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This research study entitled “Barriers And Strategies To Oral Medication

Administration In Toddler Clients As Viewed By Barangay Health Center Nurses In Valencia
City Bukidnon” is being conducted by Ms. Janna Mae H. Patriarca from central Mindanao
University. The study aims to identify the difficulties experienced when and the effective
strategies in administering oral medication among toddler clients.


You will be asked to complete a questionnaire. The questionnaire is composed of

three parts with Part One, socio-demographic characteristics, Part Two, the difficulties when
administering oral medication, and Part Three will identifyexperiences and the strategies
employed in responding to the difficulties in the administration of oral medications. This will
take approximately 5 minutes.

Risks/ Discomforts

There are no risks for your participation in this study. Anonymity of your response will
be maintained and may only be viewed by the researcher. Resultsof the study will be
summarized as an aggregate data. Your participation in this study will not interfere with your
personal status.


All information provided will be kept confidential and will only be reported as
aggregate data. All data, including the interview schedules will be kept in a secure location
and only those directly involved with the research will have access to them. You may wish to
withhold any respondent- identifiable information.


Participation in this research study is voluntary. You have the right to withdraw at any
time or refuse to participate entirely without jeopardy in any form related to your profession
and employment.

Questions about the research

If you have questions regarding this study, you may contact Mrs. Janna Mae H.
Patriarca via mobile at 09260557749 or via email at If
you have concerns as to the way this research is being conducted, you may contact the
dean of the college of nursing.

I have read, understood, and received a copy of the above consent and desire of my
own free will and volition to participate in this study.

JANNA MAE H. PATRIARCA ____________________________

Researcher Name and signature of participant
Date: __________

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