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Figueres-Oñate et al (2014)
Odorants Activate Olfactory Receptor Neurons in the Olfactory Epithelium
Receptors in Cilia of Olfactory Receptor Neurons Respond to Odorants

Olfactory receptor neurons are one of only two types

of neurons that regenerate in adult mammals.
Olfactory Receptor Neurons ( olfactory Sensory neurons )

Components of olfactory
receptor neurons include
(c) cilia, (b) dendrite, (n)
nucleus/cell body, (a)
axon. Also shown: (d)
olfactory receptor neuron
axon bundle and (e)
sustentacular (support)
Olfactory Receptors Are Metabotropic (G-Protein-Coupled) Receptors
Odorant receptor diversity accounts
▪ for ability
to discriminate odors
Odorant receptors are the largest known single
gene family (3-5% of the genome)

Many species have ~1000-1500

Humans: 950 ▪
Chimpanzees: 1100

Each olfactory receptor neuron expresses only

one type of odorant receptor

Superior olfaction in certain species is more likely

due to the quantity of olfactory receptor neurons in
the olfactory epithelium rather than receptor-type
diversity Number of unique olfactory
receptors expresses by
each species shown
Most Olfactory Receptors React to a Variety of Odors

Each sample (A-F) is a mixture of several

odorants. Potassium chloride (KCl) was used as
a control to demonstrate the neuron could be

Responses of three different olfactory receptor neurons (rows) to three

different odorants (columns)

Therefore, there IS NOT any “odorotopy” or “scentotopy” in the organization

of olfactory receptor neurons.
Olfactory Receptor Neurons Project to the Olfactory Bulb


Olfactory receptor neurons bundle to form the olfactory nerve

Axons of the olfactory nerve synapse onto mitral cells in

special regions where dendrites and axons are “clumped”
together. These regions are called glomeruli.

Glomeruli are a placed of considerable convergence of

~25,000 olfactory receptor neurons (all of the same
odorant receptor type) pass their information to ~25 mitral cells
Olfactory Nerve: Connection Between
Olfactory Epithelium & Olfactory Bulb
Olfactory Glomerulus

Zou et al. (2009)

A confocal image of an olfactory glomerulus from a mouse.

Olfactory receptor neuron axons are shown in orange and
mitral and tufted cells are shown in green. Arrows point to the
apical dendrites of mitral or tufted cells.
Mitral Cell Axons Project via the Lateral Olfactory Tract to a Variety of Targets

(Unlike with other senses) Most olfactory information projects ipsilaterally (to the same side)

Pyriform cortex is the primary target of olfactory tract projections from mitral cells
- Pyriform cortex is an evolutionarily older form of cortex, called archicortex (which has 3 layers), than
neocortex (which has 6 layers)

Projections of the lateral olfactory tract provide olfactory information important in olfactory-guided memory,
visceral, appetitive, emotional, cognitive, and sexual behaviors
Olfactory Tract Projects from Mitral Cells in Olfactory Bulb to Pyriform Cortex

Anatomical tracing of the projections of a single olfactory glomerulus in the olfactory bulge via the lateral olfactory
tract (LOT) to multiple targets, including the pyriform cortex (PIR), amygdala (AMG), olfactory tubercle (OT), and
accessory olfactory nucleus (AON)
Pyriform Cortex (Archicortex)

Figueres-Oñate et al. (2014)

The Olfactory Circuit

Pyriform cortex

Tongue surface. Colored scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of the surface of the tongue. The pattern of tiny surface
projections (papillae) is seen here. By far the more numerous are filiform papillae, also known as conical papillae, which
have mechanical and tactile (touch) functions. These papillae also form a rough surface which helps in the chewing and
manipulation of food. Fungiform papillae (round, larger) are less numerous and are well supplied with blood; they contain
taste buds under their surface, thus playing a sensory role.
Taste Papillae Contain Taste Buds
Taste cells (located in taste buds) transduce
chemical stimuli from food, encoding information
about the food’s identity, concentration, and qualities
(pleasant, unpleasant, or potentially harmful)

Taste buds can be found on the dorsal side of the

tongue, as well as the palate, epiglottis, and

Each taste cell specializes in tasting one of five

perceptual taste categories: salty, sweet, sour, bitter,
and umami (amino acid)

Taste cell information also prepares the

gastrointestinal tract to receive and digest food
(salivation aids swallowing) or, if the substance is
noxious, to reject food (gagging and regurgitation)

Each taste can

be associated with

Safety or nutritional content

Nutrition :
Salt for NaCl content
C important throughout the body ) ; amino
( protein ) ; sweet C sugary carbohydrates )
Safety : Sour / Bitter s Warn of poison or

Receptors in Taste Cells Can Be Ionotropic or Metabotropic Depending
on the Perceptual Taste Mediated by the Taste Cell

Taste cells are polarized epithelial cells (not neurons) with

an apical and a basal domain separated by tight junctions

Tastant-transducing channels (salt and sour) and G-protein-

coupled (metabotropic) receptors (sweet, amino acid, and
bitter) are limited to the apical domain
- Remember: Each taste cell expresses only one type of
taste receptor
Central Taste Sensory Projections

Taste cells transmit information via the 7th, 9th, and 10th
cranial nerves to the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS)

The NTS passes on information to cortical targets

including the insular taste cortex in the temporal lobe via the
ventral posterior medial nucleus of the thalamus

The NTS also projects to subcortical targets in the

hypothalamus and amygdala, influencing affective
(pleasurable v. aversive) aspects of appetite, satiety, and
other regulatory responses associated with eating

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