Rapid Determination of Fretting Fatigue Limit by Infrared Thermography

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Experimental Mechanics (2018) 58:259–267

DOI 10.1007/s11340-017-0340-9

Rapid Determination of Fretting Fatigue Limit

by Infrared Thermography
S. Chhith 1,2 & W. De Waele 1 & P. De Baets 1,2

Received: 28 February 2017 / Accepted: 19 September 2017 / Published online: 4 October 2017
# Society for Experimental Mechanics 2017

Abstract This paper demonstrates the feasibility of infrared 50 μm, will lead to local material removal called fretting, and
thermography to determine the so-called fretting fatigue limit. cracks might initiate at the border of the stick-slip area. These
Fretting fatigue tests are performed on aluminum and steel cracks can propagate due to fatigue and thus the lifetime of the
specimens. The coupled fatigue and tangential loads are se- component will be degraded. Examples of installations and
quentially increased (block loading) whilst the normal load is machine components that are cyclically loaded and prone to
kept constant for all blocks. The temperature data is processed this type of damage are heat exchangers, bolted or riveted
and analyzed using a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm connections, dovetail connections, … [1–5].
implemented in the commercial software Matlab. It is demon-
strated that the second harmonic of the temperature signal can Fretting Fatigue Limit
be linked to the specific loading block below which no or
negligible damage is generated in the specimen. The stress The fatigue regime is usually classified in three domains: low
amplitude of this block is considered to be a best estimate of cycle fatigue (lifetime: Nf < 104 cycles), high cycle fatigue
the fretting fatigue limit. A constant amplitude fretting fatigue (104 cycles < Nf < 107 cycles), and ultra high cycle fatigue
test with this stress amplitude confirmed that the specimen (Nf > 107 cycles) [6, 7]. Low cycle fatigue is characterized by
remains intact at 107 cycles. macroscopic plastic deformation, whilst only localized plastic
deformation occurs in high cycle fatigue [7]. The localized
Keywords Fatigue limit . Fretting fatigue . Thermography . plastic deformation in high cycle fatigue can be due to cyclic
Fast Fourier Transform . Second harmonic slip activity at the free surface of a certain grain, to a sharp
cross-sectional change, a tip of a notch, a fretting contact, etc.
In this sense, fretting fatigue is typically considered to be high
cycle fatigue which should show a fatigue limit at 107 cycles
Introduction [8] even though failures due to fretting fatigue have been
observed in ultra high cycle regimes [9].
Dynamic forces occurring in most mechanical systems cause
The fatigue limit is defined as the stress amplitude thresh-
vibrations and as a result very small reciprocating movements
old below which a crack has not nucleated or has nucleated
between the interacting surfaces. This microslip, typically 5 to
but also arrested. Crack arrest can be divided into two types:
microstructural crack arrest where micro-crack growth is
* S. Chhith stopped due to grain boundaries, and mechanical crack arrest
saosometh.chhith@ugent.be where the stress intensity factor of a micro-crack is below the
stress intensity factor threshold [7]. The fretting fatigue limit
Department of Electrical Energy, Metals, Mechanical Construction
has been studied based on the phenomenon of mechanical
and Systems, Soete Laboratory, Ghent University, Technologiepark crack arrest. It is considered to be that loading condition for
903, 9052 Ghent, Belgium which the stress intensity factor is lower than the threshold
Member of Flanders Make, The Strategic Research Center for the value for a non-propagating micro-crack, which can be ana-
Manufacturing Industry, Ghent, Belgium lytically calculated from the Kitagawa-Takahashi diagram
260 Exp Mech (2018) 58:259–267

