Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction of Androgr

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Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction of Andrographolide From

Andrographis paniculata: Effect of the Solvent Flow Rate, Pressure, and

Article  in  Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering · December 2007

DOI: 10.1016/S1004-9541(08)60018-X


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Andri Kumoro Masitah Hasan

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Chin. J. Chem. Eng., 15(6) 877—883 (2007)

Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction of Andrographolide from

Andrographis paniculata: Effect of the Solvent Flow Rate, Pressure,
and Temperature*

A.C. Kumoroa and Masitah Hasanb,**

Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University, SH Road, Tembalang Se-
marang 50139, Indonesia
Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur 50603, Malaysia

Abstract Andrographis paniculata Nees has been extensively used for traditional medicine and help against fever,
dysentery, diarrhoea, inflammation, and sore throat. In this study, andrographolide, the main component of this
plant was extracted from the leaves of A. paniculata using supercritical carbon dioxide. The operating pressures
were varied from 7.50 to 20MPa, the temperatures were varied from 30℃ to 60℃, and the flow rates were varied
from 0.5 to 4ml·min-1. The best extraction condition occurred at 10MPa, 40℃, and a flow rate of 2ml·min-1 for a
3g sample of A. paniculata ground-dried leaves. The measured extraction rate was found to be about 0.0174g of
andrographolide per gram of andrographolide present in the leaves per hour of operation. The future studies must
focus on the interaction between the various operating parameters such as temperature, pressure, and flow rate of
supercritical carbon dioxide.
Keywords supercritical carbon dioxide, extraction, andrographolide, Andrographis paniculata

1 INTRODUCTION Conventional production methods such as solvent

Andrographis paniculata Nees, locally known as extraction and Soxhlet, although effective for extrac-
Hempedu Bumi and commonly called the King of tion, can lead to degradation of heat sensitive com-
Bitter grows widely in the tropical area of South East pounds as well as leave traces of toxic solvents in the
Asia, India, and China with a plant height of 30— solute. This is a concern for food and medicinal ex-
70cm. In these regions, this plant has been extensively tracts[5]. Supercritical fluid extraction may be a viable
used for traditional medicine and help against fever, alternative to solvent extraction methods. The phe-
dysentery, diarrhoea, inflammation, and sore throat[1]. nomenon of supercritical fluid extraction was recorded
Furthermore, it is a promising new way for the treat- over 100 years ago but has been slow in finding
ment of several diseases, including HIV, AIDS, and commercial applications, partly because of the sophis-
numerous symptoms associated with immune disor- ticated and expensive high pressure equipment and
ders[2]. technology required [6].
The three main diterpenoid lactones identified in Carbon dioxide is generally the most desirable
A. paniculata leaves were andrographolide, solvent for supercritical fluid extraction (SFE). Its low
neo-andrographolide, and deoxyandrographolide[3,4]. critical temperature (31.26℃) and pressure (7.38MPa)
Andrographolide, which is grouped as an unsaturated make it effective for the extraction of heat sensitive
trihydroxy lactone has the molecular formula of (thermally labile) compounds. In addition, it is an inert,
C20H30O5. The molecular structure of andrographolide non-flammable, non-explosive, inexpensive, odourless,
is shown in Fig.1. Andrographolide, the main compo- colorless clean solvent that results in no solvent resi-
nent in the leaves of A. paniculata can be easily dis- due in the product; it is also non-toxic and is generally
solved in methanol, ethanol, pyridine, acetic acid, and accepted as a harmless ingredient in pharmaceuticals
acetone, but slightly dissolved in ether and water. Its and food[5]. It also has low surface tension and vis-
physical properties are: melting point at 228—230℃, cosity and high diffusivity, which make it attractive as
and the ultraviolet spectrum in ethanol λmax as 223nm[4]. a supercritical solvent[7]. The diffusivity of super-
critical carbon dioxide is one to two orders of magni-
tude higher than for other fluids, which permits rapid
mass transfer, resulting in a larger extraction rate than
that obtained by conventional liquid extraction[5].
Although several studies about supercritical fluid ex-
traction have been carried out in the last few decades,
only one article reported about the supercritical ex-
traction of andrographolide from A. paniculata leaves.
Ge et al.[8] reported the use of supercritical carbon
dioxide as well as carbon dioxide and ethanol mixture
Figure 1 Molecular structure of andrographolide to extract andrographolide in an own built extractor

Received 2006-09-29, accepted 2007-08-29.

