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Evolution of the human pelvis and obstructed labor:

new explanations of an old obstetrical dilemma
Mihaela Pavli!cev, PhD; Roberto Romero, MD, DMedSci; Philipp Mitteroecker, PhD

Without cesarean delivery, obstructed labor can result in maternal and fetal injuries or even death given a disproportion in size between the
fetus and the maternal birth canal. The precise frequency of obstructed labor is difficult to estimate because of the widespread use of
cesarean delivery for indications other than proven cephalopelvic disproportion, but it has been estimated that at least 1 million mothers
per year are affected by this disorder worldwide. Why is the fit between the fetus and the maternal pelvis so tight? Why did evolution not
lead to a greater safety margin, as in other primates? Here we review current research and suggest new hypotheses on the evolution of
human childbirth and pelvic morphology. In 1960, Washburn suggested that this obstetrical dilemma arose because the human pelvis is an
evolutionary compromise between two functions, bipedal gait and childbirth. However, recent biomechanical and kinematic studies
indicate that pelvic width does not considerably affect the efficiency of bipedal gait and thus is unlikely to have constrained the evolution of
a wider birth canal. Instead, bipedalism may have primarily constrained the flexibility of the pubic symphysis during pregnancy, which
opens much wider in most mammals with large fetuses than in humans. We argue that the birth canal is mainly constrained by the trade-off
between 2 pregnancy-related functions: while a narrow pelvis is disadvantageous for childbirth, it offers better support for the weight
exerted by the viscera and the large human fetus during the long gestation period. We discuss the implications of this hypothesis for
understanding pelvic floor dysfunction. Furthermore, we propose that selection for a narrow pelvis has also acted in males because of the
role of pelvic floor musculature in erectile function. Finally, we review the cliff-edge model of obstetric selection to explain why evolution
cannot completely eliminate cephalopelvic disproportion. This model also predicts that the regular application of life-saving cesarean
delivery has evolutionarily increased rates of cephalopelvic disproportion already. We address how evolutionary models contribute to
understanding and decision making in obstetrics and gynecology as well as in devising health care policies.
Key words: arrest of descent, arrest of dilatation, bipedalism, cephalopelvic disproportion, cesarean delivery, cliff-edge model,
encephalization, erectile dysfunction, evolution, failure to progress in labor, fecal incontinence, fetal head, fistula, Homo erectus,
mismatch, parturition, pelvic dimensions, pelvic dimorphism, pelvic floor disorder, pelvic inlet, prolapse, starvation during pregnancy,
symphysis pubis, urinary incontinence, uterine prolapse, uterine rupture, vaginal prolapse

Cephalopelvic disproportion and variation of maternal and fetal di- Asia, and Latin America), obstructed
obstructed labor mensions in human populations leads to and prolonged labor are frequent causes
Human childbirth is substantially more a considerable rate of cephalopelvic of maternal morbidity and mortality.
difficult than that of most other primate disproportion (CPD) and obstructed Complications can be short term, such
species, owing primarily to the close labor. as uterine rupture and chorioamnionitis,
match between the maternal birth canal Where cesarean delivery is not easily or long term, such as fistulas and
and the fetal head1 (Figure 1). As a available, particularly in developing re- incontinence.2e6 Despite rich epidemi-
consequence of this close fit, even a small gions of the Global South (Africa, south ological data on obstructed labor and

From the Division of Human Genetics, Cincinnati Children`s Hospital Medical Center (Dr Pavlic !ev); the Department of Pediatrics, University of Cincinnati
College of Medicine (Dr Pavli!cev); the Department of Philosophy, University of Cincinnati (Dr Pavlic
!ev); the Perinatology Research Branch, Division of
Obstetrics and Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Division of Intramural Research, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human
Development, National Institutes of Health (Dr Romero); the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI (Dr Romero);
the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI (Dr. Romero); the Center for Molecular Medicine and
Genetics, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI (Dr Romero); the Detroit Medical Center, Detroit, MI (Dr Romero); the Department of Obstetrics and
Gynecology, Florida International University, Miami, Florida (Dr Romero); the Department of Theoretical Biology, University of Vienna, Austria (Dr
Received March 4, 2019; revised June 17, 2019; accepted June 19, 2019.
This study was supported, in part, by the Perinatology Research Branch, Division of Intramural Research, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of
Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), National Institutes of Health (NIH); the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS); and, in part,
with federal funds from NICHD, NIH under contract HSN275201300006C (to Dr Romero). Dr Pavlic !ev was supported by the March of Dimes Prematurity
Research Centre collaborative grant 22-FY14-470. Dr Mitteroecker was supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF number 29397).
The authors report no conflict of interest.
Corresponding author: Mihaela Pavlicev, PhD. or
0002-9378/$36.00 ! ª 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. !

