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International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 48 (2008) 644–655

A numerical simulator to predict the dynamical behavior of the

self-vibratory drilling head
Nicolas Guiberta, Henri Parisa,, Joël Rechb
G-SCOP Laboratory, University of Grenoble, 46 avenue Felix Viallet, 38031 Grenoble Cedex 1, France
LTDS, ENISE, 58 rue Jean Parot, 42000 Saint Etienne, France
Received 6 July 2007; received in revised form 6 November 2007; accepted 9 November 2007
Available online 22 November 2007


The manufacturing of deep holes has to face problems to evacuate chips, especially for small diameters. Such problems induce frequent
tool breakage and poor surface quality. The vibratory drilling enables the chip to be split into small elements thanks to the axial
vibrations of the drill, self-maintained by the cutting energy. Thus, chips are easily evacuated from the hole. A specific tool holder with an
adapted axial stiffness has been developed in order to investigate this drilling process. The cutting conditions are predetermined in order
to lead to axial vibrations with a stable frequency and amplitude. During a period, the amplitude of the vibrations is higher than the feed
per revolution, which enables the cutting edges to jump out of the work material. The vibrations are self-maintained and remain stable if
some disturbances are absent or very limited such as the friction of the drill against the work material along its margins, the ploughing
force induced by the chisel edge, the ploughing force induced by clearance face, etc. The objectives of this paper are (i) to model the
dynamical behavior of the self-vibrating drilling head, the cutting and ploughing forces, and the material removal, (ii) to foresee with a
numerical simulator the cutting conditions which generate good vibrations, (iii) to validate the numerical simulator with a experimental
round of test. This work has also shown that the productivity of the drilling is improved by the use of the vibratory drilling. Deep hole
(ratio deep/drill diameter 420) can be drilled with this new technology without any coolant and any retreat cycle with the same quality as
a conventional drilling operation.
r 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Drilling; Self-excited vibration; Ploughing; Chatter; Numerical simulation

1. Introduction area and so periodically when drill’s flutes are full. This
second solution is very detrimental to the productivity.
The deep hole drilling operation remains an unsatisfac- New techniques of machining have emerged over the last
tory technology for industry since its productivity is rather few years to improve chip evacuation. One of these
limited. The main limit for the increase of productivity is techniques is based on chip fragmentation due to an axial
directly related to the poor chip evacuation. One solution vibration of the drill. Various solutions have been
consists in the application of internal high pressure developed in this area, depending on the technical solutions
lubrication to push chips out of the hole. This solution used to generate the vibrations and depending on the
consumes a lot of energy and necessitates an additional frequency/amplitude targeted. It is possible to distinguish
equipment that is very costly. Moreover, the use of the self-vibratory drilling technology [1] and the vibration-
lubricant is very detrimental from the environmental point assisted drilling. Among the vibration-assisted drilling
of view. Another solution, so called ‘‘retreat cycles’’, leads technologies, some use low frequency (up to 1 kHz)
to stopping the drilling operation and to remove fast the [2–10] and others use ultrasonic-assisted drilling (from 1
drill from the cutting area and to return back to the drilling to 40 kHz) [11–15].
Among the vibration-assisted technologies, several tech-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 4 76 82 89 31; fax: +33 4 76 82 70 43. nical solutions exist. Gouskov [2] evaluated the amplitude
E-mail address: (H. Paris). and the frequency of the axial movement of a twist drill to

0890-6955/$ - see front matter r 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
N. Guibert et al. / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 48 (2008) 644–655 645

Nomenclature Kp specific cutting coefficient for ploughing

ðN=m3 Þ
a feed for one revolution (m) Kr coefficient
Ac chip area ðm2 Þ Kv coefficient
Ap area of ploughing ðm2 Þ N number of sub-division of the cutting edge
c damping Nc number of cutting lip on the drill
d coefficient q1 ; q2 ; q3 coefficient for the cutting model
F thrust force (N) R radius of the drill (m)
Fz axial force created by the material removal in R2 radius of zone 2 (m)
zone 1 (N) R3 radius of indentation zone (m)
F 1c ; F 2c ; F 3c cutting force in zones 1, 2 and 3 (N) V cutting speed in a determined point (m/min)
Fp axial force created by the ploughing (N) V zmax feed speed of the drill (m/min)
h instantaneous uncut chip thickness (m) X 0; Y 0; Z0 estimation of the axial position, speed and
k stiffness (N/m) acceleration of the drill
K 1t specific cutting coefficient for zone 1 ðN=m2 Þ g rake angle (degree)
Kt specific cutting coefficient for zone 2 ðN=m2 Þ a clearance angle (degree)
Kt specific cutting coefficient for the indentation d point angle (degree)
zone ðN=m2 Þ