* Supported by the Intensification of Research in Priority Areas Project (IRPA), Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation,
Malaysia (No.09-02-03-0101-EA0001).
** To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:
878 Chin. J. Ch. E. (Vol. 15, No. 6)

unit. He used orthogonal experiment to determine the the water bath controlled by an electrical heater
optimum condition without explaining the effect of (Thermo Haake, model DC10) to within ±0.1K and
each operating parameter. However, he did not study the system was brought to the desired temperature.
the effect of particle size and the supercritical solvent Liquid CO2 was then charged into high pressure pump
flow rate. Moreover, the geometry of the extractor, the (ISCO, model 260 DM) from the liquid CO2 cylinder.
supercritical solvent flow pattern, and the ethanol The high pressure pump further compressed the CO2
concentration in the supercritical solvent were not to the desired pressure. The system pressure was de-
reported. He reported that at high temperature and termined by a pressure transducer (Druck, model
pressure, the extraction rate and yield were higher, but PDCR 961). The valve between the pump and the ex-
the andrographolide content in the extracts was very tractor was opened and the CO2 was allowed to con-
low. He also qualitatively reported that the addition of tinuously flow through the sample at a desired volu-
ethanol as co-solvent enhanced the extract yield and metric flow rate. The extract was collected in a cold
the andrographolide content. trap by depressurising the CO2 at the back pressure
The objective of this study is to investigate the regulator (Jasco, model 880-81). The cold trap was a
effect of the supercritical solvent flow rate, pressure, glass vial immersed in a pack of ice that was main-
and temperature in the supercritical carbon dioxide tained at 4℃. The samples were taken at one-hour
extraction of A. paniculata diterpenoid lactone, intervals and the experiments were terminated after
namely andrographolide. Since andrographolide is a seven hours, and the total amount of extract collected
medical substance and the use of a co-solvent in the was gravimetrically determined using a balance (Met-
extraction process may affect the medicinal properties tler Toledo, model AG 204) with an accuracy of
of the extracted andrographolide and may hinder fu- ±0.0001g. The amount of CO2 consumed was deter-
ture FDA approval for such a commercial process, this mined using a wet gas meter (Alaxander Wright & Co.,
study was focused on the use of carbon dioxide only model DM 3A). The glass vials were wrapped with
as a solvent. aluminium foil to prevent photo degradation of the
andrographolide. For each trial, at least two experi-
2 EXPERIMENTAL ments were carried out where the total amount of CO2
Dried leaves of A. paniculata were obtained from that passed through the cell slightly varied, hence
Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development varying the total amount of extract collected. The rela-
Institute (MARDI) and were stored in a sealed air tive error obtained between the duplicate experiments
tight container at ambient conditions. Without any was less than 5%.
pre-treatment, the dried leaves were ground into pow- HPLC analysis of andrographolides: The cali-
der and were sieved to obtain a particle size of less bration standard curve was obtained using pure crystal
than 0.375mm. Carbon dioxide with a purity of 99.7% of andrographolide standard compound having 98%
was used as the solvent in this study and was pur- purity supplied by Sigma-Aldrich (M) Sdn. Bhd.
chased in the liquid form from Air Product (M) Ber- Analyses were done by high-performance liquid
had. The supercritical fluid extraction apparatus used chromatography (HPLC) with a system from Shima-
in this study is shown in Fig.2. It consists of a 16cm3 dzu (Japan). The column used for analysis was reverse
high-pressure stainless steel extraction vessel (10mm phase C18-Thermo Hypersil ODS 250mm×4.6mm,
inner diameter×200mm length). In a typical run, the with 5µm particle diameters, and a UV detector was
extraction vessel was first filled with 3g of used. The volume injection was 20μl. The mobile
dried-powdered A. paniculata leaves distributed in phase was methanol/water (volume ratio 54/46) at a

