockage effect of the
The tailings had immediate impacts (after 15 days) on different dam, which acted to increase the levels of the elements in the water
levels of the trophic chain of producers - algae, primary consumers - (associated with the SPM). Six months later (sampling 2), water cyto-
microcrustaceans (Fig. 3a, b). Growth was inhibited of the toxicity was still observed near the dam (Bento Rodrigues – 2.5 km
chlorophyceae alga Raphidocelis subcapitata – indicative of the first tro- and Ipatinga – 256 km) (Fig. 5a). Compared to the sampling 1
phic level (Fig. 3a) – after the exposure to water from almost all sam- (15 days), the frequency of genetic damage and number of micronuclei
pling sites of the Doce River (with exception of Governador Valadares increased considerably, mainly due to the genotoxic (Fig. 5b) and muta-
– 365 km and Tumiritinga – 405 km). Immobility of the microcrustacean genic effects (with exception of Bento Rodrigues – 2.5 km due to higher
Daphnia similis – indicative of the second trophic level (Fig. 3b) – was cytotoxic effect) (Fig. 5b) along the entire river course.
observed from the closest site to the dam (Ipatinga – 256 km) until In relation to the sediment, the samples collected shortly after the
Mascarenhas – 523 km (with exception of Aimores – 500 km). The rupture (15 days) along all the river course were extremely cytotoxic
Doce River water in the period immediately after (15 days) the dam (Fig. 5d), since the exposure induced arrest of meristematic cells in
rupture did not cause significant mortality of the Danio rerio specimens the interphase, due to the interruption of the cell division cycle. Conse-
(Fig. 3c). quently, these samples were neither genotoxic nor mutagenic. Six
months later, although cytotoxicity was no longer observed in the
3.5. Immediate and long-term metal accumulation by fish sediment (Fig. 5d), the genotoxicity was evident in all sampling sites.
Micronucleus frequency was significantly higher only at Governador
Although without mortality, the fish exposed to the water of the Valadares - 365 km from the dam rupture site (Fig. 5f).
Doce River accumulated Al, Fe, Mn and Zn in the muscle tissue The covariance analysis between cytogenotoxic variables demon-
(Fig. 4). Particularly for Mn and Zn, the accumulation increased with strated a negative or absent association between genotoxic abnormali-
the exposure to the water six months after the dam rupture (Fig. 4). ties and mitotic index in the period immediately after the dam
In contrast, for Ba, Cr and Cu, the accumulation effect was not observed rupture (sampling 1–15 days) in water and sediment respectively. On
(Fig. 4). Cd and Pb levels were below the method's detection limits for the other hand, a positive association was noted between genotoxicity
both sampling periods. and mitotic index in both water and sediment after six months
(Fig. 6a). The mutagenicity (indicated by the prevalence of micronuclei)
3.6. Immediate and long-term toxicogenetic effects was positively associated with the mitotic index in both sampling
periods and matrices (Fig. 6b).
Both water (with high amount of SPM) and sediment from the Doce The associations mentioned above influenced the correlations
River had cytotoxic, genotoxic and mutagenic effects in the period im- between cytogenotoxic data with the metal groups in SPM and sedi-
mediately after (15 days) and six months after the dam rupture ment in both sampling periods. The mitotic index and micronucleus
(Fig. 5). After 15 days (sampling 1), the water from all sampling sites rate showed mostly a negative correlation with the elements present
demonstrated cytotoxicity (Fig. 5a) and mutagenicity (Fig. 5c) (with ex- in the SPM 15 days and six months after the rupture. This indicates
ception of Ipatinga – 256 km). The water genotoxicity was also evident that the higher level of the elements in SPM caused a decrease in the
along the Doce River (Fig. 5b) with the exception of Ipatinga – 256 km mitotic index, which consequently influenced the micronucleus

C. dos Santos Vergilio, D. Lacerda, T. da Silva Souza et al. Science of the Total Environment 756 (2021) 143697

Fig. 4. Metal (Al, Ba, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn) accumulation in the muscle of Danio rerio fish
exposed to Doce River water from the immediate moment (15 days) and six months after
the tailings dam rupture. NC: Negative control. The letters represent statistically different
values according the Tukey test (p < 0.05) and compare the treatments (NC, 15 days and
six months) for each element. The distance between y-axis values in the graph was log-
transformed to optimize data visualization.