split the chip. Suciu [3] proposed a tool holder in which the vibrations (c) due to several parameters such as ploughing
axial vibrations were generated by variation of an oil film effect and friction of drill’s margins on the hole.
between two trays, one of them being in rotation. Chabra A numerical simulation of the system makes it possible
[4] suggested creating these axial vibrations by means of to predict the vibratory domain of the drilling operation.
linear engines, which equip more and more machine tools The global model requires three types of input model: a
today. Toews [7] uses piezolectric system to induce the axial vibratory model of the SVDH, a thrust force model
movement. However, these devices require an external bringing the energy to the system, and a spatiotemporal
power supply on the tool holder that is animated by the model predicting the position of the drill with regard to the
movement of rotation. Such systems are difficult to install hole at any time.
on a standard machine tool involved in production among Section 1 will describe the dynamic model of the SVDH.
other cutting technologies. Concerning the thrust force model, it depends on the
Another approach consists in using the cutting energy in tool design (geometry, material), on the work material, on
order to create natural axial vibrations necessary to split the instantaneous uncut chip thickness and on the cutting
the chip [1,16]. This technology does not need an external speed. Standard thrust force models coming from the
adjunction of energy. The regenerative vibrations naturally literature are not relevant for such an application, since
appear at certain revolution frequencies. The challenge is they do not consider the ploughing effect or the extrusion
to stabilize them at a suitable frequency and magnitude for of the work material near to the chisel edge, which are
a good chip fragmentation. Indeed, the axial vibrations at strong damping phenomena. They basically have a macro-
low frequency have an amplitude larger than the feed rate. scopic view of the thrust force. The development of a more
This enables the interruption of the cutting process, leading comprehensive thrust force model considering these
to small chips. The centrifugal force, combined with the elements is necessary. It is important to keep in mind that,
helical flute, enables to evacuate chips easily without any inside the theoretical instable domain, vibrations may not
internal coolant.
This technology requires the development of a self-
vibrating drilling head (SVDH). The SVDH (Fig. 1) is
based on the natural vibration of a solid (m: drill-holder)
combined with a spring (k) submitted to the thrust force of
the drill. Vibrations appear for adequate cutting para-
meters by using the low stiffness of the spring located
between the body and the drill-holder. This low rigidity
part creates conditions for controlled axial regenerative
vibrations. To ensure a good quality of the vibratory
drilling, the variation of thrust force must be controlled.
Thrust force depends on the geometry of the drill and
especially of its chisel edge. The principal limit of this
technology is mainly related to the damping of the Fig. 1. The self-vibrating drilling head.
646 N. Guibert et al. / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 48 (2008) 644–655

