Gods, Earths and 85ers by Pen Black

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Stes Chapter Three WHO IS GOD? God really is, we must first define God, According to Webster's Dictionary, God is: ‘A being worshipped by monotheists as the perfect, omnipotent, omniscient, originator and ruler of the ‘A being of supernatural powers and attributes that is worshipped by a people, Someone or something considered to be extremely. valuable or important ‘Man's definition of God has always been just that, Man's definition, In the history of Man it has never revealed any evidence hat anybody's God, residing in any form other than Man, has given a description of himself. So it is safe to assume the only descriptions we have of God ate provided by Man. Man's most earliest G00, Baer as Sen ‘questions were most likely: Why are we here? Where did we come fiom and who is responsible? Man's attempt to answer these questions and alleviate some of hh fears led to him creating an all-present, everywhere protector. Later on, this all-present, everywhere God ‘was fostered to control the masses by teaching them, that their behavior could direct God's actions ‘This allowed a select group of individuals to become ‘more important and gain a large measure of control over the masses by deceiving them into believing they were God's emissaries, messengers and interpreters, thereby laying the foundation of religions. Besides the belief in an invisible, omnipotent God, humans have also wor- shipped objects and elem their survival. Some of these objects and elements most commonly worshipped have been: the sun; water; and eventually some enlightened scientists learned to wor- ship the building blocks ofall Hi—ehe atom. There has also been humans whose position in society or their character inspired others to worship them, or hold them in very high regard. A lot of them weren't worshipped in life, but in death; and religions, or unified systems of belief and actions, were patterned after them, In death, a lot of people took on a remembrance that was more fable than reality and worshipped what they were taught, not what was ral xy felt were pivotal to To best understand who and what God is, it is nec essary 1 look back in history to uncover the founda- tion of some of today’s beliefs. That look takes us back to Affica, Man's earliest civilization and discovery of suman life ‘The early Aftican understanding of God was that God is the creative force (energy) that exists in every thing, culminating in Man with his spiritual natare and God-like powers and potentialities. They understood, that we are all of one origin and that the multiplicity of | living things was simply different levels of evolution and attributes of that one force. They believed that Man was the highest form and responsi taking of all other things. Dr. Frances Cress Welsing also gives a similar ‘explanation in her book, The Isis Papers. “The African understanding of God was that it was the only and all- in-one energy force that created and simultaneously was all energy in the Universe, This understanding recognized the God force as the source of ll, the being responsible for all and the multiplicity of energy con- figurations in the Universe. Furthermore, the belief hheld that there are no energy configurations in the Universe that are not from God and that are not God. Ie was the Affican way to respect completely this source ofall energy manifest in and responsible for all le for the care= 6008, a Ase HS things. ‘This is Affican spirituality. Spirit is Energy. Spirituality isthe ability co get in touch with, not only: the ultimate Source of all energy, but also the various multiplicity of energy configurations, which include ‘matter, plants, animals, etc. This was for Afvicans the essential cosmie connection—the power connection.” Later on, Man began to worship the life-giving principles of the sun and its relationship with earth, ‘Man learned to give these principles names and to nar- rate stories of creation that are easily understood and remembered. One such story was taught by the early Egyptians, when Egypt was all Original People and White civilizations had not yet developed. ‘One such story of creation is about Ptah and Atm, Ptah first emerged from the primeval waters called Nan in che form ofa hill. Then Atum (Atom), the Sun God, joined Pah by siting upon him; thus Atum also ‘emerged from the primeval waters of Nun, Atum then absorbed the creative powers and thought of Peah and divided his body into four parts that become Gods. ‘Then there were eight Gods; along with Atum they become nine Gods in a family called Ennead, ‘The Atum and Ptah story of creation is also believed to represent the scientific principles of the atom. Al, material things on earth consist of matter, all matter is composed of molecules and all molecules consist of atoms. Atoms are composed of the smallest unit of mat= ter, called particles. The major three are protons, neu~ tronsand electrons. The'protons and neutrons are in the nucleus (the center) of the atom, while the electrons onbit the nucleus similar to how the planets orbit the sun, That is why ancient Affikan high culture scientists described the atom (Atum) as the unmoved mover that created all things, because all things are made up of atoms, and when atoms come in contact with earth's