association of most of the elements (Fe, Al, Gd, Lu, Ti, Zn, Cr, Ni, Cu, Pb,
Cd, Hg, Pr, Sc, Tb and Mn) with the mitotic index, genotoxic abnormal-
ities and micronucleus rate. Those elements included all that were
above the TEL and PEL (Cr, Ni, Cd and Hg), while other elements were
positively correlated with those variables (i.e., Ce, Y, La and Ba)
(Table 3). These data clearly indicate of the presence of one group of el-
ements that was more correlated with severe adverse toxicogenetic ef-
fects (Table 3).

4. Discussion

After the dam rupture, the fine particulate matter of the tailings in-
duced an increase in turbidity levels and metal distribution along the
whole course of the Doce River until the Atlantic Ocean. Therefore, the
SPM was a relevant environmental matrix for the dispersion of metals
along the river until its mouth (Hatje et al., 2017). The present study
demonstrates that in the long term (six months after the rupture), the
SPM settled as bottom sediment, increasing the metal levels together
with the potential to induce biological and toxicogenetic damages.
The SPM was at least two orders of magnitude higher than the his-
toric average (51 mg/L) in the month of the dam rupture (IGAM,
2015). This was also observed even three months afterward (Hatje
et al., 2017). SPM levels are affected by the particles and organic matter
loads from the surrounding soils. This surface runoff is increased during
Fig. 3. Toxicology tests with representative species of different trophic levels exposed to the rainy season leading to an increase in SPM levels. The time series of
the water of the Doce River after 15 days after the dam rupture. (a) Chlorophyceae
monthly rainfall of the Doce River basin shows a clear division between
algae – Raphidocelis subcapitata (primary producer – first trophic level),
(b) microcrustacean – Daphnia similis (primary consumer – second trophic level), and dry and rainy periods (Coimbra et al., 2019), being the rainy season re-
(c) fish – Danio rerio (secondary consumer – third trophic level). NC: Negative control. sponsible for approximately 94% of the SPM supply (Oliveira and da
The dashed lines represent the four water dams along the river. The letters represent Silva Quaresma, 2017). Therefore, it was already expected seasonal dif-
statistically different values according to the Kruskal-Wallis test (p < 0.05) and compare ferences in SPM levels together with metal concentrations between the
the different effects among the sampling sites. * means significant compared to the
negative control. The bars represent the standard errors.
samplings. However, in 2015, the Doce River experienced an extreme
drought. The median of the Doce River discharge in November 2015
(~320 m3/s) was well below historically median values for November
incidence (Table 3). In the sediments, there was a positive correlation of (790 m3/s) (Oliveira and da Silva Quaresma, 2017). Consequently, the
the mitotic index with all elements quantified 15 days after the dam fluctuations in SPM levels together with metals concentrations ob-
rupture. On the other hand, there was a negative and significant served in the present study occurred mainly due to dam rupture. This

C. dos Santos Vergilio, D. Lacerda, T. da Silva Souza et al. Science of the Total Environment 756 (2021) 143697

a ab a
ab ab ab
NC bc
PC bc*
cd* bcd PC
ef* de*
f* f*

g* g* g* g*


bc* bc* b* bc*
d* cd*
fg ef* fg hij
NC ghij NC fgh fghi j j ij


bcde* bcde* NC
cde* bc* cde de
de cde de
e e e
NC e e e e

Fig. 5. Cytotoxicity (a and d), genotoxicity (b and e) and mutagenicity (c and f) of Doce River water (a, b and c) (blue lines) and sediment (d, e and f) (brown lines) in the period
immediately after (15 days) and six months after the tailings dam rupture. NC: Negative control. PC: Positive control. The dashed lines represent the four water dams along the river.
The letters represent statistically different values according the Kruskal-Wallis test (p < 0.05) and compare the different treatments, sampling period and exposed matrices altogether
for each variable. * means significant compared to the negative control.

