Importance of Chemistry: Lesson Plan

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Alimodian National Comprehensive High School STEM / General Chemistry 2

Lesson Plan Grade Level:12

Day/Session # 1

Importance of Chemistry
Learning Objectives
1. To Familiarize the different rules inside the classroom References
2. Identify the importance of chemistry in our daily lives None


Instructions to the facilitator:

Begin the class by introducing yourself to the students. Write your name on the board as well as the name of the teacher then check
their attendance.

Give a copy of the syllabus to each student. Tell the student that they have 3 minutes to browse the syllabus. Remind them to take
careful note of the following:

a. Topics to be discussed per day

b. Days intended for quizzes and term exams
c. Passing score percentage
d. Grading system
e. Consultation time of the teacher

After the allotted 3 minutes, ask them if they have questions. Take note of their questions and then relay these to the teacher.

Alimodian National Comprehensive High School STEM / General Chemistry 2
Lesson Plan Grade Level:12
Day/Session # 1

Activity 1

Instruction to the facilitator:

Ask the students to stand and go around, and shake the hands of their classmates while singing. Each student will sing a song of
his choice. After 1 minute, signal the students to freeze. The students whose hands they are shaking or have shaken last will be
their partner in this activity.

Ask the partners to sit together. If the class has an odd number of students, the facilitator will be the partner of one student.

Once the students have settled down. Distribute Day 1 activity sheet to the students. Tell them to read the directions carefully
while you read the directions out loud. Ask the students if the directions are clear. Once they have understood the directions, start
the activity.

Directions: Introduce yourself to your partner. Write his/her name in the space provided. Together with your partner for 5
minutes, list at least 10 applications that you have found inside the classroom.

1. Name of your partner:

2. Applications of chemistry inside the classroom


Activity 2:
Alimodian National Comprehensive High School STEM / General Chemistry 2
Lesson Plan Grade Level:12
Day/Session # 1

Directions: go outside the classroom and look for at least 10 applications and 10 importance of chemistry that you can find inside
the school campus.

Note; you have to return to the classroom after 15 minutes and finish the activity inside the room.

Facilitator: make sure that the students understood the instructions before leaving the classroom. They must return to the
classroom after 15 minutes so that they can finish answering their activity sheets. Those who failed to return late will be marked

Applications of chemistry inside the school campus Importance of chemistry


1. What do you think will happen in a world without chemistry?


Teacher – led Discussion and/ or Coaching Time

Alimodian National Comprehensive High School STEM / General Chemistry 2
Lesson Plan Grade Level:12
Day/Session # 1

Instruction to the teacher:

Introduce yourself to the students. You need to mention your complete name and the faculty room/ office where the students can
see you for consultations outside of the official consultation time. This is optional but it will be better if you can also provide the
students your email address and contact number. Then proceed to discuss briefly the following:

1. The contents of the syllabus focusing on the topics to be discussed per day, the date of exams and quizzes, passing
percentage and the grading system, and your consultation time.

2. Classroom policies:

a. Mobile phones must be turned off or put silent mode during classes.
b. No exam permit/ no student loan form, no exam
c. SLANT(sit straight, listen, nod, track the speaker)
d. Students who have exceeded 4 absences will be dropped from the subject.
e. More than 15 minutes late is considered absent
f. No cheating!
3. Requirements
a. Calculator
b. Periodic Table

Instructions for the Laboratory:

Instruct the students to form a group with 10 members. These will be their group for the next laboratory activities. Ask the
students to choose a leader and assistant leader. Then ask the leader to write the name of the members in a one fourth sheet of
clean paper. Discuss the following

1. Laboratory policies
a. No using of cellphones during activities
b. No Laboratory gown is considered absent
c. Groups with working area that is dirty will be deducted 50 pts from their activity score.
d. Groups that are noisy during the activity will be deducted 50 pts from their activity score.
e. Observe Laboratory guidelines!
2. Requirements
a. Laboratory gown (individual)
b. Rags(group)
c. Matchsticks(group)

Ask the students if they have more questions. Make sure that you entertain as many of the students questions as you can.


Alimodian National Comprehensive High School STEM / General Chemistry 2
Lesson Plan Grade Level:12
Day/Session # 1

Directions: answer the following below

Guide questions:

1. Why is there a need to study chemistry?

2. What are your expectations in this subject?

Collect activity sheets before the end of the session.

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