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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Bohol



Quarter : 1 Week : 6 Day : 4 Activity No. : 6

Competency: : Explains the importance of consumer laws to protect public health
Objective : Create an advocacy materials promoting consumer health protection.
Topic : CONSUMER HEALTH: Consumer Act of the Philippines
Materials : Bond Paper, Ball Pen, Pencil, Coloring Material, Cartolina, Smartphone
Reference : (Callo 2015)
Callo, Faith F. et al. 2015. Physical education and Health 10 pp.224-225.
Department of Education.

Copyrights : Department of Education

Concept Notes:
Republic Act No. 7394, otherwise known as” The Consumer Act of the Philippines”
is a law that protects the interest of the consumer, promotes general welfare, and establishes
standards of conduct for business and industry. There are 8 basic rights of a consumer
according to the act (Galvez Tan,et al.,2009).

1. The Right to Basic Needs- guarantees survival, adequate food, clothing, shelter,
healthcare, education, and sanitation.
2. The Right to Safety - to be protected against the marketing of goods or the
provision of services that are hazardous to health and life.
3. The Right to Information - to be protected against dishonest or misleading
advertising or labeling and the right to be given the facts and information needed to
make an informed choice.
4. The Right to Choose - to choose products at competitive prices with an assurance
of satisfactory quality.
5. The Right to Representation- to express consumer interests in the making
and execution of government policies.
6. The Right to Redress_- to be compensated for misrepresentation, shoddy goods or
unsatisfactory services.
7. The Right to Consumer Education_- to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary
to be an informed customer.
8. The Right to Healthy Environment- to live and work in an environmental that is
neither threatening nor dangerous and, which permits a life of dignity and

Activity 1-Think about It!

1. Why is it important to be aware of our rights as a consumer?

2. Cite some instances that you could practice your consumer rights.
3. What will you do if your rights will be violated?
Activity 2. Protect Me!
Create an advocacy material promoting consumer protection with the use of any of the
following: (Choose only 1) If you choose jingle be sure to submit a video of yourself singing
your output aside from the copy of the lyrics.
a. Poster
b. Poem
c. Jingle

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