2006 06 10 - DR1

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0 This is an initial' Statement of Organization
C This is an emended` Statement of Organization (Rcv 01/2009) ORGANIZATION
JUN 10 2006
-An 1^!rla . Statement of Crgrtn,zatiC)n mutt .e Plea wthfn I o says or the committee's acrepbn_q conlrtdutio,,s, For Office Use Only
n7nking ekponriltunss, or orcin -(ng incowedness cxceading 375c:. Amendmonfs must be filed within 3O days of Comm . #
a change . Pens/ties may oe imposed for tare"fifCxd StMoments of Orgamz9tion A randidefe tvdh an open Indexed
C.o.rnmfne-' tilaf ,, vreod5 V50 1n noviry for arofher ofre Shelf 5Ir'- LothUl 10 (x)y5 pirfrora now or amended Audded
E.R-7 dicwcina information tract-ming the (,amfwign far the now ouico sought

COMMITTEE NAME 1 I (A carsdidaws ccmmittao must indude the candidate's Last name in the name of the committee.)
William Hill Lmhof for Supenisof- District-5
jPA OR f ndrcs o co+nm you are reporting for: 5
( 1 )StMewidolLogiclativelJudgo Standing for Retention Candidut-a 12 )StaitemAde PAC ( 3 )State Party ( 4 )County Central Committee
(5)Courity Candidate (6 )City Candidate ( 7 )School Board or Other Political Subdivision Candidata (8 )Courtly PAC (9 )City PAC
( 10 )Soynool Booed or Ottwr Political Subdivision PAC ( 11 ) local Ballot lrssue(Including committee Involved in multiple citylcounty ballet I"ue sj

COMMITTEE TREASU RER mandatory for all committrrea) COMMITTEE CHAIR ( -mandatory except for a candidate's commiee*c)

__ :r I~hotT ` IV,Grllr em 14. inihoff

D(l~li r,1 I"!V%
~'~~CJLo? -l~~ r st .O .Sox-188

al -,late

~' 21-6139
Fh.^na (fit' j Phone ( 7121 )
bimhoff'3:fronfemet .net
e-Lied _ ~Mal!
A1 tor~agalnst candldate(s) Advocate for ballot issue(s)~~
Comment or description . C Advocate against b~lllot iasue(s)
All a idate5 neru : CountylLocal Cand aces Ttommi n r:
Ofl,W SCUght U"'" ole CnunR Sttp-r-tc or- Da!r,nYs ~_ .
Courfiy: (~'re..1a
Polity :al 'any of 3 vicable) R`.puhltc^an (1f active in multiple ballot issue electiorw, attach list of wunto~

Dratrlrr! Date of EICCUon

Fear S'tandi,-,n for Eler_1ion -

Qd91LA9991,1IISM9 or E~9 nt PACs, i, -,) rca

o AHlllata, or Sponsor

William Imho ff Supervisor William Imhoff

Name of Financi9i instrrutioNtype of ArOount Mailing Addrt"SS .. 1.
AsJitoq Stare Rant. 334- 3rd.st.
y i
rJiatlrnd Address , Jrcy -state -i Zip

31'-3rd .st . _ Ashton . Iowa 51232-0188

riti ! 1 5tatz j Zip 724 -h0'+
Phone (7!2 )
Ashton . lo«'a 5123
-Mali bimhoffa}frontirlYSrt net

STATEMENT OF AFFIRMATION: By filing this document the committee Afrmx the tb11owf:

i 'he aommrvee and ell persons x+nnected with the committee undemt3nd that they ore subject M the laws in Iowa Code chapters e8A and 688 and rim adminsl7abvo
rLUac in Chsptar 351 of the lows Adminlsbatrve Code

2. 'rhat Iow.'a Code rection 88A 402 and rule 351 -4 .9 require oho flling of disdoyurr reportb and that the failure to file these reports on or before oho rc quimd due dares
eubluutu t^~a cari,aidntu x choirporean (fn we caee of :ontmimos other than a cnrdidate s committee i m oho aulornato awz~~ament at a civil penalty and the POGGRNQ
imposition of other cmrnlnal and civil aanctions .
3 That lc-,,
.7 Coon mcllon 58A 405 and ruJas 351 ---138 through 4 4:1 reautra the placertwnt of tho'xordy' paid for by and the name of the eomm)ttov on all oolldi4i
rnz0ar-31v, oxrnpi Ins that* itentn exampmd by stotrta or rule A committee that vichae to reomfor a committee name for purposes of using oho fhottor'paid for by' and
does not inoand tc cross no 8750 tiling threshold shag file fig Form DR-SPA form

4. That lows Code section 68A 503 end rules 351 -t44 through 4 .52 prohibilttw rstwpt of corporate contributions by all committees except for Ontcrmda and local b^illot
isare PAC-s
5 . A Cenal~f to and 3 C3ndidate o' commtteeo may only expend campaign rinds Dr permifd by Iowa code secmns 68A,301 through 68A.303 sad nla 351st 25 .
6. That the committee vall continue t1 file diadowrre reports until all Activity hoe ce3wd, oommiltse funds "ink debts ravolvcd . and a final ruporl and a atatement of
dr35n'un .3tr-(j)R31 has boon filed

-_-DllV .

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