elements such as uranium (the Hill), they split and release energy, like more Gods by Arum. Before 10,000 B.C.E, (Before the Common Era oF Before che Christian Eta), Osiris, Isis and Horus became part of religious thought. Osiris had been areal person and king in the Nile Valley area. Osiris became a God and was represented by the Open Bye, as seen fon the dollar bill. In the Judgment Drama of the Egyptian Book of the Dead, Osiris is seated on a throne and is attended by his wife, the goddess Isis. Their son Horus introduces the deceased, who must be judged and sentenced by Osiris, who is the Lord over the Unseen World, ‘The Statue of the Egyptian goddess Isis, with her child Horas in her arms, was the first Madonna and Child. This was the first Madonna and Child in human history and they were Black. The religions of the world took their concepts from the Black Egypt. ‘This continued until 325 A.D., when Constantine started the great switch from the Black Christ and Madonna worship to the worship of White images. ‘The “White Savior” perception was fostered in both Christianity and Moslem religions. Michelangelo drew 2 White Madonna and Jesus, patterned from his own aunt, uncle and nephew. The prophet Mohammed was also depicted as a White Arab in most Moslem countries, Egyptians were the first Afficans to develop, then teach, an organized religious thought to not only their own peo- ple, bue to others that traveled to their mystery schools, ‘The belief that gods are supernatural spirits is as old as ‘Man. Man has always had those who believed chat things beyond their comprehension were the results of intervention of a supernatural being they could not sce, called God. There have always been those individ= vals that knew better, The Pharaohic line of ancient Egypt was supposed to be direct descendants from the Gods. Also, the rulers from ancient South America| ‘were believed to be descendants from gods. Therefore, ur ancestors must not have believed gods to be super natural, unseen ethereal beings worshipped today. The teachings of Man as God were taught in ancient Egypt's renowned mystery schools. These teachings ‘were kept in the mystery schools and temples, because to go outside with this knowledge would invite attack and persecution by the state and religious leaders. The mystery schools were the first universities in history and they made knowledge a secret. Anyone desiring to be priests and teachers had to obtain their Knowledge directly from the schools. Moses learned at the mystery schools and became an Egyptian priest and a hierogrammat. Jesus, after attending the school at Mr. Carmel, went to Egypt for final initiation, which took place in the Great Pyramids of Cheops. The fin damental psychology of the mystery schools was "Man Know Thyself," as depicted on many ofthe temple and, pyramid walls. What is most ironic and tragic is that those who were put to death for teaching righteousness and the Godhood of Man were usually deified in death, Once dead, they were worshipped and made the central figure of a religion that contradicted their teachings, that God was within and Man was a livi God. In fact, it was Jesus who said, “Ye are Gods,” (John 10:32-35) and subsequently was killed for being a revolutionary. Understanding the history of God and religion should make knowing thyself easier. IF we came from God (made in His image), why would not we grow to be Gods? Does not every kitten grow to be like that from which it came—the cat? Does not the puppy grow to eventually be a dog? And does not the leaf grow to be like the tree from which it came(all in its image)? So why would not Man grow to be like his Maker/FatherfImage giver? Even caterpillars meta- morph into the butterfly from which i¢ came, What we, the Nation of Gads and Earths, are saying. is that knowledge, wisdom, understanding, culture and refinement bring about a metamorphosis in Man, making him a God. In Psalms 82:6 God came among the assembly of gods, Who were those gods? We, the Original People are those Gods. We must remember that no mystery god ever described himself, Man described this mys- tery and what Man most closely and correctly described is the Supreme Being—Black Man, Supreme meaning “most high” and Being meaning sxistence.” I sce everything coming from that energy that creates and becomes everything, we being the highest manifestation, not a mystery god. Even the gods of religion were the Original People—us, ‘When God let us make a Man (Bible date: 4004 B.C.), the Man that we made (God and Us) was the White Man, His documented history only goes back 6,000 years. We have dynasties and pyramids much ‘older than that. We have knowledge of ourselves; the planet we live on; the sciences; and ean give or take li both mentally and physically. We are the creators of ll, because the clements it took to make us have always ‘existed, and have created every other thing. Surely, Man is the highest manifestation, the Supreme Being, for other creations are controlled by those elements ‘while we are the controllers of those elements, That is how we are God and you, my brothers and sisters, are also Gols and Earths if only you would learn to believe in yourselves the way you believe in dead individuals, and the distorted teachings built around them. Sas Chapter Four ‘WHO IS EARTH? 