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University of Cebu – Banilad

College of Business Administration

HUM 103, TTH, 7:30 – 9:00

Seatwork for March 11, 2021: Bulul's Curse

Submitted to:

Sir Nino Ardiza

Prepared by:

Anga, Bremt Cloyd R.

March 12, 2021

Bul-ul: Eren Yeager Is Upon Us
A reaction paper on the short video Kababalaghan: Misteryo ng Antigo
by ABS-CBN News

The short video, Kababalaghan: Misteryo ng Antigo by ABS-CBN News reverberates mystifying
horror as an antique carved statue of a rice god called "Bul-ul" triggers a chain of unexplainable events in
the life of Cory Quirino, a veteran TV host. The video conjures Bul-ul as the supposed symbol of Ifugao
culture bringing fertility, idol, luck, and prosperity turned into unfortunate item harboring malevolent intent
to the house inhabitants. This reaction paper shall delve into the different explanations before the
poltergeisting Bul-ul and the Attack-on-Titan-like entity simulation.

The explanation I like the most on the paranormal issue pines to Jimmy because it is more sensible
as he masterly connects the nature of Bul-ul as a rice god and the removal of it from its natural place as
the reason for the negative happenings in the house. Adding to that, he delineates that the removal of Bul-
ul from its natural habitat in which it was supposed to protect caused a certain element of resistance on its
part, thus, disturbing the peace in place. In return, this is what Cory Quirino perceives as a hostile feeling.
Jimmy’s theory touches the commonsense of things as Bul-ul was supposed to thrive and built for a
particular surrounding but has been transferred into a foreign land shall render it dysfunctional.

However, Ifugaos laid out the wrong process in inheriting the property as another plausible
explanation, since the Bul-ul was derived from an auction. This may present a strong viewpoint especially
coming from the tribe that praises it. But being a devotee does not guarantee an appropriate explanation.
Jimmy’s explanation holds more sense still as an entity moved into another place, away from its people
and home, will reasonably lead to trouble. Ifugaonons’ statement may hold some fact, but the entity as
powerful as that to cause disturbance and quandaries to various people may need more than ritual. Hence,
it safer to return such a thing than retaining it for the uncertainty of ritual’s effectiveness.

On the other hand, it is annoying to watch Jaime Licauco, parapsychologist, solely states the
presence he felt without even describing, explaining, or pinpointing the cause. Anyone can enter the house
and mention “I feel cold.” There has been a lack of accounts attributed to the spiritualists and albularyos
from Banahaw which Cory invited into their home. Are they just there to react? Why invite people to react
in the house instead of someone who can pacify solutions or explanations? This the thing I hate in the
short video. They are always on the “feeling” instead of what is happening. It shows much showmanship
instead of the credibility of the story.

Anyways, did someone noticed the entity looks like the attack titan on the “Attack on Titans”
anime? The features that tell me plasters on the wide mouth of the entity. The said depiction is similar to
the said anime. It became my scapegoat to feel at ease watching the horror video. Eren Yeager, is that

In the end, I highly recommend this video to people who have antique things in their house or
living in a pre-Spanish house. Perhaps you find more vigor and presence surrounding you in each second
passing in watching the video. Also, see the entity and watch the said anime after. It may compel you to
search for the hobbies of the makeup artist.

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