[10, 11]. This threshold is experimentally determined by The first harmonic of the thermal response was effectively
running plain fatigue tests on pre-cracked specimens used in previous work of the authors [31] to determine on-line
(micro-crack) [12]. crack initiation lifetime during fretting fatigue tests with con-
stant stress amplitude for both an aluminum alloy and a struc-
Fatigue Analysis Using Thermography tural steel. Three stages were observed for the evolution of the
first harmonic response: running-in, stabilization, and micro-
It is well-known that there is a correlation between the damage crack propagation. An increase of the first harmonic response,
accumulated during the fatigue process and the heat dissipa- larger than a filtered signal-to-noise ratio of 2 mK from the
tion [13–16]. Based on the measurement of the temperature stabilized stage was defined as initiation criterion. Several
rise of the specimen due to the dissipated energy, the fatigue stress levels were applied and the crack length corresponding
limit or even a complete S-N curve of metals can be deter- to the initiation criterion was determined; these crack lengths
mined [17–21]. This thermal methodology was also success- varied between 130 to 220 μm. The current study exploits the
fully applied to composite materials [22, 23]. feasibility of the second harmonic to predict the fretting fa-
Instead of only measuring the temperature rise of the spec- tigue limit of the two metals. The fatigue stress level, and
imen, lock-in thermography allows to separate linear and non- consequently also the tangential force imposed by the fretting
linear temperature responses of materials, where the former is pad, is increased stepwise in blocks. With thermal images
thermoelastic response and the latter is linked to the dissipated recorded, temperature responses are analysed in the frequency
energy. An excellent review of four lock-in thermography domain via the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) implemented in
algorithms can be found in [24]. The temperature responses the commercial software Matlab. Different physical contribu-
of the first and higher harmonics, or the linear and non-linear tions are linked to the harmonics at specific frequencies. In
responses, are used to rapidly determine the heat dissipation particular, fretting fatigue damage is related to the harmonic at
and fatigue limit of metals [25]. For example, the so-called E- twice the loading frequency. Monitoring the second harmonic
and D-mode algorithms developed by CEDIP are capable to allows to identify the stress level below which no or negligible
measure directly the linear (thermoelastic) and non-linear tem- damage is found. This stress level is assumed to be the fretting
perature response of materials [26, 27]. In another example, fatigue limit.
crack initiation in a weld was detected by separating temper-
ature responses based on signal post-processing over each
pixel of the thermal images, and allowed the detection of crack Experiments
initiation of a weld [28]. The linear temperature response ob-
tained by thermoelastic stress analysis of the loading signal, Experimental Set-up and Materials
while the non-linear temperature response was calculated as
the difference of the total experimental temperature and the A fretting fixture has been designed for installation on an ESH
linear or thermoelastic response. 100 kN servo hydraulic load frame, in order to perform fret-
ting fatigue tests [32]. A schematic drawing of this fixture is
Fretting Fatigue Analysis Using Thermography shown in Fig. 1. The 100 kN hydraulic cylinder of the load
frame is used to apply dynamic axial stress, σ, on a dog-bone
Damage accumulation during fretting fatigue is similar to
plain fatigue except that surface damage due to friction is
combined with the plastic deformation of materials. Infrared
thermography has been shown to be an excellent non-
destructive method for evaluation of fretting damage in closed
surfaces of riveted lap joints [29]. It has furthermore been
demonstrated that analysis of the first and second order har-
monics using least-squares lock-in processing allows to sepa-
rate the plastic deformation from the friction-induced surface
damage in plain fretting conditions (without fatigue load)
[30]. The separation is achieved comparing the temperature
responses at a contact zone of the sample in an experiment,
which take into account both friction and plasticity, and those
of a thermal model which includes only the frictional effect.
This allows to predict which load conditions under plain fret-
ting lead to a crack in the high cycle regime (defined as
106 cycles). Fig. 1 Schematic drawing of the fretting fatigue test rig [33]
Exp Mech (2018) 58:259–267 261