10 1S EARTH? SHE IS CO-OWNER, CO-MAKER, cream of the planet Earth, Mother of Civilization, Queen of the Universe. ‘A lot of debate has gone on about the Black Woman being referred to as Earth, and not Godless, I personally do not take offense t© the Black Woman being called a Goddess; however, I do feel Earth is a more appropriate name for the following reasons: “We refer to the Blick Woman as Earth because she receives procreation input and brings forth life, same as the earth receiving the sun, Like the earth, Woman is made of three-fourths Her menstrual cycle is similar t0 the moon's cycle around her, approximately every twenty-eight days, ‘Woman's role as child-bearer made her originally revolve around Man, who was provider and protector, like earth revolves around the stn, Plus, during the procreation stages, 1 Woman can. only sustain the power of one Man (sun) ata time, one pregnaney from one male every nine months; similar to how earth can only survive one sun, Black Women have akways been associated with ‘Mother Earth or nature because like the earth changes seasons and’ is constantly changing, so does the Woman. Women are thought to be more emotional and constantly experience a change of feelings and emotions like the earth constantly changes (seasons); also, how nature constantly brings about changes. Men are thought to be less emotional and more constantly the same—like the sun, ‘We know that the Black Woman is Mother of civ- lization because it has been proven and featured in the 1988 cover stories of Newsweek and USA Toa that all ‘women originate from Affican Women. Eve, or Mom to modern humans, appears to have lived only 140,000 ‘years ago in a region of South Affica inhabited by the Kung bushmen, pioneering genetic research suggests ‘The finding was made by comparing the generic evo- lution of Caucasians, Asians, modern Pygmies and Kung, “Itscems clear the base of our evolutionary tree is African," said Allen C. Wilson, professor at the University of California, Berkeley. DNA aids evolu- tionary studies because it keeps our historical records. ‘The evidence for the findings is contained in the genes of today’s populations. Various professors and scientists used DNA “fingerprinting” to reveal historical muta- tions in the DNA of mitochondria, the “powerhous- es" of cells. The more mutations, the older the popu- lation, The Kung appears the oldest of all Mitochondria are extremely important to researchers because they are only passed by mothers to their chil- dren, allowing family trees to be constructed. ‘The Findings presented at a meeting of the Haman, Genome Project found that: ‘While still in Aftica, the first men roamed far from, home and women stayed home, ‘They made a mass exodus together out of Aftica about 70,000 years ago, probably first to the Middle Bast. Humans arrived in Europe and displaced the Neanderthal about 35,000 years ago: fossil evidence agrees. It is also thought that smooth-talking Homosapiens made non-speaking Neanderthals extinct by mating, ‘with their women to produce genetically defective children, whom they treated as “village idiots.” Even the very basis of religious belief is based on. the Black Woman and Child. The first Madonna and. Child was actually the Egyptian Goddess Isis with her child Horus. As Europeans became more nationalistic, they developed a psychological need to create God in their own image and the complexion of religious icons changed from Black to White. When Europeans began to colonize the world and enslave people of color, they. imposed this new image of God upon those they con quered. Michelangelo's painting of Adam and Exe in the Sistine Chapel in Rome, Italy, is accepted as the legitimate likeness of the first couple, Michelangelo's aunt and uncle were the models for the painting in 1508. Like the image of Jesus and his disciples painted by Leonardo da Vinci, in his painting, The Last Supper, models posed as the disciples for the 15th century painting. The worship of mother and child spread over the world, In Egypt, it was Isis and Horus; in Asia, Cybele and Deoius; in pagan Rome, Fortuna and Jupiter. Even in Greece, China, Japan and Tibet, there were counterparts of the Madonna made up long. before the birth of the Prophet Messiah Jesus, Constantine started changing the image of Madonna and Child to White images in 325 A.D. ‘Our Earths are teachers and builders, they teach the children to build a stronger nation. Our Earths are wise ‘G00, Bae Ase Su and incelligent, very civilized leaders who study t0 gain Knowledge of themselves, their surroundings and the sciences. Earths have their own lessons, have classes amongst themselves where they discuss and try to find: solutions for local and global problems. They unify our Nation, keep our seeds mentally and physically strong by reflecting all knowledge obtained. Earths carry themselves with the utmost respect and make sure that others see them for a lor more than their physical worth, We love and respect all Black Women and our Earths are held in very high esteem for we know when you educate a woman, you educate a family. Like her lessons teach: The Earth is @ Queen and ‘Mother of Civilization. It is through her that our exis ence is continued, The universe is everything, but there would be no physical existence without Earth. ‘The Nation of Gods and Earth raises