JANUARY 2020 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 3

Expert Reviews

cesarean delivery, the precise frequency remodeling of the pelvis. Approximately 2 are inferred from comparisons of mod-
of CPD is difficult to estimate. myr ago it was followed by the massive ern humans to early representatives of
Current methods of pelvimetry are increase in brain size in the fully bipedal the genus Homo, mostly Homo erectus.
unreliable predictors of anatomical genus Homo, accompanied by an increase Even though the cranium of H. erectus is
disproportion.7 Apart from an arrest of in the size of the fetal head.20 already substantially larger than that of
descent, often a sign of CPD,8 cesarean Studying pelvic evolution throughout Australopithecus, pelvic differences be-
deliveries are frequently performed for time is difficult for several reasons. First, tween australopithecines and H. erectus
other indications, e.g., fetal distress, the pelvis is prone to fragmentation and are likely confounded by co-occurring
failed induction, arrest of dilatation, thus poorly represented in the paleon- ecological and behavioral changes that
repeat cesarean delivery, and maternal tological record.21 Second, the pelvis is a are independent of encephalization,
request, some manifesting before an ar- highly integrated structure, in which such as changes in body size, ranging
rest because of CPD.9,10 selection on any one part results in behavior, and thermoregulation.24 It is
With this complexity in mind, re- changes to many others to preserve currently unknown when the increase in
ported CPD rates range from 1% to 8% anatomical and functional integrity.22,23 brain size started to affect pelvic form,
of childbirths across different geographic Finally, the human pelvis encountered but it is clear that this process continued
regions11 (World Health Organization, multiple episodes of different selection after the last common ancestor (see
20035). Hence, even the most conserva- pressures, each one leaving traces in the Glossary) with H. erectus.
tive estimate entails about 40,000 shape of the pelvis that are contingent on Relative to modern humans, H. erectus
affected births in the United States and previous changes; this challenges the has flaring illiac blades and a medi-
about 1.3 million worldwide every year. separate reconstruction of these selective olaterally broad (platypelloid) birth
It is intriguing that childbirth, a process forces.24 canal (Figure 2). The prevailing view is
so fundamental to our species’ existence, Despite these limitations, there is no that birth-related pelvic changes within
exhibits such significant complication doubt that the evolution of bipedalism the human lineage accounted for the
rates. coincided with major anatomical anterio-posterior broadening of the
Human anatomical traits have been restructurings of the primate pelvis, as birth canal. Compared with H. erectus,
subject to natural selection for millions of can be seen by comparing pelves of early the modern human pelvis is medio-
years and are therefore often considered bipedal hominids, such as australopith- laterally narrower, but this narrowing is
to be the best fit available for a given ecines, to human-like apes (Figure 2). relatively recent and appears to have
function. Hence, evolutionary anthro- These modifications include the short- occurred after the adaptation to changed
pologists have long asked the questions: ening and widening of the illium, the obstetric demands. Finally, modern
why is the human fetus so tightly matched alignment of the sacrum and the pubic humans also became taller, which adds
to the maternal birth canal and thus so symphysis in a dorsoventral plane, the another source of strain to the pelvis by
prone to birth complications; why is there broadening of the sacrum, the develop- increasing the requirements for loco-
not a greater safety margin, as in most ment of more prominent ischial spines, motory musculature and support of the
other primate species (Figure 1)? and a reduction of the distance between inner organs.
These long-standing evolutionary the hip joints and the vertebral column. Despite the common evolutionary
puzzles, which are of immediate relevance Many of these pelvic changes relate to history and functional demands, pelvic
to obstetrics, gynecology, and public the muscular requirements for efficient shape varies considerably within and
health, have received renewed attention in upright locomotion and balance of the across modern human populations (for
recent years. Here we review current upright body as well as for support of the the classic types, see Caldwell and
theoretical and empirical research on the viscera. Pelvic changes during the tran- Moloy26,27; Figure 3). Studying this
evolution of the human pelvic form and sition to bipedalism also sculpted a very variation, along with its functional con-
childbirth. Because several recent reviews specific birth canal. In australopithe- sequences and complications, can help
highlighted the manifold social, cultural, cines, the birth canal is mediolaterally to determine the manifold roles of the
psychological, and legal components un- broad both at the level of the inlet and at pelvis in locomotion, pelvic floor sup-
derlying obstructed labor and surgical lower levels.25 Obstetric aspects likely port, and childbirth,28 as detailed below.
delivery,12e19 we focus on the biological played a minor role in the evolution of
aspects and their evolution since the split the australopithecine pelvis because the The concept of an obstetrical
of the human lineage from the great apes. skull was relatively small.24 dilemma
Several myr after bipedalism evolved, In 1960, Sherwood L. Washburn29
The conflicting effects of bipedalism the pelvis encountered a new evolu- introduced the term “obstetrical
and encephalization on the pelvic tionary challenge in the genus Homo: the dilemma” in a review of the effect of tool
architecture gradual increase of relative brain size use on human evolution. Washburn
Bipedalism (see Glossary) evolved in the (encephalization, see Glossary) and, proposed that bipedalism, while freeing
human lineage 5 million to 7 million years hence, of fetal size. Evolutionary effects hands for tool use, also resulted in the
(myr) ago and coincided with a major of encephalization on the pelvis usually selection for a larger brain given the

4 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology JANUARY 2020 Expert Reviews

