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Breakfast 8am-11am

P a s t r i e s L i q u i d g o o d n e s s
 Croissant £1.60  Fresh fruit smoothies £4.00
 Pain au Chocolat £1.80  Freshly squeezed orange juice £3.00
 Almond croissant £1.90  Pink Grapefruit Juice £3.00
 The Modern Pantry fruit muffin £2.00  Organic Apple Juice £3.00

F r u i t s , g r a i n s & s e e d s H o t d r i n k s
 Rolled oat porridge, muscovado sugar, cream Our coffee is supplied by
£5.00 Caravan Coffee Roasters, Exmouth Market
 Honey roast oats, seeds and nuts, grated apple,  Espresso £2.00
natural yoghurt £5.20  Double Espresso £2.20
 Spiced red wine poached tamarillo, Greek  Café Latte £2.40/£2.80
yoghurt, Manuka honey £5.80  Cappuccino £2.40/£2.80
 The Modern Pantry fruit salad, lemon verbena  Flat White £2.40
syrup £6.50  Americano £2.20/£2.60
 Pot of Drury Tea Company tea
C o o k e d b r e a k f a s t s – English Breakfast; Earl Grey £2.00
 Toast or English muffin and preserves, Manuka  Pot of Drury Tea Company loose leaf
honey or Vegemite £3.00 Chamomile; chopped Peppermint; Jasmine:
 Soft boiled eggs, buttered Vegemite Green Tea £2.00
soldiers £4.20  Pot of Gen Mai Cha; Rooibos; Fresh Mint tea
 English muffin, bacon £5.00 £2.50
 Two fried, scrambled or poached eggs and toast  The Modern Pantry Hot Chocolate £2.80
with;  Bon Soy - an additional 50p
- Pan fried haloumi, spinach, slow-roast vine
ripened tomatoes £8.20 T a k e A w a y
All our wines are available to buy at take away
- Smoked streaky bacon, slow-roast vine ripened prices. Please ask a member of staff.
tomatoes, buttered mushrooms £8.00 T h e P a n t r y S h o p
- Grilled chorizo, caramelised plantain fritters, Open Monday to Friday selling delicious
slow-roast vine ripened tomatoes £8.20 salads, pies, quiches, sweet treats and
The Modern Pantry Chutneys, Jams and
 Sugar cured New Caledonian prawn omelette, Preserves.
spring onions, coriander, smoked chilli sambal T h e M o b i l e P a n t r y
£8.70 We also cater for breakfast meetings and
office lunches.
Please contact John on 020 7553 9216
P r i v a t e D i n i n g
Please contact Dougal on 020 7553 9210
A n o p t i o n a l 1 2 . 5 % s e r v i c e c h a r g e w i l l b e a d d e d t o y o u r b i l l

W e u s e f r e e r a n g e o r g a n i c e g g s

I F Y O U H A V E A N A L L E R G Y , P L E A S E I N F O R M A S T A F F M E M B E R

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