the Black Woman's level of awareness, her level of self-esteem, and her level of responsibility, We counter-attack the negative teachings and influences that have led our women away from their erue nature: which are civilized, intel- ligent role models for the rest of the planet. We spark their mental so that they can become mental giants and, make the world respect them as precious and wise partners, and not objectify them as physical conquests for only as physical possessions. We show and prove that weak parenting leads to a weak Nation. We show and prove that being with other than a strong and intelligent Man leads to population control; those that want to control our numbers know that lesbianism helps to do that. We show and prove that lewd behav jor leads to lewd treatment by others. We especially teach Men the proper treatment of Women. The wise man knows that you should not just sleep with a ‘Woman, you should also teach @ Woman so that she ‘can teach thé babies. We understand that the duty of people with knowledge is to teach those without Earths learn and teach civilization, righteousness, the science of herself, and the science of everything in lite; which leads to love, peace, and happiness. Here an Earth expresses her understanding: “First and foremost, as the Mother of Civilization, Lam the bearer oflife on the planet earth, Symbolically, Earth is the only planet which carries life and gets its food and energy from the sun. So as the Original Woman, I, too, carry life and also get my food (knowl- edge) from the center of my universe— the Black Man (sun). As the Original Woman, I am Queen who acknowledges God and builds beside him in order 1 create peace and destroy lies and falsehoods taught 0 ‘our children by che 85ers and the Ten Percenters. 1 keep the home and children, as well as help my Black Man sustain the family, SECONDARY, BUT. ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY!" (Queen Natural— Black Earth) 3a Chapter Five WHO ARE THE 85ers AND TEN PERCENTERS? HE S5ERS ARE THE MASSES; THEY FIGURATIVELY represent the eighty-five percent of che planet without fall knowledge of themselves. The vast major ity of the planet does not have knowledge of their own origin, their true history, and they especially do not understand God and their relationship to God. They fail to realize that all the elements needed to create the universe exist within them and is them, About eighty- five pers own divinity and taught to spend their lives searching, externally for something that has always been internal. ‘These are the people that are continuously led in the ‘wrong direction and hard to be led in the right direc= tion. The 85% are the people we spend ou lives try- ing to reach and teach, to awaken them to the real Of the planet has been led away from its knowledge of Self’ so that they can experience life atts fullest. “We, the Nation of Gods and Earths, love our people, so our main duty is to lead our people toward true knowledge. The 85ers represents the majority of the whole planet, so we bring knowledge, wisdom and ‘understanding to all the people on planet earth. Unlike a lot of scholars and elitists, we do not separate our selves from the masses; we remain in the wrenches try- ing to fice our people from a mental slavery and teach the other human families so they can also practice free- dom, justice and equality. Our battle to help the 85ers isa constant battle because there ate those who want keep the people mentally blind, worshipping what they know not, so that the BSers can be used as tools of and shaves to the deceivers ‘The Ten Percenters are the deceivers. They are the slave makers of the poor, they try and keep the people ‘mentally dead so that they can get rich from the people's labor and ignorance. The Ten Percenters ate the people that taught us to believe in a mystery that only manifests itself in its superior Whiteness, Most Ten Percenters do possess some knowledge but they keep it hidden from the masses, especially from the Original People. Ten Percenters do not want the Original People t know their glorious history, natural holiness, or proclivity for greatness. The Ten Percenters have wrestled control of the planet from the Original People with les, deceptio trickery and an indoctrination of White Supremacy. Even though Ten Percenters can be of any rice, they usually take advantage of the masses with the same trick~ knowledge perfected by the White Man, ‘Ten Percenters are natural enemies of the people, for they are selfish Bloodsuckers of the poor. Ie was the “Ten Percenters that arrived on the continent of Africa and taught Blacks to turn the other cheek and worship the White man’s images. Afterwards came slavery and the fleecing of Africa's resources. Even today, Whites ine billions of dollars of Africa's resources every year. “Ten Percenters know that people can be taught to sub- Jjugate themselves when you damage their psyche. For ‘example: [1] The Ten Percenters killed Jesus for teach= ing freedom, justice and equality. He taught against organized religion (John 10:34, “Ye are Gods”), and ‘was turned into a religion after his death. We even cel- cebrate capital punishment for standing by your prinei- ples by wearing the cross. [2] Islamic Arab invaders made converts turn against non-converts, enslaved Blacks, and even today treat Blacks as second class. Arab Muslims were enslaving Africans before Europeans. Both religions that are not ours originally, Islam and Christianity, have us worshipping White People. 