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Bernardo, Jessa Mariz A.

Angeles, Nincel M.

11- HUMSS 1

Day Dream
Monday morning, I woke up very early and my eyes were immediately awakened to
the smell of my father’s delicious cooked breakfast. I immediately go to the comfort room and
follow my daily routine .I was surprised when I looked at the calendar, I didn’t noticed that, that
day was the first day of March, it’s too fast. As I walk outside to water the plants, suddenly last
year’s memories came back to me. While walking, I imagine that those walk are walks towards
the stage to pick up my Diploma.

A lot of us think that to be an honor student, you need to be intelligent, but for
me it is just a misconception. Everyone can be an honor student. If each of us will persevere,
we can. Some things we can do in order to be an honor student is first text book studying,
whenever you have an exam you are required to read your textbook, but to understand well
you need to breakdown the chapters into sections, For example if you have to read chapter 1
and 2 for your exam, you must read one chapter in a schedule time as well as the other one in
order for you to understand the lesson properly and to manage your time in reviewing other
subjects. Another thing is that a study space is also important in order to be an honor student
for one reason that a good study space can helps you motivate yourself in order to study well,
for example if you are in a place wherein the surroundings are noisy you cannot focus in your
main objectives but if you are in a quiet place, you can easily focus without any distractions.

Comparison and Contrast

Academic writing vs. Non- Academic Writing
Academic writing and Non - Academic writing are both types of writing that aims
accuracy, and both use research though the research behind non- academic writing tends to
be much lighter, another similarities is that both types of writing are both trying to reach as
wide an audience as possible, though the assumption is that a non - academic writing reach a
broader readership. Despite of the similarities they have, they also contains lot of differences
and some are Academic writing focuses on professional work, some examples of academic
writing is research papers, case studies and thesis while the Non - Academic writing, as it says
on the name, does not. Rather it aims to be something people can turn to as recreational
activities .A time to rewind or condition our minds and bodies.

Plagiarism resulting to failing marks = Failing marks resulting to determination
Karina was so stressed for one reason that she wants to have high grades but
then she receive failing marks because of her wrongdoing of taking someone’s work from the
internet and pretending that she is the one who wrote that. She doesn't know what to do that
time. She took a deep breath and get her phone and with all nervous, ask her teacher if she
could repeat her work in order to remove her failing marks. She was surprised that her teacher
answered yes. It is not easy for her to finish them immediately but then her determination to
get high grades served as her motivation to finish it without hesitation.

Prettiest thing, You can Wear
Whenever your eyes brighten and the corners of your mouth slightly curve
upward then you’re probably smiling. A smile is something you can do whenever you don’t
want other people to notice your loneliness and pain but It looks like that one is the negative
definition of smile. Smile is just a five letters word but contains lot of importance, that simple
thing can help your body release cortisol and endorphins by which provides lot of health
benefits, including the increased of endurance and reduced of blood pressure. Always choose
to smile, smile is priceless but contain lots of benefits, It can stabilize and make you feel more
in control every day.

Beautiful Smile in the Middle of the Online Class
My teacher is so kind and simple, whenever she had a meeting in our section she
always had time in asking us if we are ok or not. She always rides to the jokes of my
classmates that's why we are all laughing even though she doesn’t see it because our camera
is always close. She always smile and says jokes, which are absolutely connected to her
discussion so that the atmosphere will not be change at the same time we are getting
entertain, That teacher is so hardworking, even it's really hard for her to check all of our
activities she gave her best and gives her full time and attention to understand what we are
saying, even though the grammar is not that good. With or without make up she look so pretty,
her smile always give us positivity even at the hard times of our discussion. She makes the
boring subject interesting.

Cause and Effect

It was 2 am, I woke up very drowsy, but my brain said I have to review for our
midterm examination. I was so focused on my notes, I didn’t notice the time. I ate fast and took
a quick shower so that the rest of the time can be used in reviewing some of the notes I have
not yet fully understand. With all mixed confidence and nervous I answer the exam. Few days
after the examination I received an email from my subject teacher and that email gave a gleam
to my eyes, “Graded 100/100”. All my hard works, from waking up early in the morning and
sleeping late at night is not wasted.

No one, should left behind !
Some parents are undecided if they will enroll their children in school, this school
year due to the new process of learning because of the pandemic. Some reasons why other
parents doesn’t want to enroll their children is because they don’t have enough money to
provide a strong internet connection, for the reason that they have no work because of the
pandemic. They are stock from choosing what’s best for their children, and what they afford
but then for me pandemic is not a valid reason in order to stop learning, no students must left
behind, everyone can study even though they don’t have a strong internet connection. Then
what’s the purpose of modules if everyone thinks that online class is the only way of leaning in
today’s scenario. Both Public and Private Schools provide some modules for students that are
not capable for the consequences of online class.

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