increasing tool use. Eventually, this led to

conflicting selection pressures on the
pelvis: concurrent with the evolution of
Comparison of cephalopelvic proportions at the pelvic inlet across related
bipedalism, the size of the birth canal
had been reduced relative to that of other
primates, but the subsequent increase in
brain size required a large birth canal.
Such an opposition of selective forces
is able to bring net evolutionary change
in a trait to a halt, hence the term
obstetrical dilemma. Washburn29 pro-
posed that advantages gained by
increased pelvic width are outweighed by
biomechanical disadvantages for bipedal
gait. For example, individuals with a
wide pelvis would have an easier labor
and delivery process; however, they
would be less successful in gathering
food and providing for offspring.
Moreover, he reemphasized an idea
suggested earlier by Portmann, that the
problem of large fetuses was partially
ameliorated in human evolution by giv-
ing birth at an earlier, more altricial,
developmental stage, at which cranial
size is smaller.30,31 Comparison of cephalopelvic proportions at the level of the pelvic inlet across closely related pri-
Whereas primates, in general, are born mates: orangutan (Pongo), chimpanzee (Pan), gorilla (Gorilla), and modern humans (Homo sapiens).
at an advanced (precocious) develop- Humans show a very close fit between the pelvic inlet and the fetal cranium. Reproduced, with
mental stage relative to, for example, permission (copyright 2007 Worldwide Fistula Fund), from Wittman and Wall107
Pavli!cev. New ideas about the obstetrical dilemma. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2020.
mice, this trend is secondarily reversed in
the human lineage (secondary altri-
ciality, see Glossary). Hence, human ne- In fact, the pelvis is the most dimorphic architecture evolved in response to
onates are more developed than those of element of the human skeleton (eg, bipedal gait; they show only that, in
truly altricial animals but less developed Fischer and Mitteroecker32). modern humans, pelvic width does not
than those of other primates. The source of selection for a narrow considerably affect walking efficiency.
The proposal of Washburn29 has been pelvis, however, is less clear. Washburn29 This implies that walking efficiency is
highly influential and gained wide proposed that further widening of the unlikely to be the cause for the evolu-
acceptance in the anthropological com- pelvis would impede bipedal gait, but tionary retention of our modern narrow
munity. The details of this idea, however, recent biomechanical studies did not pelvis; a broader pelvis, which would
have undergone further scrutiny. For support this hypothesis (Figure 5). clearly ease childbirth, must have other
simplicity, we will refer to generally Warrener and colleagues33,34 showed functional disadvantages than only
wide/broad and narrow pelves in the that females and males do not differ in locomotion.
discussion in the following text, referring efficiency in either walking or running
to a composite of multiple characteris- on a treadmill (Figure 5). The kinematic The importance of the pelvic floor
tics, including the width of the birth study of Whitcome et al35 showed that In quadruped mammals and primates,
canal, that make the female pelvis more during walking at higher speed, females the pelvic floor musculature functions
or less suitable for childbirth (see translate more of the pelvic rotation into primarily for moving the tail and as
Figure 4). More specific terms will be strides than males, which leads to similar sphincter,37 whereas in upright humans,
used when referring to detailed assess- efficiency of locomotion despite wider the muscles and fasciae of the pelvic
ments of pelvic shape. hips. Thus, instead of decreasing effi- diaphragm create a horizontal pelvic
Clearly, a broader birth canal is ciency, a wide pelvis contributes to stride floor that supports the abdominopelvic
beneficial for childbirth. This female- length and, particularly in individuals organs. It has thus been suggested that
specific selection for childbirth is man- with shorter legs, may even be beneficial maintaining a relatively small pelvic
ifested in the strong sexual dimorphism for walking.36 outlet enhances this support function.37
of pelvic anatomy, specifically in the size These findings do not contradict Anatomical features support this sug-
and shape of the pelvic outlet (Figure 4). the assumption that human pelvic gestion: the ischial spines, which severely

JANUARY 2020 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 5

Expert Reviews

affects one function, either carrying or

delivering the fetus, would always affect
Timeline of human evolution and obstetrically relevant traits the other function, too.

Pelvic floor disorders and the

obstetrical dilemma
Pelvic floor disorders (PFDs) are com-
mon complications associated with
pregnancy in general and obstructed la-
bor in particular. The pelvic floor is a
complex structure comprised of liga-
ments, muscles, and fasciae, arranged in
several layers.38 The term pelvic floor
disorders refers to a wide range of com-
plications, affecting different parts of
pelvic floor architecture and reflecting
disruptions of distinct functions.39
One group of PFDs arises at birth as a
direct consequence of injuries to the
muscles of the lower part of the pelvic
floor, such as fistulas, uterine rupture,
and injury to the sphincter muscles.40
These injuries are frequent outcomes of
prolonged labor as a result of CPD and
thus reflect disadvantages of a narrow
birth canal, specifically for passing the
large fetus during parturition.
The phylogenetic tree (left) shows the split between humans and their closest living relatives of the
According to the pelvic floor hypothe-
genus Pan (bonobo and chimpanzee). Bipedalism arose early in the human lineage and is common to
sis, another group of disorders is expected
the 3 genera, Ardipithecus, Australopithecus, and Homo, of which relatively good fossil remains have
to originate from strain to the muscles
been studied. Overall body size, adult brain size, and neonatal body mass increased in the human
and connective tissue while carrying the
lineage (middle panel). Relative size and shape of the skull reflect the encephalization in genus Homo
heavy fetus. This strain is more likely to
throughout the last 2 myr. The pelvic birth canal increased in size in the human lineage and shifted to
result in complications such as late-onset
a gynecoid shape. Partially redrawn and combined from Pontzer25,108 and Gruss and Schmitt.25,108
weakness of ligaments, associated with
myr, million years.
pelvic floor prolapse and incontinence, as
Pavli!c ev. New ideas about the obstetrical dilemma. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2020.
a long-term consequence of multiple
pregnancies (although acute injury can
narrow the birth canal in modern pelvis,37 and the modern narrow pelvis also cause these disorders). The strain, a
humans, serve as attachments of the likely provides more support for the consequence of carrying, is exacerbated
muscles and fasciae of the pelvic floor pelvic floor than the broader archaic one. when the bony pelvis offers little support
(Figure 6). These spines are considerably This evidence suggests that a broad and the pelvic floor is weak. Thus, both a
smaller and located more dorsally in pelvis is more suitable for childbirth but wide pelvis during carrying the fetus as
quadrupeds, in which the pelvic floor is a less suitable for carrying the heavy fetus well as a narrow pelvis during birthing can
vertical structure, and the weight of the throughout a long pregnancy. result in the same general group of PFDs.
fetus rests predominantly on the back- Evolutionarily, this situation in- Studies addressing the association
bone.37 Similarly, the sacral bone pro- tensifies the obstetric dilemma because between PFD and pelvic anatomy often
trudes anteriorly into the birth canal in both carrying and delivering are part of pool different PFDs to obtain sufficient
modern humans, whereas it is much the same process: pregnancy (Figure 7). sample size, but this challenges the
shorter and posteriorly oriented in apes. If gait was the major selective force for a detection of associations between spe-
After the evolution of bipedalism, the narrow pelvis, walking efficiency might cific complications and specific pelvic
importance of pelvic support further have been compensated for, indepen- features. Nonetheless, several studies
intensified with the increase of fetal dently, by changes in leg musculature or detected associations of PFD with both a
weight in the genus Homo. Indeed, the behavior. But if pelvic floor support was narrow and a wide bony pelvis. For
ischial spines are less prominent in early the crucial driver for a narrow pelvis, example, in a study of 59 women with
hominoids (such as H. erectus, Figure 6) such a compensation would not be PFD and 39 controls, Handa et al41
than they are in the modern human possible: an evolutionary change that found that the transverse diameter of

