(HEALTH-10) First Quarter: 218. Department of Education

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Bohol



Quarter : 1 Week : 4 Day : 4 Activity No. : 4

Competency: : Reports fraudulent health services (H10CH-Ic-24)
Objective : Report fraudulent health services to authorities.
Topic : CONSUMER HEALTH: Healthcare Providers and
Healthcare Plans Materials
: Bond Paper, Ball Pen and etc. Reference
: (Callo 2015)
Callo, Lualhati F. et al. 2015. Physical Education and Health 10 LM pp. 216-
218. Department of Education.

Copyrights : Department of Education

Concept Notes:

Consumers receive health information, products, and services from various sources;
thus, individuals may be prone to frauds. An example of which is quackery.
Quackery, a form of a health fraud, is any advertisement, promotion, or sale
of products and services that have not been scientifically proven safe and effective
(Meeks, et al, 2011). It is being operated by a quack. A quack is an individual that has
little or no professional qualifications to practice medicine. He/She also pretentiously
uses meaningless medical jargon and relies on scare tactics, paranoid accusations, and quick
The three forms of quackery are:
a. Medical quackery
- Medical quackery includes cures, treatments, and remedies of various health
conditions that are drugless or bloodless in nature.
b. Nutrition quackery
- Nutrition quackery involves promotion of food fads and other nutritional
practices that claim to be all-natural. These are believed to have beneficial
properties of multiple plants in one product.
c. Device quackery
- Device quackery makes use of miraculous gadgets (such as dials, gauges, electrodes,
magnets, and blinkers) that are believed to cure certain health conditions.

Activity 1- Identifying Legitimate Practice

From the statements below, identify the modes of practice whether it is legitimate or a
quack. Write Q if it is a form of quackery or T if it is not.
1. A person sells you miracle potions that claim to treat different forms of body deformities.
2. A group of specialist doctor offers free operation for glaucoma for the unfortunate
individuals who could not afford the operation.
3. A person who claims to have the cure for COVID-19 with the use of UV lights to kill the
virus cells.
4. When the Food and Drug Administration approves a medicine proven to alleviate the
symptoms of the common colds.
. 5.A salesperson claiming to provide the services of a dentist, but without proper training
and did not enroll into a school for dentistry

Activity 2- I ASSERT!
If you would observe or experience fraudulent services, what will you do?
To whom, will you ask help?

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