Fig. 2 Photographs of the

experimental set-up

specimen. The normal clamping load, P, is applied to the on each tested specimen; evidently it requires a calibration of
specimen by a separate horizontal hydraulic cylinder which the spring.
loads the fretting pads mounted on flexural beams. The C- For each test the specimen and pads are made of identical
beam mounted on ertalon blocks can float freely on the base material; two different metals are used in this study. The first is
plate and ensures that the normal load is applied equally at an aluminum alloy (Al2024-T3) and the second one is a cold
both fretting pads. The tangential force, Q, between the dog- drawn structural steel (S235JRC). Their strength properties
bone specimen and the pads is generated by the compliant are summarized in Table 1 and their dimensions are shown
springs as a result of the elastic deformation of the dog-bone in Fig. 4. The dog-bone specimen’s contact surface is plane,
specimen. The interaction of these forces on the specimen is while the pad’s contact surface is cylindrical. The cylindrical
shown on the photographs in Fig. 2 and the schematic diagram radius, Rpad, of the aluminum and the steel pads are 50 mm
in Fig. 3. The load cell mounted on the C-beam is used to and 150 mm, respectively.
directly measure the normal load. The tangential force gener-
ated by the compliant springs can be measured in two ways. Sliding Regimes under Fretting
First, as the difference between the force measured by the load
cell of the ESH 100 kN and the force below the contact areas The sliding regime under fretting is divided into two types,
measured by a calibrated strain gauge mounted on the speci- partial slip and gross slip, depending on the sliding amplitude
men surface (see Fig. 2). Secondly, it can be calculated from or the magnitude of the tangential force. Partial slip is consid-
the deflection of the springs based on a calibrated strain gauge ered to be a mix between sticking and slipping within the
attached on one of the springs. The latter methodology has contact area. In gross slip the entire contact areas slip over
been used since it does not require the use of a strain gauge each other; this occurs if the sliding amplitude or the magni-
tude of the tangential force is increased. The partial slip regime
is selected for fretting fatigue tests since in that case cracking
is the dominant damage mechanism while for gross slip re-
gime wear is more dominant [34]. To determine the transition
between the two regimes, the approach used in [33] has been
adopted in a previous study [31]. The expected partial slip
condition (σ = 180 MPa, P = 1 kN) for Al2024-T3 is cycli-
cally applied for 103 cycles. Then a quasi-static load of
325 MPa is applied until the pads slip over the specimen, i.e.
the deflection of the compliant springs drop even though the
axial load is increased. The maximum value of the tangential
force is defined as the border between the two regimes. The

Table 1 Strength properties of Al2024-T3 and S235JRC

Materials Young’s Modulus E [GPa] σy [MPa] σult [MPa]

Al2024-T3 73 383 506

Fig. 3 Schematic drawing showing interacting forces and diagram of S235JRC 210 650 700
axial force under fretting fatigue
262 Exp Mech (2018) 58:259–267

