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na Ann V.

T – 3C

Assignment no. 1


o A program is executable software that runs on a computer.
o Program is a set of instructions that a computer uses to perform a particular operation.
o Program a computer is the writing of statements or commands that instruct the computer how to
process data.
o Program is the process of designing, writing, testing, finding defects, and maintaining source code of
programs also known as computer software.

The program is executable software that it was run, it determines how the data is processed, it also remains
in the source code as a computer software.
Search the internet and fill-up the matrix/table below.

ogramming Advantages Disadvantages Key Features

BOL o It's easy to read. Its high- o It is sometime necessary for o Simplicity and
level English-like syntax can a COBOL programmer to standardization.
resemble a well-structured have a knowledge of COBOL is an easy-to-
novel with appendices, machine language code, for if learn, standard
cross-reference tables, diagonostics do not produce language that can be
chapters, footnotes and a clue as necessary to look at compiled and
paragraphs. a "CORE DUMP'. Thus the executed on a variety
o It is self-documenting and COBOL programmer may be of computers.
appeals to proponents of required to have a o Business-oriented
readability. proficiency in two capabilities. COBOL's
o It can handle huge programming languages. advanced file handling
processing volumes with o The time required to compile capabilities enable it
ease. a COBOL program might be to handle huge
o It's still widely used for greater than with a machine volumes of data.
business applications, oriented programming o Universality
which is an area it excels at. language. o Structure and
COBOL is relatively easy to scalability
develop, use, and maintain.
RTRAN o Fortran supports Numerical o Lack of inherent parallelism o Free source form
analysis and scientific o Lack of dynamic storage o Modules
computation. o Lack of numeric portability o User-defined (derived)
o Fortran supports the o Lack of user-defined data data types and
Generic and Structured structures operators
programming o Lack of explicit recursion o Array operations and
o Fortran supports Array and o Reliance on unsafe storage features
the Modular programming and sequence association o Generic user-defined
o High performance features procedures
o Object-oriented o Pointers
programming o Recursion
o Extremely optimized for the o Interface blocks
o Fortran is readable and
easy to understand
o Very fast in Scientific
SIC o It is easy to learn. o The greatest drawback of o the language must
Statements and commands using BASIC is that it is slow. offer clear and simple
closely resemble those Programs written in concepts that
used in the English FORTRAN or C can run more facilitate its learning
language. For example, if than 25 faster than ones and application, in a
one wishes to print a value, written in BASIC. Thus for way that is simple to
then the PRINT command is large complex programs, use understand and
used. of another language is more maintain.
o BASIC can be used in an appropriate.
"interpreter". An o Unless a programmer is
interpreter is a software disciplined, use of BASIC can
device which allows result in hard to follow code.
programs to be executed o Trying to follow a program
interactively. The net result which makes liberal use of
is rapid program GOTO statements can be like
development. Other trying to exit a maze. Good
languages such as FORTRAN programming style dictates
or C must first be compiled sparse use of (preferable no
before being executed. use at all) GOTO statements.
o BASIC has a wide
assortment of graphics
functions. Innovative use of
graphics can greatly
enhance the output from a
cal o The Borland version, easy o Not mainstream. Some o Pascal is a strongly
to learn. Code in English (sensible) software houses typed language
that "if it looks right it use Delphi but for the main o It offers extensive
probably is" so it's easy to part C, C++ and C# tend to be error checking.
debug unlike C's "explosion industry standard because of o It offers a variety of
in a punctuation factory" the weight of Microsoft and programming
appearance. No infatuation their programming structures.
with pointers or pointers to certification courses behind it o It supports structured
pointers (unlike C where and the fact that many programming through
using pointers to pointers is students are mainly taught functions and
like shooting yourself in the programming using C procedures.
foot and not knowing which although some academic
foot if things go wrong). establishments still use
Easy to use in-line machine Pascal.
code function. Ability to
write your own libraries
(Units). Object Oriented
Programming (Delphi). Easy
compilation to .EXE
programs in both DOS and
Windows versions. I've
made a lot of money out of
freelance programming
using Turbo Pascal and
Turbo Pascal for Windows.
a o Ada is a very strongly typed o It is a complex programming o Were designed with
statically typed language that has not been the goals of reliability
programming language that matched with an equally (e.g., avoidance of
aids in the design and complex language standard. race conditions) and
specification of data. All Despite Ada having quite a readability, while also
data in a program has limits number of advantages over allowing efficient
to its set of valid values in centuries, it has failed to gain implementation.
that program. Ada provides a significant market share
a means to specify those compared to other
data limits concisely. programming languages.
o It’s supports code
modularity better than C,
C++, or Java.
C o Powerful and efficient o Concept of OOP’s o Reliability
languages o Run-time checking o Portability
o Portable language o Concept of namespace o Flexibility
o Built-in functions o Lack of exception handling o Interactivity
o Quality to entend itself o Constructor or Destructor o Modularity
o Middle level language o Low level of abstraction o Efficiency and
o System Programming Effectiveness
ual Basic o Another benefit of Visual o A major disadvantage of o The Visual Basic
Basic is that it does contain using Visual Basic is that as a program also includes
interoperability with other Microsoft proprietary features like
languages through language, its compatibility "IntelliSense" and
Microsoft's Component with non-Microsoft systems "Code Snippets,"
Object Model, which allows is limited. It is also limited in which automatically
functions to be written in terms of Web-development generate code for
other languages and applications. visual objects added
integrated with Visual by the programmer.
Basic. Another feature,
called "AutoCorrect,"
can debug the code
while the program is
elphi o A then-revolutionary IDE o It is that there are fewer o Backward
which allowed to implement libraries and Free Software compatibility
GUIs by drag & drop, making projects for it than C/C++, o Integrated IDE
it easy to draw a nice UI, add but there are still plenty of o Incorporation
event handlers, and test it in resources available. It's also Capability
real time. It was the closest less portable between o Communities
you could get to the RAD platforms, only supporting o Conclusions
(Rapid Application Windows and GNU/Linux on
Development) concept at the i386, but that's unlikely to be
time. a problem.
o Portability o Use of Pointers o OOP (Object-Oriented
o Object-oriented o Security Issue Programming) C++ is
o Multi-paradigm o Absence of Garbage Collector an object-oriented
o Low-level Manipulation o Absence of Built-in Thread language, unlike C
o Memory Management which is a procedural
o Large Community Support language.
o Compatibility with C o Platform or Machine
o Scalability Independent/
o Simple
o High-level
o Popular
o Case sensitive
o Compiler-Based
o DMA (Dynamic
Memory Allocation)
o Simple o Performance o Object Oriented. In
o Object-Oriented o Look and Feel Java, everything is an
o Platform-Independent o Single-Paradigm Language Object.
o Distributed computing o Memory Management o Platform Independent
o Secure o Simple
o Memory allocation o Secure
o Multithreaded o Architecture-neutral
o Portable
o Robust
o Multithreaded
boratory no. 1

