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Daily Lesson Plan 4I


Week: 8 Day : Date:

Time : 10.00 - Class : Subject : English Language

4 Inovatif
11.00 am

Topic :
Theme: Word of Self, Family and Friends

Language Focus : Past simple; use of adjectives; coordinating conjunctions: and; / but
Skills Main: Writing Complementary: Reading
Content Standard: 4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range of3.2
in print
a variety
and digital
of linear
and non-linear print and d
Learning standard: 4.2.5 Connect sentences into a coherent paragraph using basic
specific information
and reference
and details
of simple t
1) By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to write an email about their trip in
past simple tense, using adjectives and coordinating conjunctions of and and but.
Success Criteria/ 1) By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to write an email about their trip in
Can do statements past simple tense, using adjectives and coordinating conjunctions of and and but.
Teaching aids Textbook, email worksheet, Speaker and audio of Kevin’s trip to Egypt.
CCE : Information and Communication Technology HOTS: Application
Differentiation Strategies: Task 21st CL : Simulation

1. Teacher play Hangman game to review on past vocabularies.

The Hangman game is modified into a reversed version where an instead of drawing a
suicidal stickman, a completed drawing of a teddy bear will be erased a part from its
Pre Lesson body every time the pupils guessed the wrong alphabet.
2. Teacher reminds the meaning of the vocabularies and correct pupils’
pronunciation if needed.

Lesson Development
1. Pupils open their textbook on page 33.
2. Teacher directs pupils’ attention to the picture in Activity 1. Teacher asks pupils to
guess what Kevin did in Egypt.
3. Teacher plays CD and have pupils follow along in their textbook.
4. Teacher replay the audio one more time and encourage pupils to shadow read.
5. Choose a few pupils to read out loud the text and re-read one more time chorally.
6. Teacher asks comprehension questions.
7. Tell pupils to read activity 1 again and tick what Kevin did on his trip.
8. Teacher directs pupils’ attention to the writing tip and explains it to the pupils.
9. Teacher asks pupils to point out 2 examples of the writing tip in Activity 1.
1. Teacher write 5 incomplete sentences on the board and asks pupils to complete the
sentence using but or and.
2. Teacher discuss the answer with pupils.
3. Based on that 5 sentences, teacher ask pupils to circle the adjectives.
4. Teacher ask pupils to write on the board other examples of adjectives.

1. In the worksheet given, pupils do exercise 1 where they have to jot down details
about their previous trip.
2. Using the details from exercise 1, teacher guides pupil to write an email about
their trip.
3. Teacher encourages the use of adjectives and coordinating conjunctions to the

1. Teacher chooses some pupils to present their email about their trip to the class.
Post Lesson
2. Teacher congratulates pupils’ hard work and thanks them for their participation.

Assessment Task

Main Skill

Complementary Skill


Name : Date :
Pre-lesson vocabularies review: Questions during presentation stage:
1) tomb Where did Kevin go?
2) mosquito
3) museum Who did he go with?
4) wrap When did he go on the trip?
5) camel
6) desert (when and with who) What was the weather like?
7) bandage
What did they do there?
Did he take a lot of photos?
What did he see at the museum?
Were the mummies scary?
What did he like the most



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