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Adverbs of Time

Please, choose the correct adverb to match the sentence.

____) Ahmed has ________ finished his university exams.

a. still
____) I have not ________ completed the assignment. b. finally
____) Can we ________ stay on the mountain range for a few more hours. c. yet
d. recently
____) Jin Xiu ________ wants to go visit her family in China. e. soon
____) Ahcene is ________ working at his new job as a connoisseur. f. just
g. already
____) Several scientists have ________ discovered the cure for alzheimer's.
____)Tahar will ________ visit his home country in Algeria.

Please, choose the correct adverb in the sentence.

1. I am going to bed ________ tonight.
a. early b. tomorrow c. yesterday

2. Rebecca had to eat dinner ________ because of her busy schedule.

a. late b. then c. now

3. I have been eating too much fats and refined sugars ________.
a. now b. lately c. today

4. Shusi has to go to the market ________ and buy some ingredients.

a. tomorrow b. tonight c. today

5. Tsi came to class late ________. She missed the train.

a. then b. yesterday c. early

6. Endang is visiting her family _______.

a. tonight b. lately c. then

7. Victor is going to study English ________ he is going to take a siesta.

a. now b. tomorrow c. then

8. Lisa just finished her novel ________ , she is going to attend computer class.
a. now b. late c. today

Adverb of time answer the questions:

1. How long?
2. How often?
3. When?

Here you have a list of some of them: VOCABULARIES

Already annually before constantly

Daily early earlier finally

First just late later

Monthly now since soon

Then today tomorrow tonight

Yesterday yet weekly yearly

All day not long for a while since last year

Always ever generally occasionally

Rarely seldom usually never


1. I often eat fish.

2. I am never late.

3. Dream came here yesterday.

4. She stayed for a while then left.

5. I slept late the previous night.

6. I waited for a few minutes.

7. I wanted to go tomorrow but I think it will rain.

8. Grade 5 students are noisy all the time.

9. There is a yearly increase of salary for teachers.

10. She is always early for class.

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