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Lubrica, Nathaniel Vincent A.


Carbon Sequestration Potential of

Benguet Pine (Pinus kesiya) Plantations in Bukidnon, Philippines

Jose Hermis P. Patricio and Adrian M. Tulod

Associate Professor, Dept. of Environmental Science
Instructor, Dept. of Forest Resources Management
College of Forestry, Central Mindanao University
University of Town, Musuan, Bukidnon 8710

Climate change as a worldwide global warming phenomena have caused catastrophic
disasters (e.g. super typhoons) resulting to loss of lives and damages to agriculture
and infrastructure. Climate change has been linked to greenhouse gas (GHG) effect
caused by perennial pollution mostly from carbon dioxide. Pachauri & Reisinger
(2017) and Lasco & Pulhin (2003) along with various studies concluded the negative
effect of human activities to climate change.

The industrial revolution coupled with deforestation, and harmful farming system
which destroys natural resources. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC), the scientific research and information arm of the United Nations (UN),
projected temperature increase due to climate change to increase by 1.4 to 5.8 0C over
1990 to 2100. In fact, that global temperatures is 0.740C warmer over a century ago
(Pachuri, & Reisinger, 2007).

Carbon sinks has been seen as an inexpensive strategy for climate change mitigation
(Kolshus, 2001), and has environmental and social benefits (Moura-Costa, 1996).
Lasco & Pulhin (2003) and Moura-Costa (1996) exhibited the large contribution of
tropical forest as a carbon sink. However, Watson et al. (2000) revealed the fast
depletion of the tropical forest which can sequester 30% of anthropogenic CO2
emissions. In the Philippines Lasco (1997) quantifies loss of 8.8 tons of carbon
every year which is equivalent to 100,000 hectares per year. Since grasslands do
not contribute much to carbon sequestration, reforestation and afforestation activities
are highly encouraged. However, it was noted that a series of empirical studies is
needed to establish the role of forest in the global urban cycle. Therefore, literature
review revealed limited studies, thus, establishing the conduct of the research.

Benguet pine (P. kesiya) is a common upland reforestration species which was the
focus of the study. Since there are limited studies to estimate its carbon
sequestration potential, the objective of the study aimed to: (1) Determine the
biomass density of P. kesiya plantations in Bukidnon, Philippines; (2) Quantify the
amount of C stored on the biomass and soils of these plantations; and (3) Find out the
rate of C sequestration of these plantations and compare it with that of second-growth
forest patches. The study will significantly affect policy making in forest
conservation, and programs in reforestation and afforestation.

The locale of the study is in Bukidnon specifically the Bukidnon Forests Inc. (BFI),
Kaamulan Park, and CEDAR. Seven (7) age classes of Benguet pine plantations
were covered in the study: 1, 4, 5, 6, 52, 60, and 75 year-old plantations.

The estimation of carbon density followed the carbon stock assessments protocol
(Hairiah et al, 2001, and Macdicken, 1997, as cited by Lasco, 2003) used in many
carbon assessment studies in the Philippines. The protocol follows the following.
a. Sampling Design. Stratification of the study was conducted with stratum defined
by vegetation/species type, soil type, topography, and age classes. However, due to
financial constraint, only age class was considered in the study. As a result, the
number of sampling plots was only limited only to two for each age class per
plantation site. A map of each tree plantation was used to facilitate stratification,
plot location, and measurements.

b. Sampling Plot Establishment, Data Collection and Computations. Following the

sampling protocol, a nested sampling design developed by Hairiah et al. (2001)
which is composed of rectangular plots was used in the study.

Live tree biomass were determined using quadrats with a size of 5m x 40m (200 m2).
Criteria such as diameter and depth were established. Tree biomass was computed
using the established allometric equation from Brown (1997).

Understorey herbaceous biomass was determined through destructive sampling

technique. Quadrats were used where a 1 m x 1m sampling frame was gathered.
Criteria such as those with <5cm dbh were followed. The total fresh sample was
weighed in the field after which a sub-sample of about 300g was taken for
subsequent oven-drying. Oven-dry weights of sub samples were determined to
compute for the total dry weights. Oven drying was set at 800C and was observed
for 40 hours or until the samples reached their constant oven-dried weight. Then,
a small sample of plant tissues was analyzed for carbon content.