exist in practice. Indeed, if the amplitude of the vibrations

is smaller than the feed rate, the tool will not jump out of
the material and the vibrations will be damped. Moreover,
if the clearance face comes in contact with the work
material, vibrations will also be damped. So a spatiotem-
poral model is necessary to predict the position of the drill
with regard to the hole at any time. All these models will be
described in Section 2 and will be introduced on a
numerical simulator specially developed for this applica-
tion developed in Section 3.
Finally in Section 4, a practical application of this global
model on an industrial context will show the validation of
the simulator and the efficiency of this self-vibratory
drilling technology.
Fig. 2. Model of the SVDH.
2. Models of the self-vibrating drilling head
with m: mass of the solid (drill-holder) in movement, k:
The global model of the vibratory drilling operation stiffness of the spring, c: damping. x corresponds to the
requires three types of sub-model: axial position of the drill due to the vibration motion, x_
corresponds to the axial speed and x€ corresponds to the
 A dynamic model of the SVDH. acceleration of the vibration’s motion.
 A model of the thrust forces F .
 A spatiotemporal model of the periodical material 2.2. Thrust force model
removal process.
The thrust force induced by the drilling operation on the
2.1. Dynamic model for the self-vibrating drilling head SVDH provides the energy to create the vibrations. In
order to predetermine accurately the vibratory domain, the
The SVDH (Fig. 1) is composed of three main elements: thrust force model (F) should be identified carefully. This
a drill-holder maintaining the drill, a body having an model depends on several parameters: the work material,
interface with the spindle and a spring in between. The the drill geometry and its material. Concerning its
drill-holder has got a mass m which can be modified easily geometry, it is well known that the cutting phenomena
by adding metal rings with a calibrate mass. The spring is are not identical along the cutting edge. Thus, the thrust
obtained with a stacking of Belleville rings. Different force model has to distinguish different zones.
thicknesses of Belleville rings and different types of
mounted of the ring (series or parallel) between the body 2.2.1. The different cutting phenomenon
and the drill-holder give the possibility to adjust the Drills are composed of two main parts: the principal
stiffness of the SVDH. The SVDH can be adapted for cutting edge and the chisel edge. It can be divided into three
any kind of machine by changing the standard of the different zones (Fig. 3) having different kinds of working
interface. conditions [18]:
For adequate cutting parameters, the SVDH generates
chatter due to the low stiffness of the spring located  The primary cutting edge, zone 1, which realizes the
between the body and the drill-holder. Elements constitut- majority of the chip formation by a material removal
ing the machining system (machine-tool, work piece, phenomenon. In this zone, the local cutting angles
fixture and drill) have stiffness higher than the axial depend on the radius considered along the edge. The
stiffness of the SVDH. As a consequence, it is possible to variations of the angles have a high magnitude as
assume these elements as rigid. Furthermore, the spring of described in [19]. As a consequence, the cutting edge has
the SVDH has a very big rigidity in twisting and a low to be divided into small sub-divisions in order to predict
rigidity in compression. The dynamic behavior of the local forces. Globally, rake angles are positive in this
SVDH can be modelled (Fig. 2) by Eq. (1) [17]. Two area.
parameters can be modified (the mass m and the stiffness of  Two zones can be distinguished on the chisel edge:
the spring k) in order to change the vibratory conditions.  Zone 2: The secondary cutting edge which is able to
On the contrary, the damping coefficient c should be as low cut the work material. However, rake angles are
as possible. As a consequence, the design of the SVDH and negative in this area, which leads to high thurst face
its material should lead to low friction at the interfaces values.
between the drill-holder and the body.  Zone 3: The center of the drill. The cutting edge is
almost absent and the local tangential velocity is close
m  x€ þ c  x_ þ k  x ¼ F , (1) to zero. As a consequence, the work material is
N. Guibert et al. / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 48 (2008) 644–655 647

Fig. 3. Description of the various zones of a drill.

strongly plastically deformed by indentation and by


For each zone, a cutting model is identified (F 1c , F 2c , F 3c ).

The total thrust force F represents the cumulative effect of
all forces:
F ¼ F 1c þ F 2c þ F 3c . (2)

2.2.2. Thrust model for the principal cutting edge

In this zone, the thrust force F 1c is the result of two
mechanical phenomena: the material removal phenomenon
which generates a cutting force F z and the ploughing effect
which generates a force F p :
Fig. 4. Representation of the chip area.
F 1c ¼ F z þ F p . (3) Model for the cutting forces F z . The chip forma-