observation is in accordance with other studies that demonstrated that the sediment composition was evident along the river course, changing
the suspended load of the river was extremely high due to the dam tail- the granulometry until the sites close to the sea (Table 1), evidencing
ings (Coimbra et al., 2019; Quaresma et al., 2020). Therefore, the de- the SPM deposition along the Doce River.
crease in SPM and metal concentrations observed six months later of SPM transport and deposition along the Doce river might also result
the dam rupture, demonstrated the precipitation of the SPM that con- in the reduction of the dissolved elements in the water column ob-
solidated the bottom sediment, together with transport of the material served 6 months after the dam rupture. Since the majority of the dis-
to the river mouth. solved elements (Al, Ba, Ce, Cr, Eu, Fe, La, Mn, Nd, Pr, Sc, Sm, Tb, Ti, Y
The material transport along the river course is also demonstrated and Zn) presented higher concentrations only in the immediate mo-
through differences in the sediment particle size composition. In first ment (15 days) after the dam. Our results are in accordance with
sampling, the sampling sites close to the river mount (Colatina – Viana et al. (2020) that showed increase in the concentrations of dis-
556 km, Linhares – 622 km and Regência – 666 km) were totally solved Fe, Al, Ba, and Zn after the dam rupture in comparison with pre-
sandy. While, six months later the increase in silt and clay particles to vious levels. According to Hatje et al. (2017) the dissolved Fe, Ba, Cu, Ni,

C. dos Santos Vergilio, D. Lacerda, T. da Silva Souza et al. Science of the Total Environment 756 (2021) 143697

Fig. 6. Association between the (a) genotoxic abnormalities and the mitotic index and (b) the micronuclei and the mitotic index from water and sediment samples from the immediate
moment (15 days) after the dam rupture. The shadings identify the 68% confidence interval of the regression models.

Cr, Th and Al presented increase in transport and flux peaks along the (mean value: 7.16 μg·g−1). The predominance of Fe, Mn, Cr, Zn, Ni, Cu
Doce river basin. Therefore, the material transport along the river asso- and Pb was also found to be correlated with the tailings characteristics,
ciated with processes, such as flocculation, adsorption onto SPM, and composed of Fe-oxyhydroxides (goethite, hematite), kaolinite and
coagulation in the water column might be involved in the removal of quartz (Queiroz et al., 2018). The dominance of these minerals is associ-
these elements from water column into the bottom sediment. ated with the characteristics of the mined ore (e.g., itabirite rocks) (Silva
However, until total precipitation and due to remobilization events, et al., 2018).
these elements can be released into water column, where they accumu- Cd, Ti, Al, Zn, Pb and Ni enrichment together with Cr, Ni, Cd and Hg
late through biota and become incorporated through the food chain. levels beyond TEL and PEL also increase the importance of monitoring
Therefore, studies of the metal concentrations with the local biota or programs, including not only the river abiotic matrices but also the
with bioassays are important to demonstrate toxicological conse- biota. The accumulation of these elements in organisms can cause neg-
quences to different animal species, together with the evaluation of ative effects on the ecosystem and human health through ingestion of
the risks to humans. The present study demonstrates that the water contaminated food.
(15 days after the dam rupture) with high amount of SPM was able to Besides metals characteristic of the tailings content, some rare ele-
induce immediate impact at different trophic levels, from algae to ments or those with normally low levels also had high levels after the
microcrustaceans and fish. Indeed, the fish's exposure to the Doce dam rupture in SPM (Gd, La, Lu, Nd, Sm, Tb, Y) and in sediment (La
River water from the immediate period (15 days) and long-term (six and Y). The northern region of Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo states
months) after the dam rupture led to the accumulation of Al, Fe, Mn presents anomalies of the mineral monazite, phosphate-containing
and Zn in the muscle tissue. This is an alert about the effects in the ex- metals and rare earths - an important source of Th, La and Ce (Carmo
posed biota beyond the risk of consuming fishery items by the local et al., 2018). Therefore, in light of the local soil composition, the mining
population. activity might be acting to increase these metals in the tailings that were
After the dam rupture (sampling 1–15 days) the sediment showed released with the dam rupture. Rare earth elements are considered a
the predominance of Fe (mean value: 39.02 mg·g−1), Al (mean concern, especially from mining and industrial activities, due to their
value: 23.68 mg·g−1), Ti (mean value: 1.07 mg·g−1), Mn (mean persistent toxicity, radioactive nature, and potential for bioaccumula-
value: 0.46 mg·g−1), Se (mean value: 85 μg·g−1), Ba (mean value: tion (Khan et al., 2016). Beyond that, many of their toxicological effects
56 μg·g−1), Zn (mean value: 29 μg·g−1), Cr (mean value: 30 μg·g−1), are unknown. Indeed, the Fundão Dam rupture increased the concen-
Ni (mean value: 13 μg·g−1), Cu (mean value: 12 μg·g−1) and Pb tration of the rare earth metals in the SPM and sediment. These

Table 3
Pearson's correlation of cytogenotoxicity variables obtained in the Allium cepa test with bioavailable metal groups. * statistically significant (p < 0.10); ** statistically significant (p < 0.05).