stainless steel balls to improve the leaves-solvent constant 1ml·min 1 flow rate. During the analysis, the
contact and to avoid channelling when CO2 flowed wave length of the UV detector was programmed as
through. The extraction vessel was then immersed in 223nm for 10min. Chromatographic peaks were iden-
tified by comparison with the retention time of the
standards. Linear calibrations of standards at accuracy
of more than 99% were carried out for the quantifica-
tion of the A. paniculata extracts. Single injection of
solvent (blank) was also done to determine the reten-
tion time of the solvent.


The extracted materials collected in the cold trap
were yellowish in color and were collected in the bot-
tom part of the collection vial. The maximum yield
obtained was about 0.0176g andrographolide per gram
of initial andrographolide present in the leaves or

equivalent to 2.01×10 3g andrographolide per gram
of dried leaves. Ge et al.[8] reported that he obtained

3.81×10 3g andrographolide per gram of dried leaves.
Figure 2 Schematic diagram of the supercritical However, it is somewhat difficult to compare his re-
fluid extraction unit sults with the results of this study since he used leaves
December, 2007
Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction of Andrographolide from Andrographis paniculata 879

with different andrographolide content and different

experimental setup and experimental conditions. He
performed the experiment at 25MPa, extractor tem-
perature 46℃, separator I pressure 6MPa, separator I
temperature 65℃, separator II pressure 6MPa, sepa-

rator II temperature 45℃, and CO2 flow rate 40kg·h 1.

3.1 Effect of carbon dioxide flow rate

In an attempt to investigate the effect of the sol-
vent flow rate on the extraction rate, a set of experi- (a) Effect of time on the andrographolide cumulative
ments was carried out at 40℃ and 10MPa, while the yield of 0.375mm particle size at 40℃ and
- 10MPa with flow rate as a parameter
flow rate of CO2 was varied from 0.5 to 4ml·min 1. flow rate, ml·min-1: ■ 0.5; △ 1; ▲ 2; □ 3; ◆ 4
Figs.3(a) and 3(b) were constructed to show the effect
of time with the flow rate as a parameter, and the ef-
fect of supercritical carbon dioxide flow rate with time
as a parameter, on the cumulative yield of the extract.
Both figures show that the yield increases with an in-
crease in the supercritical carbon dioxide flow rate,
reaches a maximum value, and then decreases with
further increase in the flow rate. The result obtained
here can be explained as a trade-off between a mass
transfer process and a thermodynamic equilibrium
state. The interface gas phase concentration of the sol-
ute is a function of the mass transfer coefficient, or (b) Effect of the carbon dioxide flow rate on the
solvent flow rate, while the equilibrium state is fa- andrographolide cumulative yield of 0.375mm
voured by both the high mass transfer rate and the particle size at 40℃ and 10MPa with time as a parameter
long residence time[9]. At low flow rates of the sol- time, min: ◆ 60; △ 120; ■ 180; ◇ 240; ▲ 300; □ 360; ○ 420
vent, the mass transfer resistance limits the amount of
solute transported into the bulk of the solvent and the
supercritical carbon dioxide exits the extractor un-
saturated. As the flow rate is increased, the mass
transfer resistance continues to decrease until the ex-
iting solvent is saturated, and thus equilibrium is
achieved and the maximum yield is attained. Further
increase of the flow rate will reduce the residence time
causing the system to deviate from equilibrium, and
the solvent exits the extractor unsaturated despite the
high mass transfer rate[9,10]. This is because the (c) Effect of the carbon dioxide flow rate on the reduced an-
amount of solvent that is in excess to what is required drographolide yield of 0.375mm particle size as a function of
to penetrate the cellular structure of the leaves simply time at- 40℃ and 10MPa
bypasses the extractable leaves[11]. This behavior flow rate, ml·min 1: ▲ 0.5; □ 1; ◆ 2; △ 3; ■ 4
indicates the presence of a mass transfer resistance,
which is possibly intraparticle diffusion or an external
film resistance[12]. Thus, in a semi batch supercritical
fluid extraction, the optimum solvent flow rate has to
be determined a priori. However, it should be noted
that the condition of optimum solvent flow rate de-
pends on the nature of the solvent-solute system, the
geometry of the extractor, the temperature, and the
Figure 3 (c) shows the effect of the solvent flow
rate on the reduced extract yield as a function of time. (d) Effect of the carbon dioxide flow rate on the reduced an-
The reduced extract yields are plotted in Fig.3(d) as a drographolide yield of 0.375mm particle size as a function of
function of the amount of carbon dioxide consumed. the amount of carbon dioxide consumed at 40℃ and 10MPa
flow rate, ml·min-1: ◆ 0.5; □ 1; ▲ 2; ◇ 3; ■ 4
The reduced yield is defined as the ratio of yield to the
final yield. Since the final yield does not accurately Figure 3 Effect of carbon dioxide flow rate on the
andrographolide yield
reflect the same value, the reduced yield was used for
the purpose of comparison as suggested by Goto et
al.[13] and Roy et al.[7]. As seen in Fig.3(c), the ex- dioxide flow rate. The slopes of the extraction curve in
traction rate is higher at larger carbon dioxide flow the plot of reduced yield versus the amount of carbon
rate. On the other hand, the extraction rate in the plot dioxide consumed were smaller at higher flow rate.
of Fig.3(d) was affected by the supercritical carbon This figure indicates that the intraparticle diffusion
Chin. J. Ch. E. 15(6) 877 (2007)
880 Chin. J. Ch. E. (Vol. 15, No. 6)