tion takes place in zone 1. The cutting edge penetrates into
the material and causes a plastic deformation leading to the
shearing of the metal and the formation of the chip. This
phenomenon produces the axial force F z . Its amplitude is a
function of the area Ac depending on the drill geometry
and on the uncut chip thickness h (Fig. 4). Yang [20]
modelled this component as
F z ¼ N c  K 1t  ðh  ðR  R2 ÞÞq , (4)
with K 1t : specific
cutting coefficient, N c : number of cutting
edges, q : a coefficient depending on the pair ‘‘tool-work
K 1t depends on the work material, on the cutting speed
Fig. 5. Sub-division of the primary cutting zone.
V, on the tool geometry (rake angle g ) and on the uncut
chip thickness h. The cutting speed is a linear function of
the radius and of the rotary speed. According to
Bandyopadhyay [21], K 1t can be determined as follows: vary along the cutting edge. As a consequence, it is
necessary to divide the cutting zone 1 into N small
K 1t ¼ K v  ha  V b  ð1  sinðgÞÞd , (5)
subdivisions of width DRi (for example three divisions
with K v , a and b: coefficients depending on the pair ‘‘tool- in Fig. 5) in which these parameters can be considered
work material’’. as constant (Eq. (6)). One specific cutting coefficient
The coefficient is a constant for a defined cutting speed V K 1ti is associated to the corresponding sub-division, so
and a defined rake angle g. In drilling, these parameters that the cutting force for one lip in a sub-division can
648 N. Guibert et al. / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 48 (2008) 644–655

be expressed as: The total ploughing force will then be the sum of all the
1 ploughing forces of each sub-division:
DF zi ¼ K 1ti  ðh  DRi Þq . (6)
The main cutting force F z can be directly calculated as: F p ¼ Nc  DF pi . (9)
N i¼1
F z ¼ Nc  DF zi . (7) 2.2.3. Thrust model for the secondary cutting edge
The cutting in zone 2 differs from the cutting in zone 1,
because of the low tangential speed. Moreover, the rake Model for the ploughing force F p . The ploughing angle is usually negative instead of strongly positive as
effect is a major problem in all machining operations. It shown by Claudin [19]. Since Yang [20], the thrust force
happens when the clearance face is in contact with the can be modelled by Eq. (10) with a couple of coefficients K 2t
machined surface. In conventional drilling, this problem is and q2 . Due to the small size of this zone (about 101
of the
rather limited, since it may happen only for high feed rates radius and function of the type of grinding of the tool), the
and for drills having a low clearance angle. In vibratory variation along the edge can be neglected. So, it is not
drilling, the axial vibration induces a higher instantaneous necessary to split this edge into several sub-divisions:
axial speed. If the penetration angle is higher than the 2
orientation of the surface machined during the previous F 2c ¼ N c  K 2t  ðh  ðR2  R3 ÞÞq . (10)
revolution, then the contact between the clearance face and
The ploughing exists also in this zone and does not vary
the machined surface is possible. In vibratory drilling, the
along this zone.
ploughing effect can be obtained easily, which leads to an
immediate damping.
Due to the conical geometry of zone 1, the ploughing 2.2.4. Thrust model for the indentation zone
does not take place on the entire cutting lip. Ploughing is a In zone 3, the cutting speed can be considered as null. In
function of the geometry of the generated surface (Fig. 6). that case, the cutting phenomenon is not any more a chip
The geometry of the generated surface is the consequence formation phenomenon but an extrusion phenomenon.
of the trajectory of the cutting lip. The profile of the surface The cutting model for this zone cannot be the same as the
is the function of the radius. The lead angle of the surface is one in zone 1 or 2. For Yang [20], the extrusion does not
more important for weak radius ðR2 Þ than for big radius take place on a constant zone. It appears on an area which
(R). So ploughing can take place only in some parts of the has a variable radius R3 , function of the uncut chip
clearance face. The ploughing force can be dissociated into thickness and the point angle d of the tool (Eq. (11)) and
various components (width of the components: DRi ) along the drill sharpening. Based on Yang [20] a model of thrust
the cutting edge as previously for the thrust force (Eq. (6)). force for this phenomenon of extrusion can be established
Wu [22] modelled the ploughing force F p as a force (Eq. (12)):
proportional to the area of the theoretical displaced  
Kr  h
material Ap on each sub-division (the area is function of R3 ¼ , (11)
2 tanððp  dÞ=2Þ
the radius). The utilization of the discretization taken
previously gives the expression of the ploughing force for with K r : coefficient function of the drill sharpening;
one subdivision:  q3
K r  h2
DF pi ¼ K p  Api  DRi . (8) F 3c ¼ K 3t  , (12)
2 tanððp  dÞ=2Þ

Fig. 6. Representation of the ploughing area.