6 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology JANUARY 2020 Expert Reviews

the pelvic inlet is greater in women with

pelvic floor disorders than in those
without them. Interestingly, they also
Classic pelvic types with respect to the shape of the pelvic canal
showed that prolapse is associated with a
narrow obstetrical conjugate (the short-
est pelvic diameter of the birth canal, see
Glossary), presumably because of a pre-
disposition to injury. Similarly, in a study
on 34 patients and 34 controls, Sze et al42
found that women with vaginal prolapse
have a wider transverse diameter of the
pelvic inlet than the control group. Two
other large studies reported associations
of a broad birth canal with urinary in-
continence. Stav and coauthors26 found
that women with wide transverse and
anterioposterior inlet diameters, as well
as with a wider pelvic outlet diameter are
more frequently affected by inconti-
nence than women with a narrower inlet.
Moreover, Berger et al43 reported that
stress urinary incontinence is associated
with a wide subpubic angle and a wide
pelvic outlet (large interspinous and
intertuberous diameters).43,44 Because of
the relatively small size of the effect
observed, larger samples may be critical The classic pelvic types with respect to the shape of the pelvic canal.109 The predominant type is
given that some of the smaller studies gynecoid. Reproduced from Caldwell-Moloy (Proceedings Roy Soc Medicine).26
Pavli!cev. New ideas about the obstetrical dilemma. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2020.
found no differences in bony di-
mensions.45,46 But even weak statistical
associations between pelvic shape and
pelvic floor function, which may be of
limited clinical relevance today, can drive sacroiliac joints during pregnancy other species, including mice, bats, deer
evolution: any consistent association widens the birth canal and thus ease mice, and macaques.49,51 In mice, for
between a morphological trait and sur- childbirth; it may appear as a human- instance, the gap measures 4e10 mm at
vival rate or reproductive success im- specific adaptation to the tight fetopel- delivery,52 whereas in humans the mean
poses a selective pressure on this trait. vic fit. increase of the interpubic gap is only 3
To understand the conflicting selec- However, in several other mammals mm.53,54 In other mammals, by contrast
tion pressures acting on pregnancy, it with relatively large neonates, flexibility (eg, in many odd- and even-toed un-
will be important for future studies to of the pubic symphysis is much larger gulates and in big cats), the pubic sym-
distinguish between the different disor- than in humans.47 In guinea pigs, for physis is completely fused by
ders and their associations with specific instance, the mean diameter of the fetal ossification.47,49
pelvic traits. Such studies may help to head is 20 mm, whereas the pelvic canal Why is the flexibility of the pubic
predict the risk of certain PFDs based on in early pregnancy is just 11 mm wide. To symphysis so variable across mammals,
pelvic anatomy and to develop preven- accommodate the fetal head, the pubic and why is it so inflexible in humans,
tive strategies for women with a wider bones separate up to 23 mm during late thus contributive to difficulty in child-
pelvis, such as strengthening specific pregnancy in response to estrogen and birth? A widened pubic symphysis in-
aspects of the pelvic floor, introducing relaxin, and a ligament appears in the creases the birth canal and thus the
external support for carrying, or middle of the joint.48,49 This flexibility is vulnerability of the pelvic floor. Most
encouraging behavioral changes that crucial because calcification of the sym- species with a wide pubic gap are either
ameliorate unnecessary strain. physis, which occurs if the first preg- very small and hence experience little
nancy is delayed, frequently leads to pressure on the pelvic floor and engage
The human pubic symphysis is CPD in guinea pigs.50 in postures that reduce force on the
particularly inflexible The emergence of an interpubic gap, pelvis and the pelvic floor (eg, roosting
Softening and widening of the pubic bridged by a flexible ligament, is also a head down in bats), or they reduce the
symphysis as well as relaxation of the prerequisite for successful delivery in pressure of the viscera and the fetus on

