In Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements For The Bachelors in Computer Application

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Tribhuvan University

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

A Project Proposal

Submitted to: Department of Compute Application

Mahindra Morang Adarsh Multiple Campus Biratnagar, Morang,Nepal

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelors in Computer


Submitted By:
Jitendra Chaudhary (TU Symbol No: xxxxx)
Jyoti Shah (TU Symbol No::xxxxx)

Under the Supervision Of

Department of Computer Application February 2021

Table of Contents
1. Introduction.................................................................................1
2. Problem Statement......................................................................1
3. Objective.....................................................................................2
4. Methodology...............................................................................2
4.1. Requirement Identification.................................................................2
4.1.1. Study of Existing System..................................................................................................3
4.1.2. Requirement Collection....................................................................................................3

4.2. Feasibility Study..................................................................................3

4.2.1. Technical Feasibility.........................................................................................................3
4.2.2. Operational Feasibility.....................................................................................................3
4.2.3. Economic Feasibility........................................................................................................3

4.3.High Level of System Design................................................................4

4 Gantt Chart..................................................................................5
5 Expected Outcome.......................................................................5
6 References....................................................................................5
1. Introduction

The Student Management System can handle all the details about a student.
The details include student details, Course details, Students personal details, Teacher details
etc., The Student Management System is an automated version of manual Student
Management System.
Student Management System is web application which is helpful for students as well as the
school authorities. In the current system all the activities are done manually.
It is very time consuming and costly. Our Student Management System deals with the various
activities related to the students.
Student Management System can be used by education institutes to maintain the records of
students easily. Achieving this objective is difficult using a manual system as the information
is scattered, can be redundant and collecting relevant information may be very time
consuming. All these problems are solved using this web application.

2. Problem Statement

Students details about the results and admission after that are discussed
with topics like attendance management, fees management, section and
Faculty distribution, term end examination and marks evaluation
Management after the admission.

Using manual system to manage the students which are records all
information and in the book or paper was causing the job of the
teachers becomes more and troublesome. The record in the have a
possibility missing or destroy when happen any accident. While now
already have the school use the computer to manage the student

Difficult to handle details of students and small piles of records are to be

maintained. It is a time consuming activity of managing, updating and
Informing specific student's details.

3. Objective

The proposed system is aimed at removing the drawbacks of the existing

system. The main objectives of the project are:

 Reduce the paper work and storage area.

 Allow interaction with different types of users.
 Improve accuracy in results.
 Save time and work load for staffs and students.
 Avoid fake entry.
 Maintenance of student records.
 Searching student records.

4. Methodology

4.1 Requirement Identification

In this web application admin and students will register themselves. In
this web Application, student will check their result and update their
profile. Student will View their class routine. Teacher will publish and
update students result. They will update their profile. Teacher will
send their leave application by this web application. We will be add,
remove and update teacher and student database via this web

4.2 Study of Existing System

The primary goal of the system analyst is to improve the efficiency of

the existing system. For that the study of specification of the
requirements is very essential. For the development of the new system,
a preliminary survey of the existing system will be conducted.
Investigation done whether the up gradation of the system into an
application program could solve the problems and eradicate the
inefficiency of the existing system.

Requirement Collection
Web application Requirement:
Operating system: Windows
Technology: HTML, CSS, PHP
Database: MYSQL
Server: XAAMP
Feasibility Study
The initial investigation points to the question
whether the project is feasible.
A feasibility study is conducted to identify the best system
that meets the entire requirement.

Technical Feasibility
The technical requirement for the system is economic
and it does not use any other additional hardware and
We can strongly say’s that it is technically feasible, since
there will not be much difficulty in getting required
resources for the development and maintaining the
system as well. All the resources needed for the
development of the software as well as the maintenance
of the same is available in the organization here we are
utilizing the resources which are available already.

Operational Feasibility
The system working is quite easy to use and learn due to its simple but attractive
interface. User requires no special training for operating the system.

Economic Feasibility

The system being developed is economic with respect to school's

point of view. It is cost effective in the sense that has eliminated
the paper work completely.
The system is time effective because the transactions are
automated as per the user requirement.
The result obtained contains minimum errors and are highly accurate the
data required.
4.3. High Level of System Design
In this project we decided to make a Student management system website.
Where there is admin, who will provide id and password to the School and
then School contact the admin and receives the id and password and then after
School logged into the system they can
This system will be completely web based and will be developed using PHP.
We will have one dashboard where multiple options allow the user to choose
students all details. There will be a system administrator who will have the
right to add and manage user accounts, a principle who will be managing the
all system. Following are the system design of the system:
 Create an account.
 Manage their account.
 Log in to the system.
 Navigate the school’s menu.
 Select an item from the menu.
 Select students, Teachers and any one.
 ……………………
 …………………….
Fig:- Use Case Diagram
5. Gantt Chart:






2 2 12 2 2

6. Expected Outcome
After the completion of the project we are expecting the following outputs which will
minimize the problems as well as solve the existing problem.
 Ensure user satisfaction.
 Remove confusions.
 No more busy phones or the requirement for extra phone lines.
 Accommodate huge amount of orders at a time.
 Improve the communication between the client and the server
 Expected to be efficient in terms of time and money.
 Expected to provide better services.

7. References

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