N. Guibert et al. / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 48 (2008) 644–655 649

with K 3t : specific cutting coefficient for a pair ‘‘tool-work After the machining, the new machined surface will pass
material’’. through point A.
Case 2: (Fig. 8): the current position of the cutting edge
2.3. Spatiotemporal model is over the position of the previous machined surface. The
tool does not enter into the material, the uncut chip
In a conventional drilling operation, the position of a thickness h is zero. The position of the machined surface
cutting edge can easily be determined at any time and the remains unchanged (point B).
uncut chip thickness is constant. On the contrary, in
vibratory drilling, the axial vibration superimposed to the
feed of the drill necessitates to calculate this position. The 3. Simulation of the vibratory drilling
position depends on the interaction between the thrust
force model and the dynamic model. At any time, the 3.1. Integration of the dynamical equation
evolution of the position depends on its previous revolu-
tion and on the previous revolution of the second cutting The main difficulty of the vibratory drilling is to foresee
edge. the cutting conditions that will generate regular vibrations
In order to model the machined surface, one tool able to induce interrupted cutting. A simulator has been
revolution can be divided into P steps. For the model, designed on Matlab in order to predict the shape of the
the cutting angle is considered as null because it has no machined surface, the instantaneous uncut chip thickness,
influence on the geometry of the surface if the twisting is the instantaneous thrust force, and the amplitude of
not taken into account. The evaluation of the uncut chip vibration. It should also predict the existence of the
thickness is geometrical (Figs. 7 and 8). At each step P, the ploughing effect leading to damping and to a restriction
distance between the cutting lip (point A) and the previous of the acceptable cutting conditions. The simulator is based
machined surface (surface machined by the previous on the calculation of the position of the tool, at each step
cutting lip, point B) is evaluted. The uncut chip thickness P. The position is determined by the resolution of the
is function of the relative positions of points A and B. For differential equation (1) at each step.
each step P, two situations are possible: To resolve the equation, an integration method of
Case 1: (Fig. 7): the current position of the cutting edge Newmark [23] is applied (Fig. 9):
(point A) is under the position of the previous machined
surface (point B). In that case, the tool is on the material  For each increment, a position of the drill X 0, its axial
and the uncut chip thickness h is equal to the distance D speed V 0 (expressed by x_ in Eq. (1)) and its axial
between the lip and the surface (distance between A and B). acceleration Z0 (expressed by x€ in Eq. (1)) are predicted

Fig. 7. Material removal model, case 1: the drill removes material.

Fig. 8. Material removal model, case 2: the drill is outside the material. Fig. 9. Newmark’s integration algorithm.
650 N. Guibert et al. / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 48 (2008) 644–655

according to the linear acceleration method of New- methodology does not allow to find the coefficients a, b,
mark. d and K v of Eq. (5). They are included in the two
 The uncut chip thickness is evaluated with the material parameters K 1tð1Þ and K 1tð2Þ . Some researches are carried out
removal model and the resulting cutting force is in the laboratory to analyze the evolution of the thrust
calculated with the models of the previous section. force along the cutting lip by recording the thrust force
 Because of the non-linearity of the cutting force during the penetration of the drill on the material. This
equation, a Newton algorithm ensures the evaluation methodology will permit to identify all the coefficients of
of an optimized solution of the non-linear equation (1) the models.
at each increment. The different zones and theirs coefficients are reported in
Table 1.
All the models described in this article are integrated in the The following configuration of vibratory drilling has
simulator. The simulator accepts a sub-division of zone 1 been tested on the simulator with the following cutting
of the drill from 1 to 10 parts (Fig. 5). A specific cutting parameters: drill diameter of 5 mm, workplace: crankshaft
force model with its specific coefficients can be associated steel 35MnV7 (280 Hb), cutting speed of 95 m/min, feed
to each part. rate of 0.05 mm/rev and the vibratory drilling head
parameters: SVDH mobile mass: 2.45 kg and SVDH
3.2. Example of application stiffness of 260 N/mm. The simulator provides some results
about the amplitude of the vibrations, the uncut chip
As an example, the drill considered in this paper is a thickness, the total thrust force, and the thrust force
carbide drill with a 5 mm diameter with a split point chisel generated by the different zones of the drill (Fig. 11). The
edge geometry (Fig. 10). The radius of the secondary vibrations are stable during the entire drilling. The split of
cutting zone has been measured at R2 ¼ 0:7 mm. The the chip is very good (the uncut chip thickness goes to zero
primary cutting zone has been divided into two elements. several times in each turn). The thrust forces vary on the
The first element goes from the end of the secondary different zones. The chisel edge (zones 2 and 3) is
cutting zone R2 to the radius R21 ¼ 1:4 mm. The second responsible for more than 70% of the total thrust force
element goes from R21 to R11 ¼ 2:5 mm. To determine the which is coherent with the scientific literature [19]. The
different coefficients of the models, an experimental round influence of the ploughing effect on the total thrust force is
of test has been made. These experiments are based on the quite important (above 15% of the total thrust force). The
drilling of pre-bored holes. Two pre-bored holes of ploughing effect makes it possible to stabilize the vibra-
diameter R2 and R21 have been made. The recording of tions. Without any ploughing the vibration’s amplitude
thrust force during the drilling of the pre-bored holes and would increase and become divergent. On the contrary, a
the recording of a plain drilling make it possible to identify too large ploughing effect can lead to the total damping of
the different coefficients reported in Table 1. This the vibrations [24]. The ploughing effect is different on each
zone of the drill (above 50 N in zone 1 and 25 N on zone 2)
because of the variation of the clearance angle and the
shape of the profile (Fig. 6).