JANUARY 2020 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 7

Expert Reviews

Pelvic sexual dimorphism

Average male and female pelves (2 middle columns) in anterior, superior, and lateral views along with 5-fold linear extrapolations of the sex differences in
pelvic shape (leftmost and rightmost columns). In females the pelvic canal is more spacious, the illiac blades are shorter and reach further laterally, the
subpubic angle is broader, and the sacral bone is shorter and more outward projecting than in males. Reproduced with permission, from Fischer and
Pavli!c ev. New ideas about the obstetrical dilemma. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2020.

the pelvic floor by living in water. An pelvic width, as classically suggested, but dimorphism to arise in the evolution of
ossified symphysis, by contrast, allows the flexibility of the symphysis. traits that are present in both sexes.
for a higher net force applied by the Divergent evolution (see Glossary) of
muscles to the rest of the body and thus Selection for a narrow pelvis may act such traits requires opposing selection
may facilitate more energetically efficient via males: a role in erectile function pressures in the 2 sexes; selection acting
locomotion.47 Apart from many fast- Both the obstetric demands and the in only 1 sex is not sufficient because the
running species, pubic flexibility is also additional strain exerted on the pelvic developmental genes and processes un-
strongly reduced in other large-bodied floor by the heavy fetus are specific to derlying a trait, in this case the pelvis, are
bipedal species, such as kangaroos. females. The evolutionary trade-off thus mostly the same whether they find
In humans, a wide symphysis during differs between the sexes and gave rise themselves in a male or a female organ-
pregnancy and birth is associated with to the sexual dimorphism in pelvic ism (genetic correlation between the
severe pelvic girdle pain,55,56 common morphology and pelvic canal size sexes, see Glossary). This means that se-
among athletes and patients with trau- observable today. Similar dimorphism lection for a broader pelvis in females
matic pelvic injuries.53,57 It is aggravated patterns are also seen in other primate must have been counteracted by selec-
by weight bearing and associated with species with a large fetal head relative to tion for a narrow pelvis in males. If there
difficulty in walking.58 Evolutionarily, the size of the pelvic canal (cephalopelvic is no selection in males against the fe-
the larger birth canal that would result index, see Glossary), such as in lar gib- male adaptation, selection in females will
from increased symphysial flexibility bons, rhesus macaques, and squirrel also change, at least to a great extent,
apparently was outweighed by the monkeys, suggesting that pelvic dimor- male shape, and no dimorphism will
increased risk of injuries to the pelvis phism is, at least in part, a consequence arise.
and the pelvic floor. Grunstra et al47 even of fetal size.59,60 The fact that pelvic sexual dimor-
hypothesized that bipedal locomotion in It is important to consider the phism has nevertheless evolved implies
humans has not primarily constrained specific conditions required for sexual that there has been selection opposing

8 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology JANUARY 2020 Expert Reviews

the widening of the pelvis in males.

Studying the male pelvis may thus
provide insights into the advantages of
Results of Warrener et al, who tested Washburn’s hypothesis
a narrower pelvis independent of dis-
advantages because of birthing compli-
cations.25 Two relevant selection
regimens are plausible: males can either
share the same selective pressure for a
narrow pelvis with females (as was
suggested for gait or for visceral sup-
port) but lack the pressure for
widening. Alternatively, selection in
males may be for a male-specific func-
tion, perhaps also indirectly affecting
the pelvis in females via a correlated
If pelvic width is associated with pel-
vic floor strength in males, as is the case
in females, male-specific pelvic floor
disorders may offer interesting insights.
In addition to general effects such as The results of Warrener and colleagues,34 who tested Washburn’s hypothesis that pelvic width
pelvic pain and sphincter dysfunction, negatively affects gait efficiency. Mass-specific locomotor costs (net volume of oxygen consumed
one of the disorders associated with a during exercise) during walking and running on a treadmill were measured for 8 males and 7 fe-
weak pelvic floor in males is erectile males. Results showed no significant difference between the sexes despite wider hips in women than
dysfunction.61 The pelvic floor contrib- in men. These results suggest that bipedal gait is not the source of selection for a narrow pelvis.
utes to erectile function by the muscles Reproduced from Warrener et al.34
that form the penile basis, in particular Pavli!cev. New ideas about the obstetrical dilemma. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2020.
the ischiocavernosus and bulboca-
vernosus muscles (Figure 8).
These muscles act as part of the
complex involuntary muscular interplay, FIGURE 6
establishing and maintaining the pres- Evolution of pelvic floor support
sure during erection and ejaculation.
The stability of these muscles may have
become particularly important for erec-
tion in the human lineage because hu-
man males have evolved relatively large
penises without a penile bone, a situa-
tion uncommon among primates.62
A summary of US epidemiological
studies, including the large Massachu-
setts Male Aging Study,63e65 reports
severe erectile dysfunction in 10% of
men aged 40e70 years, with another
25% experiencing intermittent erectile
difficulties, and 17% with minimal
difficulties (
epidemiology-of-ed/). The prevalence A, In the transition from quadruped to biped, the weight of the inner organs came to lie on the pelvic
of erectile dysfunction increases steeply floor. The comparison of pelves between a quadruped gorilla and a bipedal human shows an in-
with age, but even 5%e10% of men crease in the size of pelvic floor-supporting structures: the ischial spines and the sacrum. B, The
younger than 40 years are affected. comparison between the H. erectus and modern human pelves shows a further enlargement of the
Vascular diseases and aging are the most ischial spines, concomitantly with an increase in the mass and cranial size of the fetus. Reproduced
important proximate factors underlying from Huxley110 (A); and Gruss and Schmitt25, with permission (B).
erectile dysfunction, but it is unclear to Pavli!cev. New ideas about the obstetrical dilemma. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2020.
what extent they are conditional on pelvic

