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Course Title: Discrete Mathematics

Course Code: GSC-221
Credit Hours: 3
Contact Hours: 3 hours lecture per week
Semester: Semester 2
Prerequisite(s): None
Instructor(s): Syeda Komal Fatima
Objectives:  The main objective is to introduce the concept of discrete structures of mathematics to students. In
 To understand mathematical reasoning, logically and mathematically.
 To improve problem-solving skills of enumerating objects using combinatorial analysis.
 To know the abstract mathematical structures used to represent discrete objects and relationships
between these objects.
Synopsis: The major areas of study include the following:
The Foundations: Logics & Proofs, Basic Structures: Sets, Functions, Sequences & Sums, Induction &
• Recursion, Relations, Graphs, Trees, Structure of algebras, Modeling Computation

Lecture Schedule:
01 1/3/2021 Propositional statements, Logical connectives, negation,
conjunction, disjunction, conditional, bi conditional, Truth tables,
Compound statements and truth values
02 8/3/2021 Logical equivalences, tautology, contradiction, verification using
truth table, verification using Laws, predicate logic and its truth Assignment:01
values, quantifiers and its truth values, universal quantifiers,
03 15/3/2021 Nested quantifiers, methods of proofs, direct proofs, proof by
contradiction, program correctness, loop invariant Quiz: 01

04 22/3/2021 Sets, subsets, complements, Cartesian product, power sets,

cardinality, Venn diagram, Functions, surjections, injections,
inverse, composition
05 29/3/2021 Sequences, types of sequences, cardinality, Summation
06 5/4/2021 Elementary number theory, mathematical Induction, examples of
proofs by mathematical induction
Assignment: 02

07 12/4/2021 Recursive definition, recursively defined sets and structures,

Quiz: 02

08 19/4/2021 Basic counting rules, pigeon hole principle, permutation,


09 31/4/2021 Relations, reflexive, symmetry, transitive, equivalence relations

10 3/5/2021 Graphs, terminologies, graph models, types of graphs, Assignment:03


11 17/5/2021 Paths, Euler paths and circuits, Hamilton paths and circuits Quiz: 03

12 24/5/2021 Tree, terminologies, types of trees, models, properties, binary

search trees

13 31/5/2021 Structure of algebras, binary operation, associative, commutative, Assignment:04

semi groups

14 03/6/2021 Quiz: 04
Languages and grammars, phrase- structure, types of phrase-

15 10/6/2021 Finite-state machine, language recognition 1 simplification

16 17/6/2021 Revision
24/6/2021 Final Examinations

Course Evaluation:

Course Work: 30% (10 Marks Quiz (4) + 20 Marks Assignment (4))
Mid Term: 20%
Final Exam: 50%

Text Book:
Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications by Kenneth H Rosen, 7th Edition
Reference Books:
Discrete Mathematics with Applications by Susanna S. Epp, 4th Edition Discrete Mathematics by Richard Johnsonbaugh, 8th

Course Policy:

Homeworks  Home works are due at the beginning of class

(Assignments)  Late home works will not be accepted
 Students handing in similar home works will receive a grade of 0 (ZERO) and face possible disciplinary
Makeup Exams In accordance with university regulations, i.e. students should bring a valid excuse authenticated through
valid channels immediately within first week after the exam. Otherwise they will be considered absent and
no makeup exam for them.
Attendance Students are expected to attend all classes. 75% attendance is mandatory for students to sit in final exam
Code of Conduct The assignments, quizzes and exams need to be done individually. Copying of another student's work or
code, even if changes are subsequently made, is inappropriate, and such work or code will not be accepted.
The University has very clear guidelines for academic misconduct, and they will be enforced in this class.
Cell Phone Cell phones are restricted during class. Cell phones must be turned off during the lecture. If your cell phone
rings during class, you may be asked to leave.

*It is acknowledged that the objectives, synopsis of the course and distributions of examination marks will not be changed in the
framework of the course as certified

___________________ ___________________________

Signature of Lecturer Validated by Head of Department

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