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NAME: __________________________ MARK: _______________________

CLASS: __________________________ DATE: ________________________

[10 marks]

Read the tree map below and use the information to complete the following passage.


 Has a positive effect on you.
 When friends ask you to do something  Challenges you.
wrong, say ‘no’ politely.  Motivates you to work harder.
 If they persist, refuse firmly and walk away.  Encouraging words from friends can inspire
 Explain that you do not feel confident or you to try new things.
comfortable about doing something.
 True friends do not tease or laugh at you for
not wanting to do something.

Sometimes you may be pressured by your friends to do something. If you know what they are asking
you to do is wrong, (1) ___________________________. politely
they continue to pressure you, be firm with your

refusal (2) _________________________. Sometimes, they

and may
walk tease
away.or laugh at you for not wanting to try

something new. Explain that you (3) _____________________________ or comfortable about doing it. If they

do not feel
continue confident
to tease you, then you know that (4) _____________________________. Sometimes, peer pressure can

have a positive effect on you. It are

they cannot
friends Positive

words of encouragement from your friends can inspire you to try new things.
motivates you to work harder

[15 marks]

Study the information in the poster and answer the questions that follow in the space provided.

(i) You are keen to participate in the Exploration Race.
Name three kinds of activities that you might carry out.

a) _________________________________________________________.
Run 5km
b) _________________________________________________________.
Climb Kledang Hill
c) _________________________________________________________.
Observe native plants and wildlife

My Diary

7.30 a.m. Dad dropped me off at school.

All the students and teachers were at the school field.
We were given a briefing.
The headmaster blew the whistle and the race began.
I ran out of the school gate onto the road. My heart was pounding. I felt nervous. After a
while, I felt at ease. I ran steadily.
9.00 a.m. Reached Kledang Hill. I did not run up the hill. I just walked. I saw jungle trees. They
were big and tall. The ferns were green and lush. I saw different types of birds. When I
reached the top of the hill, it was misty. I heard the orang-utans’calls. They were like loud
11.30 a.m. On the way down the hill, I waded across a stream. It was shallow and the water was icy
12.30 p.m. I reached the bottom of the hill. The race ended there. They headmaster announced the
winners. I won a consolation prize.
1.30 p.m. Dad picked me up. He was proud of my achievement.
2.00 p.m. Arrived home. Felt tired. Happy that I completed the race.

Your sister is studying in the university. You want to tell her about your participation in the Exploration Race.
Based on the poster and diary, write a letter to your sister. Your letter should be between 50 and 80 words.
45, Jalan Sawi
81900 Kota Tinggi,
5 August 2020

Dear sister,

How are you? Yesterday I took part in the Exploration Race organised by my school.

I ran 5 KM and climbed Kledang Hill. I saw jungle trees, lush ferns and birds. I even heard the ‘orang

utans’ calls. On the way down the hill, I waded across an icy cold stream. The race ended at the bottom of

Kledang Hill. The headmaster presented prizes to the winners. I won a consolation prize. It’s a sports watch. Dad

is proud of my achievement.

Take care, sister. Bye.

Your loving brother,


[25 marks]

This section consists of two questions. Answer one question only.

Question 1
Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your answer in the
space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

blanket chicken soup fever

sweat sick gone

tidied up wiped good care
Begin your story with:
Yesterday morning, Halim and Halina saw their mother sitting at the dining table sipping some herbal
Question 2
Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your answer in the
space provided. Write your story between 80 and 100 words.


Yesterday morning, Halim and Halina saw their mother sitting at the dining table sipping some herbal tea.

Their father told them that she was sick.

After she had finished her tea, they helped her to bed. Then, they told their father that they wanted to

make chicken soup. They spent two hours making the chicken soup. Meanwhile, Halina checked on her mother.

She wiped the sweat on her brow when she felt hot and put a blanket over her when she felt cold. When the soup

was ready, they took some for her in a bowl. Halim helped to feed his mother. When she slept, Halim and Halina

tidied up the house.

In the evening, Halim and Halina’s mother got out of bed and sat in the living room with her family. Her

fever was gone and she felt much better. She thanked her children for taking such good care of her.


The scouts went on a camping trip. They trekked through a thick jungle to reach their campsite. It took a

few hours of trekking.

When they reached the campsite, the scout leader briefed the scouts the safety rules which they needed to

follow. After that, he assigned a few other scouts to set up the tents.

At night, the scout leader gathered everyone and they prepared dinner together. All the scouts sat by the

campfire to have their dinner. Then, they sang songs and enjoyed their time together.

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