JANUARY 2020 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 9

Expert Reviews

The cliff-edge model is based on an

idealized variable D (disproportion),
The model of obstetric selection trade-off which represents the difference between
the size of the fetus and that of the
maternal birth canal. When the fetus is
smaller than the birth canal and encoun-
ters no obstruction, D is negative, whereas
when the size of the fetus exceeds that of
the birth canal, thus leading to obstructed
labor, D is positive (Figure 9A). To study
the evolutionary dynamics of fetopelvic
disproportion, as expressed by D, an
evolutionary fitness value is assigned to
each value of D (y- and x-axes in
Figure 9A, respectively).
In evolutionary theory, fitness refers to
According to this model, advantages and disadvantages of a broad pelvis do not pertain to different the average number of offspring of in-
functions, such as pregnancy and walking. Rather, they both pertain to pregnancy: while a broad dividuals with a particular genotype or
pelvis is advantageous for childbirth, it is disadvantageous for supporting the large fetus. We propose phenotype (in this case D). The offspring
that this disadvantage limits the broadening of the pelvis. number is affected both by survival rate
Pavli!c ev. New ideas about the obstetrical dilemma. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2020. and fecundity. What do we know about
survival and fecundity with respect to
childbirth that enables us to attribute
floor strength, which has long been asso- One way to address this question fitness to values of D? Clearly, without
ciated with male and female reproductive would be an individual-based study cesarean delivery, individuals with D > 0
functioning.66,67 Recent studies reported examining the association between pelvic do not survive, so their fitness equals zero.
that improving pelvic floor strength measurements and erectile dysfunction. Epidemiological data document that
considerably alleviated erectile problems Such data may be readily available to larger neonates have higher survival
in a substantial percentage of men,61 even urologists. An alternative but less direct rates80,81 and thus higher fitness than
though direct estimates of how frequently way would be a comparison of sex- smaller neonates. Furthermore, mothers
a weak pelvic floor is the main cause of specific pelvic morphology with the with a wide pelvis have higher rates of
erectile dysfunction are, to our knowledge, prevalence of erectile dysfunction across PFD, which can lead to serious infections
lacking. For example, a study of 55 men different populations. Literature suggests and social ostracization, as is common in
showed large improvement of erectile that interpopulation variation in pelvic sub-Saharan Africa.40,82,83 These re-
function after 6 months of exercise of the shape and erectile dysfunction prevalence lationships translate into the blue line in
pelvic floor musculature, with 40% is large;72e76 a study combining these Figure 9A: fitness increases approximately
regaining normal erectile function and a data, accounting for confounding factors linearly as a function of D, as long as the
further 35.5% improving.68 Large ran- such as overall health status, may be able fetus is smaller than the birth canal. When
domized trials similarly revealed consid- to address the influence of pelvic fetal size exceeds the size of the birth canal
erable positive effects of exercise on morphology on erectile dysfunction. (D > 0), survival and thus fitness drop
erectile dysfunction.69e71 sharply in the absence of medical care.
In short, indirect evidence indicates The cliff-edge model This highly asymmetric fitness curve re-
that the strength of the pelvic floor af- Despite the multiple sources of selection sembles a cliff edge (hence the name of the
fects erectile function and thus, likely, for a narrow pelvis in females and males, model).
male reproduction. Furthermore, the it still appears puzzling that a pop- The association of fitness with D
fact that the evolutionary widening of ulation’s fitness loss resulting from imposes natural selection on the corre-
the female pelvis did not spill over to maternal and fetal mortality has been sponding fetal and maternal di-
widen the male pelvis implies a selective evolutionarily outweighed by the pre- mensions. Only heritable traits can
advantage of a narrow pelvis in men. The sumably small advantages for locomo- evolve by natural selection, and indeed,
missing information to link these 2 lines tion and pelvic floor stability. The a number of studies reported consider-
of evidence is whether pelvic width is recently developed cliff-edge model of able heritability (see Glossary) for fetal
indeed associated with pelvic floor obstetrical selection77-79 revealed why size and pelvic dimensions.84e87 Hence,
strength in males. Data in women sug- natural selection, however strong, is not the disproportion D is expected to
gest that this is the case, but we are not able to fully optimize the match between respond to selection and increase in the
aware of studies that have addressed this fetal and maternal dimensions, thus population. In other words, the popu-
question in men. avoiding CPD. lation becomes enriched for those trait