resistance controls the extraction process[10,13,14]. If and the axial dispersion coefficient increase by way of
the external mass transfer significantly affects the ex- increasing the pressure at constant temperature; how-
traction process as in the case of desorption from ac- ever, the effective diffusivity and the mass transfer
tivated carbon, the curve for lower flow rate becomes coefficient decrease. At the same time, both internal
gentler in Fig.3(d). All curves will coincide with each and external mass transfer resistance increase owing
other if the extraction rate is not affected by the su- to the decrease of the effective molecular diffusion
percritical carbon dioxide flow rate or if the solubility and mass transfer coefficients with pressure[16]. For
controls the extraction process[13]. this reason, supercritical carbon dioxide does not dis-
perse in solid particles easily[17]. This lower value of
3.2 Effect of pressure the effective diffusion coefficient suggests that the
The effect of pressure ranging from 7.5 to 20MPa mass transfer resistance is located in the solid phase.
on the andrographolide extraction was studied using The values of carbon dioxide density, viscosity, and
0.375mm particle size at temperature 40℃ and su- self diffusion coefficient at different temperatures and

percritical carbon dioxide flow rate of 2ml·min 1. The pressures are tabulated in Table 1. At constant tem-
effect of pressure on the andrographolide yield as a perature, the density of the solvent increases with an
function of time and the amount of carbon dioxide increase in pressure, but the vapour pressure of the
consumed are shown in Figs.4(a) and 4(b), respec- solute decreases with an increase in pressure. At ele-
tively. The solubility of andrographolide in supercriti- vated pressure, the magnitude of such a solute vapour
cal carbon dioxide estimated using Vetere’s method is pressure change becomes smaller[18] and the density
shown in Fig.5[15]. The solubility of andrographolide change becomes more effective and can easily over-
come the effect of the solute vapour pressure change
on the extraction rate. As a result, the andrographolide
yield increases with the increase of pressure, specifi-
cally from the near critical condition to the supercriti-
cal condition. This effect is due to the increase in
solubility of the solute mixture in the fluid phase.
Owing to this fact, Figs.4(a) and 4(b) revealed that at
40℃, the elevation of pressure showed a positive ef-
fect on the extraction. At this temperature, the increase
in the solvent density with pressure overcomes the
small change of the solute vapour pressure, resulting
(a) Effect of pressure on the andrographolide yield as a in favoured extraction at higher pressure. Similar
function of extraction-time at 40℃ and carbon dioxide finding was also obtained by Roy et al.[19] on the
flow rate 2ml·min 1 with 0.375mm particle size extraction of ginger oil. This crossover property owing
