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Republic of the Philippines

Central Bicol State University of Agriculture-Sipocot

Sipocot, Camarines Sur



At the end of the 60-minute period, 85% of students are expected to:

a. define pronoun;
b. respond meaningfully by giving examples of the types of pronoun; and
c. construct sentences that have the different types of pronoun.


A. Topic: Pronoun

B. Reference: Review your Grammar and ACE Exams, pp. 22-26

C. Materials: Various Instructional Aids

D. Approach: Learner- Centered

E. Strategy: “Meet your mate/where I belong”, “Jumble bee”, “Picture sentence”


F. Skills Integration: Listening, Reading, Speaking, and Writing

G. Values Integration: To develop harmonious relationship between the teacher

and the learners, through active participation

H. Subject integration: Values Education, Current Issues


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Good morning class. Good morning ma’am.
Please all rise for a word of prayer. (Student will rise and pray.)
William, kindly lead us the prayer. Classmates are you ready to pray?

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Republic of the Philippines
Central Bicol State University of Agriculture-Sipocot
Sipocot, Camarines Sur

(Students will reply.) Yes we are.

Praise be thy name of our Lord Jesus

Christ; Now and Forever, Amen.

Once again, Good morning class. Good morning ma’am.

Now before you sit down, kindly pick up
the pieces of dirt under your chair and (Students will pick up the pieces of dirt
then kindly arrange it properly. and arrange the chair properly.)
Let’s check your attendance first. Say (Students will raise their hand and say
present if you are around. present as the teacher call their name.)

Class how are you today? Is it good so

far? Yes, ma’am it is good so far.

That’s good to know. Now, before we

proceed to our discussion who can give
me a recap first about our discussion last
meeting? Yes, Robert? It is all about noun, ma’am.
Thank you Robert. So last meeting we
been discussed noun, when we speak of
noun it refers to a general or specific
name of person, place, thing or idea. Is
there any question about our last topic? None, ma’am.

Before we proceed to our discussion let’s
do “meet your mate/where I am belong?”
I’m going to post a set of picture/s and you

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Republic of the Philippines
Central Bicol State University of Agriculture-Sipocot
Sipocot, Camarines Sur

need to guess and pair it to the word that

you think has a connection. Is it clear Yes, ma’am.

The following pictures are:




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Republic of the Philippines
Central Bicol State University of Agriculture-Sipocot
Sipocot, Camarines Sur



Did you enjoy class our meet your mate

game? Out from this activity class what
did you observe? Who can share his/her
insights? Yes, Caesar?
The activity has something to do with
the Korean and Philippine

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Republic of the Philippines
Central Bicol State University of Agriculture-Sipocot
Sipocot, Camarines Sur

Yes, that’s correct. What else? Yes,

Cicero? It has something to do with pronouns.

Very good. Do you think there is a

connection between this activity to our
lesson for this morning? Do you have any
guess? Yes, Ernest? Yes, I guess there is a connection
because this activity gives a sort of
quick view of our discussion this
Very good. What you have mentioned are
all correct. Now are you ready for our new
topic for this morning? Yes ma’am.

Now, we are going to discuss Pronoun. Its

types and its usage. But before we finally
start, kindly read our lesson objectives.

Yes, Rowling? a. define pronoun;

b. respond meaningfully by giving
examples of the types of
pronoun; and
c. construct sentences that have
the different types of pronoun.

Thank you. Our objectives in today’s

lesson will serve as our guide, to know if
we attain our lesson outcomes.

1. Activity
The class will be divided into two groups,

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Republic of the Philippines
Central Bicol State University of Agriculture-Sipocot
Sipocot, Camarines Sur

and the representative of each group will

go in front to present the output of the
group. Your activity is called “jumble bee”,
your task is to arrange the words inside
the envelope to make a simple sentence.

Now, after arranging the sentence,

representative will go in front to read it and
kindly identify the pronoun used in the (The students will do the activity and
sentence. their answers may vary.)

The following information are:

1. I like watching Kdrama. I
2. The dog covers itself with dirt. Itself
3. We love playing mobile legends. We
4. Everyone was smiling. Everyone
5. Listen to me carefully. Me
6. That is the sound of siren. That

2. Analysis
I am very pleased that you are able to
finished the task I given to you, now what
can you observe about our activity? Yes,
Neil? The activity is very informative.

Very good, what else? Yes, Edgar? This activity taught us the different
examples of pronoun and on how to use
Very good observation.

3. Abstraction

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Republic of the Philippines
Central Bicol State University of Agriculture-Sipocot
Sipocot, Camarines Sur

The activity you’ve done gives us the

information about the different types of
pronoun which we are going to tackle as
we go along with our discussion.

Okay, are you ready class? Yes, ma’am.

First let’s talk about pronoun. What is this

“Pronoun” all about? Yes, Elliot? Answers may vary.

Very good. Kindly read the other definition

of pronoun. Yes, Emily? Pronoun is a noun substitute. It is used
in place of a noun.
Thank you.

When we speak of pronoun, we cannot do

a way without the so called antecedents.
Now, what is an antecedent? Yes,
Elizabeth? Antecedent is the word (noun/pronoun)
for which a pronoun stands.
Very good. Here is an example of
antecedent: “Mike loves to study. He is
good at skating too.”

Now, let’s proceed to the different types of

pronoun. We have eight types of
pronouns: Personal, Interrogative,
Relative, Indefinite, Demonstrative,
Reflexive, Intensive, and Reciprocal. For
us to be able to understand each type, let
us take it one by one. Let us start with the
personal pronoun.

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Republic of the Philippines
Central Bicol State University of Agriculture-Sipocot
Sipocot, Camarines Sur

What do you think is a personal pronoun?