For litter layer and tree necromass (coarse woody debris, CWD) , all dead trees on
the ground and dead standing trees >5 cm diameter and >0.5 m in length were
sampled by measuring the height/length and diameter at the mid-point. Tree
necromass (CWD) is <5cm in diameter and/or <30cm length and litter layer is
undecomposed plant materials or crop residues including all unburned leaves and
branches. These were collected in the 0.5 x 0.5m quadrant on a random location
within the understorey sample plot. All undecomposed (green or brown) material
were collected and weighed. Similar to understorey, sub-sample of about 300g was
taken for oven drying and carbon content analysis.

For soils, The same sampling quadrats used for fine litter sampling were used for soil
sampling. About 500g of soil samples were taken from each of the 5 x 40 m
quadrant for C content analysis. The soil samples were obtained at 0-30 cm depth in
the 0.5 x 0.5 m quadrant used for litter collection. Bulk density was determined by
collecting undisturbed soil cores with a diameter of 5.3 cm and length of 10 cm. The
soil samples were initially airdried and oven dried to constant weight for 40 hours
at ±102°C. Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) was analyzed using the Walkey-Black
method (PCARR, 1980).

For root biomass, Since methods for root biomass determination have not been
standardized, the following recommended allometric equation (from Cairns et al.,
1997) was used to estimate root biomass. All the ground samples of this study were
analyzed at the International Rice Research Institute Analytical Service Laboratory
(IRRI-ASL) for C content determination using the ROBOPREP C-N Biological
Sample Converter.

Descriptive statistics was used for data analysis.

Results and Discussion

The tabulated results present a comparison of the extent of biomass production of P.
kesiya plantations at varying age classes. In all age classes, trees provided the bulk of
produced biomass among the sampled carbon pools. This is expected as tree trunks
are not only large but also are long-lived such that they can store the most carbon in a
particular forest. Indeed, Baguinon et al. (2007) found that a higher biomass
accumulation in trees translates to greater potential to sequester carbon.

Root biomass has the second highest among the sampled carbon pools across all
study sites ranging from 3 to 87 Mg ha-1 with the 75 yr-old plantation the highest. In
the absence of a standard method for biomass determination, allometric equation was
used in this study involving the above ground biomass. According to Law (2002), the
mass of a plant’s leaves and stems is proportionally scaled to that of its roots in a
mathematically predictable manner. Root biomass therefore is a function of the
biomass of the aboveground, that is, trees and understorey vegetation in this case.

On the other hand, litter biomass in this study has an average of only 4 Mg ha-1. Rate
of litter layer formation and decomposition depends on the volume of the growing
tree stock and extent of ground vegetation. Forest litter is broken down by bacteria
and fungi in the forest soil using their enzymes to convert it into forms useful to them
(Liski, 2004). The more litter is left undecomposed, the faster is the rate of carbon
storage in the soil. Carbon storage grows fastest in forests of 40 to 50 years old. In
this study, litter layer is relatively low probably because some of the forest sampling
sites such as that of the Kaamulan Park has been kept clean through regular sweeping
of litter around the area.

Meanwhile, biomass production of P. kesiya ranges from about 22 to 607 Mg ha-1.

Generally, biomass density of P. kesiya generally increases with age. Lasco and
Pulhin (2000) found that a pure13 year-old P. kesiya plantation established for
reforestation purposes in Nueva Ecija, Philippines had a biomass density of 107.83
Mg ha-1 while that of a mixed P. kesiya and broadleaf species of the same age
contained a biomass density of 83.24 Mg ha-1
The IPCC (1996) set the default value for carbon content at 50% of the biomass in
trees. However, Lasco and Pulhin (1998) reported that for Philippine biomass, a
default value of 43-45% could be used, thus in this study, a value of 45% was
considered in determining carbon stock in trees.

It is noteworthy to mention in this study that the older the plantation, the greater is its
capacity for carbon sequestration. As a general rule, the more biomass produced, the

greater the amount of carbon sequestered. This is expected as physiologically, trees
such as P. kesiya continue to accumulate biomass as it gets older although the rate
varies by species. These data are consistent with the data generated in a study on
rubber trees in Indonesia wherein carbon stocks also vary with the age of rubber
plantation with older rubber agroforests having almost seven times more carbon than
a 5 year-old plantation (Hairiah & Sitompul, 2000 as cited in Lasco, 2002).

