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As we all know cancer is the most feared and dreaded disease around the world.

The cancer
can actually affect any part or organ of our body. It consists of various types of cancer: the lung,
blood, pancreas, stomach, skin, and so many others. In fact there are many people nowadays
who have suffered this kind of disease. Also, the majority of cancers occur in people who don't
have any known risk factors. As a student nurse, to be able to help everyone   I will apply the
health promotion through education. There are people especially in low level groups who don't
know and understand the causes of this disease. In order to understand them I will share my
ideas and knowledge on how they can be responsible for themselves. Firstly, i will use my voice
as a instrument so they can understand and learn something especially the several ways to
reduce the risk of cancer such as reminding them to stop smoking, avoid excessive sun
exposure, eat a healthy diet, exercise most days of the week, maintain a healthy weight, drink
alcohol in moderation, schedule cancer screening exams and etc.Secondly, motivating people
to embrace behaviors that both improve their emotional and physical quality of life and lastly, for
cancer survivors i will educate them about the cancer and cancer treatment, management of
potential complications of treatment and changes in beliefs and behaviour that improve health
and may reduce risk of cancer recurrence.

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