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Roll No:______ ____________

Intro. to Software Engineering Time Allowed: 3.5hrs.

Total Mark: 50
(Fall-2020 Final-Terms)
Date: 20-01-2021
Code: SE 221

Give the answers of the first 6 questions according to the following scenario [2.5*6=15 marks]

“National Hospital” is a famous hospital which is currently having manual system for all Records Management. Now
Management decided to automate processes. They need a system for managing all records. Main functionalities of
“Hospital Record Management System” are given below. For automated system areas of consideration are “Patient
Record Management” and “Appointment /Checkup Record”.
a.Different doctors offer private consultancy in evening. For checkup, a visitor will call Receptionist or may
visit hospital for appointment.
b.Visitor may query Doctor’s general information including timings. Receptionist will check doctor database/
information and will inform him/her.
c.In case of appointment request, Receptionist will create Patient profile (if new patient). Otherwise will update
his/her existing record for new appointment details.
d.On scheduled day, Patient will visit doctor. Doctor’s assistant will check appointment details and will record
patient’s history and other readings (including weight info, BP, symptoms details) and will forward to doctor.
e.Doctor will check updated information. After doing checkup, doctor will write a prescription. Accordingly,he
will make an entry of Prescription including medicines information and recommended tests.
The system generates billing reports like Hospital Service Charges, Test Charges etc. Main intention of this system is to
keep record of all data of Doctors, Staff, Patient and Blood Bank and generate different reports. This will helpin managing
Hospital activities in an easy, proper and efficient way.

Q1. Describe the user requirements of the above case study?

Q2. Find the actors and Use Cases for above case study?
Q3. Draw the relationship among use case to use case and actors to use case?
Q4. Find the classes for above case study?
Q5. Draw the relationship among the classes to clarify your understanding?
Q6. Describe weather structured programming is even more better than object oriented approach in the above scenario?
Explain the logic in both cases
Answer the question number 7 to 11 according to the following scenario [2.5*5=12.5]
You are required to develop a software that will allow administrator to manage (add/update/delete) courses, students, and
instructors. Instructors could also run the software to manage student grades, while students could use the software to
register/drop courses.
Q7. Which model fits well with the approach used for this case? Give a brief justification.
Q8. Briefly describe 3 important attributes of software quality you will consider
Q9. Which testing strategy would you suggest in this case and why?
Q10. Draw activity diagram of this scenario.
Q11. Define different frameworks of agile methodology.

Answer the question number 12 to 16 according to the following scenario [2.5*5=12.5]

Consider LMS of UOG. It is funded by HEC. HEC changes requirements and guidelines with time to enhance
management and learning process. UOG have to follow and implement those guidelines on LMS.

Q12. UOG requires a software team to develop LMS, which type of team and staffing it will require. Explain
with reasons.
Q13. Which umbrella activities would you suggest in this case and why?
Q14. Develop a project plan for LMS. Concisely define each step.
Q15. Identify stakeholders and define each stakeholder with reason.
Q16. Perform risk analysis and planning.

Q17. Describe the characteristics of an Embedded system in the context of central heating system [2.5 marks]

Q18. Draw a generic model of real time embedded system according to the question number 17. [2.5 marks]

Q19. Suppose you have to develop an assignment management system for a class as term project. Which process model
will be more appropriate you will adopt and why give at least three solid reasons. [2.5 marks]

Q20. Draw the process model which depicts the above question’s logic diagrammatically. [2.5 marks]

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