Fig. 4 Dimensions of the

specimen and the pad

approach is also applied to the structural steel, and Fig. 5 constant for all the load steps. Test conditions of each load
illustrates the two sliding regimes under fretting [31]. block are specified in Tables 2 and 3.
Each load step is run for 5000 cycles to ensure that a sta-
bilized temperature is reached; the total duration of a test is
Experimental Procedures only 40,000 cycles. All data of the interacting forces are ac-
quired with a sampling rate of 102.4 Hz and logged into the
Fretting fatigue tests under ambient conditions with cylindri- ESH 100 kN control computer whereas thermal images are
cal pads against a plane specimen are performed and moni- recorded with a frame rate of 100 Hz on a separate laptop.
tored by an infrared camera. The specimen and the pads are Since the loading frequency is 10 Hz, 10 data points are re-
painted in black to improve their thermal emissivity. The in- corded for each load cycle, which can be considered to be
frared camera model is InfraTec series 8300 with a telephoto oversampling and offers good accuracy of data processing.
lens of 50 mm focal distance. It is based on a focal plane array
with InSb detectors cooled by a Stirling system. Its spatial
resolution is 640 by 512 pixels and its temporal sensitivity at
25 °C is about 25 mK. The camera is used with a default Analysis of Temperature Response in Fretting
standard calibration with a temperature range of 5 to 60 °C Fatigue Tests
and an integration time of 1050 μs. The camera is installed at a
distance of around 200 mm from and perpendicular to the Heat Sources in Fretting Fatigue Tests
specimen surface. This corresponds to a pixel size of the ther-
mal images equal to 65 μm, the lowest pixel size achievable. Heat generation in fretting fatigue experiments is due to the
The tests are run with fatigue ratio (σmin/σmax) equal to 0, a thermoelastic effect and the inelastic effect which accounts for
tangential load ratio (Qmin/Qmax) equal to −1, and a loading fretting friction, plastic dissipation, and disturbing sources
frequency of 10 Hz. The maximum fatigue load (σmax) is such as environmental temperature variations and heat con-
increased step by step as shown schematically in Fig. 6. This duction originating from the testing machine. Without any
enables a step-by-step increase of the maximum tangential inelastic effect, the total temperature response will be deter-
load (Qmax) too, since the test rig is a single actuator with a mined by the thermoelastic effect which follows the wave
spring system as shown in Fig. 1. The normal load, P, is kept form of the mechanical load (a sinusoid in this study). The
sinusoidal function of the total temperature response will be
distorted when an inelastic effect occurs, which results in a
non-perfect sinusoidal waveform. Two conditions should be

& If the total temperature response is periodic, a Fourier

series decomposition allows any periodic function to be
written as a sum of simple oscillating functions having a
frequency equal to the multiples of the fundamental fre-
quency. Hence, the second harmonic and higher har-
monics are the results of the distortion of the thermoelastic
response due to the inelastic effect.
& When the temperature response is not periodic, one can
still decompose this function as a periodic function and a
residue. Then, the periodic function is analyzed as in the
Fig. 5 Sliding regimes under fretting for Al2024-T3 and S235JRC [31] first case. Therefore, the second harmonic and higher
Exp Mech (2018) 58:259–267 263

Fig. 6 Schematic load blocks

during fretting fatigue limit tests

harmonics of the periodic function again account for most the thermoelastic constant, and σkk is the sum of the ampli-
part of the inelastic effect. Of course, the residue function tudes of the principal stresses within one cycle.
can be also used to study the inelastic [28] but the second
αT 0
and higher harmonics allow a more simple analysis using T1 ¼ − σkk ¼ −kσkk ð2Þ
the FFT. ρC p

The second harmonic effect is more difficult to be calculat-

The temperature variation at the specimen surface can be ed but can be linked to fretting fatigue damage (friction in-
best fitted by equation (1) [25, 30, 31]. duced surface damage and plasticity) in the specimens.
T exp ðt Þ ¼ T 0 þ ΔT * f * t þ T 1 sinðωt þ φ1 Þ þ T 2 sinð2ωt þ φ2 Þ
ð1Þ Temperature Decomposition and Damage Detection

Here Texp is the overall experimental temperature, Four regions of interests, ROIs, (see Fig. 7) are selected from
T1sin(ωt + φ1) is the first harmonic effect (pure thermoelastic the recorded thermal images. The dimensions of each ROI are
effect), ΔT*f and T2sin(2ωt + φ2) are linear drift and second selected as 10 by 20 pixels which is approximately equal to a
harmonic effect respectively, which account for friction, plas- by 2a, where a is the Hertzian contact semi-width [30, 31].
ticity and other disturbing factors [30, 31]. ΔT is the mean Such small region of interest allows a better sensitivity for the
temperature change which can be obtained from a fitting pro- localized stress concentration occurring in fretting fatigue con-
cedure [25, 30], and f is the loading frequency. Higher har- ditions [35]. ROI’s R1 and R2, see Fig. 7, are the most impor-
monic effects are neglected. Parameter ω is the angular fre- tant since they are located near the contact zones where the
quency of the fatigue loading, ϕ1 and ϕ2 are phase shifts of the fretting fatigue damage or crack initiation will most likely
controlled sinusoidal force, and t is time. occur [31]. ROI’s R3 and R4 are chosen above and below the
If the system is adiabatic the thermoelastic effect can easily contact regions respectively for reference purposes since they
be quantified by a very well-known relation, equation (2), are only subjected to uniaxial fatigue load without fretting
developed by Lord Kelvin [35], where α is coefficient of damage. The thermoelastic effect at these two ROIs allows
thermal expansion, T0 is the mean temperature in a cycle, ρ to monitor the tangential force, which is measured by a cali-
is the mass density, Cp is the specific heat capacity at constant brated strain gauge. The axial force along a specimen subject-
pressure, T1 is the thermoelastic temperature amplitude, k is ed to fretting fatigue is discontinuous by a magnitude of 2Q at