10 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology JANUARY 2020 Expert Reviews

values that confer high fitness so that the

trait distribution gradually approxi-
mates the fitness curve. In the case of
Comparison of the male and female pelvic floors
our trait D, one would expect many
pregnancies to be just below 0, that is,
with fetuses that are as large as possible
while still being able to be born.
Yet here lies the inherent limitation of
evolving biological systems: many
phenotypic traits in a population,
including fetal size and pelvic di-
mensions, have approximately symmet-
rical (normal) distributions and thus
cannot match the asymmetrical fitness
curve specific of obstetrics. Symmetrical
distributions arise because most traits
are affected by many genes with small
additive effects along with symmetrically
distributed environmental influences.
This mismatch limits the adaptive
evolution of cephalopelvic fit: evolution
by natural selection maximizes average
fitness in the population (ie, the average
number of offspring per individual),
which results in an average value of D
below the value with maximal individual
fitness (at D ¼ 0), and a certain propor-
tion of cases exhibiting CPD (D > 0;
Figure 9A). The persistent rates of CPD in
human populations therefore do not
suggest that natural selection has not
worked but rather that evolution is limited
by the inherent biology of human repro-
ductive traits.
Given the cliff-edged fitness function,
the model also shows that only weak
selection toward a greater D is necessary
to explain the observed rates of CPD.83
In other words, against the common
intuition, only weak fitness advantages
for large newborns, or for a narrow fe-
male pelvis, or both, are necessary to
evolve the relatively high CPD rates. The 2 muscles shown in red, bulbospongiosus and ischiocavernosus, are involved in the female
The heritability of fetal and pelvic di- pelvic floor and crucial in maintaining the erection in males. Reproduced from https://www.qrsthai.
mensions implies that women born by com/erectile-dysfunction/.
Pavli!cev. New ideas about the obstetrical dilemma. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2020.
cesarean delivery because of CPD are more
likely to experience CPD when giving
birth to their own offspring, compared to details, these studies report relatively ho- for D), a value remarkably close to the
women who were born without CPD. mogenous odds ratios for CPD ranging empirical observations, which supports
Large multigenerational studies on well- from 1.55 to 2.06, which likely are un- the cliff-edge model and its assumptions.
documented populations (Scandinavia, derestimates (nonanatomical reasons for
United States) have found extensive evi- obstructed labor are not or only weakly Future dynamics of cephalopelvic
dence for inheritance of CPD,88-91 pri- heritable but may be misdiagnosed as disproportion
marily via the maternal genome. CPD). The expected odds ratio inferred Based on the cliff-edge model, we pre-
Despite different time periods, from the cliff-edge model is at 2.7779 dicted that CPD rates would increase,
geographical regions, and methodical (using an estimated heritability of 0.5 and may continue to increase, as a

JANUARY 2020 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 11

Expert Reviews

mainly driven by changes in nutrition

and obstetric practices.78,92 In fact, the
The cliff-edge model average neonatal weight has been
decreasing in several industrialized
countries because of shorter gestational
length and a higher frequency of preterm
birth, often because of medically indi-
cated preterm birth, coupled with a
higher survival rate because of the ad-
vances in neonatal care.
It is worthwhile to note that Berg-Lekas
et al90 reported an increase of primipa-
rous dystocia from 2.2% to 12.5% be-
A, The x-axis represents the variable D, which captures the difference between cranial size and tween the 1950s and 1990s, an estimate
pelvic size. This value is negative when the fetal cranium is smaller than the pelvic canal (D < 0) and that is probably attributed, at least in part,
positive when fetal size exceeds the size of the pelvic canal, leading to CPD. The y-axis on the left to changes in the reporting of this diag-
represents individual fitness. As long as the birth canal can encompass the fetus (D < 0), individual nosis and in short-term changes of eco-
fitness (blue curve) increases linearly with D (both a larger fetus and a narrower pelvis lead to higher nomic development and nutritional
fitness). For D > 0, fitness is zero given CPD. The black curve represents the pdf of D, that is, the status (such as postwar recovery). In this
distribution of pregnancies across different values of D. Evolution by natural selection maximizes the case, women developed during a period
average fitness in a population, which leads to an evolutionary optimum that entails an average value of poor nourishment, resulting in smaller
of D (gray dashed line) less than the individual optimum (ie, on the left side of the cliff edge) and a body size, whereas when they became
fraction of individuals with CPD (the red area beyond the cliff edge, at D > 0). This evolutionary stable pregnant, their fetuses developed in an
state trades off the high fitness of the pregnancies with D < 0 (large fetuses that can fit through the environment without nutritional depri-
birth canal) against the fraction of pregnancies with CPD. Modified from Mitteroecker et al.77 B, vation, which fostered fetal growth.
Cesarean delivery removes the cliff at the fitness threshold at D ¼ 0, thus leading to a further Such environmental mismatch between
evolutionary increase of D and the resulting CPD rate. Note that only cesarean deliveries performed maternal and fetal development adds to
as a result actual disproportion have this effect. Modified from Mitteroecker et al.77 the increased frequency of cephalopelvic
CPD, cephalopelvic disproportion; D, disproportion; pdf, probability density function. disproportion in countries recovering
Pavli!c ev. New ideas about the obstetrical dilemma. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2020. from famine or experiencing rapid so-
cioeconomic development.94
The evolutionary pressures that once
consequence of cesarean delivery original frequency of CPD would in- increased the frequency of cephalopelvic
(Figure 9B). The regular and safe use of crease by about 10%e20% (depending disproportion have now been reduced by
cesarean delivery in cases of CPD on assumptions about male fitness and increased access to neonatal care and
removes the fitness threshold at D ¼ 0; if the genetic correlation between sexes), treatment of pelvic floor disorders, pro-
the fetus is larger than the birth canal, which is approximately half a percentage motion of the survival of neonates, and
fitness no longer drops to zero; it may point of CPD incidence. Note, however, the higher rate of preterm neonates with
even continue to increase with increasing that only cesarean deliveries with CPD a lower birthweight and of women with a
D. Thus, cesarean delivery has changed are contributing to this effect, not those weak pelvic floor. These factors, in turn,
the selective pressure on maternal and performed for other indications.9,92 reduce selection toward larger fetuses
fetal dimensions. As a consequence, This rough estimate is based on and narrower pelves. Fetal size is further
evolutionary dynamics will move the several assumptions (such as the repre- constrained by maternal factors other
population distribution toward greater D, sentation of fetopelvic disproportion by than birth canal size, such as metabolic
leading to increasing rates of CPD a single quantity). Nonetheless, it shows capacity,95 that are not removed by ce-
(Figure 9B). In other words, the evolved that evolution by natural selection, trig- sarean delivery and will set limits on an
equilibrium between the opposed selec- gered through medical intervention, can evolutionary increase in cephalopelvic
tive forces of childbirth, pelvic floor sta- affect human anatomy over decades and disproportion.
bility, and infant survival has been not only within thousands or millions of
disrupted by surgical delivery, giving rise years.93 Yet the model does not specify What are the benefits for obstetrics
to a new evolutionary trend. whether the increased rate of CPD re- and gynecology in understanding the
Assuming an average heritability of sults primarily from a change in fetal or evolutionary history of human traits
0.5 for fetal and maternal traits, as well as maternal dimensions. and the selective pressures that have
a duration of 2 generations since cesar- Historical data on pelvic dimensions, shaped them?
ean deliveries have been regularly and to our knowledge, are not available, and Evolutionary explanations for frequent
safely performed, we estimated that the changes in neonatal dimensions are obstetrical challenges (obstructed or

