Dakini Tsok Song

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Sos) Rieti Segeeyeary] Emaho! Here is aValra Song of the Innate Purity of Pure Mints Perception RawrGaQaqiRederg erga } 1 ‘SEM NYID KYE MED TONG PA CHHO KU YI LAMA. Mind's true nature, unborn and empty, is the Dharmakaya Lama. SRatgaq gee amy] | TONG ZHIN GAG MED NANG WAYI DAMN YAB-YUM Empty, yt appearing in unceasing play ae the male and female yidam-deites. ARgaSqun greene taRayaaady | RANG TZAL CHIR YANG SHARWA PAWO DANG KHANDRO Dynamic expresion of this nature arise nal kind of ays. These are but Dakas aa Danis SIRBIRR ANTEATER] | | TZA SUM RANG LA NEPAI NGO DRUB CHG ZHUL0 | request the sidlhs to recognize that the Three Roots have always abide right here within me. sdagaR RR GRA RT eT | | LENYON LE 1AG MED SEG PAI TUM MO YIJIN ZEY a blessed food of nner heat tummo burs up all karma and afflictions without residue, SeeaaesTRyGR | HANG VIG DECHIMEN DUTSITZA KHOR DUZHUTE ‘While great bls nectar from the HANG syllable sufuses my channels ancl chakras gpawraargéawraa S5arXareey | TZAKHAM YI DAM LIA TSOK DECHHEN LA ROLWA! | | request the siddhis of pure, unconditioned great bliss, [aaa RARE | ZAG MED DEWA CHHEN PO] NGODRUB CHIG ZHU-O ‘As the deities of my sublle channels and chakras exalt in great bis play. FHekadgngydJnQey | | NON MONGYE NE DAG PA YESHE In NCOWO | “The poisons of mind have abvays heen already pure by nature for their essence is wisdom. | | \ | memteanenttseiax Samar laRapaearye ages | PANG NYEN THA DED DZINPA LO BURGM THRULPA Grasping atthe duality of rejecting and remedying isjust a temporary delusion, RTE RIA RAGS AARN] | ‘SOK DRUG GYEN DU SHARWA DOYON GN CHHOPE The sic sent objets arise as ornaments, offred as enjoyment. naiernex'e SparnfreFemaSen Raeaprgngepre eee] | ‘TSOK NYI NYUR DU DZOK PAI NGO DRUB CHIG ZHU-O With ths offering, request the siddhisto swiftly perfect the two accumulations [of merit and wisdom} amrfigreygeawek eee gy | | LEMON cHIGTU DZOM PAI DORJEVI CHHED CHAM | Wevajra brothers and sisters, united by our singular karma and aspirations, RANTgaraqaR SH ae aarXaraey | "THAB SHEZAG MED TSOK KYIKHORLO LA ROL WE Exaltin the genachakon fist of wnonaltoned silfl means and wisdom, ARREARS SAY | RANGNANGNAM DAGOG MIN KHA CHOD KN ZHING DU We make this aspiration to avaken to Budhshoo in one mandala KaraBaqakqanargered sa aarteyey] | | rao chic NCONSANG-GYE PAIMON LAM ZIG Z1U.0 | nthe celestial pureland of Ogmin, the innate pure lal of my pure minds perception. ERT icengtictege sy | res was wren in the retet house at Namthang y th ignorant on wth the mame Rta (eel Nisa Rinpoche.

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