Soal Dan Jawaban Um B.inggris (Ma)

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SK No. 06 Tanggal 13 Desember 2011
Sekretariat : Kp. Cibangban 03 / 04 Citalem Cipongkor Bandung Barat 40564
Telp. 087821148980 / 0821410906/Email:


KELAS : (……….) LAMANYA :

1. Jawaban dikerjakan pada lembar jawaban komputer (LJK) untuk jawaban pilihan ganda.
2. Pergunakan pensil hitam khusus komputer (2B), tulislah dengan jelas ; Nama, Nomor Peserta, Madrasah asal, Tanggal
Ujian, Jam Ke, dan Tanda Tangan kemudian menghitamkan bulatan kecil pada LJK sesuai dengan petunjuk.
3. Apabila menjawab dengan jawaban yang keliru/salah, dan ingin memperbaikinya, maka hapuslah jawaban yang keliru
dengan karet penghapus pensil, kemudian menghitamkan bulatan lain sesuai dengan jawaban yang dianggap benar.
Contoh : pilihan semula  B C D E dibetulkan menjadi A  C D E
4. Dahulukan menjawab soal-soal yang dianggap mudah
5. Awali dengan membaca Basmallah dan akhiri dengan Hamdallah
I. Choose the best answer by crossing a, b, c, or d!
1. Police : Hello, I’m Rudi, a police officer in this area, can I help you ?
Driver : Can you show me the way to Jl. Pramuka, Sir!
Police : Sure.
The underlined sentence shows……
A. Greeting
B. Leave talking
C. Introduce my self
D. Introducing other people
2. Teacher : Good morning Bayu, I would like to introduce you to a new student,
Andika. I hope you will be good friend.
Bayu : Nice to meet you, Andika.
Andika : Nice to meet you, too.
The underlined sentence shows……
A. Introduce my self
B. Introducing other people
C. Leave taking
D. Greeting

The text is questions for number 3-5


Tanjung Puting National Park is an internationally famous ecotourism destination, which is located in the
southwest of Central Kalimantan peninsula. Visitors from foreign countries come to this park because of its amazing
nature. This is called a park, but unlike any park that you have seen in your city, this is a jungle! It is a real jungle, which
is home to the most interesting animal in the world: orangutans.
Though the park is home to many animals, seeing orangutans is usually the visitors’ main reason to visit the
park. Orangutans, which literally mean the man of the forest, are the largest arboreal animal on the planet. Most of their
lives are spent in trees where orangutans travel from branch to branch by climbing or swinging with their long arms.
 To see orangutans, we should go to Camp Leakey, which is located in the heart of Tanjung Puting National
Park. Camp Leakey is a rehabilitation place for ex-captive orang utans and also a preservation site. It is also a famous
center for research about orangutans which has been conducted by the famous primatologist Dr. Birute Galdikas since
1971. Here visitors can see daily feedings to orangutans at jungle platforms as part of the rehabilitation process to their
natural habitat. This event gives them opportunity to see orangutans up close.
3. Where is the location of tanjung putting national park?
A. south Kalimantan
B. north Kalimantan
C. central kalimantan
D. west kalimantan
4. How is Tanjung Putting National park different from the parks in the cities?
A. It is a jungle
B. It is a man made
C. It is a field
D. It is a mountain
5. What is camp leakey is ?
A. Rain forest
B. River
C. Rehabilitation place
D. National park
6. Jean : “ I won a quiz and got new bicycle.”
Erni : “.................”
A. Of course
B. Congratulations!
C. Don’t mention it
D. Thank you
7. The following sentences are expression of congratulation, except....
A. I congratulate you on your success
B. I’m sorry to hear that
C. Congratulations!
D. Well done, congratulations for you
8. The following sentences are responses of congratulation, except....
A. It’s very kind of you to say no. thanks you
B. No problem
C. Thank you very much
D. Thank you for saying so
9. The following sentences are expression of giving compliments….
A. Thanks you
B. Thanks a lot for your appreciation
C. You look beautiful today
D. Thank you very much

