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To our Clinical Instructors and our panels as well in this case presentation, Maam Ceasarlica

Minguita, MN, RN, Maam and Sir Al Duane Ungab, MAN, RN, Sir, Classmates, good morning.

Before we close this morning’s case presentation program, I’d like to take this last
opportunity to say, on behalf of the BSN-4 Students, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!

Leadership plays an important role in this subject. It is here you can evaluate yourself as well
as your peers during and after the activity or program and to measure ourselves how prepared we
are in this subject and how can we managed to meet the daily objectives for our residents, this
subject and in ourselves.

Psychiatric Health Nursing is one of the best subject in this course we will never forget. It is
clearly seen in our outstanding achievements, efforts, sacrifices, our attitude and patience will be
measured and it’s well deserved pride! From the preparation of our therapies, assigned resident for
our nurse-patient interaction until this online case presentation, these are very challenging.

We understand of conducting this online since its pandemic, but we are eager to learn. We
want to become proficient in this field because we never know someone from us students might
become a psychiatric nurse soon. Yes, it’s online Class and online approach but we did it! We
became the first batch to conduct online psychiatric nursing exposure and it is overwhelming. Thank
you Maam Ceasarlica Minguita and Sir Al Duane Ungab for your guidance, love and patience to
conduct all those activities and make it possible.

Classmates, don’t forget to hold on a character that is very crucial – that will be your
reflection for tomorrow on how you will build a strong foundation in your family, peers, community
and even yourself.

Once again, Good morning and CONGRATULATIONS!

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