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Every Organizations has a stipulated goal to achieve and make

certain plan to work as guide for accomplishing these goals.

Organization across now adopt project which is given a separate
timeframe and work to serve an organization’s broader strategic
priorities. Project management has been defined as a temporary
setting where a given task is required to complete by using given
resources and within specific time and cost constraints. Success
of a project sometimes can be divided in time frame whether it
has achieved short term or long term goals more appropriately.
While (Too & Weaver, 2014) they have described four elements
which could be used to improve projects and create value. Here,
Portfolio management includes measures to select right project
and cancel bad project. The paper written by (Samset & Volden,
2015) measures success in two frames where short term
performance target is met and long-term sustainability of the
project. Additionally, both the paper views regarding portfolio
management and success of an organization is aligned as one
look as the tactical and strategic benefit and the other looks at
how well they could screen out good project by looking at the
benefit in both this terms. Furthermore, success can also be
aligned with project sponsors marginally as this means that
sponsors function is to support the working of the project from
beginning to end and look through that company makes value
from its investment. Simultaneously, success also has close
meaning to this which is ability to deliver output, contributing to
the objectives agreed upon and also contributes to long term
benefit for both organization and society. Strategic Project
Management Office (PMO) has a role of collecting, processing
and disseminating accurate information to executive. This role is
critical when looked at the view of project life cycle. At the
project life cycle there is greater uncertainty at the initial stage
and when information starts accumulating as the project
advances the risk starts diminishing. It is at the front-end stage
where Project Management Office has a critical role to play
providing accurate information to executives. It is very difficult
to change decision once it’s in implementation stage thus, it is
important for (PMO) to look for viable alternative at beginning.
Project Management Office (PMO) role does not end here
information overloading could be a major problem as (Samset &
Volden, 2015) explains in their paradoxical ideas that
information accumulating is important to a certain degree and
unnecessary information should be filtered out. Project sponsors
create linkage between executive and strategic level to deliver
benefit of the created project. In this article Loch, Mähring and
Sommer, 2017) Steering Committee can be said as one who
oversees how organizational goals are aligned with its strategy.
Here, project sponsor and Steering Committee must collaborate
to build the project from its initial to end. Steering committee
could use several strategies to understand the project such as
building open culture with the lower echelon workers, gather
data by making field visit and try to understand the technical
issues involved in a project.

The key focus of the article written by (Samset & Volden, 2015)
is the front-end management of a project. Front-end
management although very crucial for projects it is not only
phase where one should devote all its concentration. There are
projects which works on a trial and error basis and in such
method one could look for alternative. Thus, it is not necessary
that projects should be well-rounded right from the beginning
and there is always the possibility for adjustments. However,
governance and function of project has side-lined the idea of
control. Effective control of project management is an aspect
whose main function is to maintain control over the standard
which has been stipulated at the organizational goals.

In the article by (Samset & Volden, 2015) I believe that

paradoxes are always difficult to observe in real life project as
project manager tend not to make such gullible mistakes and are
more observant while beginning the project. I believe the reason
for making such mistakes could have hidden reasons by those in
charge and are likely to make project cost overrun to benefit


Too, E. G., & Weaver, P. (2014). The management of project

management: A conceptual framework for project governance.
International Journal of Project Management, 32(8), 1382-1394.

Samset, K., & Volden, G. H. (2016). Front-end definition of projects:

Ten paradoxes and some reflections regarding project management
and project governance. International Journal of Project Management,
34(2), 297-313.

Loch, C., Mähring, M., & Sommer, S. (2017). Supervising Projects, You
Don’t (Fully) Understand: Lessons for Effective Project Governance by
Steering Committees. California Management Review, 59(2), 45-67.

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