Human Resources Management Individual Assignment: Case Study

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Human Resources Management

Individual Assignment

With its talent acquisition, ScaleneWorks supported several IT businesses in India. In 2015, 3.5 million workers
were directly employed by the Indian IT industry.1 Acquiring fresh talent is always a difficult and time-consuming
job, particularly in IT, as the hired individual has to deal with rapidly evolving technology. In many cases, the exact
match for the specified job is hard to find.

From the case presented at hand we have create a predictive model to understand the key drivers that are
involved and to predict renege. We also have to make an attempt to predict renege.

1) Key Drivers:

 DOJ extended (Y/N)

 Notice Period

 Band Offered (E1, E2, E3)

 Hike Offered in CTC

 Candidate Source Direct

 Candidate Source Referral

 LOB Offered INFRA

 Age
Below is the actual image taken from the R output.

2) Decision Tree Graph based on the key drivers :

• I have split the image of the entire decision tree and pasted the same here in 3 parts.


3) Predictive Model and Confusion Matrix

• The confusion matrix reveals an accuracy of 81%

• The precision rate for the above model is TP/TP+FP which is 81.55%

4) Regression Equation:

Status =

2.247354e+00 (Intercept) + 7.606672e-01 DOJ.ExtendedYes + 1.021159e+00 Notice.period +

3.246964e-01 Offered.bandE1 + 4.791269e-01 Offered.bandE2 + 3.995192e-01 Offered.bandE3 +
9.988377e-01 + 9.882668e-01 Joining.BonusYes + 6.925042e-01
Candidate.SourceDirect + 4.628305e-01 Candidate.SourceEmployee Referral + 8.676111e-01 LOBBFSI
+ 6.895981e-01 LOBCSMP + 1.270325e+00 LOBEAS + 7.826677e-01 LOBERS + 6.810770e-01 LOBETS +
7.834511e-01 LOBHealthcare + 3.804871e-01 LOBINFRA + 3.616939e-06 LOBMMS + 9.568369e-01 Age
5) Insights:

 DOJ Extended -> Candidates who had Extended DOJs had a higher chance of Renege.

 Notice Period -> Higher notice periods are leading to more renege so should be shorter.

 Candidate Source -> Employee Referrals had the lowest renege

 LOB -> This was highly significant in Infra and had lower renege

 Age -> This factor had an inverse relationship with renege and it decreased with increased age

 If the applicant is not moved and the notification period is less than 38 days, and if the length of
the candidate's acceptance of the offer exceeds 93 days, he is not likely to enter the office.

 If the candidate is not relocated and the notification period exceeds 38 days, and if the business
line is either HLT, INF or MMS, the candidate is likely to join the office

 If the business line is AXO, BFS, CSM, EAS, ERS and ETS and the duration of the offer is greater
than 27 and less than 107, then it is unlikely that he will join the office if it is greater than 107.

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