12 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology JANUARY 2020 Expert Reviews

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JANUARY 2020 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 15

Expert Reviews


Altriciality (secondary). Characterizes species in which the offspring are born at an early developmental stage; the newborns thus are
relatively immobile and helpless with a need for intensive parental care. Typical altricial species are rodents, such as mouse and rat, or
bears; their neonates depend on the mother for many functions (eg, food, protection, warmth). At the opposite end are precoccial neonates,
which are highly developed and functional at birth, such as antelopes. Human neonates develop long and are, compared with mammals in
general, precoccial, as are other primates. However, when compared with other primate species, human neonates are underdeveloped and
more dependent, hence the term secondary altricial.
Australopithecus. An early genus of the human lineage, from which the genus Homo arose. According to the fossil record, the genus
originated in Africa and covered a period from 4 to 2 myr ago. Most species belonging to this genus were considerably smaller (1e1.5m
height, ca. 35% of the cranial volume of modern human), bipedal, and strongly sexually dimorphic. Some of the best-known species are
A. afarensis (to which the famous Lucy skeleton belongs), A. africanus, A. sediba, and A. anamensis.
Bipedalism. A form of terrestrial locomotion by means of 2 rear limbs or legs. In the human lineage, it evolved 7e5 myr ago. The wide time
range is due to the difficulty to draw a line between various degrees of evolving bipedalism and also due to scarce conclusive fossils.
Cephalopelvic index (also fetopelvic index). A broadly applied measure of the match between maternal and fetal dimensions.100e104 In
humans it is usually estimated by the ratio between the biparietal diameter of the fetal head at term and the smallest pelvic diameter (either
anteroposterior diameter of the inlet or bispinal diameter of the midpelvis). In comparative biology, the cephalopelvic index refers to neonatal
head breadth, divided through the transverse diameter of the maternal pelvic inlet.
Divergent evolution. Refers to the relatively strong accumulation of phenotypic differences between closely related populations, mostly
because of differing selection pressure, leading to phenotypic divergence.
Encephalization. An evolutionary increase in relative brain size and complexity. Increase of relative brain size in the genus Homo involved
prenatal as well as postnatal growth acceleration of the brain, relative to the closest primate relatives.105
Genetic correlation between sexes. Because most of the genes expressed in one sex are also expressed in the other sex, selection on a
trait in one sex will also lead to a correlated evolutionary response in the other sex. The magnitude of genetic correlation can be estimated by
quantitative genetic methods.106
Heritability. The fraction of observed phenotypic variation in a population that can be attributed to genetic variation within this population.
Heritability measures the degree to which trait values are inherited and thus also the degree to which a trait responds to natural selection. Eg,
a heritability of 0.5 indicates that half of the observed variation among the studied individuals is due to genetic variation, whereas the other
half is due largely to environmental differences. It also implies that only half of the effect of natural selection within a generation is inherited to
the next generation.
Homo. The genus of modern humans, the Homo sapiens. The genus originated about 2 myr ago, and most of its species are characterized
by taller stature, greater cranial capacity, and less size dimorphism than Australopithecus. Species of this genus include, among others,
H. habilis, H. erectus, H. neandertalensis, and H. naledi. H. sapiens originated in this genus about 300,000 years ago.
Last common ancestor. A concept used by evolutionary biologists when inferring how traits have evolved during the species’ evolution. For
example, when multiple closely related species possess a certain trait, it is more likely that they all inherited it from their last common
ancestor than the alternative scenario that all evolved the same trait independently.
Obstetrical conjugate. The distance between the closest bony points of the sacral promontory and the pubic bone next to the symphysis
(approximately 10e12 cm). It represents the shortest pelvic diameter through which the fetal head must pass during birth.
Obstetrical dilemma. A concept originally proposed by the anthropologist Sherwood L. Washburn (1960) to explain the tight human
fetopelvic fit. It suggests that human pelvic form results from a compromise between the ability to walk upright and the ability to give birth to
large neonates.

16 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology JANUARY 2020

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