Read the following text to answer questions number 10 and 12

Analytical Text

As we all know, cars create pollution, and cause a lot of road deaths and other accidents.
Firstly, cars, as we all know contribute the most of pollution in the world. Cars emit a deadly gas causes illnesses such as
bronchitis, lung cancer, and trigger of asthmA. Some of these illness are so bad that people can die from them.
Secondly, the city is very busy. Pedestrians wander every where and cars commonly hit pedestrians in the city, which
causes them to diE. Cars today are our roads biggest killers.
Thirdly, cars are very noisy. If you live in the city, you may find it hard to sleep at night, or concentrate in your
homework, and especially talk to someone.
In conclusion, cars should be banned from the city for the reasons listed.
10. What one of the diseases caused by pollution?
B. Bronchitis
C. Liver
D. Fever
11. What is the purpose of the text?
A. to persuade reader about the Cars Should Be Banned In The City
B. to explain the characteristics the Cars Should Be Banned In The City
C. to inform readers about Cars Should Be Banned In The City
D. to describe Cars Should Be Banned In The City
12. What the title text above?
A. Cars should be banned in the city
B. Cars cause pollution.
C. Car giant killer street.
D. Car facilitate transportation.
13. Maya : _________________________
Chika : I am going to the cinema tonight.
Complete the dialog above with the correct expression!
A. Where are you going tonight?
B. Are you busy tonight?
C. Can i join you to the cinema?
D. Do you have any plan?
14. get you a drink ?
A. Would you
B. Why don’t you
C. Can I
D. I’ll do
15. Edo : “I have a lot of work to finish; I don’t know how I will manage.”
Sam : “ half of it if you want.”
A. Would you
B. I think
C. Why don’t
D. I will help you with
16. Like a cup of coffe ?
A. Can I
B. Let’s
C. Would you
D. Should I
17. The following expressions is used to ask for someone’s opinion, except …..
A. Have you got any comments on
B. What is your opinion about
C. Tell me about your feeling
D. How do you feel about
18. “In my opinion, Lampung is the beautiful city.”
The sentence above is included into the expression of……
A. Asking opinion
B. Giving opinion
C. Agreement
D. Disagreement
19. Your friend situation : I’ve gained some weight……..
What should be the response to his statement ?
A. I would suggest you to drink a lot
B. I would suggest you to sleep earlier
C. Just eat more!
D. I would suggest you to change your lifestyle
20. The following sentences are expression of suggestion, except…..
A. Let’s go to the library
B. We could eat at home today
C. Ok, I will
D. I think we sould do it this way
21. The following sentence are expression of respond giving opinion, except……
A. Of course I agree with you
B. That’s right
C. That’s a good idea
D. I think I like it

Read the following text to answer questions number 22 and 23





2 P.M.




22. Where is the party ?

A. At a garden
B. School
C. Kahfi residence
D. Suhito Home
23. The party will be held …..
A. In the morning
B. In the afternoon
C. In the evening
D. At night

Read the following text to answer questions number 24 and 25

Please join us
In celebrating the graduation of :
Saturday, 19 Desember 30th 2020
At 8 p.m
Abdul Wahid Avenue 56 Bondowoso
Mr. and Mrs. Sudjiatmojo Pleace
RSVP by Desember 28th, 2020

Desi - 085739999789

24. Which statement is true based on the text ?

A. Mr. and Mrs. Sudjiatmoji held this pasrty for themselves
B. Yuniar Bestiana has just finished her postgraduate study
C. People should call Desi to see Yuniar Bestiana
D. This party will be held for Desi
25. “In celebrating the graduation of “ The underlined word has closest meaning with…..
A. Blame
B. Honor
C. Commemorate
D. Neglect
26. The following sentence is the expression to offer a help ?
A. No, thanks
B. Yes, Please
C. May I help you?
D. Can you help me, please?
27. The sentence below is the expression to accept help or service ?
A. That's very kind of you.
B. What can I do for you?
C. Can I help you?
D. I appreciate that but I can do it myself
The following dialogue is for number 28-31

Text 1

28. The conversation is between ...

A. The doctor and the patient
B. The teacher and the student
C. The lawyer and the client
D. The husband and the wife
29. Where do you think the conversation takes place?
A. At school
B. In a park
C. In a clinic
D. on the road
30. What happened with Fafa? She got a ...
A. Earache
B. Stomachache
C. Headache
D. Tootache
31. The expression of offering help or service in the dialogue is ...
A. Does it hurt here?
B. What's the problem?
C. I can't go to school today.
D. What can I do for you?

The following text is for questions 32 to 39

Six Things To Do If You Visit Seattle

There are 6 must-have experiences that you should do if you visit Seattle where city and nature come together. If you visit
Seattle, arrive with this list in hand and you’ll be off to a foolproof start for exploring the Emerald City’s most unforgettable sights
and sounds. If you visit Seattle,do the following things:

1. Feel the fresh air on your face as you sail to Bainbrige Island on a Washington State Ferry. From the ferry you can enjoy
the view of the Seattle skyline. You can also stroll around downtown’s galleries, boutiques, coffeehouses and cafes. Seasonal
gardens and natural woodlands at the Boedel Reserve is another option.
2. Why don’t you tour Pike Place Market’s produce stands and buy something you’ve never tasted. The Pike Place Market
is much more than a farmers’ market. Its entire district full of shopping, attractions and favorite sights. The area is festival of
sounds, tastes and smells is part of the reason it’s called the ‘soul of Seattle’. Amid all the joyful hubbub, make sure you take
time to spot these beloved icons.
3. Book a night at one of the many cozy B & Bs or resorts available throughout the Sun Juan Islands. Cozy bed and
breakfasts are perfect way to enjoy the friendly island culture. Here, you can tour the numerous art galleries in Friday Harbor.
You can also enjoy naturalist-guided tours, wildlife spotting, whale watching and storm watching.
4. See exciting and experimental works at Chihuly Garden and Glass. A visit to this site is an opportunity to take full
advantage of the location at the Seattle Center, a premier destination for arts, entertainment and leisure activities. Explore the
Space Needle and Pacific Science Center. Experience Music Project and a variety of cultural activities offered throughout the
5. Watch the world’s most sophisticated aircraft be built before your eyes at the Boeing factory in Mukilteo. Explore the
dynamics of flight and experience new aviation innovation. Go behind the scenes at Boeing to watch the very same jets you
may one day be a passenger on being assembled.
6. For a sweet treat, tour the Theo Chocolate factory in Freemont and learn how their delicious confections are made. This
factory has a mission to create change in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) where it has 300,000 square miles of
farmable land but only 2% is being farmed due to conflict there. The factory trains 2,000 Congolese farmers to grow high
quality cocoa.

32. Where is Seattle located? It is located in the state of ...

A. California
B. New York
C. Washington
D. Ohio
33. What is another name for Seattle?
A. The largest city
B. Emerald City
C. The busiest City
D. The hot City
34. What can we do at the Boedel Reserve?
A. We can visit Boeing factory
B. We can enjoy wildlife spotting
C. We can see a farmer market
D. We can visit natural woodlands
35. Why is the Pike Place Market called the soul of Seattle?
A. The area is the festival of sounds, tastes and smells.
B. There is a chocolate factory.
C. It is the area of producing sophisticated aircraft.
D. The are offers exciting and experimental works at Chihuly Garden and Glass.
36. Where can we watch the world’s most sophisticated aircraft?
A. On the ferry
B. In Mukilteo
C. On Sun Juan Islands
D. in Freemont
37. Watch the world’s most sophisticated aircraft... The word "Sophisticated" has closest meaning with ...
A. Ordinary
B. Unfashionable
C. Advance
D. Destroyed
38. Of the 300,000 square miles of land, only 2% is farmable.
A. 9000 square
B. 8000 square
C. 7000 square
D. 6000 square
39. The word "farmable" in number 26 means ...
A. It can be planted
B. The land is not fertile
C. The area is full of conflict
D. It is a rest area
40. Ela: Mom, do you need some help? You look so busy this morning.
Mom: Of course, dear. I need another pair of hands to wash the dish.
The underlined sentence expresses …….
A. Accepting help
B. Offering help
C. Refusing help
D. Looking for something
41. Bob: Sony, will you give me that book?
Sony: Sure, ………
Complete the dialogue above with right expression ……….
A. I don’t want to.
B. I am busy today
C. I will
D. I will not
42. Elsa: Will you help me to build a snowman?
Olaf: Yes, of course. ………
Complete the dialogue above ….
A. I won’t
B. I will
C. I will not
D. Will I?
43. Romy: May I help you ?
Deny: Hmmm. Don’t bother yourself, thanks.
The underlined sentence express ….
A. Asking help
B. Giving help
C. Offering help
D. Refusing an offer
44. Andi: Do you need any help?
Bino: Yes, please. I can’t find my glasses.
The underlined words express ……….
A. Preference
B. Accept help and assistance
C. Accept apology
D. Offer help and assistance
45. Make an offer of help to the grandma based on the picture below!

A. Could you me help me, grandma?

B. How strong you are, grandma!
C. Grandma, Could I lift the wood you bring? It's too heavy for you.
D. Grandma, You look so tired.

Answer the following questions!
1. The teacher tells (we/us) to make friends with students from English speaking countries so that (we/us) can
improve our English.
2. Arrange the following sentences correctly !

opinion – in – my – go – to – should – doctor – the – they

3. Ronaldo: Sir, would you like me to close the window for you?
Mr. Adi: Yes, please. It’s very cold inside.
The underlined sentence express is …………………..
See above text “Six Things To Do If You Visit Seattle” for questions number 4-5
4. Two instructions to follow at the boeing factory are ……………..and ………….
5. Chihuly garden and glass customer service may offer a help to a guest saying ……

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