blic class Laboratory1 {

public static void main (String[]agrs) {

double final_price_beef;
double final_price_pork;
double final_price_chicken;
int beef = 250;
double value = .10;
int pork = 220;
double value_1 = .15;
int chicken = 140;
double value_2 = .15;

final_price_beef = 250-(250*.10);
final_price_pork = 220-(220*.15);
final_price_chicken = 140-(140*.15);

System.out.println(" Final Price for Beef: " + final_price_beef );

System.out.println(" Final Price for Pork: " + final_price_pork );
System.out.println(" Final Price for Chicken: " + final_price_chicken );
boratory No. 2

port java.util.Scanner;
blic class Lab2 {

blic static void main(String[] args) {

double height, weight;

float bmi;

Scanner input= new Scanner (;

System.out.print("Enter your weight: ");

weight =input.nextDouble();

System.out.print("Enter your height: ");

height =input.nextDouble();

bmi = (float) (weight / (height * height));

System.out.print("BMI is: ");

if(bmi < 16.5)

System.out.print(" Severly Underweight ");
if(bmi>16.5 && bmi<18.5)
System.out.print(" Underweight ");
if(bmi >18.5 && bmi<25)
System.out.print(" Normal ");
if(bmi>26 && bmi<30)
System.out.print(" Overweight ");
if(bmi>31 && bmi<35)
System.out.print(" Obese Class I ");
if(bmi>36 && bmi <40)
System.out.print(" Obese Class II ");
System.out.print(" Obese Class III ");

What is an Ionic Card and its features? Give an example GUI.

rds are a standard piece of UI that serves as an entry point to more detailed information. A card can be a single
mponent, but is often made up of some header, title, subtitle, and content. ion-card is broken up into several sub-
mponents to reflect this. Please see ion-card-content, ion-card-header, ion-card-title, ion-card-subtitle.

What is an Ionic Button and its features? Give an example GUI.

ttons provide a clickable element, which can be used in forms, or anywhere that needs simple, standard button
ctionality. They may display text, icons, or both. Buttons can be styled with several attributes to look a specific way.

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