Matrice Sampling Element groups Mitotic index Genotoxic abnormalities Micronuclei

SPM 1 Fe. Al. Ti. Mn. Cr. Ni. Cu. Pb. Cd. Eu. Gd. La. Lu. Pr. Sc. Tb and Y −0.51 0.26 −0.54
Se. Ba. Zn. Er. Nd and Sm −0.65 0.30 −0.40
2 Fe. Al. Ti. Mn. Se. Ba. Zn. Cr. Ni. Cu. Pb. Cd. Ce. Eu. Gd. La. Lu. Nd. Pr. Sc. Sm and Tb −0.93** −0.66 −0.49
Sediment 1 Fe. Al. Ti. Mn. Se. Ba. Zn. Cr. Ni. Cu. Pb. Cd. Hg. Er. Eu. Gd. La. Lu. Nd. Pr. Sc. Sm. Tb and Y 0.55 0.20 –
2 Fe. Al. Gd. Lu. Ti. Zn. Cr. Ni. Cu. Pb. Cd. Hg. Pr. Sc and Tb −0.86** −0.56 −0.30
Nd and Sm 0.73* 0.68 0.68
Ce and Y 0.55 0.30 0.80*
La 0.54 0.43 0.02
Mn −0.76* −0.40 −0.26
Ba 0.51 0.59 0.81**
Er −0.43 0.02 0.43