600, a Ase #5 [3] We are psychologically taught that we are infe— rior, even in Heaven. If Jesus's son is supposed to be “White and we teach our children to worship White images, it mentally says Whites are even preferred by God. Muhammed is also presented as White. [4] Everything we see and hear from the media supports a false White superiority. For example: White represent= ing innocence virgin, holy, heavenly—and Black rep resenting evil, bad, soiled and death. Ie is written like that in the dictionaries. Black representing death is more nonsense. Black represents life and White repre= sents death. Snow brings death co animals and vegeta- tion; when you die, your body turns white. Ghosts are thought to be white, and even whiteness of skin is from albinism—a disease. Original People have hue, which is why we were called huse-mans, [5] The bloodsuckers have even made billions offof our ignorance. For example: Storeowners make about (6006 of their revenue during Christmas. Economically depressed families struggle even harder for C! ‘They say it is for Jesus's birthday, but it is not Christmas started in ancient Babylon. “Babylon” is derived from che Hebrew word “Babel,” which means! confusion, chaos, vanity, nothingness. Nimrod was the ruler of Babylon. He was the first son of Cush, who was the son of Ham (2470-1934 B.C.E.), Ham was lone of the sons of Noah (2970-2020 B.C.E,). Nimrod, was a great hunter and he taught the pale man to) believe he, Nimrod was the creator, Nimrod would, cut the head off'a conquest and hang it on the branch of a wee; they would shrink and sit there bobbling, a lot like Christmas balls on Cl was married to his mother, Semiramis. When Nimrod conquests hung ‘embodied his spirit. Every December 25th, which was the birth date of Nimrod, gifts were supposedly left tunder the tree for Nimrod. See, this is another case of | knowledge being twisted and fed to the masses for material gain, [6] The Masons are also people with knowledge, which they use for personal growth and control over “Masons,” represents the keep= ing of knowledge a secret. After stonemasons bul the pyramids, they were killed so that they could not reveal the secrets. The science behind the Masons’ and other secret societies is that (fo them) religion is but a tool to control the masses. Knowledge is their only God, through which man himself will become God. Lucifer is their personification of wisdom. It was Lucifer who tempted Eve to entice Adam to eat of the Tree of Knowledge and thus free Man from the bonds of igno- rance, The mystery hidden from the masses is that hristmas trees. Nimrod died, she said the tree from which the masses. The name, there are societies whose members feel they are the only marure minds, that the masses are like sheep, totally dependent upon the shepherd. The able intel- lects are taught the literal, exoteric interpretations, while the masses worship the five senses, The elect are given knowledge of the mysteries and are illuminated, and are known as The Illuminati, or the Mluminated ‘Ones. The purpose of these Ten Percenters is to con tol church, state and freedom of the mastes—world, domination is the ultimate goal Ten Percenters, for their own gain, have flooded the United States with drugs, created the AIDS virus and started an epidemic in Affica. They are responsible fr creating aggressive birth control methods for pop ulation control, and for encouraging homosexuality because it adds to the population reduction. The Five Percenters fight againse the Ten Peroenters because they pull the strings chat have the 85ers, the masses, dying and living in misery without knowing why. Other organized ‘Ten Percenters determined to bring, about a New World Order with themselves at the helm are: The Order of the Quest, The Jason Society, The Qabbalah, The Knights of Columbus, The Jesuits, ‘The Ancient and Mystical Order of Rose Crucis, The Mluminati, The Nazi Party, The Executive Members of the Council on Foreign Relations, The Group, The Brotherhood of the Dragon, The Rosicrucians, The Royal Institute of International Affairs, The Trilateral Commission, The Bilderberg Group, The Open Friendly Secret Society (The Vatican), The Russell ‘Trust, The Skull and Bones, The Scroll and Key, and. The Order. The Ten Percenters spoon-feed the SBers a constant diet of lies and deception until they ean no. longer distinguish between fiction and reality. So we, the Nation of Gods and Earth, also known 9s the Five Percenters, counter-attack the Ten Percentets by teaching the masses by word of mouth, our schools, lit ‘erature, music, and our ways and actions. Ie is a hard Job without fringe benefits. The Nation of Gods and Earths is not a tax-exempt organization. We do not solicit donations, we do not charge for our knowledge or admission to our schools. Our reward is the uplift ‘ment of our people. We have no nationally recognized leader; we are all leaders, We have no ulterior mative; ‘we just want the masses to see with clear eye vision and stop the bloodsuckers from using and abusing the peo- ple for their own selfish gain.

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