Yes, Henry? It refers mainly to persons or people.
Also to places or things when spoken
What do you think is an example of a
personal pronoun? I, We, You, Me, They

That’s correct. These personal pronouns

are classified according to person, case,
and gender.
The person speaking – I, we
The person spoken to – You
The person spoken about – He,
she, it, they

Here are the examples:

We shall stand by the truth. (first person)
Why are you crying? (second person)
They went to the museum. (third person)

Class, did you understand? Any

questions? If none let’s proceed to the
other type of pronoun, Interrogative.

What is an interrogative pronoun? Yes,

Angelou? It is used to begin a direct question. The
five interrogative pronouns are what,
who, when, whom, and whose.

Correct. Now who can give an example of

a sentence that has an interrogative

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Central Bicol State University of Agriculture-Sipocot
Sipocot, Camarines Sur

pronoun? Yes, Romnick? Whom were you speaking to?

Very good. Is it clear to you now? If yes,

let’s proceed to the third type of pronoun,

What is a relative pronoun? Yes, Jonaxx? It is used to begin a subordinate clause

and relate it to another idea.
Exactly. Here are some examples:
1. This is the book that my mother
2. A chair is a piece of furniture which
we use for sitting.
3. I found the ring that I thought I
had lost.

Any question? If none, we will proceed to

the fourth type of pronoun, Indefinite.

James, kindly read the definition of

indefinite pronoun. It refers to persons or things, often
without specifying which ones. Indefinite
pronoun are classified as singular,
plural or both singular or plural.
Here are the examples:
Everything was told prior to the meeting.
Something is wrong in there.
Nobody attended the webinar.

Both are guilty.

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Republic of the Philippines
Central Bicol State University of Agriculture-Sipocot
Sipocot, Camarines Sur

A few of the justices voiced their

Many people feel that the law should be

Who can give me another example of a

sentence that has indefinite pronoun? Each has received a high grade.

Very good, Scott. Now let us proceed to

the fifth type of pronoun, Demonstrative.

What is demonstrative pronoun? Kindly

read Vladimir? It is used to point out a specific person,
place or thing.

What are the four types of demonstrative

pronoun? Yes, Aldous? This, These, That, Those

That’s correct. Who can give me example

of a sentence that has demonstrative
pronoun? This is my present from my mother.

That’s correct, Joseph. Let us proceed to

the sixth and seventh types of pronoun,
Reflexive and Intensive.

Arthur, kindly read its definition. Reflexive and Intensive have the same
forms (either ends in –self or selves) but
different functions.

Reflexive pronouns are used to add

information to a sentence by pointing to

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Central Bicol State University of Agriculture-Sipocot
Sipocot, Camarines Sur

a noun or pronoun near the beginning of

the sentence.

Intensive pronouns are used simply to

add emphasis to a noun or a pronoun.

Here are some examples:

Suddenly I found myself in a dark corner.
John reminded himself that he had to try
You are old enough to dress yourself.

The village itself is very small.
I myself am a slow walker.
We ourselves will be completing the

Now, kindly give me another example of

sentence that has any of these types of
pronoun? She contradicted herself, unknowingly.
The book itself tells you all about

Very good. Any question? Let’s proceed to

the last type of pronoun, Reciprocal.

Kindly read the definition, Lawrence. Reciprocal pronoun (each other and
one another) are used to refer to an
action mutually performed by two or
more people. One person does or feels

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Republic of the Philippines
Central Bicol State University of Agriculture-Sipocot
Sipocot, Camarines Sur

something towards another and the

other returns or reciprocates the act or

George, kindly read the example. My dog and cat love each other.
The children share their lunch with one

Thank you. Do you have any questions?

Clarifications? None, ma’am.

Before we proceed to another activity,

what do you think is the importance of
using pronoun? Yes, Ryan? Pronouns are essential in the way we
communicate with one another.
Very good. Also the purpose of pronouns
is to avoid repetition and make sentences
easier to understand.

4. Application
For your last activity, I am going to post
pictures and you need to construct a
simple paragraph based on the posted

(The teacher will post the pictures)

Content - 40%
Accuracy - 35%
Relevance - 15%
Creativity - 10%

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Republic of the Philippines
Central Bicol State University of Agriculture-Sipocot
Sipocot, Camarines Sur

(Students come up with their own


Consider the given criteria, class.

5. Generalization
I am very pleased that you are able to
finish the task I given to you.

To wrap it up, again who can enumerate

The eight types of pronoun are
the eight types of pronoun? Yes, Virginia?
Personal, Interrogative, Relative,
Indefinite, Demonstrative, Reflexive,
Intensive, and Reciprocal.

Is our topic for today already clear to you?

Yes, ma’am.

Is there any more questions or

None, ma’am.

Did you understand our topic for today?

Yes, ma’am.

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Republic of the Philippines
Central Bicol State University of Agriculture-Sipocot
Sipocot, Camarines Sur


A. Find the words that are pronouns in each sentence. Each sentence has at
least one pronoun. Some have more than one. Choose all that apply.
1. My son dropped his bottle on the ground.
2. The girls standing the tree are eating their lunch.
3. When I looked over at him, I noticed that he was reading a book.
4. Grandma is waiting for her shawl.
5. The guys ate all of their pizzas.
B. Enumeration
6. It is used to point out a specific person, place, or thing.
7. It is used simply to add emphasis to a noun or a pronoun.
8-10. Give an example of indefinite pronoun.

Key to correction
1. My, his
2. Their
3. I, him, he
4. Her
5. Their
6. Demonstrative
7. Intensive
8-10. All, Everyone, Many, Nobody, Somebody

Prepared by:

Student Teacher

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