4. Experimental approach of the vibratory drilling

4.1. Experimental protocol

The experiments have been performed on a CMC milling

machine (Fig. 12). The workpiece is a crankshaft steel
(35MnV7, 280 Hb). The thrust forces are recorded by a
3-component piezoelectric sensor. A sensor measures the
axial oscillation between the mobile part and its body. The
Fig. 10. Geometry of the carbide drill. experimental conditions are the same as the one taken on

Table 1
Coefficient for the cutting models

Zone 1 (two subdivisions) Zone 2 Zone 3

K 1tð1Þ ðN=m2 Þ R11 (m) K 1tð2Þ ðN=m2 Þ R21 (m) q1 K p ðN=m3 Þ K 2t ðN=m2 Þ q2 R2 (m) K 3t ðN=m2 Þ q3

7:0E þ 17 2.5E-3 6:0E þ 14 1.4E-3 2.11 5:0E þ 8 1:0E þ 7 0.63 7.0E-4 9:0E þ 7 0.75
N. Guibert et al. / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 48 (2008) 644–655 651

Fig. 11. Simulation for a drilling of 5 mm of diameter, cutting speed: 95 m/min, feed rate: 0.05 mm/rev, mass: 2.45 kg, stiffness: 260 N/mm, zone 1:
principal cutting edge, zone 2: secondary cutting zone ðR2 ¼ 0:7 mmÞ, zone 3: indentation zone (variable radius (Eq. (11))).

Fig. 12. Experimental setup.

652 N. Guibert et al. / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 48 (2008) 644–655

the preceding simulation (Section 3). The drill used is a The drilling head parameters are also constant m ¼ 2:45 kg
carbide drill of 5 mm diameter with a split point grinding. and k ¼ 260 N=mm.
The hole is 90 mm deep. No coolant and no retreat cycle
have been used. The cutting speed and the feed rate are the 4.2. Experimental results and validation of the simulator
same as earlier on simulation (95 m/min and 0.05 mm/rev).
Fig. 13 presented the axial displacement between the
mobile part and the body of the SVDH. During the first
step, the spring is being compressed by the thrust force due
to the penetration of the drill in the material. After this
step, the cutting energy is enough to generate vibrations.
The variations are very regular in terms of amplitude and
frequency during the entire drilling.
In the stable phase, the amplitude of vibrations is about
120 mm, which is approximatively more than twice the feed
rate. The split of the chip is then possible. The amplitude of
the predicted vibrations (Fig. 11) was around 130 mm which
is very close.
A comparison of the simulation and the experiments is
made in Fig. 14. The first 20 revolutions of the drill are very
different in practice compared to the simulated results since
the simulator does not consider the entrance of the conical
geometry in the work material. The simulator assumes that
the drill starts immediately with a full contact. After this
Fig. 13. Recording of the displacement of the vibratory drilling head transient period, the experimental results can be compared
measured by the Eddy current sensor. to the simulated ones.