C. dos Santos Vergilio, D. Lacerda, T. da Silva Souza et al. Science of the Total Environment 756 (2021) 143697

elements are now in the aquatic system so their levels should be mon- Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
itored, together with the possibility of accumulation through local biota. org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.143697.
Our results also demonstrated that the water (with large amount of
SPM) and sediment along the entire course of the Doce River even six CRediT authorship contribution statement
months after the dam rupture had cytotoxic, genotoxic and mutagenic
potential. Preliminary analysis of the chemical and toxicogenetic analy- Cristiane dos Santos Vergilio: Conceptualization, Investigation,
sis of the tailings collected in Bento Rodrigues six days after the dam's Resources, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing, Visualiza-
collapse already demonstrated the higher mobility potential of Al, Ba, tion, Supervision, Project administration. Diego Lacerda: Writing
Fe, Mn, Pb, and Sr, as well as the potential for cytogenotoxicity and - review & editing, Formal analysis, Data curation, Visualization. Tatiana
DNA damage (Segura et al., 2016). Our results are also in accordance da Silva Souza: Investigation, Methodology, Supervision. Braulio
with Quadra et al. (2019), who documented that water samples from Cherene Vaz de Oliveira: Methodology, Validation, Data curation.
the Ipatinga River, collected a few days after the accident, altered Vinicius Sartori Fioresi: Methodology. Victor Ventura de Souza: Meth-
A. cepa cell cycle (decreased mitotic index and increased frequency of odology. Giovana da Rocha Rodrigues: Methodology. Marjore Kinaip
aberrant cells). However, in the present study, we found that even six de Araujo Moreira Barbosa: Methodology. Echily Sartori: Methodol-
months after the dam rupture, the water and sediment samples from ogy. Thiago Pessanha Rangel: Methodology, Validation. Diogo Quitete
the entire course of the Doce River showed toxicogenic potential. This Ribeiro de Almeida: Methodology, Validation. Marcelo Gomes de
means that despite the decrease in SPM, turbidity, and metal levels Almeida: Methodology, Validation. Fabiano Thompson: Writing -
along the Doce River due to deposition or the blockage effect of the review & editing. Carlos Eduardo de Rezende: Conceptualization,
water dams, these effects are not enough to mitigate the cytogenotoxic Investigation, Resources, Writing - review & editing, Visualization,
action of the tailings, which was detected until the river mouth, more Supervision, Project administration.
than 666 km from the rupture site. These data indicate the need for
long-term monitoring along the entire Doce River course. Declaration of competing interest
Sediment was a sensitive matrix in the evaluation of the toxicogenic
damage after the dam rupture. After that event, the river carried a con- The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
siderable volume of tailings, much of which was deposited in the bot- interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
tom sediment. After 15 days, severe cytotoxicity was already evident ence the work reported in this paper.
in the sediment samples along the entire course of the Doce River.
This mitodepressive action resulted in the low rate of aberrant cells Acknowledgments
and micronuclei. Therefore, mitotic index analysis is an important tool
to characterize the toxicity of contaminants (and environmental matri- The authors are grateful for the support from the Laboratório de
ces) because when an agent is highly cytotoxic, its genotoxic effect can Ciências Ambientais (LCA) and to the Programa de Pós-Graduação em
be masked (Hoshina and Marin-Morales, 2009; Dhyèvre et al., 2014, Ecologia e Recursos Naturais from the Universidade Estadual do Norte
Souza, Souza et al., 2018). Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro, the Laboratório de Morfologia Animal, the
Finally, the present study demonstrates that the water dams along Laboratório de Ecotoxicologia (LABTOX) and the Laboratório de Estudos
the Doce River had important action to block SPM, inducing precipita- em Ciências Ambientais (LECA) from the Universidade Federal do
tion to the sediment. Even after six months, the SPM and sediment levels Espírito Santo – Campus Alegre for use of the infrastructure. The authors
showed differences between the sampling points close to the dam until thank the financial support from FAPES, CNPq (305217/2017-8), FAPERJ
upstream Aimorés – 500 km and Mascarenhas – 523 km in comparison (E-26/202.916/2017 and E-26/210.064/2018) and CAPES - Finance Code
with the sampling points close to the river mouth. These data can direct 001. Diego Lacerda received scholarship from FAPERJ (E-26/200.131/
future environmental monitoring studies, considering the metal fluctu- 2017).
ations in the analyzed abiotic matrices along the Doce River.
5. Conclusions
ABNT, 2016a. ABNT NBR 12713:2016 - Ecotoxicologia aquática - Toxicidade aguda -
Método de ensaio com Daphnia spp (Crustacea, Cladocera) 27.
The present study demonstrated the immediate and long-term ABNT, 2016b. ABNT NBR 15088:2016 - Ecotoxicologia aquática - Toxicidade aguda -
(after six months) impact of the Fundão tailings dam rupture on metal Método de ensaio com peixes (Cyprinidae). p. 25.
ABNT, 2018. ABNT NBR 12648:2018 Ecotoxicologia aquática - Toxicidade crônica -
concentration together with the biological and toxicogenic potential of
Método de ensaio com algas (Chlorophyceae). p. 27.
the water (with large amount of SPM) and sediment. Suspended partic- Agostinho, K.F.F., Lacerda, D., Tostes, E.C.L., Baldassin, P., Di Beneditto, A.P.M., de Carvalho,
ulate matter was an important geochemical support for metal transport C.E.V., 2020. Trace elements in green turtles (Chelonia mydas) from Rocas atoll, NE
just after the rupture, and with time this material was transported to the Brazil: baseline reference from a pristine nesting site. Mar. Pollut. Bull. https://doi.
mouth and into the ocean, or underwent precipitation by oxy and hydro Aires, U.R.V., Santos, B.S.M., Coelho, C.D., Silva, D.D., Calijuri, M.L., 2018. Changes in land
colloidal iron complexes, increasing the metal levels in sediment. The use and land cover as a result of the failure of a tailings dam in Mariana, MG, Brazil.
present results also show the negative effects of the tailings on different Land Use Policy 70, 63–70.
Almeida, C.A., de Oliveira, A.F., Pacheco, A.A., Lopes, R.P., Neves, A.A., de Queiroz, M.E.L.R.,
levels of the trophic chain, together with the cytotoxic, genotoxic and 2018. Characterization and evaluation of sorption potential of the iron mine waste
mutagenic potential of the water (with large amount of SPM) and sed- after Samarco dam disaster in Doce River basin–Brazil. Chemosphere 209, 411–420.
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