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History and Cultures of Asia


- 632 BCE, after death of Muhammad

- Two Sects of Islam:
1. Sunhi: Amir’s religion in Kite Runner, rich, characteristics of the prophet, bloodlines
are leaders (of Muhammad prophet), they do what the prophet did
2. Shiah: Hassan’s religion in Kite Runner, poor, successors of prophet, should make
new actions to spread Islam, democratic (leaders are elected)
- Founded in Arabian Peninsula
- 20% of Middle East, 30% in South/Southeast Asia (Indonesia)
- Capital of Islam: Mecca (“big black box” where there are scriptures and praying
- Tribal Group: Qu’raysh trading network (home of the prophet Muhammad), controlled
wealth, politics, trade, etc. (polytheistic)
- 570-632 CE: Muhammad’s wife, Khagigah, becomes the women of Islam
- Received divine visitation at 41 years old, final seal of all prophets (working class
followed him)
- Major text: Quran (word of Allah delivered to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel)
- Five Pillars of Faith:
1. Salat: prayer five times a day
2. Sawm: fasting during Ramadan (9th month of lunar year, 30 days, don’t eat when the
sun is up)
3. Zagat: charity (2.5% of income), purification
4. Shahada: declaration of faith
5. Hajj: pilgrimage to Holy Land (Mecca)

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