Table 2 Test conditions for

fretting fatigue limit of Blocks σmax [MPa] Qmax/P [−] Block f [Hz] R (σmin /σmax) [−] P [kN] Rpad [mm]
Al2024-T3 duration

I 40 0.13 5000 10 0 1 50
II* 60 0.18 5000
III 80 0.24 5000
IV 100 0.29 5000
V 120 0.36 5000
VI 140 0.4 5000
VII 160 0.47 5000
VIII 180 0.5 5000
Fretting fatigue limit of Al2024-T3
264 Exp Mech (2018) 58:259–267

Table 3 Test conditions for

fretting fatigue limit of S235JRC Blocks σmax [MPa] Qmax/P [−] Block f [Hz] R (σmin /σmax) [−] P [kN] Rpad [mm]

I 80 0.08 5000 10 0 1 150

II 120 0.12 5000
III* 160 0.17 5000
IV 200 0.22 5000
V 240 0.27 5000
VI 280 0.31 5000
VII 320 0.4 5000
VIII 360 0.45 5000
Fretting fatigue limit of S235JRC

the contact points (see Fig. 3). Equilibrium of forces in axial Average temperature data corresponding to the four regions
direction allows the tangential force to be determined as the of interests are extracted from all recorded thermal images
difference between the axial forces above F(R3) and below (400,000 images) via the thermal CAM research software of
F(R4) the contact points divided by 2. Combining this with InfraTec. The FFT is performed with Matlab for every series
equation (2) allows to calculate the tangential force, Q, as a of 1024 (=210) data points (corresponding to 102.4 cycles or
function of the temperature amplitudes at R3 and R4 as 10.24 s) for all the ROIs in order to determine the frequency of
shown in equation (3). Here, A is a cross-sectional area of the maximum temperature amplitude (the first harmonic),
the specimen. which should be in the vicinity of the loading frequency.
Then, the second harmonic frequency is extrapolated so that
F ðR3 Þ− F ðR4 Þ σkk ðR3 Þ−σkk ðR4 Þ A
Q¼ ¼ A ¼ − ðT 1 ðR3 Þ−T 1 ðR4 ÞÞ the temperature amplitude at the second harmonic frequency
2 2 2k
can be determined.

A FFT algorithm is used to determine the second harmonic

temperature amplitude for each load block. The evolution of Results of Temperature Decomposition (T1 and T2)
this temperature amplitude is used to determine the load block
corresponding to the fretting fatigue limit. This damage detec- Figures 8 and 9 represent the evolutions of temperature
tion technique is believed to improve the method based on the amplitudes during fretting fatigue tests on Al2024-T3 (see
self-heating of the specimen in which a separation of the dif- Table 2) at the first harmonic and second harmonic frequen-
ferent temperature contributions is not implemented [25–27]. cies, respectively. The first harmonic temperature ampli-
This technique is also assumed to be more robust in case the tude, T1, is confirmed to be increasing with the load blocks
room temperature is not controlled. due to the basic thermoelastic effect. From Fig. 9, one can
see that the first two load blocks do not generate any dam-
age at all. The temperature levels T2 at the contact areas R1
and R2 are at the same level as these at the remote areas R3
and R4. During the third load block, the temperature level at

