Asian American HS Scholars - Scholarshipform

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Asian American

High School
Scholarship Application

Where Florida
To qualify for this scholarship ($500.00), you must be a senior at
a local high school and be in good academic standing. This
application is due on or before April 1, 2011.

Sponsored by the Mayor’s Asian

American Advisory Board

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Board Members:
Jay Gogaliya, Lally Ferro, Mai Keisling, Nes Papel,
Sophal Nou, Rajat Sharma, and George Banks
Mayor’s Asian American Advisory Board
Asian American High School Scholars Application

Complete the application below. It must be mailed by April 1, 2011. You must
be a senior in good standing at a local high school, private or public, to be
considered for this scholarship.

Section I: Student Contact Information

Last Name First Name Middle initial

Address City State Zip Code

Phone Email Birth Origin

Section II: Parent Contact Information

(Mr., Mrs., Ms.) Last Name First Name Middle

Address if different than student:

Street City State Zip code

Phone Email Birth Origin

Section III: Student Information

High School Currently Attending Grade level

School Address City State Zip Phone

G.P.A. SAT Score ACT Score Community Service Hours

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Please have your school’s guidance staff confirms your Grade Point
Average and Community Service Hours and sign below:

Name Signature

Mayor’s Asian American Advisory Board

Scholarship Application (continued)
Section IV: Leadership roles / Accomplishments

Please list all leadership roles you have held, organizations in which
you are involved and any special awards, achievements, or
accomplishments that you have been honored with.

Section V: College and Career Plans

a. Which college(s) do you plan to attend?

b. In which field(s) do you plan to major?

c. Which career field do you plan to enter?

Section VI: Essay

Respond to the following topic in an essay. The essay should have a maximum of 500
words, and must be typed and double spaced, two pages maximum.
“How has being an Asian American helped you to be who you are today
and helped to influence your future plans?”
Section VII: Letter of recommendation
Please provide one letter of recommendation from a teacher, church leader, coach, or
other person of your choosing to recommend you for this scholarship. This letter
must be typed, one page only.

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Please send application to: Scholarship committee Members
MAAAB - City of Jacksonville Sophal Nou (chair), Jay Gogaliya,
11605 Bayou Road George Banks, Rajat Sharma, and Lally
Jacksonville, Florida 32246 Ferro

Sponsored by the City of Jacksonville.

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