The P. kesiya plantation in Malaybalay City could only store carbon ranging from 23
to about 239 MgC ha-1. This is understandable considering that the plantation sites
are generally younger particularly Sites 1 to 4. Nevertheless, the plantation’s
potential to sequester carbon would surely be greatly enhanced as gets older
resulting from the continuous accumulation of biomass. This is exemplified in the 75
year-old plantation located in Impasugong, Bukidnon which has 374 MgC ha-1. In
this study, carbon stock values of the 4, 5 and 6 year-old plantations are close to each
other owing probably to the slim difference in their ages. Studies on the performance
of P. kesiya plantation in the Philippines are limited. In a study conducted by Lasco
and Pulhin (2000), a 13 year-old P. kesiya plantation in Nueva Ecija had a carbon
density of only 48.52 MgC ha-1. This was attributed to the poor site conditions of the
area which was predominantly covered with Imperata and Saccharum grasses.
However, in terms of MAI on carbon density, the performance of P. kesiya plantation
in this study is much better off than certain commercial tree plantations in the
Philippines which could only sequester carbon at a rate of 0.50 to 7.82 MgC ha-1 per
year. These plantations were that of falcata (Albizzia falcataria), yemane (Gmelina
arborea) and large-leaf mahogany (Sweitenia macrophylla).

Meanwhile, soil organic carbon generally was found out to be relatively high in this
study ranging from 13.5 to 105 MgC ha-1. Carbon in the soil is a significant pool as
it has the longest residence time among organic carbon pools in the forest (Lugo &
Brown, 1993 as cited in Lasco, 2002). The soil in the area has probably accumulated
already a high amount of organic carbon prior to the establishmentof the young P.
kesiya plantation. Lugo and Brown (1993 as cited in Baguinon et al, 2007) concluded
that soil organic carbon has the longest residence time among organic carbon pools in
the forest. Lasco and Pulhin (2001) reported that soil organic carboncomprised about
40% of the total carbon sequestration rate.

The tabulated results compare the carbon density of P. kesiya plantations to that of
rubber tree (H. brasiliensis) and second-growth forest patches generated in other
studies conducted also in Bukidnon. It reveals that P. kesiya and H. brasiliensis
plantations have carbon stocks that are 4.8-77.4% lower than the secondgrowth
forests of CMU in Musuan, Bukidnon which were assumed to be 100 years old
already. The extent of carbon storage of second-growth forest patches which is
between 450 to 529 MgC ha-1 (Cubillas, 2009) is rather high and is comparable to
that of a natural forest studied by Lasco, et al. (2000) whose carbon density reached
518 MgC ha-1. However, the carbon density of these forest patchesare much greater
when compared to the results of the previous study by Lasco et al. (1999) in which
second-growth forests in the Philippines only produce a carbon density of 111.1 MgC
ha-1. In this study, the default value of 45% was used based on the results of the
study on Philippine forest species conducted by Lasco and Pulhin (2001) as cited in
Baguinon, et al. (2007).

Taking into account the land coverage for those plantations whose areas have been
exactly known, the relatively young P. kesiya plantation in Malaybalay City
composed of Sites 1, 3 & 6 has the potential to store carbon in the amount of 6,297
Mg broken down as follows: 297 MgC for the 1 year-old 12.9-hectare plantation;
5,049 MgC for the 5 year-old 62.3-hectare plantation; and 951 MgC for the 6
year-old 12.9-hectare plantation. The 500-ha pine plantation in the Kaamulan Park
has a storage potential of 119,755 MgC. However, this does not represent the
maximum potential of the entire P. kesiya plantations in Bukidnon as other age
classes of the same species were not covered in the study due to time and financial

There is therefore a need to protect and conserve these plantation forests to enhance
their carbon sequestration potential. This is in light of the fact that Philippine forests
release 0.3 million tons of carbon per year and 11.1 million tons carbon per year
because of wood harvest and deforestation, respectively (Lasco, 1998). Consequently,
the net carbon sequestration is only 28.6 million tons carbon per year.

Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendations

Based on the results of the study, the following conclusions are drawn:
1. Biomass density of P. kesiya ranges from about 22 to 607 Mg ha-1. Trees had the
highest biomass production among sampled carbon pools with an average of about
185 Mg ha-1;
2. Total carbon density of P. kesiya treeplantations including that of their soil
carbon ranges from 23 to 374 MgC ha-1. Generally, its carbon density increases with
3. The average rate of carbon sequestration isabout 12.7 MgC ha-1 yr-1 for the
fast-growing P. kesiya plantations. Certain second-growth forests also in Bukidnon
which take so much time to develop have an average carbon sequestration rate of
only 4.8 MgC ha-1 yr-1; and
4. The P. kesiya tree plantations have carbon stocks that are 4.8 to 77.4% lower
compared to certain second-growth forests in Bukidnon.

Based on the results of the study, the following recommendations are proposed:
1. Knowing the great potential of P. kesiya plantations to sequester carbon, there is a
need to disseminate data and information generated in this study to concerned
agencies such as CMU, BFI, DENR and LGUs of the Province so as to guide them in
formulating policy decisions as these agencies have the potential to benefit in the
Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol should they decide to
2. A province-wide carbon stock assessment should also be done considering that
the bulk of the land area of Bukidnon is classified as forestland. It has therefore the
vast potential to sequester carbon particularly those areas that are declared as
protected areas owing to their ecological and cultural values;
3. Similar studies with higher sampling extent should be conducted to improve
research methodologies and validate results of this study; and
4. Studies on the carbon sequestration performance of lesser-known but indigenous
species should also be undertaken considering that most of the data on carbon
sequestration are generated only from studies on reforestation species that are not
endemic to Bukidnon.

Background information on climate change, the production of CO2 , the IPCC
findings, carbon sinks, photosynthesis process, and the Philippine scenario were
adequately covered in the introduction. On the other hand, previous researches
were not comprehensively discussed. Moreover, the gap of conducting the study
were based on literatures that were more than five years from the conduct of the
study. There were few discussions on biomass and carbon sequestration which
resulted to a dilation of the clarity of the hypothesis.

The study procedure is very comprehensive and detailed. The research design was
descriptive statistics where tables were described and discussed in the results and
discussion section. Sampling methods like the use of quadrats and small 1m x 1m
understory sampling were predominant in characterizing very large areas of forest.
Formulas were presented completely. Moreover, I can determine variables such as
biomass, amount of carbon, age of pine trees, and land areas as the variables in the
study. However, I feel that more details in the selection of sampling sites should be
included. The methodology only mentions that quadrats and 1m x 1m understory
sampling areas were targeted further details in choosing these specific areas were not
detailed. Certain criteria in selection of certain areas like I suppose accessibility,
and landscape variability can be included. At this point my initial questions were
provided with more clarity.

The results and discussion showed clear labeling of tables and graphs. I feel that
enough statistical information were presented and all data needed to measure the
variables in question were presented. Indeed, the section showed the strength of the
paper. The thorough discussion and the reconciliation of various literatures are the
aspects that I appreciated the most in these section. The authors even triangulated
the study to similar studies in other countries including local studies. In this section,
the hypothesis was established which should been in the introduction. Indeed, the
discussion section offers students a good opportunity to take a position.

The conclusion was a straightforward answer to the research objectives. I feel that
the conclusions drawn by the researchers are reasonable given that the study is
descriptive in nature. Thus, I agree with the researcher’s conclusion. However, I
feel that the researchers should still highlight the limitations of the study in the

All in all, I learned a lot about the topic of the article which is new to me and
something that I can relate to in some of my upcoming research projects. The topic
is very timely specially in resource management and conservation, climate change
mitigation, and the promotion of reforestation, and the protection of forests. I came to
appreciate the concept of carbon sequestration and how biomass can be determined
across a very large area. However, I feel that the method can still be improved with
more details starting on the sampling methodology. Additional recommendations
can also include hypothesis testing since the descriptive phase was already done, and
the conduct of more similar studies to increase the scientific body of knowledge.
The method if not clearly established can lead to more skepticism and might even
discredit the research itself. Ideally, the ethical protocol is for methods to be
replicable and verifiable.

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