Block VIII

0.2 Block VII

Block VI
0.15 T1-R3 Block V
T1 [K]

Block IV
Block III
Block II
0.05 Block I

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
No of Cycles [Cycles] x 10
Fig. 7 Temperature change between the maximum and minimum axial
stress at the beginning of the 7th load block (Al2024-T3) Fig. 8 First harmonic temperature amplitude of Al2024-T3
Exp Mech (2018) 58:259–267 265

0.025 Block VII 0.2

Block VI Block VIII
Block VIII
0.02 Block VII
T2-R1 0.15
Block V T1-R1
T2-R2 Block VI
0.015 T2-R3 T1-R2
T2 [K]

T1-R3 Block V

T1 [K]
0.1 T1-R4
Block IV Block IV
Block III

0.05 Block II
Block III
0.005 Block I
Block I Block II

0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
No of Cycles [Cycles] x 10 No of Cycles [Cycles] x 10

Fig. 9 Second harmonic temperature amplitude of Al2024-T3 Fig. 11 First harmonic temperature amplitude of S235JRC

the right contact R2 begins to change and rises with third load block. Again fretting fatigue tests with constant
increasing fatigue stress and tangential load level in stress amplitude were performed and results are shown in
the following blocks. However, a decrease in T2 value Fig. 13. The specimen remained intact at 107 cycles for the
is noticed during the last load block. This may be be- fretting fatigue test corresponding to the third load block.
cause the sliding regime shows a transition from the
partial slip regime closer to gross slip conditions (see
Fig. 5). Therefore, from Fig. 9 one can conclude that
the second load block is the fretting fatigue limit of the Conclusions
material since below this block there is no sign of fric-
tional energy loss. The test has been repeated three Fretting fatigue tests with the stepwise increased stress level
times to confirm this observation. Following, fretting (block loading) on Al2024-T3 and S235JRC specimens have
fatigue tests with constant stress amplitude were run to been performed. Each block was run for 5000 cycles, and the
verify the fretting fatigue limit. The results in Fig. 10 temperature evolution was monitored by an IR camera. The
show that during a test with the load condition of the temperature response of all the blocks has been post-processed
second load block, the specimen did not fail at in the frequency domain, using an FFT algorithm implement-
107 cycles. ed in Matlab, to separate the different physical contributions.
The same methodology has been applied to a specimen The thermoelastic effect of the regions of interest above and
made of structural steel grade S235JRC. Test conditions are below the contact zones, R3 and R4, allows to measure the
shown in Table 3. The thermoelastic temperature amplitude, tangential force, Q. On the other hand, comparison of the
T1, is again observed to increase with increasing load level second harmonic response at the contact zones, R1 and R2,
(see Fig. 11). The second harmonic temperature amplitude, to that of the remote regions, R3 and R4, gives a clear indica-
T2, at the left contact R1 deviates from the others after the tion of that loading block which does not generate fretting
fourth load block as illustrated in Fig. 12. This means that fatigue damage. The stress at the transition from that load
the fretting fatigue limit corresponds to the stress level of the block which does not show any second harmonic response
to that load block where the second harmonic response is
visible, is called the fretting fatigue limit. A best estimate of
the fretting fatigue limit of both materials could be determined
with one test lasting a few hours. One additional sample was

Block VIII

Block VII
0.01 T2-R1
Block VI
T2 [K]

T2-R3 Block V
0.005 Block IV
Block I Block II Block III

0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
No of Cycles [Cycles] x 10
Fig. 10 Lifetime curve for Al2024-T3 under fretting fatigue with
P = 1kN Fig. 12 Second harmonic temperature amplitude of S235JRC
266 Exp Mech (2018) 58:259–267

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