to the solubility is controlled by a balance between the
solvent density and the solute vapour pressure changes
with the change of pressure and temperature.
The highest yield was found at the temperature of
40℃ and pressure of 20MPa. However, it was also
found that there was no significant increase of andro-
grapholide yield when the system pressure increased
from 10 to 20MPa. Therefore, a system condition at
40 ℃ and 10MPa pressure, which roughly corre-
sponds to a carbon dioxide density value of
(b) Effect of pressure on the andrographolide yield as a -
function of carbon dioxide -consumed at 40℃ and carbon
0.6297g·cm 3, can be economically considered as the
dioxide flow rate 2ml·min 1 with 0.375mm particle size best condition. Similar result was reported by Baysal
Figure 4 Effect of pressure on the andrographolide yield and Starmans[23], where they found that the best con-
pressure, MPa: ◆ 7.5; □ 10; ▲ 12.5; ◇ 15; ■ 17.5; △ 20 dition for the supercritical carbon dioxide extraction
of limonene from caraway seed was at the carbon di-

oxide density value of about 0.6—0.7g·cm 3.
As pressure increases, all accessible solute on the
surface of the particles dissolve rapidly in the fluid
phase owing to an increase in the solvation power of
carbon dioxide[24]. However, further increase of
pressure from 10MPa upto 20MPa does not signifi-
cantly affect the andrographolide yield although the
solubility of andrographolide increases considerably.
An increase in pressure results in an increase in the
density of the supercritical fluid and a subsequent in-
Figure 5 The solubility of andrographolide in
supercritical carbon dioxide estimated crease in its solvating power. However, as the pressure
using Vetere methods increases, the diffusivity decreases and the molecules
temperature, ℃: ◆ 30; □ 40; ▲ 45; △ 50; ■ 60 have more difficulty in diffusing into the pores to

December, 2007
Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction of Andrographolide from Andrographis paniculata 881

Table 1 Density, viscosity, and self diffusion coefficient of carbon dioxide at various temperatures and pressures
Temperature, ℃ Pressure, MPa Density①, g·cm-3 Viscosity②, g·cm-1·s-1 Self diffusion coefficient③, cm2·s-1
7.5 0.6618 5.17×10 3.15×10-4
10.0 0.7722 6.72×10-2 2.70×10-4
12.5 0.8170 7.70×10-2 2.55×10-4
15.0 0.8476 8.03×10-2 2.46×10-4
17.5 0.8714 8.60×10-2 2.39×10-4
20.0 0.8911 9.04×10-2 2.34×10-4

7.5 0.2318 2.09×10 2 9.29×10-4
10.0 0.6297 4.82×10-2 3.42×10-4
12.5 0.7323 6.12×10-2 2.94×10-4
15.0 0.7811 6.88×10-2 2.76×10-4

17.5 0.8146 7.46×10 2 2.64×10-4

20.0 0.8406 7.96×10 2 2.56×10-4
7.5 0.2093 2.09×10-2 1.05×10-3
10.0 0.4997 3.61×10-2 4.38×10-4
12.5 0.6786 5.41×10-2 3.23×10-4
15.0 0.7430 6.29×10-2 2.95×10-4
17.5 0.7834 6.93×10-2 2.79×10-4
20.0 0.8135 7.45×10-2 2.19×10-4
- -
7.5 0.1939 2.01×10 2 1.15×10 3
10.0 0.3852 2.85×10-2 5.77×10-4
12.5 0.6147 4.69×10-2 3.62×10-4
15.0 0.7009 5.71×10-2 3.17×10-4
17.5 0.7502 6.41×10-2 2.96×10-4