Fig. 14. Comparison of the experimental thrust force measured by the Kistler dynamometer and the simulated thrust force. (a) Experimental thrust force
and (b) simulated thrust force.
N. Guibert et al. / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 48 (2008) 644–655 653

The value of the measured thrust force (Fig. 14a) the lip removes material and the time of machining. For the
oscillates between 0 (the drill is not in contact with the experiment, the cutting rate is 0.53. For the simulation, the
material) and 750 N when the instantaneous uncut chip cutting rate is very close and is equal to 0.5. From the value
thickness is maximum. The period is 5 ms corresponding of the cutting rate and the vibration’s frequency, it is
to 1.7 oscillations during one revolution. Chips are possible to evaluate the length of the chip. In the
then split into small pieces ð1:7 vibration per lip  2 lips ¼ experiment, the vibration’s frequency is 1.7 vibrations per
3:4 chips per revolutionÞ and can be easily evacuated. The revolution which leads to the formation of 3.4 chips per
vibrations of the tool are very stable, which confirms that revolution. With a cutting rate of 0.53, the chip represents a
the evacuation of the chip is correct during the entire material’s portion of 56 (360 for one revolution  the
operation. The simulated thrust force is represented in cutting rate of 0.53/3.4 chips per revolution). Fig. 15 shows
Fig. 14b. The amplitude of the experimental thrust force is the experimental chip obtained. The chip is spilt into small
something smaller (640 N) but the frequency is very close: pieces with an angle near from 56 (the angle cannot be
1.65 vibrations for one revolution. measured precisely because of the shape of the chip).
A last comparison can be made on the cutting rate With the information of the axial motion of the tool
parameter. The cutting rate is the ratio between the time given by the displacement sensor, a reconstruction of the
trajectory in function of time of one point of the lip (for
example at the outer corner of the drill) is possible. The
trajectory of the first lip during three revolutions is
represented by the black curve (Fig. 16) for a point of
the cutting edge at radius R ¼ 2:5 mm. With the hypothesis
of a perfect tool, the trajectory of the second lip is identical
to the trajectory of the first lip but translated to 12
revolution. The previous trajectory of the first lip is
obtained by another translation of 12 revolution. The
superposition of the three curves allows finding
the instantaneous uncut chip thickness generated by the
machining (grey zone in Fig. 16). The experimental
maximum uncut chip thickness measured is 0.12 mm. The
Fig. 15. Chips obtained in vibratory drilling during the experimental results of the simulation are similar: the amplitude
round of test. simulated is equal to 0.11 mm (visible in Fig. 11).

Fig. 16. Evolution of the measured and the simulated uncut chip thickness.
654 N. Guibert et al. / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 48 (2008) 644–655

Table 2
Comparison between experimental results and simulations

Cutting speed Feed rate (mm/ Experimental thrust Simulated thrust Experimental Simulated amplitude
(rev/min) rev) force (N) force (N) amplitude ðmmÞ ðmmÞ

8000 0.075 800 925 0.15 0.16

9000 0.075 750 700 0.12 0.13
7000 0.05 750 650 0.13 0.11

The agreement between the experimental and the The quality of the drill (diameter, deviation and rough-
predicted thrust forces, the amplitude of the vibrations ness) is similar to a standard drilling. A tool life experiment
and the uncut chip thickness is very good. The simulator is has been made with this tool on vibratory drilling without
able to predetermine the vibration for one configuration coolant and retreat cycle. The total length machining with
(one mass, one stiffness, one tool, one work material, one this tool and with the previous cutting and drilling head
rotary speed, one feed). It is now necessary to investigate parameters is over 25 m. This technology looks very
several configurations in order to check if this model is still competitive. An optimization of the parameters of the
efficient. Table 2 presents the comparison between experi- drilling head and the geometry of the tool should give
ments and simulations for different cutting parameters, better results.
with the following drilling head parameter and with the
same drill and the same work material: SVDH mobile
mass: 3.25 kg and SVDH stiffness: 550 N/mm. The error
made by the simulator is very weak (o15%).
Thanks are due to CETIM who financed the experi-
mental part of this work.
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