20.0 0.7851 6.96×10 2 2.83×10-4
7.5 0.1728 1.73×10-2 1.33×10-3
10.0 0.2898 2.42×10-2 7.91×10-4
12.5 0.4729 3.47×10 4.85×10-4
60 -2
15.0 0.6055 4.63×10 3.79×10-4
17.5 0.6774 5.44×10 3.38×10-4
20.0 0.7244 6.06×10 3.16×10-4
① Taken from literature[20].
② Predicted using correlation proposed by Jossi, Stiel and Thodos[21].
③ Predicted using Liu-Selva-Macedo correlation[22].

dissolve the solute. In addition, an increase in pressure extraction rate. The local dissolving kinetics may de-
causes the solid matrix to become more packed and pend on the ratio of the solute content to the saturation
the void fraction decreases also reducing the extrac- concentration (solubility) in the fluid phase, the bound
tion. The solubility of the solute in carbon dioxide is a state of the solute in the matrix, and the interaction
non-uniform function of temperature and pressure as with coexisting material[14]. In this system, it was
discussed below. Finally, the selectivity of solute ex- found that the extracted andrographolide amount is
traction is a function of pressure, i.e., as the pressure considerably smaller than the solubility of pure an-
increases, different solutes are preferentially ex- drographolide in supercritical carbon dioxide, indicat-
tracted[25]. Therefore, an increase in pressure results ing that the interaction between the solute and the
in opposing forces and it is reasonable to expect that solid matrix is very strong.
an optimum pressure may exist. It seems that the in- The other possible reason for the andrographolide
ternal and external mass transfer resistance signifi- yield extract not increasing at pressure 10MPa and
cantly control the extraction rate at high pressure. At above is that the extraction of andrographolide from
high pressure, supercritical carbon dioxide does not plant is related to the extraction capabilities of other
disperse in solid particles easily owing to the decrease matrix compounds. Then, a competitive extraction of
of the effective diffusion and mass transfer coeffi- other diluting materials should occur with increasing
cient[25]. This finding can be supported by the fact pressure. Brunner at al.[26] and de Lucas et al.[27]
that intraparticle diffusion controls the desorption rate observed a similar behavior in the supercritical extrac-
of the solute from plant matrices as mentioned earlier tion of tocopherol from palm leaves at 90℃ and pres-
in the study of the effect of solvent flow rate on the sures ranging from 30 to 50MPa and of tocopherol
Chin. J. Ch. E. 15(6) 877 (2007)
882 Chin. J. Ch. E. (Vol. 15, No. 6)

from olive tree leaves at 40℃ and pressures ranging

from 25 to 45MPa.

3.3 Effect of temperature

The variation of temperature during supercritical
carbon dioxide extraction affected the density of car-
bon dioxide, the volatile property of the analytes, and
the desorption of the analytes from the plant matrices.
At higher temperature, the analytes become more
volatile but the supercritical carbon dioxide density (a) Effect of temperature on the andrographolide yield as a
decreases[28]. Generally, at high pressure, the influ- function of extraction time

at 10MPa and carbon dioxide
ence of temperature on the solubility is predominated flow rate 2ml·min 1 with 0.375mm particle size
by the solid vapour pressure effect more than the su-
percritical carbon dioxide density variation, while at
low pressure, the effects of density predominate[29].
In this study, a magnitude pressure of 10MPa is con-
sidered to be low as compared to 20MPa. Therefore,
the effect of density change on the solubility of an-
drographolide dominates the effect of the solid vapour
pressure change. The evidence for this hypothesis can
be seen in Table 2 given below where the solubility of
andrographolide decreases with increasing tempera-
ture at 10MPa owing to the sharp decrease of the su- (b) Effect of temperature on the andrographolide yield as a
percritical carbon dioxide density. function of carbon dioxide consumed at 10MPa and carbon
dioxide flow rate 2ml·min-1 with 0.375mm particle size
Table 2 Carbon dioxide density and solubility of Figure 6 Effect of temperature on the
andrographolide at 10MPa andrographolide yield
temperature, ℃: ▲ 30; □ 40; ◇ 45; ■ 50; △ 60
Temperature,℃ Density, g·cm-3 ① -
solubility , mol·mol 1
is because the carbon dioxide density reduces signifi-
30 0.7722 1.08×10-5 cantly when the temperature increases from 40℃ to
40 0.6297 4.39×10-6 60℃ resulting in reducing the solubility of androgra-
45 0.4997 1.61×10-6 pholide. The density of carbon dioxide is the pre-
50 0.3852 6.88×10-7 dominant factor for the dissolution of organic mole-
60 0.2898 5.42×10-7 cules in supercritical carbon dioxide. The density of
① Predicted using Vetere correlation[30].
carbon dioxide determines strongly the number of
interactions between carbon dioxide and the solute
molecules. If sufficient interactions occur, the cohe-
Figures 6(a) and 6(b) show the increase of the sive forces between the individual solute molecules
extraction rate with increasing temperature from 30℃ are broken down rapidly and solubilization will occur.
to 40℃ at 10MPa although the solubility of andro- Therefore, solubilization of solute in carbon dioxide
grapholide at 40℃ is lower than that at 30℃. The will be a function of the molecular mass of the solute
increase in extraction efficiency with increasing proc- and the level of interaction between carbon dioxide
ess temperature can be dependent on the molecular and the solute molecules[23]. At constant pressure, the
mass, which is related to the binary diffusion coeffi- density of the solvent decreases with an increase in
cient of solute molecules in supercritical carbon diox- temperature, but the vapour pressure of the solute in-
ide[20]. The fluid mass transfer coefficient and the creases with an increase in temperature[21]. The sol-
effective diffusion coefficient increase with tempera- vent density change becomes more effective and can
ture owing to the increase in the binary molecular dif- easily overcome the effect of the solute vapour pres-
fusivity. The desorption kinetic constant also increases sure change on the extraction rate[7]. This finding
more obviously with temperature when compared to agrees well with supercritical carbon dioxide extrac-
the adsorption kinetic constant according to Arrhenius tion of poly-cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from envi-
dependence[16]. In addition, analytes can be strongly ronmental samples reported by Yang et al.[28].
bound to the real-world samples, a certain amount of Supercritical fluid extraction is basically a de-
energy is required to the extraction system, greatly sorption process. Generally, at constant pressure, the
increasing the rate of the desorption process at high adsorption equilibrium constant decreases with the
temperatures[28]. increase of temperature, and at constant temperature,
Since the extraction of solute from plant matrices its value decreases with the increase of pressure[31].
is basically a desorption process, the increase of de- However, the results found here show that the desorp-
sorption kinetic constant leads to an increase of the tion rate decreases with the increase of temperature ow-
extraction rate and the extract yield. However, further ing to the endothermicity of the adsorption process, and
increase of temperature reduces the extract yield. This thus, lower yields are obtained at higher temperatures.
December, 2007
Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction of Andrographolide from Andrographis paniculata 883

The extracts collected at high temperature were tion and desorption behaviour of DDT on activated car-
yellowish in color and contained less andrographolide. bon using carbon dioxide”, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 34,
This fact agrees well with supercritical carbon dioxide+ 13 Goto, M., Sato, M., Hirose, T., “Extraction of peppermint
ethanol extraction of andographolide conducted by Ge oil by supercritical carbon dioxide”, J. Chem. Eng. Japan,
et al.[8], where he found that greenish extract con- 26(4), 401—407(1993).
tained more andrographolide when compared to yel- 14 Goto, M., Roy, B.C., Kodama, A., Hirose, T. , “Model-
ling supercritical fluid extraction process involving sol-
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